Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 272: Zhuge Ziyu

Chapter 272: Zhuge Ziyu
Lu Ze Yile: "As for me, I have an improved energy cube formula, and money will come in every month, so I am not short of money."

The rich and chubby face drooped: "Okay, pretend I didn't say anything."

"Okay, idle is idle, why don't we go and have a look tomorrow morning."



"Then it's decided like this." Lu Ze clapped his hands with a smile and said, huh, finally transferred the matter of Manafei.

"Why not this afternoon, I will start the game tomorrow." Sui Yan said with a bitter expression on his chin. He really likes this kind of thing that doesn't use his brain. With Lu Ze finishing his brain in front, he will go He is most satisfied with the execution of this kind of thing.

Lu Ze smiled: "Didn't you just say that you have a reward from the school, so you don't want to go?"

Suiyan: Confident and confident.jpg
"Yes, but you have a waveguide, the elf egg you picked must be very suitable for me."

Lu Ze was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that everyone nodded in agreement.

Lu Ze helped his forehead helplessly: "Okay, who made me your big brother."

Sui Yan looked contemptuous: "Bah, you're not as old as me, okay?"

"That's right, I'm older than you." Su Tingxi nodded in agreement.

In the end, Fugui also said quietly to Lu Ze: "Master, to be honest, I'm about two months older than you."

Lu Ze was not annoyed, but just smiled slightly: "Oh, that's it, I'll call you a big brother, and help you choose the right elf."

"Big Brother!" ×6
"Good guy, it's you guys."

Looking at the six people who instantly changed their faces and called them big brother, Lu Ze was a little bit dumbfounded.

"Okay, okay, pack up, I'll go upstairs to catch up on sleep later, let's go to the elf store to see Ang tomorrow."


"No problem."

Everyone agreed, and their hands were not idle, and they quickly cleaned up the leftovers on the table.

Then Su Tingxi and Sui Yan took the garbage with them and went back with the others.

After watching his friends leave, Lu Ze stretched, yawned, picked up the mini dragon and walked upstairs.

"Let's go, take a nap~"

"By the way, if you don't sleep, you can go out to play, but remember to come back for dinner at night."

The cross-shaped bat downstairs looked at Lu Ze who poked his head out upstairs with gentle eyes, nodded to Lu Ze, then hooked its wings at the fire-breathing dragon, and then flew out.

When the fire-breathing dragon saw it, the eldest sister called him, so he quickly followed behind the cross-shaped bat and flew out.

After Lu Ze saw the two elves flying away, he couldn't help but shook his head with a smile. The forked bat has been working hard to train the fire-breathing dragon recently, which saved him a lot of worry.

(I'm going out too, do you want to come with me.)
After the eldest sister and the fire-breathing dragon went out, the Snorkel also lowered its head and asked the iron claw lobster.

(OK, let's go then.)
(I'm going too, I'm going too.)
(Well, okay.)
Snorkel said, picked up the electric shock monster that was jumping, and then let the electric shock monster sit on his shoulders, and went out with the iron claw lobster following his buttocks.


The next morning, Lu Ze got up early. I have to say that after sleeping for so long, even if he got up early, he didn't feel that drowsy anymore.

"Well, it seems that we need to get a juicer. We can't drink sweet tea all the time, although it's delicious."

Lu Ze, who had finished his breakfast, looked at the cups of sweet tea before the elves, and couldn't help thinking in his heart.

Originally, I planned to get some tree juice for them this morning. After all, when they came back yesterday, they were all out of breath.

So Lu Ze planned to get some tree juice to drink for them. Among other things, the nutrition is always better than this sweet tea, and it can also quickly restore the elves' physical strength.

"By the way, I still need to add some berries, and there are not many berries."

Lu Ze was thinking about what he was going to buy today. For big purchases, he always had to buy everything.

"Energy cubes that can increase stamina, energy cubes that can increase strength, energy cubes that can increase speed, hey, these seem to be arranged. Forkbat and Snorby have also entered the growth stage. These are all No less."

"Forked bats, squirrels, charizards, and iron-clawed lobsters, no matter how you calculate it, I feel like I really don't have much money."

Lu Ze mentally calculated the cost of making various energy cubes, and then calculated the amount needed for a few elves, and suddenly felt that he didn't have enough money.

"By the way, the steward asked me to receive the reward. I heard from my grandfather that there is a lot of money attached to the researcher's reward."


While Lu Ze was still thinking about the reward, Lu Ze's phone rang.

Lu Ze picked up the phone and looked at it. Although it was a phone number he did not recognize, Lu Ze still picked it up.


"Hu~hu~ Ozawa, do you know who I am? Hu~"

Lu Ze was taken aback, why is there such a loud noise, but the voice is so familiar.

"you are?"

"Huh~haha, you'll find out later, are you home? I'll be right there. Huh~"

"Oh, I'm at home."

"Okay, I'll be there soon. Huh~"

After the phone hung up, Lu Ze finally realized: "Hiss, who is this person? Why is he here suddenly?"



Lu Ze, who was still wondering who it was just now, heard the knock on the door, and immediately decided not to think about it. Anyway, the person has already arrived, so just look at it.

"Uh, uncle in charge, why are you here?"

After Lu Ze opened the door, he couldn't help being stunned. Isn't this the official manager of the Dragon Kingdom?

"Haha, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I was short of time yesterday, and I didn't have time to introduce myself to Dr. Lu. Hello, the official steward, Zhuge Ziyu."

Seeing that Lu Ze still asked him to take charge, Zhuge Ziyu knew the reason immediately, so he patted his forehead with a smile, and extended his hand to Lu Ze solemnly to introduce him.

Lu Ze also bent down slightly and held the manager's hand and said with a wry smile, "Okay, then I'll call you Uncle Ziyu, and you can call me Xiao Ze. Dr. Lu is a little too small."

Zhuge Ziyu patted Lu Ze on the shoulder with a smile: "Haha, the hero is a boy, you can fully deserve the title of Dr. Lu, but if you listen to me, then I will ask you to call you Xiao Ze."

"Hey, hello Ozawa, hello Ozawa." Lu Ze stretched out his hand to invite Zhuge Ziyu in, and smiled at him and said, "By the way, what's the matter with Uncle Ziyu's visit this time?"

(End of this chapter)

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