Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 214 Am I jealous?What a joke!

Chapter 214 Am I jealous?What a joke!
After a meal and a short rest, Yin Hanling's match will begin.

"Fortunately, venue 41 is not too far away."

"Indeed, let's go, this is our last match today."

"Well, the rest is for tomorrow."

Everyone accompanied Yin Hanling to the battle field, and happy laughter came from time to time on the way, without any sense of tension.

"Both sides release elves."

"Go, dream monster."

"Go, Tundra Bear."

After Lu Ze saw the two elves on the field, his eyes lit up, and he said to Sui Yan
"How about a bet on who will win?"

Sui Yan looked at the field, then looked at Lu Ze with disdain: "I bet Yin Hanling will win."

Lu Ze was helpless: "It's boring for you to play like this."

"Then what should I say, I said that the tundra bear will win, and you will lose the bet."

Lu Ze smiled: "Well, I bet that Yin Han can get two in a row, how about it?"

As soon as Su Tingxi heard a string of two, he immediately became interested: "No, I don't think the tundra bear is weak, at least it is the strength of an intermediate elf."

"Then do you bet or not?" Seeing that Su Tingxi was interested, Lu Ze immediately turned to him and asked.

Sui Yan also added fuel to the side: "Bet with him, what are you afraid of?"

"Okay, bet!"

Upon hearing this, Lu Ze immediately showed a smug smile, and then continued to watch the match on the field, thinking in his heart.

"Yin Hanling, if you don't know how to use what you've learned, you're really stupid."

Elf: Tundra Bear

Gender: Male

attribute: ice

Feature: Pulling snow (in hail weather, its own speed is doubled)
Qualification: Orange

Basic skills: icicle crash, acting like a baby, holding on, scratching, fine snow, hail, water jet, freezing wind...

Inherited skills: sneak attack, zhenqi fist, knock down, thirst.

"Tundra bear, hail."

The Tundra Bear's trainer used the weather ability at the very beginning of the battle.

After seeing the action on the other side, Yin Hanling froze for a moment, and then showed a smile.

"Dream demon, trick."

"Tundra bear, sneak attack."

After the two sides finished using the changing moves, each added a BUFF to each other, and then started to do it.

Yin Hanling looked at the figure of the tundra bear who suddenly got up, and now he was more sure of his thoughts.

"Dream demon, swap characteristics."

Under [Characteristic Swap], the Dream Demon gained the characteristic of [Pull Snow], while the Tundra Bear gained the characteristic of [Levitation].

After the exchange of characteristics, the dream monster fell into a state of invisibility. After losing the [Snow Pulling] characteristic, the tundra bear lost a lot of speed and couldn't touch the dream monster at all.

There was no suspense in the ensuing battle. After the Dream Demon doubled its already fast speed, it became even faster.

Every time the invisible dream monster came directly to the back of the tundra bear, and fired a [Magic Flame] right next to his face.

However, the tundra bear's body is also quite strong, directly resisting the [Magic Flame] with the [Trick] bonus of the Dream Demon.

Seeing that the tundra bear resisted, Yin Hanling suddenly rolled his eyes, and then smiled.

"Dream demon, trick."

He thought of Lu Ze's fighting style. In a two-on-two situation, if you can be greedy, why not be greedy?

Although the current [Hail] weather will cause damage to the Dream Monster every time, but compared with the strengthening of [Trick], this damage is so insignificant.

The Tundra Bear's trainer saw that the Dream Demon came to the corner of the field to strengthen it secretly, and was immediately furious.

"Tundra bear, water jet!"

The tundra bear also rushed towards the dream monster angrily, covered in water.

But the tundra bear without the bonus of [Snow Pulling], even with [Water Jet], the speed is not fast.

When he came in front of the dream monster, the dream monster had already finished the strengthening process, and after blinking at the tundra bear, it became invisible.

"Magic flame!"

When the tundra bear couldn't find the target and was still looking around, a [magic flame] struck from behind him.

"The tundra bear loses its ability to fight, and the trainer replaces the elves."

The trainer of the tundra bear looked disappointed. He knew that he had gone far in this game, but he still released his next elf.

"There's no chance of a fight. With the characteristics of ice phosphorous powder and the Aurora Curtain, it may not be impossible to win a game."

Yin Hanling's opponent cheered him up in his heart, as long as he successfully released the [Aurora Curtain], there would be more fights in this round.

"Go, Evelvet Moth!"

"Edelweiss, Aurora Curtain!"

As soon as the Evelvet Moth came on stage, it was ready to release [Aurora Curtain].

The gorgeous aurora fell from the sky, covering the edelweiss moth, and the whole elf looked very beautiful and beautiful.

"The edelweiss moth is so beautiful, I want an edelweiss moth too." Tang Yunqin's eyes lit up looking at the edelweiss moth on the field.

As soon as Tang Yunqin finished speaking, she saw the Dream Demon appearing behind the Edelweiss Moth.

A shot of [Magic Flame] directly sent the edelweiss moth that was not completely covered by the [Aurora Curtain] flying away.


"The Evelvet Moth loses its ability to fight, the Dream Demon wins, and the winner of this battle is Yin Hanling."

The corners of Yin Hanling's mouth raised slightly, and after putting away the dream monster, he walked off the court.


After the end, Yin Hanling revealed his true nature, and threw himself into You Yuyou's arms after cheering.


This action made everyone who wanted to congratulate her choke.

"Hey, let's go, let the young couple make out here, let's change places."

Su Tingxi covered his eyes in a fake manner, and beckoned everyone to stay away.

"Let's go, let the two of them show their affection in front of the public, and the non-combatants will evacuate quickly." Sui Yan also cooperated very well, and deliberately said loudly while walking.

"Tch, you guys are just jealous!"

Yin Hanling, who came out of You Yuyou's arms, said disdainfully to everyone with a slightly red face.

Upon hearing this, Sui Yan was unhappy on the spot: "I'm jealous of you?"

Said and hugged Su Tingxi next to you
"Why, I don't have a man to hug, do I? Not only can I hug this man, but I can also hug others.. Eh?"

Saying that, Sui Yan let go of Su Tingxi, who was looking at Yin Hanling proudly, and turned around to look for Lu Ze.

But when Lu Ze saw Sui Yan's movements, he was already far away from him.

Now Suiyan has no choice but to save wealth nearby.

"Look, I can still hug other men, I will be jealous of you? Don't be kidding, okay?"

Sui Yan's operation completely made everyone laugh.

"Okay, okay, you're not jealous, okay?" Yin Hanling said out of breath with a smile.

I don't know how Suiyan's brain circuit turns, it can be turned around.

"Let's go, let's go back first."

After laughing, Tang Yunqin came out to preside over the situation. She still has something to tell everyone.

"Yo, go to Lu Ze's house!"

"set off!"

(End of this chapter)

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