Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 220 The Job of Cultivating Home

Chapter 220 The Job of Cultivating Home
"Okay, tell me." Although Lu Ze was a little surprised, he didn't refuse. He listened to what the problem was before talking.

"Unpopular elf, is there really a way out?"

Lu Ze was stunned. The Dragon Kingdom has been established for decades. Why do people still ask such questions?

But seeing the serious look in the little fat man's eyes, Lu Ze pondered for a moment and said

"Yes, no matter how unpopular an elf is, there is a meaning for his existence. Find the right position, who can't kill the Quartet?"

"Thank you!"

The little fat man solemnly bowed slightly to Lu Ze, then turned around, and walked towards the dormitory seriously and firmly.

Lu Ze looked at his back and scratched his head: "Tsk, I hope I led him to the right path, not the crooked one."

After praying for the little fat man for a second, Lu Ze completely forgot about him, and walked towards Su Tingxi with the happy miniature dragon in his arms.

"How about it?"

"Guess what."

"Did you win?"

"Of course! Two in a row."

"I can't make it through, right?" Su Tingxi looked at Lu Ze helplessly, isn't it just two-on-two according to the rules?Why is it still a meme?

"Haven't they come back yet?"

"Well, you are the first one. I am actually very curious now. I feel that you are much better than us. I don't know why." Su Tingxi squinted his eyes, looked at Lu Ze seriously and asked.

Lu Ze smiled: "Well, train hard."

Su Tingxi rubbed the little head of the single-headed dragon in distress: "Oh, why do dragon elves grow so slowly."

"Of course, it's strong and grows fast. What about the other elves?"

Lu Ze also hugged the mini dragon and said that he had already thought about it, and then it would be up to the mini dragon to choose.

If you don’t evolve, you can just look like a mini-dragon. After evolving, you can also look like a hacker dragon. If you evolve again, you can also look like a fast dragon. It all depends on the idea of ​​the mini-dragon.

Being stronger is not only about evolution. The two Hack dragons of the flying department Tianwangdu are no worse than some fast dragons.

"Indeed, but evolve quickly, the flowers I've been waiting for are all gone." Su Tingxi nodded, and rubbed the head of the single-headed dragon again.

The single-headed dragon didn't respond at all, and let Su Tingxi rub it, as if he was used to it.

After the two chatted for a while, Sui Yan and You Yuyou also came back together.

"How about you?"

"Of course I won." Sui Yan sat down on the ground, stretched out his right hand, and brought his index finger and thumb close together, leaving a little gap in the middle

"Easy to handle!"

"Where's Youyuyou?"

"I, I won too." You Yuyou also nodded slightly excitedly, and then grabbed Doron Mesia who wanted to get into Lu Ze's arms.


Lu Ze smiled, picked up a small round cake and fed it to Doron Mesia.

Doron Mesia's eyes lit up, while the mini dragon snorted dissatisfiedly, patted Lu Ze lightly with its tail, then opened its small mouth, signaling Lu Ze to feed her quickly.

Lu Ze stroked the mini dragon with a smile, and directly took two small round cakes and fed them to the mini dragon.

Only then did the mini dragon show a satisfied smile, nestled in Lu Ze's arms contentedly, and tried hard to destroy the two small round cakes.

Soon, Fugui, Yin Hanling, and Tang Yunqin also came back from the battle. Not surprisingly, all three of them advanced to the next round.

"It's not bad. We all finish the game in the morning, and we'll be fine in the afternoon. Let's go, let's go to dinner first."

"Go, let's cook!"

Sui Yan took the lead in picking up the burning worm and rushed towards the cafeteria, and the burning worm in Sui Yan's arms really had some helplessness in his eyes.

How could he have such a frizzy master like Suiyan with such a quiet character like Burning Worm?

After everyone packed up their things, they followed Sui Yan with a smile on their faces, and walked towards Sui Yan while chatting, laughing and joking along the way.

In the afternoon, after eating, Lu Ze went back to his hut by himself.

Originally, he wanted to see if he wanted to train in the afternoon, but was dismissed by Sui Yan.

Sui Yan said that there is still a game tomorrow, so it is better to recharge your batteries this afternoon.

Lu Ze thought for a while, and he was right, so the afternoon became free time.

Lu Ze returned to the room, turned on the computer, and began to add information that he was afraid of forgetting to the memo on the computer.

Official reward: [-] key fragments of the national treasure house.

Evolution conditions (studied): Big Steel Snake, Mosquito Frog King, Silly King, Scorpio King, Giant Pincer Mantis, Thorn Dragon King, Ma Yula.

Evolution conditions (unresearched): Fairy Eevee, Pearl Oyster (two), Rhinoceros, Wandering Night Spirit………

After recording these, Lu Ze casually recorded some other things that he was afraid of forgetting, then turned off the computer, sat quietly on the chair, and began to recall what the class guide said two days ago.

"Cultivator, your Cultivator doesn't just cultivate your own elves, the Cultivator also has his own team, you have to choose your own team carefully."

"Generally speaking, including the cultivator, the number of teams is about three to four. If there are too many, you may not be able to take care of them. If there are too few, you may not have enough actual experience at that time. The speed of this is up to you. Come and grasp it."

Lu Ze has been thinking about this issue for the past few days. Cultivators need a team, and in this team, the Cultivators are responsible for food matching, energy cube production, and cultivation plans for the elves in the team.

Of course, if you pay, you will gain. The breeder has paid for this, and accordingly, the fighters will pay other things to make the breeder gain.

After all, if the light does not come in, no one is a saint, and no one will accept this.

"However, my path seems to be different from that of ordinary breeders." Lu Ze sat on the chair and smiled.

He has been developing on the path of nurturing home since high school.

But the difference is that he usually directly gives the plans and formulas to Suiyan and the others, and then let them handle it by themselves.

Unlike other breeders who do everything by themselves, strictly speaking, he is not a full-time breeder.

So if he looks like this, even if there are five, six, seven or eight people, according to his model, there will be no situation where they cannot be taken care of.

After figuring this out, Lu Ze got up and stretched
"Oops~ I don't know where the cross-word bat has gone again. These days, I always leave early and return late, looking mysterious."

Lu Ze turned his head and looked at the wide open window in the room. Every morning when Lu Ze was not awake, the cross-word bat would fly out of this window, and basically wait until night to come back.

But even so, Lu Ze didn't worry much about whether she had eaten well.

Because the crossbat also has a backpack, which contains some energy cubes and food prepared for him by Lu Ze.

When going out every morning, the forked bat will also carry this small backpack.

"However, the strength of the cross-word bat is getting stronger and stronger. Did it sneak out to start a small stove?" Lu Ze rubbed the head of the mini dragon, smiled and looked at the blue sky outside the window.

(End of this chapter)

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