Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 226 Miserable Victini

Chapter 226 Miserable Victini

Before Tang Yunqin could speak, Fugui spoke first
"Don't think about it, a total of [-] people were promoted in the last round, including her who had a bye, the total is [-], so there is no bye in this round."

Yin Hanling smiled, put his arms around Tang Yunqin's waist and said, "I thought you had a bye this time, so I will worship you no matter what I say."

"Go, go, what are you begging me for?"

"You're lucky."

When they heard what Yin Hanling said, everyone nodded, they were right!
Especially Lu Ze, who can see the information of the elves, has a deep understanding of Tang Yunqin's luck.

Not to mention the fact that it is always a bye, the first time, the initial elf chose one, which happened to be the elf egg of the ugly ugly fish with red qualifications that Lu Ze had not seen.

The second time was even more exaggerated, saying that the thorn armor in the ice system is quite suitable, and it would be even better if it had the feature of [continuous attack].

It hasn't been two days since I went out to play, and I came across it, not only the [Continuous Attack] characteristic, but also inherited the [Rock Critical Strike] that cannot be learned by myself?This luck, is there a problem with Bokby's reincarnation?
While the two girls were playing and playing, the competition also started.

Both Suiyan and Youyuyou were in the first round, so they went directly to the competition venue.

The remaining Yin Hanling and Tang Yunqin are in the second round, Su Tingxi is in the third round, and only Lu Ze is in the fourth round.

After the most noisy one left, Lu Ze also began to enjoy this quiet time.

In the shade under the big tree, there is a cool breeze blowing, really don't feel too comfortable.

Lu Ze, who was holding a miniature dragon in his arms, soon fell asleep in the cool breeze.

After Tang Yunqin saw that Lu Ze was asleep, she quickly calmed down, and told Sui Yan who came back to be quiet too, not to disturb Lu Ze's sleep.

In his dream, Lu Ze dreamed that Victini was flying sadly in the air, and the big bag of biscuits he gave Victini was gone, and Victini only brought an empty bag , looking pitiful.

"Lu Ze? Lu Ze? The game has begun."

Lu Ze vaguely heard someone calling him, but he felt that he was still at sea, so he ignored it.

"You can't, look at me."

After Sui Yan squeezed Tang Yunqin away, he stuck to Lu Ze's ear and said loudly
"Look, shiny iron dumbbells!"

"Where?!! Where?"

Lu Ze woke up all of a sudden, looking around for traces of the shining iron dumbbell.

"Huh? Why didn't you disappear, and ran away?"

"Get out." Looking at Sui Yan who was pretending to look around, Lu Ze laughed angrily: "Tell me where you got the flashing iron dumbbell."

Sui Yan nodded to Lu Ze with a smile and said, "It's fine to tell you, but your game is about to start, are you sure you want to listen now?"

Lu Ze looked at his phone. Indeed, the news of the competition had been sent for a while.

Lu Ze got up quickly, hugged the still dazed miniature dragon and ran towards the playing field sent to him on the phone.

"Both sides release elves."

"Go, ironclaw lobster!"

"Go, Rotten Wood Demon!"

Elf: Deadwood Demon

gender: female

Attributes: Grass, Ghost
Characteristics: Natural recovery (after replacing the Pokémon with this characteristic, the abnormal state will be automatically removed. After the Pokémon with this characteristic is replaced, the abnormal state will be automatically removed. When the Pokémon with this characteristic becomes non-characteristic, the abnormal state will not lifted)
Qualification: Red

Basic Skills: Shadow Claw, Impact, Fright, Wooden Branch Spike, Parasitic Seed, Strange Light, Phosphorous Fire (wisp), Misfortunes never come singly, Growth, Wooden Horn, Conjuration, Subterranean Assault, Psychic Mind, Cross Shear, Sun Beam, Sunny day.

Inherited Skills: Immobilization, Resentment, Delivering Gifts, Sealing
After seeing the skill pool of the Rotten Wood Demon, Lu Ze's heart skipped a beat.


The flag falls and the battle begins.

"Rotten wood demon, sunny day!"

"Come back Ironclaw Lobster, go Charizard."

Lu Ze directly chose to replace the elf, and replaced it with the fire-breathing dragon with superior attributes.

When the opponent saw that Lu Ze directly chose to replace the fire-breathing dragon, his face was a little ugly at that time.

"Deadwood Demon, Sun Beam"

"Dodge, spit flames"

"call out!"

After the fire-breathing dragon nimbly avoided the [Sun Beam] of the Rotten Wood Demon, it quickly approached the Rotten Wood Demon, and a [Jet Flame] swept across the face.

But the opponent is not a vegetarian, he directly commanded the Deadwood Demon to hide in a different space with a [Submarine Surprise Attack].

Just when the fire-breathing dragon on the field was at a loss, Lu Ze silently predicted the time in his heart.

"Right now, the Charizard uses flame jets behind him."

The fire-breathing dragon didn't even think about Lu Ze's words, and turned around and spit out violent flames towards the empty rear.

Not long after the flame spit out, the Rotten Wood Demon appeared in the middle of the flame, grinning grimly and waving its claws at the fire-breathing dragon.

The claws are still in the air, and the Rotten Wood Demon has been taken away by the damage of the fire-breathing dragon [Jet Flame].

"The rotten wood demon loses its ability to fight. The trainer will replace the next elf, and the timeout will result in a loss."

The trainer of the Rotten Wood Demon took back the Rotten Wood Demon with an expression of reluctance. He knew that he had gone too far in this game, because his next elf was a .
"Go, Diya Sea Lion"

Elf: Diya Sea Lion
gender: female

Properties: ice, water

Ability: Slow (The Pokémon with this characteristic will not fall into the state of fascination and provocation. When the Pokémon in this state acquires this characteristic, this state will be eliminated, and this characteristic will not be affected by intimidation.)
Qualification: Orange

Basic Skills: Bluff, Crunch, Freeze Teeth, Roll, Round, Fine Snow, Sleep, Snore, Salt Water, Aurora Beam, Encore, Cone of Ice, Freeze Beam, Sleep Talk.

Inherited Skills: Spell, Crack, Charge, Swallow.

Lu Ze couldn't help being amused when he saw the information panel of the Diya sea lion. No wonder he didn't change the elf when he saw that he changed the fire-breathing dragon just now.

It turned out to be a Diya sea lion who had neither learned [Pray for Rain] nor [Hailstone], nor [Thick Fat].

Le Guile, Lu Ze still quickly commanded the fire-breathing dragon

"Fire-breathing dragon, throwing flames."

Soon, the battle was over. Although the Diya sea lion used [salt water] to block the damage twice, the Diya sea lion is too bulky on this kind of venue.

Even after [Sunny Day] ended, the fire-breathing dragon still ended the game with [Belly Drum] and [Thunder Fist].

Lu Ze's elves, among other things, are very proficient in each of the three punches of the farmer.

Tracing back to the source, all the credit comes from Dad Lu's staff-tailed scale armored dragon.

Stafftail Scale is teaching the Snorlax, and the Snorlax is teaching the little ones.

Now even the electric shock monsters have practiced the farmer's three punches to perfection, so now the Snorkel has started to teach them [Million Ton Heavy Punch] and [Million Ton Heavy Kick].

After the game, Lu Ze happily thought: "Well, Snorkel is such a good big brother, go back and give him extra meals."

The happy Lu Ze completely forgot about the miserable little Victini in his dream.

 Thanks to the students who passed away with the wind for their rewards, thank you ()*.

(End of this chapter)

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