Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 253 Emergencies!

Chapter 253 Emergencies!

After Lu Ze's fire-breathing dragon struggled to open the hand of Suiyan's fire-breathing dragon, his right hand formed a claw and slashed towards the opponent.

But after all, the two sides have been fighting for such a long time, and they are fully aware of the opponent's movement habits. Even if you poke your ass, I know that you will use [Dragon Tail].

So Suiyan's fire-breathing dragon was already vigilant when the opponent retreated, and it was this vigilance that made him dodge the blow [Dragon Claw] by a slight margin.

Suiyan's fire-breathing dragon looked at Lu Ze's fire-breathing dragon angrily, and almost, almost, he was slapped on the head with a paw.


Suiyan's fire-breathing dragon roared, and once again bullied it forward, and responded with the same [Dragon Claw].

"Pull the distance!"

Lu Ze's words made the fire-breathing dragon who wanted to fight back a few steps.

He trusted Lu Ze, so even though Lu Ze's command was different from that of the fire-breathing dragon, the fire-breathing dragon still obeyed Lu Ze's command without hesitation.

"Dragon Breath!"

Seeing that Suiyan's fire-breathing dragon wanted to keep up, Lu Ze's eyes froze, and he directed the fire-breathing dragon to block the opponent.

The two dragon breaths collided in the air. After the collision, Suiyan's fire-breathing dragon stopped chasing and stood quietly in place.

Lu Ze was hesitating, whether to directly [belly drum] and use the power raised to the limit to directly take the opponent away.

As for the reason why the elves were not replaced, Lu Ze, Sui Yan, and the two fire-breathing dragons had already discussed before the game. Elf business.

So Lu Ze was hesitating whether to directly [belly drum], after all, the difference between Lu Ze's fire-breathing dragon and Suiyan fire-breathing dragon lies in the genetic skills.

But looking at the opponent's fire-breathing dragon ready to move and Sui Yan's undisguised smile, Lu Ze felt that Sui Yan would definitely not let Lu Ze succeed so easily.

"Hiss, it's difficult, he knows all about my fire-breathing dragon, he's defending [belly drum], he's also guarding [double return], he won't attack easily first, how can this break the game?"

Lu Ze's brain was spinning quickly, thinking about the way to break the game, but his command did not stop. Although he didn't think of the way to break the game now, he had to try it out first.

"Fire-breathing dragon! Dragon claw!"

After receiving the command, the fire-breathing dragon's eyes lit up, and then it rushed towards Suiyan's fire-breathing dragon with a grinning grin. At the same time, with the force of the impact, [Dragon Claw] slashed down fiercely.


After a distant sound of gold and iron clashing spread, Suiyan's fire-breathing dragon firmly held Lu Ze's fire-breathing dragon's [Dragon Claw].


With a roar, Suiyan's fire-breathing dragon bounced off the opponent's claw, and then [Dragon Claw] quickly hit Lu Ze's fire-breathing dragon on the chest.

This time, not only the fire-breathing dragon didn't react, but even Lu Ze and Suiyan didn't react.

Unexpectedly, Suiyan's fire-breathing dragon not only held up the [Dragon Claw] carrying the impact, but also had the spare power to use the [Dragon Claw] to fight back.

Lu Ze's fire-breathing dragon looked at Suiyan's fire-breathing dragon in disbelief, he had suffered such a loss before.

At that time, the body instinctively used [Dragon's Dive] to ram into Suiyan's fire-breathing dragon.


Suiyan's fire-breathing dragon was not slow to react. Although the distance was very close, he managed to condense some energy, and also used [Dragon's Dive] as a defense.

Although Suiyan's fire-breathing dragon blocked it with [Dragon's Dive], the hastily used [Dragon's Dive] still couldn't completely block it.

The fire-breathing dragons of the two sides did not completely collide with each other. Instead, Lu Ze's fire-breathing dragon collided with Suiyan's fire-breathing dragon first, and then Suiyan's fire-breathing dragon gathered strength and slammed back.

As a result, Suiyan's fire-breathing dragon turned around and fell down.

Then Lu Ze's fire-breathing dragon fell backwards after seeing Suiyan's fire-breathing dragon fall, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.


Lu Ze and Sui Yan silently took back the fire-breathing dragon to the end.

Lu Ze blamed himself for looking at the fire-breathing dragon in the elf ball. It can be said that his command failed in this round.

If he can react faster, he can avoid the opponent's [Dragon Claw] directly, if he can be more decisive, he can directly activate [Belly Drum] and push hard, if...

It's a pity, there is no such thing, Lu Ze shook his head, and after shaking off the unhappiness in his heart, he took out the iron claw lobster's elf ball and threw it out.

"Go, ironclaw lobster!"

"Go, wind speed dog!"

The moment the iron claw lobster landed, it rushed towards the wind speed dog.

【Water Jet】The attached speed makes the wind speed dog have no time to react.

However, the trainer of Wind Speed ​​Dog is Sui Yan. It can be said that besides Lu Ze's parents, he knows Lu Ze best. How can he not know Lu Ze's thoughts.

"Wind Speed ​​Dog, close combat!"

The wind speed dog quickly adjusted its body shape, and then directly stuck to it, its claws facing the pincers.


[Close-to-hand combat] and [Shell Blade] were set up together, and the attacks of both sides were stopped by the opponent.

How can iron claw lobster be served?Pushing hard, the pliers began to press down.

Although there is no harm in this way, if it is successful, it will greatly improve one's aura.

After the wind speed dog slowly withstood the pressure, he kicked his hind legs violently, and threw the iron claw lobster out forcefully.

Now both sides are very cautious. After all, whether it is Wind Speed ​​Dog's [Close Combat] or Iron Claw Lobster's [Shell Blade], as long as they hit the opponent and are not parried or dodged, they are all instant kills.

Lu Ze rolled his eyes, and in an instant, an idea appeared in his mind.

"Iron claw lobster, sword dance!"

After the iron claw lobster stood firm, it immediately began to wave its pincers and release [Sword Dance].

"Good chance, Wind Speed ​​Dog, God Speed ​​and then close combat!"

Sui Yan looked at the distance between the iron claw lobster and the wind speed dog, his eyes lit up, and he ordered immediately.

Speaking of which, Lu Ze also knows Suiyan very well, and knows that he will not let this opportunity go.

Because the distance between the iron claw lobster and the wind speed dog is about [-], it can't reach it at normal speed, but it can just reach the iron claw lobster at super fast speed.

Therefore, Lu Ze took advantage of this and made a trick. Based on this distance, the wind speed dog would be the first to come into contact with the iron claw lobster.

"It's now, Shell Blade!"

"It's a pity." Lu Ze shook his head regretfully as he looked at the Fengsu dog who had fallen to the ground.

Sui Yan finally fell to Lu Ze's understanding of him.

The iron claw lobster didn't really use [Sword Dance], it just simply danced and rotated its pincers. If you observe carefully, you will find that there is no energy gathering around the iron claw lobster.

Unfortunately, Sui Yan wanted to win too much and was too anxious, so he didn't notice this detail.

In the end, after the Iron Claw Lobster took a step forward and resisted the Wind Speed ​​Dog's [Super Speed], before the [Melee Combat] was activated, a pair of pincers [Shell Blade] knocked on the Wind Speed ​​Dog's waist.


"The wind speed dog has lost the ability to fight, the winner of this game, Lu Ze!"

"Let's congratulate, Lu Ze, the No.1 of our freshman competition!"

Sui Yan smiled wryly, feeling the cheers from the audience, and walked towards Lu Ze, just as he was about to reach out to pat Lu Ze.

Suddenly, a black hole extended from Lu Ze's feet. The incident happened suddenly, and Lu Ze fell into it without paying attention.


"Lao Lao~"

(End of this chapter)

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