Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 503 Battle of the Insect King!


After a loud roar, Deoxys appeared in the field instantly.


The super power was activated instantly, and the vicious man and his elves were all controlled by the super power.


In the next second, two precise shots of [Shadow Ball] hit the cunning tengu and the dark crow who were immune to superpowers, knocking out both elves' ability to fight.

The elves with the strength of the quasi-kings were vulnerable to Deoxys, and they couldn't even last long.



The two fire-breathing dragons didn't have a good temper either. After being suppressed and beaten for so long, now that the opportunity came, they rushed up immediately and slapped the vicious big man in the face.


"Ha, these two fire-breathing dragons are really temperamental!"

After the people who were quite quiet at first didn't know who started it, the rest of the people laughed.

Even Zhuge Ziyu, who was hiding in the crowd, couldn't help laughing, and said to his brother Zhuge Zijing.

"Ha, sure enough, is this a fire-breathing dragon?"

At this time, Lu Ze couldn't help laughing.

But the way the customer looked at him was not quite right.

Looking at Lu Ze who was smiling lasciviously while grilling meat, the customer fell into confusion.

This meat, should I still have it?
Lu Ze didn't want to endure his curiosity when the crowd was rushing over there and felt that there was excitement to watch.

So Lu Ze directly turned on the waveguide and looked in the lively direction.

That's just when the Gem Starfish is about to launch an attack on the Mini Dragons.

Although the gem starfish hadn't shown its figure at that time, the movements of the gem starfish were still clearly seen when Lu Ze waved it.

At that time, Lu Ze couldn't help but let Deoxys and Latios take action.

But then he saw Sui Yan.

After thinking about it, Deoxys said that if Latios appeared here, it would be really lively here.

However, if Deoxys makes a move, Lu Ze is also afraid that he will cause too much damage and be scolded by his grandfather.

After all, Deoxys still sees Lu Ze's love for the mini dragon.

For a sister-controller, there is nothing more angry than her sister being hurt.

In this way, after the arrival of Suiyan, the reason why Deoxys and Latios did not make a move was because of Lu Ze.

Lu Ze sent a message to Latios, asking Latios to talk to Deoxys and not letting him make a move.

Latios has lived in the human world for many years, so it would be much better for him to explain some things about the human world to Deoxys.

However, Lu Ze also told Deoxys and Latios that if someone or an elf might be hurt, they can take action directly.

In this way, Lu Ze began to watch the excitement with peace of mind.

What's interesting is that Lu Ze touched someone else's waveguide just after watching it for a while.

First it belonged to Father Lu, then it belonged to Lu Xingguo.

In the end, Lu Xingguo started another chat group, although there were only three of them for now.

But Lu Xingguo also told Lu Ze, try not to let the beasts appear in front of humans, otherwise the place will become lively.

Fortunately, Mama Lu was not in the Boguo Power chat group.

Otherwise, if he heard the more lively words here, maybe he would just pull Latios out.

After all, the more lively and crowded the place is, the more people will come to consume, and the more money she can make.

Money is always the first choice besides family members for Mama Lu.

Of course, for Mama Lu, elves are also family members, which is unquestionable.

As Zhuge Zijing's frown deepened and the onlookers became more and more excited, the police and the security guards of the place maintaining law and order arrived late.

Soon, this farce will be over.

Halfway through taking statements from the onlookers, the police discovered that the man they had captured was an internationally wanted criminal.

Although he is also an Asian, this person has robbed and sold many rare elves in many places in Asia.

So this incident was quickly finalized, which was the incident of the internationally wanted criminals robbing the elves.

Finally, the police asked for Suiyan's phone number and asked Suiyan to wait for a while. After receiving the notification, he went to the police station to collect the reward.

While the police were operating, Zhuge Zijing also quietly found a policeman.

After showing his ID, he patted the policeman on the shoulder.

"After I go back, ask your captain to explain to me why it's so slow to arrive!"

Then, with the little policeman's eyes full of tears, he turned and left.

Zhuge Zijing: I am on vacation today, no one can disturb me!
The Chinese New Year is approaching, and the two brothers of Zhuge's family finally ushered in one of the few holidays of the year.

This kind of trivial thing wants to interrupt my vacation?
no way!

"How would you do something like this?"

"Pinch him to death!"

Chaomeng clenched his fist fiercely, murderous aura spread from his eyes.

He just finished watching the whole thing.

As a Pokémon, what he hates the most is that humans take Pokémon as goods, grab and sell them arbitrarily!
Lu Ze quickly explained: "Ha, small problems, small problems, don't be so murderous, there are still very few people like this."

Chaomeng took a deep look at Lu Ze.

"hope so!"

After finishing speaking, Chaomeng turned around and came to Snorbymon, and sat down beside Snorbymon against the wall.

"It's time to find a place for them to live in peace."

Chao Meng dreamed, and subconsciously touched Kirbymon's belly.

"Cultivation garden? It's really good, but..."

A cold light flashed in Chaomeng's eyes, and he thought of what Lu Ze said when he asked them to destroy the copying machine.

"The machine is right, and the machine copied by the machine is also right. What is wrong is those humans who want to use these machines to make elves, and have terrible ideas!"

The eyes in Chaomeng's eyes gradually softened, as if recalling the life in the cultivation garden during this period.

"They probably won't."

After murmuring, Chaomeng made a decision.

Before the Chinese New Year, he wanted to take over those copy elves, and let them experience the excitement of the human New Year.

Just like… him.

Chao dreamed, looking up at Lu Ze who was busy in front of him.

At this time, Lu Ze's blood boiled with enthusiasm.

"Kairos, Shanlan falls!"

"Herracross, grab him and cast on Earth!"

Lu Ze watched the battle between the two insect kings, and the movements in his hands did not stop.

Everyone also looked at the two elves who were fighting, and politely gave them a space.

It was originally a very simple queue jumping time.

But the moment the elf was released, the two of them went head-to-head.

One thinks Kairos is the strongest bug king!

The other is that I, Heracross, are qualified to sit on the throne of the insect king.

Then, the two fought like this.

"Heracross, rock blast!"

"Boo! Hah! Hah! Hah! Hah!"

"Damn it, you've spotted it, Chaomeng!"

Lu Ze looked at the oncoming rock and yelled in horror.

"call out!"

The next moment, Chaomeng appeared in front of Lu Ze's barbecue stall like a god.

Standing sideways, one hand blocked the rock that could destroy Lu Ze's barbecue stall.

The next second, Chaomeng shook his hands impatiently, looked at Lu Ze with disgust, and then used [Teleportation] to go back.

"I'm not here to do this kind of thing for you!"

"Ha, I know, I know, isn't it because Deoxys is not here, the situation is urgent."

Lu Ze smiled at Chaomeng who had already gone back.

"Wait, I'll add two skewers of meat to you~"


Chaomeng turned his head a little awkwardly.

That's why I don't like your two skewers of barbecue.

The two worm kings are still fighting, and they seem to work harder as they try to erase the amazing feeling brought by Chaomeng just now.

"Zhuo, still fighting!"

Lu Ze tilted his head in displeasure to dodge the stones thrown by the two elves wrestling, and cursed in displeasure.

"Forked Bat, get rid of them!"

At this time, Lu Ze didn't care about the "others can't interfere in your battle" anymore.

The premise of this set is that you cannot influence me.

Now that you've affected my business, it's okay for me to beat you down one-on-two!

Lu Ze angrily threw the meat skewer that was almost finished roasting, but the dusty meat skewer into the trash can, and then directed to the flying forked bat.

"Forked bat, the blade of the air after the trick!"


After the forked bat flew out, the masters of Kairos and Heracross also realized what was going on.

Although a little embarrassed for disturbing the stall owner, but now, after being intervened in the battle, they immediately decided to unanimously speak out.

This is also one of the unspoken rules of temple battles.

Others can directly destroy the battle between the two because they were disturbed.

Similarly, those two can also be unanimously external because they were destroyed by others.

"Heracross, use all your strength, super corner attack!"

"Kairos, destroy the death light!"

The two elves used all their strength at the same time, and launched an attack on the cross-bat strengthened by [trick] in the air.


The forked bat dexterously avoided the [Destruction Beam] and did not resist Heracross' [Super Horn Strike].

【Blade of Air】Instantaneously, it first hit Heracross who was the closest and couldn't borrow strength in the air.

The next moment, the cross-bat was very fast, and before Heracross, who had lost his fighting ability, landed, a series of [Air Blades] and [Shadow Ball] went towards Kairos on the ground.

Kairos had no room to hide in the densely packed [Air Blade], so he could only bite the bullet and see if he could resist.

[Sharp Rock Attack] After breaking some, Kairos's hands lit up with the light of [Splitting tiles] again.


After roaring towards the sky, he kept waving his hands, trying to smash the [Air Blades] attacking from the air one by one.

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