Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 286 The Harsh Fairy Ibrahimovic

Chapter 286 The Harsh Fairy Ibrahimovic

Lu Ze, who came to the Ibrahimovic's egg area, would never have imagined that just after he left, Lu's mother was complaining about him. Of course, even if he knew, there was nothing he could do.

The former boss of the family, now he is still the boss of the family just like Liu Xiangjun... can't be offended, can't be offended.

"Lu Ze?"


Suddenly, a voice called out to Lu Ze. Lu Ze turned his head and saw a man hugging Bobbi. Surprisingly, his blue eyes were slightly pink.

"you are?"

The man holding Bokby looked Lu Ze up and down playfully, then straightened his face, stretched out his hand to Lu Ze, and introduced himself.

"Hello, my name is Li Shuqing. You may not know me, but I am a student in the same class as you. Due to some special reasons, I did not participate in the freshman battle."

Lu Ze was a little confused, but he still stretched out his hand and shook it: "Hi, I'm Lu Ze, are you looking for me...?"

Li Miqing smiled: "Because I didn't participate in the freshman battle, I am quite dissatisfied with your No.1, so I want to fight you."

Lu Ze frowned: "Not convinced?"

"Yes, so I want to have a two-on-two battle with you."

Li Miqing's eyes were full of fighting intent, and she stared closely at Lu Ze.

Lu Ze looked at Li Shuqing and smiled slightly: "Oh, if you don't agree, there will be another match in two months, three-on-three, if you don't agree, see you in that match, if you can make it to the end. "

Lu Ze also stopped talking to him, turned around and left after speaking, he was crazy, he jumped out of nowhere and said that he was dissatisfied and wanted to fight him, who would talk to him.

After Lu Ze turned and left, Li Shuqing was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that there was something wrong with the way he spoke just now, but he didn't care, and after a chuckle, he went to do his own thing.

"It will always happen, little Lu Ze, you can't avoid me."

"Who is he?"

"I do not know."

Lu Ze spread his hands, who knows who he is, he said some inexplicable things when they met.

"Okay, let's look at the elf eggs first."

Su Tingxi didn't ask any more, because he didn't know who he was, so there was nothing else to ask.


The matter of Li Shuqing was like a small episode, no one paid attention to it, and Lu Ze also began to carefully select Ibrahimovic's elf eggs.

First of all, the genetic skills need to have a [round pupil] or [act like a baby].

But if you really can't find it, emm... then let's talk about it. If you really can't find it, you can only carry the Unchanging Stone like Lu Ma's Ibrahimovic, and then after learning the fairy-type skills, Take it off again.

Speaking of elves, creatures, the idealistic side is simple, not to mention the aspect of combat power, even the evolution has a bit of idealistic nature.

Take Ibrahimovic as an example. Some time ago, when Lu Ze was looking through the materials in the library, he discovered the record of the fairy Ibrahimovic.

However, the people who recorded at that time did not regard Fairy Ibrahimovic as the evolution of Ibrahimovic, and because they have never seen it again, so they recorded Fairy Ibrahimovic as a mythical beast?Outrageous not outrageous.

If Lu Ze hadn't known what Fairy Ibrahimovic looked like, and he had recorded it in detail, Lu Ze would never have guessed that it was Fairy Ibrahimovic.

It was only after Lu Ze saw the records of Fairy Ibrahimovic that Lu Ze remembered the study of Fairy Ibrahimovic that he had shelved for a long time.

So, he called Lu Xingguo that night and asked about Ibrahimovic's evolution.

Later, Lu's father explained to him that the evolution of Ibrahimovic can actually evolve according to the owner's choice.

For example, when he was with Lu Ma, Moon Eevee and Sun Eevee were still in the form of Eevee.

Later, Mama Lu's Ibrahimovic evolved into Ibrahimovic of the Sun, and Mama Lu jokingly said that it would be great if Papa Lu's Ibrahimovic evolved into Ibrahimovic of the Moon.

Unexpectedly, just because of this sentence, Lu's father's Ibrahimovic evolved that night, and evolved into Moon Ibrahimovic.

Later, because of this matter, after Lu's father became a researcher, he also studied it, and then successfully researched several other evolutionary methods of Ibrahimovic.

Leaving aside the other ways of evolution, just the evolution of Sun Eevee and Moon Eevee. Father Lu gave Lu Ze an example at that time.

First of all, if the trainer wants Eevee to evolve into Sun Eevee, or Eevee himself wants to evolve into Sun Eevee, when the intimacy is reached, Eevee will choose to evolve during the day, and Moon Eevee will also choose to evolve. reason.

But here comes the important point. If a trainer or Eevee doesn’t want to evolve into a Sun Eevee or Moon Eevee, they will carry the Unchanging Stone, or directly use stones to evolve.

If you don't want to evolve into other forms, just choose one of Sun Eevee and Moon Eevee, Eevee will evolve when the intimacy is reached, and in this way, it becomes Sun Eevee during the day , the moon is Ibrahimovic at night, so it depends entirely on the sky.

Lu Ze was puzzled when he heard this, isn't this the power of idealism?If you only have the evolution conditions of Sun Eevee and Moon Eevee in mind, then you will only evolve into Sun Eevee or Moon Eevee.

Then how did the fairy Ibrahimovic in the record of the fairy Ibrahimovic that Lu Ze saw evolve?Could it be that he didn't want both evolution forms, but he had to evolve, and then happened to have a fairy-type skill, so he evolved into Fairy Eevee?
Not to mention, this coincidence is too big.

But when Dad Lu said this, Lu Ze understood why it was also the evolution of intimacy, but there was no problem with Fairy Eevee.

The main reason is that his intimacy evolves, which will have a spiritual effect, and there is such a thing as the Unchanging Stone, which is even more difficult to find.

Just like Ice Eevee and Ye Eevee, if it weren't for the Unchanging Stone, these two evolutionary forms should have been discovered long ago.

When the water, fire, and thunder Eevee can evolve, they can be evolved directly with the corresponding evolution stones.

And if you want to evolve into Sun Eevee and Moon Eevee, they both carry the Unchanging Stone during the Eevee period, so as to prevent the evolution caused by accidentally touching other evolution stones.

"Hey? This Ibrahimovic is fine, and the aptitude is not bad."

After watching more than half of it, Lu Ze finally saw a suitable Ibrahimovic.

I have to say that Lu Ma's elf eggs here are really much less than the elf main store, just like the main products, Ibrahimovic's and Piqiu's elf eggs, the total is just over a hundred.

After Lu Ze complained silently in his heart, he was ready to hug the elf egg he had just hoped for.

"Hey? This elf egg is not bad."

Suddenly, a hand was pressed on the elf egg that Lu Ze was looking forward to, and Lu Ze failed to hug it successfully.

(End of this chapter)

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