Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 204 Grinding the gun before the battle

Chapter 204 Grinding the gun before the battle

When Sui Yan heard this, he was instantly excited, and hurriedly asked: "Hurry up, hurry up, I can't wait."

Lu Ze ignored him, and continued
"The rewards for this freshman battle are great, the most important thing is the point reward. It can be said that this freshman battle is a channel for freshmen to earn points."

"Although it is said that only the top [-] has points, the threshold is very high, but we are not bad. Let's set a small goal first. How about breaking into the top [-]?"

Su Tingxi looked excited: "Okay, at least I have to get some points back!"

Lu Ze smiled: "We are in Shangqing, and there are top students in the country everywhere. You just look at the wealth, a very ordinary freshman, but, in the battle a few days ago, Suiyan's Wind Speed ​​Dog Still not better than his dragon-headed gopher."

"A draw, well, a draw."

When Sui Yan heard this, he immediately became unhappy, and quickly raised his hand and said to Lu Ze.

"Yeah, it's a tie, that's the question I'm talking about now. Suiyan is probably the best batch in Chang'an City, otherwise he wouldn't pass the exam, but now a random person comes out, just like Suiyan. Yan made a tie?"

"This is the strength of Shangqing Middle School students, and after a summer of strengthening and training, we still don't know how strong our opponent is."

"So, the top [-] is just a small goal, now I ask a question, how long did you train in total during the summer vacation?"

After Lu Ze finished speaking, he swept across everyone's faces.

Sure enough, except for Tang Yunqin, everyone else's faces were somewhat unnatural.

Seeing them like this, Lu Ze smiled and didn't say much.

"Well, starting tomorrow, let's start training. The training ground in Shangqing University requires points. We can't use it for the time being. Let's go to the training room of the Spirit Battle Center. After the class tomorrow, how about going there?"

"I'm OK."

"Me too."

"Well, my class tomorrow is in the morning, how about you?"

"The class of the Combat Department is also in the morning."

"Okay, the same goes for the training department, so let's work hard. I'll go to a battleground tomorrow. Let's fight each other once. Let's see how you are. Come on!"

Lu Ze put his hand among the crowd and said to them.

"come on!"

Everyone shouted in unison, the laziness of the summer vacation was completely broken up by Lu Ze's words.

"Our last leisure time~" Sui Yan stood up, stretched himself, and said to Su Tingxi and Fugui
"Let's go, there are so many beautiful ladies and sisters on the playground, don't you want to take a look?"

"walk around"

When the two heard this, they immediately became excited, and hurriedly pushed Sui Yan out together.

Tang Yunqin and Yin Hanling looked at the backs of the three of them, and after spitting undisguisedly, Yin Hanling pulled Tang Yunqin up.

"Come on, let's go shopping."


Tang Yunqin's face brightened, and she hurried out with Yin Hanling, only Lu Ze and You Yuyou were left staring at each other.

"Um, how about? You play with me for a while?"

You Yuyou shook his head: "Well...I can go...to be with Suiyan and the others."

Lu Ze's body shook, and he gave You Yuyou a thumbs up in admiration.

I didn't expect you, a guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes, to be so vulgar, and besides, aren't you afraid of Yin Hanling?

You Yuyou saw Lu Ze's eyes and knew that he had misunderstood, and quickly explained

"I... I'm not here to see beautiful women, I just follow Fugui and wait for us to go back to the dormitory together."

When Lu Ze heard the words, he showed a mocking look: "I understand, I understand, you don't need to explain to me, go ahead and go."

Seeing Lu Ze like this, You Yuyou was immediately discouraged. He knew that no matter how he explained, Lu Ze would not believe it.

"Okay, then I'm going."

"Yeah, have fun~"

"You, alas..."

You Yuyou is helpless, his image in Lu Ze is ruined now, I hope he will not talk about it now, after all, he is really just waiting for riches and honors in the past.

After everyone left, the room suddenly fell into silence.

Lu Ze slumped on the sofa, heaved a long sigh, school started, and he was about to start a new busy schedule.


Seeing Lu Ze like this, the mini dragon immediately lay down on Lu Ze's body and licked Lu Ze's face.

"Haha, don't make trouble, it's very itchy."

Lu Ze was immediately amused by the mini dragon, and quickly reached out to hug the mini dragon.

"Xiaolonglong, you have given me the limelight these two days, and now the Internet is full of news about me."

When eating, not only Suiyan was looking at his phone, but Lu Ze was also looking at it, but what he was looking at was all about himself, and he looked at how people praised him on the Internet.


After hearing Lu Ze finish speaking, the mini dragon yelled excitedly, then flew up, dancing its body happily in the air.


While Lu Ze was admiring the dance of the miniature dragon, the Electric Shocker suddenly rolled down the stairs.

"I'll go, the electric shock is to blame for what kind of operation you are doing."

Lu Ze couldn't help but look at the electric shock monster who was sitting on the ground and couldn't figure it out after rolling down and asked.


The electric shock monster pointed to the top of the stairs, and Lu Ze looked in the direction of the electric shock monster, only to see the head of the fire-breathing dragon retracted quickly.

"Did the fire-breathing dragon bully you?"

Lu Ze picked up the electric shock monster and asked with a smile.


The electric shock monster shook his head, and then began to dance and gesture to Lu Ze.

"Oh, you mean, you played with him, but he can fly, so you couldn't outrun him, and you accidentally fell down the stairs, right?"

Lu Ze looked at the electric shock monster's arms flapping one by one, before and after the combination, and immediately guessed the general idea.

The electric shock monster nodded, indicating that Lu Ze was right.

Lu Ze held back his own smile, put the electric shock monster on the ground, and said:
"Well, you should also pay attention to safety when playing."


After the electric shock monster nodded to Lu Ze, he rushed upstairs again.

After watching the electric monster run upstairs again, Lu Ze turned his head to look at the mini dragon.

"Mini Dragon, do you want to watch a movie together?"


The miniature dragon nodded quickly, expressing that he wanted to see it.

"Okay, then I'm looking for a movie now, you go upstairs and call Snorkel down."


After the miniature dragon agreed, it flew upstairs.

Lu Ze turned on the projector and looked for a movie on his phone.

He also found out when the two projectors came back. Snorlax likes watching movies very much, especially when there are endless snacks next to it. Happy thing.

As for Mini Dragon, Lu Ze felt that she didn't like watching movies very much, but Mini Dragon was also very happy when he talked about watching movies with him. She probably just wanted to be by Lu Ze's side.

(End of this chapter)

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