Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 274 Mini Dragon, Let's Go!

Chapter 274 Mini Dragon, Let's Go!

"It's not just Liekongzuo?" Lu Ze was stunned for a moment, and then he reacted: "Oh, there's also Xidolan, right?"

Zhuge Ziyu smiled mysteriously: "Not only that, there are other things, this one, I'll wait for you to see it when the time comes."

"Okay then." Lu Ze thought about it for a while, and didn't ask anymore. He already had an idea in his mind, "King Feng? I just don’t know if Suicune has gone abroad again.”

Except for Liekongzao, this is a divine beast that Lu Ze knows may be in the country.

Needless to say, Xi Duolan has a very gentle temperament, and has always maintained a friendly relationship with the officials of the Dragon Kingdom and Lu Xingguo. Basically, he has been squatting in the Keluo Volcanic Group here in the Xing'an Mountains, living happily. The day when she went out and was taken care of by the Dragon Kingdom officials.

As for King Feng, as a photographer, he naturally couldn't stay in one place, so he was often seen flying out of Xiangxi and then back to Xiangxi.

Because of the relationship between King Feng, the place where King Feng flew in and out was named Fenghuang Ancient City. Many people came here after hearing the news, just to take a photo of King Feng.

Meeting the Phoenix King is also regarded as a symbol of luck by them, so in recent years, the tourism industry in the ancient city of Fenghuang in western Hunan has been very hot.

In addition, as the supervisor of Phoenix King's Rainbow Trial, as the guards, even when the Rainbow Trial was not activated, Machado basically followed Feng Wang's side all the time.

However, because of Machado's ability to sneak into the shadows, and his timid character different from Geng Gui, other than the insider, no one knows that Feng Wang is accompanied by a Mashado.

After thinking it over, Lu Ze smiled at Zhuge Ziyu: "Okay, then I'll make some in the next two days and send them to you."

Zhuge Ziyu looked happy: "Okay, you can do more, I will come and get it when the time comes."

"Okay, don't worry, I've definitely done a lot, and I'll send you a message when the time comes."

After the matter was settled, Zhuge Ziyu didn't say any more, and immediately stood up and said to Lu Ze: "Okay, then I won't bother you, I have to arrange some things, so I'll go first."

"Uh." Lu Ze was stunned, so resolute?

"Sit a little longer and drink some tea?"

Zhuge Ziyu smiled and waved his hands: "No, no, there are still a lot of things to do. Those cardinals have kept silent, and the church has also come to redeem people. I have to preside over it."

"Okay then, take your time on the road."

"Do not worry."

The two of them were talking, and they were already outside the door. Zhuge Ziyu threw the elf ball, and a sparrow sparrow appeared at the door of Lu Ze's house.

"Then I'm leaving Ang, remember to send me a message when the time comes."


"Huh, this is too busy, so anxious."

Seeing Zhuge Ziyu's figure flying in the air, Lu Ze couldn't help complaining.

He had recognized the sparrow finch, the one he had ridden on his return from Mongolia.

But because Zhuge Ziyu was too anxious, Lu Ze just said hello to the Arrow Sparrow, and before the energy cube in his hand was taken out, the Arrow Sparrow flew away with the anxious Zhuge Ziyu .

Lu Ze looked at the Arrow Sparrow that had become a black spot in the sky and shook his head helplessly. He had no choice but to wait for the next time.

"Hey, good morning, where are you going?"

As soon as Lu Ze turned his head, he saw the forked bat and the fire-breathing dragon flying out of the house, so he waved his hands at the two elves and asked in a rather incongruous way.


"Going out for training? Okay, have you brought any food?"


The fire-breathing dragon proudly patted the small satchel on his body and shouted.

"Haha, all right, pay attention to your body, go." Lu Ze looked at the forked bat who had nothing on his body and the fire-breathing dragon with large and small bags on his body, but he didn't point it out. The elf is out.

As soon as the fire-breathing dragon heard that Lu Ze agreed, it immediately spread its wings and flew towards the destination.

After the fire-breathing dragon flew away, the cross-word bat gave Lu Ze a friendly post.

"Haha, forked bat, the fire-breathing dragon has already taken a step ahead, aren't you afraid you won't be able to catch up?"

Hearing this, the cross-word bat first glanced at the fire-breathing dragon that had already flown away with disdain, and then raised its head proudly in front of Lu Ze, showing a proud look.

"Haha, I understand, I understand, you are the fastest." Lu Ze smiled and touched the cross-bat's head, and praised the cross-bat.

The forked bat immediately put away its proud expression, and after shyly rubbing against Lu Ze, it chased after the fire-breathing dragon.

Lu Ze looked at the back of the forked bat, a little funny: "Big sister, you are still just a child in front of me."

It's strange to say that when the cross-word bat is in front of other elves in Lu Ze, it always looks like a gentle big sister.

But as long as he is alone with Lu Ze, the cross-word bat will turn back to the little supersonic bat back then, and become a little girl who likes to post.

When Lu Ze walked into the house, he saw the Snorby who was still eating, and the iron-clawed lobster and the electric monster who watched helplessly as the Snorkel was eating.

The iron claw lobster and the electric shock monster took them to training after waiting for the Snorlax to finish eating.

But they had finished eating for a while, but the Snorkel was still eating and didn't mean to stop, so the two of them had to wait.

The squirrels are still eating, and the miniature dragons are gone, probably because they went upstairs and slept in their cages.

Lu Ze didn't care about these things. He just cleaned up the food that the other elves had eaten, and then started to wash the dishes. Life seemed to be back to the original point, and everyone's life rhythm began to normalize.

Sure enough, before Lu Ze finished washing the dishes, Snorbeast stuffed the dishes into the sink with a smile on his face.

Lu Ze smiled and didn't say anything. He just waved his hand to Kirby: "Okay, let's go out, remember to come back for dinner at night."


"Don't worry~"


With that said, the three elves walked outside together.

And Lu Ze continued to wash the Snorby's dishes. He was used to it. Every time Snorby eats for a while, and at the same time, in order to avoid breaking the dishes when he washes the dishes, he basically washes them. It was the card who finished his food at the time when Lu Ze was about to wash it, and then handed over the plate to Lu Ze, who then washed the Snorby beast's plate, and it was basically over.

After tidying up, Lu Ze took out his phone and looked at it, then smiled and shouted upstairs.

"Mini dragon, I'm going out, do you want to come together?"

 Thanks to the students from the food city for the reward, thank you (*╰╯`)

(End of this chapter)

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