Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 206 Master, I want to become stronger!

Chapter 206 Master, I want to become stronger!

After a burst of laughter, everyone began to watch the battle between Sui Yan and Yin Hanling.

On the field, the wind speed dog played steadily as always, suppressing the dream monster to death.

The invisibility that the ghost system is proud of has lost its previous effect in front of the wind speed dog's sense of smell, and has no choice but to fight the wind speed dog normally.

The wind speed dog was wrapped in flames, and found a chance to [crunch] twice and hit the dream monster, but the dream monster fell down helplessly.

The victorious Fengsu dog rushed towards Suiyan cheerfully, throwing Suiyan down under him, Suiyan smiled happily and praised Fengsu dog, then took Fengsu dog back into the poke ball, and left with Yin Hanling up.

"Okay, it's up to you two."

Lu Ze turned to You Yuyou and Fugui after seeing the two leaving the stage.


Fugui smiled confidently, and then pushed You Yuyou to the field.

The rich elf is still the leading gopher, there is no way, his Shakira still has not evolved into Bangira, the evolution cycle is really an eternal injury to the quasi-god.

On the field, Fugui commanded the leading gopher to directly activate the [Sandstorm], and the weather on the field turned into a sandstorm.

Youyuyou didn't make any moves, he had already guessed what the leading gopher would do after he entered the field.

After all, there is only one leading gopher that Fugui can play now, and the characteristics of the leading gopher need to be triggered by sandstorms, so it is not difficult to guess at all.

Now that you guessed it, it must be targeted. Geng Gui can learn the skill of [characteristic exchange].

After the leading gopher [Sandstorm] was turned on, Geng Gui on the field directly used [Characteristic Swap], replacing the characteristic of the leading gopher [Sand] with his own [Cursed Body] characteristic, while Geng Gui It has successfully acquired the characteristic of [Sand Shaking], and the speed is doubled.

Geng Gui, who was already very fast, doubled his speed, and the leading gopher couldn't even touch his shadow.

In the end, there was no other way, before the [Sandstorm] ended, the leading gopher was taken away by Geng Gui's endless [Shadow Ball].

"so fast."

After seeing the two of them, Su Tingxi, who stayed in the exit passage, put his arms around Fugui's shoulder and said with a smile.

Fugui looked aggrieved: "Don't blame me, who would have thought that he would have taught Geng Gui the skill [Characteristic Swap]."

"Haha, you are too pitiful."

Su Tingxi and Fugui walked towards the training room while talking, You Yuyou and Yin Hanling followed behind with smiles on their faces.

When Lu Ze saw You Yuyou commanding Geng Gui to use [Characteristic Swap], he smiled and shook his head and returned to the training room, and sent Su Tingxi a message, asking him to wait for You Yuyou. Then go back to the training room together.

"Well, how do you feel?"

Lu Ze looked at Fu Gui who walked in with a mournful face and said with a smile.

"Master, I can't seem to beat them all." Fu Gui said with a sad face as soon as he came in.

"Oh, except for the uncle, we can draw evenly."

"Pfft, hahahahaha."

Fugui's words made everyone couldn't help laughing, only Suiyan had a dark face.

"Nonsense, if I didn't pay attention last time, how could I suffer?"

Fugui curled his lips, ignored him, and still said to Lu Ze
"Master, I want to become stronger!"

"Master! We also want to become stronger!"

After Suiyan Su Tingxi and the others looked at each other, they also said to Lu Ze in unison.

Lu Ze had a black line on his face: "Why are you joining in the fun?"

Su Tingxi scratched his head: "Well, the atmosphere is so hot, it's not that exciting."

Lu Ze laughed and scolded: "Get out, let the elves out first, and then come with me."


Everyone was happy, and after releasing their elves, they told them about the training plan, and walked towards Lu Ze cheerfully.

Lu Ze also released all the elves, and then asked the electric shock monster to practice the farmer's three punches with the Snorlax.

Let the fire-breathing dragon and the forked bat learn how to fly effectively in the air and effectively control the airflow.

The iron claw lobster has always been a hard-working type. After Lu Ze reminded him, he already understood where his strengths are, so he is now working hard to practice the attack methods in the three axes.

As for the miniature dragon, it is still wrapped around Lu Ze’s body, but fortunately, the scales on the miniature dragon’s body seem to be able to adjust the temperature by itself, and the body of Lu Ze’s body is also cool when it touches Lu Ze, so that Lu Ze can also enjoy it. Take the air conditioning treatment with you.

After seeing everyone gathered together, Lu Ze said: "If you become stronger, I can't guide you, after all, I'm not too strong."

"However, I can help you find out the shortcomings and strengths of the elves, and then focus on training. It is not a matter of getting stronger overnight."

"Yeah." Everyone nodded, still staring at Lu Ze, waiting for him to continue.

"Tang Yunqin, the strengths of your Meinas are physical strength, good special defense, strong recovery, and nothing to say about special attack skills. My suggestion is to enhance the tail strength of Meinas."

"After all, Menus can learn [Dragon Tail], [Iron Tail] and [Water Stream Tail], and [Frenzied Swing] and [Wide Area Destruction] also use tails. You can also focus on practicing these skills. In this way, you won’t be too tight when the opponent gets close, and you can also trigger the characteristic of Menus’ [Charming Body].”

Tang Yunqin looked excited after hearing this: "Yeah, okay."

Lu Ze smiled, and turned to Suiyan again: "The wind speed dog has nothing to say, it is speed, physical strength and bite force. These three aspects are the main aspects. The rest depends on your ability to win."

Sui Yan nodded: "Understood, it's me who needs to be trained, right?"

Lu Ze nodded, smiled and gave Sui Yan a thumbs-up: "Well, children can be taught."

"Fuck off"

Sui Yan scolded with a smile.

"Well, next, Su Tingxi, your problem lies in the attributes of the elves and yourself. Everything else is easy to say. The dragon elves are naturally powerful, and you only need to train step by step."

Su Tingxi was a little helpless, but it was true. Whenever he encountered ice or fairy types, it was not easy to fight. The winning rate was only [-] to [-]%. How could he play this way?

Sui Yan hugged Su Tingxi, and said to Su Tingxi with a smile: "Brother, study hard with me."

"Go, go, you buy books, I'll find videos."

Su Tingxi pushed Suiyan away with a look of disgust, but did not refuse Suiyan's request to study together.

"Hey, it's easy to talk about."

Lu Ze smiled and watched the two discuss it, then turned to You Yuyou and Yin Hanling.

"For the two of you, um, how should I put it, I don't know if it's genetic or what, but your combat instincts are really good."

"But you may be too close, so I can't see clearly from the outside. Your current battle seems to rely too much on the invisibility of ghost elves."

"Of course, you are from a ghost family, so I don't know if I'm right."

You Yuyou and Yin Hanling put away their smiles, pondered for a while, and then looked up at Lu Ze.

(End of this chapter)

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