Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 259 The Aggressive Rayquaza

Chapter 259 The Aggressive Rayquaza
"How's it going?"

"Looking for the entrance to enter."

"Speed, we don't have much time."


After the boss responded, he continued to urge the workers below.

At this time, in the territory of Longguo, the official stewards had already begun to ventilate Likongzuo, saying that there might be places where he was needed.

Liekong sat curled up, snorted lazily, and turned his head sideways, ignoring the official man at all.

The steward of the official organization didn't care, and just smiled and said to Li Kongzuo: "The beasts summoned by Hupa should be very strong."

Lie Kongzuo's ears perked up, although he didn't make any big moves, but the steward knew that Lie Kongzao was already interested.

"Well, since you're not interested, I'll go there first."

As the steward said, he pretended to turn around and leave.

"call out!"


The buttocks of the steward were attacked, and he staggered from the beating.

Lie Kongzuo just wagged his tail, turned his head to the side, and secretly looked at the steward from the corner of his eye.

The steward turned around, picked up the scales that Liekongza had bounced from the ground, and said to Liekongza with a wry smile
"Okay, when the beast appears, we will notify you."

Liekong sat down and listened, he didn't pretend anymore, he immediately turned his head around, nodded with joy in his eyes.

Then he came to his senses and lay there seriously again, only waving his tail, motioning for you to go quickly.

Of course the steward understood, nodded and walked out.


"Okay, I know, I will remember to summon you when I encounter a beast."

The steward knew without even turning his head that the movement must have been made by Lie Kongza, and it was to remind him to remember to summon him.


After hearing Lie Kongzuo's satisfied snort, the steward continued to walk outside with a smile.

The main purpose of calling Lie Kongzuo this time is to test Hoopa's combat effectiveness, and this kind of opportunity is rare.

After all, there have been two tests of the strength of the beasts in China before, and the officials spent a lot of money to deal with the aftermath.

Later, because of the lessons learned from the past two times, even if there are more beasts in the country, the officials will not let Liekong sit down and fight with each other again.

Although it is said that Lie Kongzai likes to fight against the strong, but every time he fights in the country, he really can't afford to be hurt.

The battles of ordinary elves are very destructive. In the battles between divine beasts, the aftermath of each battle is based on the city as the unit of measurement.

But fortunately, this time I was in Mongolia. Although it was a friendly neighboring country, it was fortunate that it was not my home, so I could fight.

Fighting is not only to satisfy Raykongza's desire to fight, but also to test Hoopa's fighting ability, and to demonstrate the strength of the country on the other hand.

By the way, let's see if we can suppress Hoopa, and then bring Hoopa back. There are no covenant beasts in Mongolia, and Hoopa belongs to the wild state.

After the steward came out, he directly sent a message to Lu Xingguo.

"Let's do it, there is a country behind you!"


"Hoopa, Victini, do you two want to go to my place?"


"Victini said yes, but Hoopa doesn't seem to be able to. Let Hoopa do the math. Hoopa should still be banned for a while."

Hoopa got excited for a moment. After all kinds of delicacies flashed in front of his eyes, he looked at the valley around him. Only then did he realize that he was still in the confinement period, and it would take a while before he could go out freely.

"Quarantine period?"

Lu Ze seemed to understand a little bit, maybe just like Hoopa in the theatrical version, he was sealed by Arceus for the sake of liberating Hoopa.

I don't know who grounded them in reality, but judging by the way it looks like, it probably won't go out of a certain range.

"Yes, because of the big hoopa, the big hoopa became a hoopa, and then he was grounded, alas~"

Hupa sat on Lu Ze's lap with a sad face, and said with his hands on his little face.

(Well, it is reasonable to say that Hoopa does not have a lower body. His lower body is a small tail, but the small tail is used as a support point, so it should be possible to sit.)
"Okay then, when your confinement period is over, you are welcome to visit me."

Hoopa flew up in an instant full of energy, clenched his fist to Lu Ze and said, "At that time, Hoopa will definitely go to Ozawa when the confinement is over."


"Victini said that he's going to go out with Mengmeng for a while, and then he's looking for you, Hoopa~"

Looking at Victini, who was half asleep and half awake, Lu Ze poked his belly a little dumbfounded.

"Tili Tili~"

After Victini pushed Lu Ze's fingers away with his hands, he turned over on Lu Ze's lap, and then fell asleep again.

Seeing this, Lu Ze couldn't help but smiled, then patted Victini on the back and continued to coax him to sleep.

"Then I'm making some delicious food when I go back, but how can I contact you when I'm done?"

Hupa's eyes lit up, and then he opened a golden ring, touched it with his hand, found a corner, and handed it to Lu Ze: "Use this to call Hupa."

"Is this all right?"

After Lu Ze reached out and took the horn in Hupa's hand, he asked curiously.

"Yes, Hoopa can hear you talking to this one too."

Lu Ze smiled and put the corner away: "Okay, I'll call you Ang when it's done."

"Yeah, Ozawa is so nice~"


At this time, Snorkel and Darkley on the other side.

"How can he eat so much?"

"How can he eat so much?"

Both elves were very puzzled.

I have never seen a Kirby beast that is more edible than him. Even Grandpa Lu Ze's wearing bear has been eaten to the ground. Why is he still eating?And he still looks like he still has the strength to spare?

Snorby couldn't figure it out, but Darkley understood that he couldn't eat it anymore, and what he could eat now in Snorkel's eyes was just an illusion that he cheated with [Dark Hole].

If he hadn't known that the Snorbeast didn't cheat, but ate the real thing, he wouldn't have sighed "Why is he so good at eating".

(I can't admit defeat! I'm the Nightmare God! How can I lose to him? Even if I can't finish it, I can store it up!)

Darkley roared in his heart, but his face was still calm, and he continued to stuff food into his mouth.

At this time of eating, most of his thoughts have changed to the mentality of "secretly storing some of it, or I may not be able to eat it later".

Outside the valley, the cardinal looked at the time and then ordered to the leader beside him:

"Blast it away, wait for it, and the Mongolian country will react."


(End of this chapter)

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