Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 505 A Dirty Crow

"Is it so beneficial?"

Not only Sui Yan, but even Lu Ze watched the battle between the two in dumbfounded.

That's right, it's a battle between two "people"!

The poisonous skeleton frog was sent flying by the strange force and hit the wall of the year.

Among the two trainers who were fighting hand-to-hand, the trainer of the Poisonous Skull Frog was upset and just used a set of punches.

Another trainer with strange strength is also true. Although he fought and retreated, his opponent did not break through the line of defense.

"Strange power!"


With the shout of the strange force trainer, the strange force also rushed towards the opponent trainer.


The crowd of onlookers fell into a big trough one after another. Is this a serious battle?

How can humans and elves hammer the opposite person together?
"Ma Hengdong, your uncle, poisonous skeleton frog!"

Facing the attack of strange force, Liu Peizhu had no choice but to back away, and shouted at his poisonous skeleton frog.


The poisonous skeleton frog rushed out, regardless of the strange strength, and directly punched Ma Hengdong.

"Made, you're playing tricks, aren't you!"

Ma Hengdong stepped back quickly, and the strange force also blocked the path of the poisonous skeleton frog in due course.

The two elves faced each other again.

The two trainers were not idle, and their eyes were flaming and they hit each other again.

"Cow batch!"

Lu Ze and Sui Yan gave thumbs up one after another. They felt that they really couldn't bear this way of fighting.

Let alone the elves, just look at the tendons on the two trainers.

This made Lu Ze and Sui Yan understand that they would definitely not be able to please them if they went up.

"The two of them are sophomores in Peking University, they are my seniors."


Lu Ze and Sui Yan turned to look at the person who made the sound in doubt.

"Hello, I'm Jin Zeyi, I'm from Beijing University, the two of you... somehow look familiar?"

After Jin Zeyi introduced himself to Lu Ze and Sui Yan, he turned his head to look at Lu Ze with some doubts, and then looked at Chaomeng behind the booth.

"Eh... haven't seen it, have you seen it?"

Sui Yan shook his head, a little puzzled: "I haven't seen it before, but it does seem familiar."

Sui Yan said, then looked at Chaomeng again: "Well, he looks familiar to me too."


Lu Ze looked at Chaomeng helplessly.

What about erasing the memory?
Chaomeng glared at Lu Ze viciously, turning into anger from embarrassment.

Deleting memories belongs to erasing memories, but I feel like who can do with this thing!

"Maybe you have seen the two of us somewhere. Hello, I am Lu Ze, a freshman in Shangqing."

"Suiyan, a freshman in Shangqing."

"Oh~ no wonder."

Jin Zeyi clapped his hands, a little excited: "You are the two who ranked first and second in the whole life of Shangqing University. I just said why are you so familiar."

"Ha, have the names of both of us been passed on to your school? How about a duel?"

Sui Yan excitedly patted the body of the wind speed dog beside him, and said happily to Jin Zeyi.

"No more."

Jin Zeyi smiled and waved his hands: "Today is a temple fair, I brought them here to relax, let's talk about it next time."


The crow stood on top of Hei Lujia, stretched out its wings, and greeted Lu Ze and the others with a smile.

"They are my elves, Jiaga Ninja Frog, Crow Head and Hei Lujia."

Sui Yan stretched out his head to look at the three elves, and asked curiously, "Are you specialized in evil?"

Jin Zeyi smiled and shook his head: "Not necessarily, it's just that I prefer evil elves."

"oh oh."

After Lu Ze and Sui Yan nodded in unison, the scene suddenly became quiet.



The three of them glanced at each other, seeing each other's embarrassing look, and then laughed again.

"Karby, bring me ten skewers of barbecue."

After Jin Zeyi smiled and waved to Kabimon, he turned to Lu Ze and said, "Say hello to your business, and remember to be gentle when the time comes."

Lu Ze froze for a moment, then immediately reacted.

"Haha, what a joke, I'm afraid I won't be able to beat you if you show mercy."

Lu Ze knew what Jin Zeyi was talking about.

Shangqing and Peking University have always regarded each other as rivals, so they will have a friendly match with each other every year.

In the friendly match, there are two freshmen, two sophomores, and one junior, and the rule of five games and three wins is adopted.

Jin Zeyi and Lu Ze still remember that it was another classmate of Peking University when Chaomeng counterattacked.

Those who can be invited by Chaomeng must be the top five among the top college freshmen.

And since Jin Zeyi said this, Lu Ze also understands that he is either number one or number two, and he is a strong opponent.

Jin Zeyi smiled, turned his head to look at Chaomeng.

"Ah, it really looks more and more familiar the more you look at it, but what's the matter with the dangerous feeling?"

With his hands behind his back, Lu Ze quickly signaled Chaomeng not to mess around.

Isn't it dangerous? If you continue to watch like this, Chaomeng, who becomes angry from embarrassment, may not necessarily do anything to you.

"Is he your new elf? I don't think he is listed in your information, right?"

Jin Zeyi looked at Chaomeng and saw that his hairs were about to stand on end, then turned his head and asked Lu Ze.

"No, he's my friend. He followed me to verify something recently."

"What's going on?"

As soon as Lu Ze finished speaking, Chaomeng's eyes changed.

But Lu Ze didn't notice the change in Chaomeng's eyes.

Because he was struggling right now, how to fool this Jin Zeyi.

After all, you can't tell him the truth directly, in case it touches his memory and reminds him of Chaomeng's counterattack.

"Um, well, we're making a game."


Jin Zeyi immediately became excited: "What game, is it fun?"

He also didn't think about "how can elves make a game?" or something.

After all, many elves of the super power system can help humans do some work.

For example, Hudi, in addition to being popular for battles, is also the first choice of Pokémon for many researchers.

Although the Hudi clan is rare in number, they are indeed highly intelligent.

With such a high-IQ Pokémon as an assistant, the work efficiency will not be improved at all.

"Well, it's in the preparation stage now, and it hasn't officially started yet. The preliminary work is a bit cumbersome."

"That's it."

Jin Zeyi was a little disappointed.

As a game enthusiast, besides fighting elves and elves, my favorite thing is games.

But now, knowing that there is a game, but not being able to play the mood is very bad.

"Don't worry, I will definitely invite you during the closed beta."


Jin Zeyi is overjoyed, can he participate in the closed beta?

You know, although the internal test of the game is called a bug-finding game.

But it would be great to be able to get in touch with the game first.

Especially for some closed betas that do not delete files, as long as the public beta starts, he will fly far ahead of others.

"Don't worry, come on, I'll add you to Fetion, and I'll let you know when it comes out."


Jin Zeyi took out his mobile phone, scanned Lu Ze's Fetion QR code, and instantly became happy.

I didn't expect to come out to relax the elves, and there is an unexpected joy when visiting a temple fair~
"What kind of game, is it the same as League?"

"Well, it's not the same."

Lu Ze thought for a while: "Well, it should be a new type of game, the turn-based one."

"Turn-based, it's not bad."

Jin Zeyi happily put the phone back: "I remember that the first turn-based game I came into contact with was Journey to the West. It was really fun at that time, but now I am making a turn-based game..."

Lu Ze also understood what Jin Zeyi meant. The turn-based Journey to the West has indeed reached the pinnacle of turn-based games, and it is really not easy to surpass him later.

However, Pokémon Battle is different from Journey to the West. They are two types of turn-based games.

"Don't worry, it's a different kind, not the one from Journey to the West. You'll know when it comes out."

"Okay, thank you."

As Jin Zeyi said, the Kirby's barbecue was finished and handed over.

After distributing the barbecue to the elves, Jin Zeyi smiled and said goodbye to Lu Ze.

"Then it's settled, Ang, remember to contact me when the time comes, I will take them to the temple fair first."

"Okay, it will be then."

After speaking, all three waved their hands, and Jin Zeyi led the elves into the crowd.

"I found his profile."

Sui Yan took the phone and called to Lu Ze.

"King University is the oldest in his life. The main force is Koga Ninja, Heluga and Crow Toutou. There is no fourth elf for the time being, but the fighting power of the three elves is very strong."

"anything else?"

When Lu Ze became interested, the three elves could sit firmly in the first place, which is indeed quite strong.

"Also, I read the postings of Beijing University, and they are all saying... Uh."

Lu Ze was a little curious: "What are you talking about?"

"See for yourself."

Sui Yan said, and handed the phone to Lu Ze.

Lu Ze took the phone and started with a long speech.

There were tears in the inside about Jin Zeyi's numerous "crimes".

"Ha, this crow cow batch."

After reading it, Lu Ze couldn't help laughing out loud.

Compared with the usual [overconfident] crows pushing the team, Jin Zeyi's crow can be regarded as a new genre.

No wonder the name of the post is "Have you ever seen such a dirty crow head?" "

Looking at this post, the fighting style of this crow head is to start with [Tailwind].

After speeding up, directly [bluff], let the opponent [chaos], and at the same time increase the opponent's physical attack by two levels.

The next thing is interesting, after the opponent's physical attack level has been increased, although [chaos], it will pass after a while.

But what about Head Crow?
He just waits for you to drag past the [chaos] stage, and then comes to [bluff] to mess you up again.

Then he will use [self-suggestion] to copy the four-level physical attack increased by [bluff].

This is all right, the crow's head will directly increase its physical attack level by four.

Now it depends on how the opponent chooses. If the opponent chooses to change the spirit, then he will use [Chasing and Hitting], no matter whether he kills you or not, he will just hit you.

But if the elf is out of the [Chaos] stage, and you feel that you can fight recklessly, then this dirty crow will use [Blow Fly] to force you to change the elf, and will not fight you.

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