Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 296 Poor Congenital Physique?

Chapter 296 Poor Congenital Physique?
The next morning, Lu Ze woke up and prepared to make snacks for the beasts.

"Hey, it's good to be young, the procrastination of the social animal period is gone, you say so, Mini Dragon."

Lu Ze said, after putting the sweet and spicy biscuits made from lychees and peaches into the oven, he rubbed the mini dragon's head and said.


Although the mini dragon didn't know what Lu Ze was talking about, he still responded obediently.

"Fortunately, you are with me."

Lu Ze continued to prepare biscuit materials of other flavors, and at the same time said to the mini dragon.

Early in the morning, just after breakfast, they all went out.

The cross-word bat took the fire-breathing dragon, and the two elves flew away at once.

The Snorbeast is holding the electric shock monster, followed by the iron claw lobster, walking towards the woods on the mountain behind the school.

I don't know if they are together or not, but it doesn't matter.

"Huhu hasn't woken up yet."

Lu Ze turned his head to the side and glanced at the direction upstairs. Bird sensed that Hu Hu was still on the fire-breathing dragon's bed, and he didn't seem to get up at all.


"Indeed, I slept very peacefully."

When waking up in the morning, the fire-breathing dragon wanted to wake up Huhu for breakfast, but was stopped by Lu Ze, and asked everyone to keep their voices quiet so as not to disturb Huhu's sleep.

Because Lu Ze's waveguide sensed Huhu's mood, which is a very peaceful and relaxed mood.

Presumably it is because of the reasons of the field and home.

There are many wild elves in the world, in the city, in the wild, in the river, in the sea, there are Pokémon everywhere.

From time to time, the elf secret realm will be fully opened, and the elves in the secret realm will flow out.

But fortunately, compared to the past, the full opening of the elf secret realm is much better now.

Now it is the people of the country who control the outflow of elves.

It's not like before, when the elf secret realm is fully opened, it is equivalent to a wave of elves.

Just like when Papa Lu rescued Su Qianyan in Chang'an City decades ago, suddenly, the elf secret realm was fully opened.

But because of reasons that didn't come to the fore, by the time the country recruited people, the elf secret realm was already out of control, forming a wave of elves.

"Deoxys will be born soon, and I don't know whether you will call him brother or brother."

Lu Ze lightly tapped the mini dragon's forehead with his flour-stained hand, adding a touch of white spots to the pink forehead.


"Haha, because it stands to reason that Deoxys was born earlier than you. It's just that he was born later than you. In this way, you are my younger sister."

Lu Ze was joking with the mini dragon, and Bird no longer sensed the upstairs, so he didn't notice that Deoxys' energy core shook slightly.

(younger sister?)

At the same time, the elf egg of the Onion Duck next to Deoxys' energy core also shook slightly, but the shaking was so small that only Deoxys noticed it.

After the energy core of Deoxys noticed it, it released a wave of thoughts, and slightly pulled the onion duck's elf egg towards him, so that the culture medium of the onion duck touched the energy slate.

"Lu Ze, Lu Ze, my little Liuwei's mother sent it to me, please help me to see it!"

Before the person arrived, the voice arrived first. This is Tang Yunqin, a strange woman who aspires to be a cold goddess.

"Okay, don't worry, wait until I finish this."

Lu Ze said without turning his head, anyway, the door is only ajar, so there is no need to open it.

"Mmm Good."

After Tang Yunqin agreed, she stood quietly at the kitchen door, looking at Lu Ze's back with gentle eyes.

"Enough Hum~"

"Hello, Ice Six Tails."


After hearing Bing Liuwei's voice, Lu Ze and the mini dragon turned around together and greeted Bing Liuwei.

At the same time, Lu Ze also carefully observed Bing Liuwei.

Elf: Six Tails (Alola's Appearance)
gender: female

attribute: ice

Feature: Snowfall (When this elf appears, the weather changes to hail.)
Qualification: Red

Basic skills: fine snow, wagging tail, boulder, resentment, freezing wind, magic flash, sucking kiss.

Inherited skills: coquetry, moon power, freeze-drying, do it again, hypnotism.

Lu Ze looked at Tang Yunqin with some doubts and helplessness.

What is puzzling is that the data does not give information about Bing Liuwei's poor physique.

Unfortunately, this is another highly qualified elf.

Tang Yunqin's luck is absolutely utterly unbelievable, the initial elf, just pick one at random, the one with red aptitude.

Spiny shellfish, encountered in the wild, orange quality.

Ice fire red tumbler, loot, let’s not talk about this, it was picked by Lu Ze, orange aptitude.

This Bing Liuwei is also red-qualified.

Coupled with the orange qualified Ibrahimovic egg that Lu Ze picked for her yesterday, Lu Ze really couldn't complain.

Co-authoring the one I picked for you, but not having the qualifications you chose yourself, right? Then my hanging up is for nothing?
"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"It's okay, tell me carefully, what's going on with Six Tails?"

As Lu Ze said, he turned his head and started making the next snack, Ma Ls Da fried bread.

This kind of snack is not only delicious, but the elves can also heal the abnormal state of the body after eating it.

Tang Yunqin looked down at Liuwei in her arms, frowned slightly and said to Lu Ze: "When she was just born, she was a little unstable. At first, we thought it was because she was just born and she didn't have much strength."

"But after growing up, we found that she was still listless, so we took her to have a checkup."

"But the test results showed that there was no problem, and then the doctor said that her condition may be due to her poor physical constitution, and she should take good care of her for a while before looking at it."

"Poor physical constitution? Shouldn't it be?"

Lu Ze turned around again, he was more curious about Bing Liuwei's body than making Mada fried bread.

Lu Ze looked at Bing Liuwei carefully, and wondered in his heart, "Bing Liuwei not only has good genetic skills, but also is good at learning skills. How could it be that he was born with poor physique?"

Not to mention genetic skills, just the skills she has learned, she has learned [Magic Flash] and [Drain Kiss] that she should not have learned at this stage.

Could it be that he was born with poor physique?
Don't talk about skills, if you just talk about poor innate physique, aptitude should be shown. What's more, poor innate physique is red aptitude. If the physique is not bad, isn't it going to heaven?
"Will it...?"

Lu Ze suddenly thought of something, and looked at Bing Liuwei's data again.


Lu Ze's eyes lit up, and he was sure, it was indeed the case.

(End of this chapter)

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