Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 262 Darkrai!

Chapter 262 Darkrai!

"Mega monster, super evolved!"

"Bi Diao, Super Evolution!"

"Violent Dragon, Super Evolution!"

"Hu Di, super evolution!"

"Charizard! Super evolution!"

Five voices sounded at the same time, together with Suiyan and Suiyan's fire-breathing dragon who had just arrived, the five elves on the field simultaneously lit up with milky white light of evolution.

The four cardinals looked solemnly at the five elves with the light of evolution. Although they were not in the Dragon Kingdom, they had heard about the big news about the super evolution in the Dragon Kingdom.

"How to do?"

"What can we do? We've already started, what do we expect? Spare our lives? Hit us!"

After the leading cardinal said something coldly, he took back his three elves that had lost their fighting ability, and then stretched out his hand and threw out his remaining three elf balls.

"Go, Gyarados, Tanabata Blue Bird, Super Miaomiao!"

"Gyarados destroys the dead light! The power of the Qixi blue bird and moon, the super-powerful Miaomiao act like a spoiled child!"

The three elves that the leading cardinal had just appeared on the stage immediately attacked the double-axe war dragon, and the team must destroy the strongest point of the opponent first.

But coincidentally, the opponent also thought the same way. Just now, he had killed his three elves first, so the attack was still aimed at him.

Super Charizard Y appeared on the stage, and the weather on the field changed to [Sunny].

At the same time, Super Bi Diao turned on [Downwind], and the Super Metagross used [Bullet Punch] to quickly rush in front of Super Miaomiao, and then [Flame Fist] hit Super Miaomiao at the same time.

The instant damage directly hit Super Miaomiao into circles, and before the opponent could react, he quickly used [Exchange Field] and the Double Ax War Dragon to change positions.

The replaced Super Metagross was used to resist Gyarados' [Destroy Death Light] and Tanabata Blue Bird's [Moon Power], while the replaced Double-Axed Tyrannosaurus was close to the face to deal damage.

The normal type [destroying death light] and the elf type [moon power] can cause a lot of damage to the double ax war dragon, and can even take him away directly.

However, the normal-type [Destroying Death Beam] and the fairy-type [Moon Force] are undoubtedly tickling-level attacks for the steel-type super giant gold monster.

And after the super golden monster blocked these two skills, the double-axe war dragon that was replaced by [Swap Field] has already been close to the Gyarados and the Tanabata blue bird.

The Double Ax War Dragon showed a ferocious smile, and directly launched [Inverse Scale] to take away the Tanabata blue bird, and then used the second attack of Inverse Scale and Super Tyrannosaurus, Super Hudi and Super Charizard Y's [Jet Flame] to directly kill Gyarados was also taken away.

Because the Tanabata blue bird did not super-evolve, it is not immune to the goblin attributes of dragon skills, but the dragon attributes that are double restrained by dragon skills are still there.

At the same time, the two-axe war dragon that penetrated into the enemy's line was also knocked down by the attacks of the three elves Kairos, Circle Bear and Heluga who turned back.

Because of [Inverse Scale] and fell into the state of [Chaos], I couldn't even step on [Earthquake] for the last time, otherwise I still have the opportunity to change one or two more.

"Go, Wind Speed ​​Dog, Flame Charge!"

After seeing all the spirits of the cardinal leading the other party fall, Su Qianyan also showed a smile of excitement, and then released the wind speed dog to continue to expand the results of the battle.

Seeing Su Qianyan's Wind Speed ​​Dog appear on the battlefield, Lu Xingguo and Liu Xiangjun's eyes lit up, and they directly directed Super Tyrannosaurus and Super Hudi to use [Flame Jet] on the Wind Speed ​​Dog.

Two [jet flames] wrapped around the speeding wind speed dog, and the flames from the [flame charge] on the wind speed dog became more violent.

Sui Yan's eyes lit up when he saw the majestic Feng Speed ​​Dog. There is still such a usage of the [Fire] feature?

"The circle bear, the turban bastard, the earthquake blocks him!"

When the opponent saw the appearance of this wind speed dog, he panicked immediately, and quickly signaled his elf to use [Earthquake] to stop it.


The two elves had just raised their feet, and before they had time to stamp down, they were blown away by the sudden [Evil Wave].

The sudden change caused everyone on both sides to look in the direction of [Evil Wave].




Everyone looked at the smiling, safe and sound Lu Ze and Darkley beside him with a cold face and exclaimed.

What Mo Qiancheng and Suiyan cared about was Darkley's appearance, while Lu Xingguo and Liu Xiangjun cared about the safe and sound Lu Ze.

However, their exclamation made the leading cardinal's face even uglier. Looking at the actions of Da Kelai and the reaction of the people of the Dragon Kingdom just now, he knew that Da Kelai belonged to the camp of the people of the Dragon Kingdom. The downwind situation, coupled with a divine beast, made it even more unbeatable.

"Grandpa, grandma, Uncle Mo, Brother Su, why are you here?" Lu Ze greeted them with a smile.

That is to say, Darkley's appearance stunned the people and elves present, otherwise there would be no time for Lu Ze to say hello like this.

"Hey, and me, why did you disappear suddenly? It made it hard for us to find for a while."

Seeing that Lu Ze greeted everyone else, Sui Yan said to Lu Ze angrily when he missed himself.

"It's a long story, let's talk about it later, why don't we deal with these people first?"

Lu Ze smiled at Sui Yan, then turned his head, looked at the four cardinals in front of him with a sneer and all kinds of green clothes lying dead on the ground, the church staff in blue said.

When Lu Xingguo saw that Lu Ze was intact, he nodded with a smile: "Yes, let's deal with them first, Tyrannosaurus, attack with all your strength!"

"All-out attack!"

As the Super Violent Dragon's [Jet Flame] sprayed out, the other elves also directly used [Jet Flame] towards the opposing camp.

The bonus of [Sunny Sky] is useless, unless it is an elf who has not learned fire skills, otherwise it is a fire skill that can be used directly. Unfortunately, Darkrai can't learn [Jet Flame], so he can only use [Evil] The fluctuation].

It is worth mentioning that Lu Ze and Darkley actually came earlier than when they appeared, and Darkley has already used [Trick] twice.

If it weren't for the circle bear and the turban gangsters who were going to block the wind speed dog, Lu Ze planned to let Darkley use [trick] three times, and then come out with a full stack of special attacks.

The [Wave of Evil] with Darkrai's special attack level plus four sweeps and explodes wherever it goes, plus the [Flame Jet] under [Sunny Sky], there is no need to consider any attribute resistance for the [Flame Jet] of so many elves. , Sweeping them directly also burned them to the point of losing their ability to fight.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the leading cardinal turned around and ran away.

When he ran, the three cardinals and other church members under him also started to flee, and now they couldn't resist the attack of Lu Ze and others even more.

(End of this chapter)

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