Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 160 Miss...

Chapter 160 Miss...


The three of Lu Ze stood behind Dad Lu, looking at the computer screen curiously

Lu Xingguo and Mo Anguo exclaimed at the same time

"Where did you get it?"

Although Lu Ze was a little surprised, he was not as surprised as the two old men. After all, he has accurate information

"This? The data of Victini and Manafei? Where did you get it?"

Mo Anguo is puzzled, has the data of this mythical beast become Chinese cabbage?Say there are two at once?
Compared to the two, Lu Ze knows a lot. After all, it was Lu's father who sent Mana Fei to find Victini that day.

And when Dad Lu came back, he also told Lu Ze about Victini and Manafei
That day, after Lu's father and Lu's mother set off for the Guanyin Temple, Manafei was honestly in Lu's mother's arms, allowing her to manipulate him up and down. After all, it doesn't matter if there is food in hand
In this way, Lu's mother easily obtained part of Mana Fei's body data
Later, when Lu's father and Lu's mother were chatting with Manafei, they got another part of Manafei's information
After all, the three-hour journey is enough for Lu's father and Lu's mother to inquire about something.
Later, Lu's father and mother brought Manafei to the Guanyin Temple. Originally, Lu's father and mother could not see Victini, although Lu's father could perceive the approximate location of Victini through the perception of the waveguide, but If Victini doesn't show up, Dad Lu won't be able to see it either.

As soon as Manafei arrived at the place, she jumped out of Lu Ma's arms, floated and rushed towards the ginkgo tree
After Manafei floated past, he disappeared immediately, he seemed to be pulled into hiding by Victini
After all, there are "outsiders" in this scene, of course they should be more careful
Lu's father and Lu's mother calmly took out the Bao Fulei made by Lu Ze, and then explained their identity

Only then did Victini show his figure cautiously, looked at Father Lu from a distance, and found that he was indeed somewhat similar to Lu Ze

But Victini's vigilance is still there, he flew over with a vigilant face, fixed his eyes on Lu's father, and then took a bite of the Bao Fulei in Lu's mother's hand, and then he was sure that the two were indeed with each other About Lu Ze
However, although Victini confirmed the identities of the two, he was still a little lost. Lost, why didn't Lu Ze come?
Father Lu also saw Victini's loss, and probably guessed why, so he explained that Lu Ze is not in this place now, and he can come next time

Hearing this, Victini became happy, and then started playing with her long-lost friend, Manafei.The three elves are flying around in the air, chasing each other very happily, and Dad Lu also took this opportunity to record part of the information with his naked eyes

Why three elves?At that time, Lu Ze also asked Dad Lu, and Dad Lu said that the other elf should be a ghost nearby, playing with Victini

As soon as Lu Ze heard it, he was sure that the ghost at that time was probably turned into a dream, but Lu Ze didn't say it, otherwise, if Father Lu knew that there was a beast on the field that he didn't find, he would be very angry

In this way, with his amazing charm and gentle attitude, Lu's father successfully got along with the three elves

Just like that, after one person and three elves played all night, Father Lu took out a tent from the car in preparation. When he came, he had already decided that he would spend the night here and take a good look at the beasts.

In this way, after one night, the three elves had more fun playing with Dad Lu, and Dad Lu also developed the exclusive skills of the two beasts in a very routine way.

Both Victini and Manafei are very ostentatious. They used [V Heat Flame] and [Mind Exchange] to supplement the data of Lu’s beast.
After playing with the three elves for another day, Lu's father and Lu's mother drove home

Later, on the second day after Lu Ze came back, he took the small round cakes he had just made, and Lu's father took them with him, and the two went to the Guanyin Temple again.

But when the two went this time, the three elves of Victini, Manafei and Dream were no longer there

The three elves seemed to be out to play, because Lu Ze saw that Victini had carefully hidden the gift from Lu Ze and the others behind the statue of the eldest grandson queen

Be careful that Lu Ze didn't see it just after entering the door, but he saw it after walking two steps to the right
Lu Ze had no choice but to put down Victini's things again, a little dumbfounded, and put them under the small table behind the statue of Empress Changsun
Then cover the table with a black cloth so that the presents cannot be seen

And Lu Ze wanted to prevent Victini from being in a hurry, so he took out the instant messenger that Sui Yan gave him and put it on the table
Then, after placing a bag of small round cakes in a corner of the hall where no one was paying attention, the two of them withdrew.

And Lu Ze has also confirmed that the ghost is indeed turned into a dream, because when he re-hid the gift of Victini, he saw the Polaroid photo of Dream and Manafei

Under the questioning of the two elders, after obtaining Lu Ze's consent, Father Lu told them all about the two beasts

And they actually know that Lu Ze and Victini have a very good relationship

But they felt that even if Lu Ze had a good relationship with Victini, he probably wouldn't be able to share some information about Victini

But Dad Lu is different. As a researcher, it is not too much to carry a camera with you.

In this way, the three of them fell into a frenzy mode because of the data of the two beasts

Lu Ze looked at the three of them, shrugged helplessly, turned around and went home. He was not curious about the data of the two beasts. After all, his data is the most complete

"Huh? Why did you come back alone?"

Mother Lu and Grandma Lu Ze were cooking in the kitchen. After hearing the movement outside, Mother Lu poked her head out and asked

"Ow, they're obsessed with research, so I just came back by myself"


Mama Lu tilted her head, agreed and then continued to beat Grandma Lu Ze
Lu Ze looked at the two people who were cooking, and felt that he might not be able to help, so he went upstairs and entered his room, which he had just tidied up today.

"Well, what Grandpa Mo told me, it should be done like this, right?"

Lu Ze looked at the elf eggs in the culture medium and the electric gems in the culture medium, and muttered to himself
Then Lu Ze took out the three slates and stacked them neatly on the table, and couldn't help laughing
"Arzeus' attribute slate, was I just casually put it on the table like this?"

"Well, but compared to what Grandpa Mo used to pad the table, Arceus should praise me."

After making a joke to himself, Lu Ze took out the energy core of Deoxys
Looking at the sapphire blue energy core, Lu Ze didn't know what to do. After all, he didn't know what kind of energy Deoxys needed.

Lu Ze looked at Deoxys' energy core, then at the culture medium, and suddenly had an idea in his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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