Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 507 Cyber ​​Violence


Victini tilted his head and readily accepted Lu Ze's proposal.

"By the way, when will the battle at the temple fair start?"

Lu Ze ate the meat and asked Sui Yan beside him.

In the world of elves, elves and battles are always closely related, and temple fairs are no exception.

There are also battles in the temple fair, as well as coordinator competitions and star exhibition competitions.

Today's star exhibition match starts at two o'clock in the afternoon, and there is still plenty of time.

"The battle between the trainers started the day after tomorrow, and then lasted for three days. Today is the star exhibition match, and tomorrow is the gorgeous contest."

After Sui Yan finished speaking, Lu Ze nodded clearly: "That's it, have you signed up for the trainer battle?"

"Of course!"

As soon as Sui Yan said this, he became excited: "The champion not only has a cash reward of 800,000, but also a very rare muscle feather."

"The Feather of Muscle Strength? It's something that can improve the basic physical attack of the elves, right?"

"That's right, I've already thought about it. When the time comes, I will use it directly for the wind speed dog. Unfortunately, it is not the instant feather."

Sui Yan waved his fist and said with a little pity.

"Hey, the organizer this time is very grand."

In the real world, this kind of things that can improve the basic ability value of Pokémon are very rare and valuable.

So the reward for the champion of this temple battle is a feather of muscle strength, which is already great.

Not to mention there is a cash prize of 800,000.

Who can not love the white flowers.

"However, are you sure you will win the championship?"

After Sui Yan calmed down a little, he shook his head: "No."

"However, the registration requirement this time is to be a student at school, so there shouldn't be any major problems."

After Sui Yan finished speaking, he looked at Lu Ze and added: "If you don't sign up."

"Ha, of course I won't sign up."

Lu Ze smiled and stretched out his hand to touch Suiyan's head.

Although it was opened immediately, Lu Ze still smiled and said, "I'm a breeder."

Lu Ze said so, but he didn't think so in his heart.

The three-day competition system alone is enough to stop him who is afraid of trouble, not to mention that the rewards are not what he needs very much.

You know, there are feather crystals in the national treasure house that are ten times more effective than similar feathers after use.

The appearance of the Muscle Feather is a feather-like item.

However, the appearance of the feather crystal is a polygonal stone with a feather logo printed in the center.

Because it has a stronger effect than feathers like Muscle Feather, and also has a similar logo to Feather of Muscle Strength, so people simply and rudely call them Feather Crystallization.

There is also "source" of the same type!
The source of attack, the source of speed, etc., but the "source" is better than feathers and feather crystals, although the effect is better, but the restrictions are relatively large.

Therefore, in Lu Ze's opinion, these are not as good as secret treasures.

Last time Lu Ze changed the secret treasure, one speed secret treasure, one special attack secret treasure.

The secret treasure of speed was given to the onion duck, and the onion duck has not been used up yet.

The secret treasure of special attack was given to the forked bat.

Because Lu Ze didn't fully attack Pokémon.

Compared with other elves, although the cross-word bat also followed Lu Zede's plan to use double swords, she unconsciously favored special attacks.

Maybe the crossbat also thinks that special attack is more suitable for her.

So, after consulting everyone's opinions, Lu Ze handed over the remaining special attack secret treasure to the cross bat.

Lu Ze didn't need the rewards for this temple battle at all, so he didn't sign up.

"That's good, then I have a better chance of winning the championship."

Sui Yan became excited, and Lu Ze felt embarrassed to hit his self-confidence.

Not to mention anything else, that Jin Zeyi just now is a major obstacle for Sui Yan on his way to win the championship.

This is only for students of the same grade. You must know that Lu Ze and the others have only obtained the elves for half a year now, and those who have obtained the elves for a year or two like the sophomores and juniors will not be weak.

Especially those few people who ranked high in the two top universities are all-powerful in the school and have no rivals.

But having said that, in fact, it is not necessarily who will actually participate.

After all, it's already a holiday now, and those who should go home for the New Year have also gone home.

What's more, some people still look down on the champion prize of this small temple fair.

So Lu Ze didn't attack Suiyan, let's see how far he can go.

Anyway, his Miao Frog Flower can barely be counted as combat effectiveness, and the alternative Sunny Team is half formed, it's time to test their might.

Hearing the conversation between the two, Chaomeng behind Lu Ze felt a little ready to move.

He is now thinking, why does he not have the same ability to transform at will as the Pokémon he made based on Dream?
Chaomeng looked at Lu Ze, his eyes flickering.

[Don't let him know that I'm going to participate in the competition, otherwise he will definitely laugh at me. 】

[It is possible to make Sorolla look like a human, and then I will communicate with humans behind Sorolla, and then sign up. 】

[But who will my elf choose?Copy the elves? 】

[No, the patterns on their bodies are too conspicuous. 】

Chaomeng shook his head, and then his attention was attracted by the onion rangers who were training hard beside him.

[He is a good choice, he likes to fight and looks forward to fighting. 】

[However, who is the rest? 】

Chaomeng looked at Onion Youbing, and a bold idea couldn't help appearing in his mind.

【Since they are all using his elves, it is better to use all his elves. 】

Chaomeng raised the corners of his mouth proudly, thinking about how to persuade the elves he had chosen.

"Ah, I'm full~"

After a while, Lu Ze lay on Snorby's body, resting his head on Snorby's belly and let out a long sigh.

"Really, it's too real!"

Lu Ze and Victini, one person and one elf, ate about half of the food, and couldn't take it anymore.

In the end, it was Kirby who came to the end.

The size of the Kirby beast is a circle larger than that of its peers, but what it brings is a more edible appetite than its peers.

Normally the Snorby would be full after eating two hamburgers, but Lu Ze had the Snorby eat three hamburgers and still have enough energy to eat the half of the hamburgers they didn't finish.

I have to say that the Snorlax is really something he can eat.

Being able to eat and fight is really a talent.

"Take a rest, let's go to watch the star show Cyon~"

As Lu Ze said, he lay down on the Snorkel's belly, hugged the mini dragon and Victini, and prepared to squint for a while.

Anyway, I have already hung a rest sign on my stall just now, so I just don't take it now.

As for the surrounding noise?Headphones are fine.

But before Lu Ze put on his headphones, he heard a familiar voice.

"Are you sure that the barbecue in this restaurant is really roasted by Snorkel? I don't read much, so don't lie to me."

"Hey, you didn't open the door, are you resting?"

"Oh, it's a pity, should it be?"

"Huh? Ozawa, why are you here?"


After hearing the man call his name, Lu Ze got up and changed direction, laying on the belly of the Kirby beast and looked over.

"Uncle Wang Hechuan?"

"What uncle, called brother!"

Wang Hechuan's face darkened, and he said to Lu Ze angrily.

[Who is this guy? Why do you call my brother uncle? It's not polite at all. 】

[Really, my brother is so young, why is he called uncle by this person, is he blind? 】

【Hmph, impolite brat, although he looks really handsome, but calling my elder brother an uncle?It is unforgivable! 】

[Don't spout nonsense, he is the discoverer of the evolution method of the big steel snake, and he has a good relationship with his brother, and his brother's dumb beast evolved into a dumb king because of his discovery. 】

Because of Lu Ze's uncle, the barrage in Wang Hechuan's live broadcast room also boiled.

After seeing Lu Ze, the few viewers who remembered him tried hard to explain, but they were finally drowned in the billowing barrage.

But at this time, neither Lu Ze nor Wang Hechuan paid attention to the barrage information in the live broadcast room.

"Why are you here?"

"Of course I'm here to attend the temple fair. Look, this is my stall."

Wang Hechuan suddenly realized: "Oh, no wonder, this is the little Kirby at that time, right? Hey, it has grown so big after evolution."

"By the way, uncle, why are you here?"

Wang Hechuan's face darkened: "Call me brother!"

Lu Ze snickered and said firmly, "No, you are called Uncle Mo's brother, and Uncle Mo and my father are also called brothers. I will be inferior to calling you brother!"

Wang Hechuan hesitated, and finally waved his hand helplessly: "Okay, you can call it whatever you want."

"I was invited to play an exhibition game, but because the exhibition game didn't start until two o'clock in the afternoon, I took the time to live broadcast it for a while."

As Wang Hechuan said, he turned on the phone in Lu Ze's hand, and then covered both him and Lu Ze in the camera.

But at this time, he also saw the barrage of Lu Zede in the live broadcast room.

Wang Hechuan's face darkened: "Fans in the live broadcast room, please don't attack someone casually."

After speaking, Wang Hechuan looked at Lu Ze, and continued after seeing that Lu Ze didn't mind the barrage in the live broadcast room.

"He called me uncle purely because his father has a good relationship with us. It's polite. I asked him to call him brother, just for fun, so I don't understand why you guys are so angry!"

"However, I hope that such hostile remarks will not appear in my live broadcast room in the future. The next time the management sees such hostile remarks, they can directly ban them!"

[Ah, brother is so handsome! 】

【Brother is too righteous, I like it so much~】

【Brother, I want to give birth to a monkey for you! 】

After Wang Hechuan glanced at the bullet screen, his face that had just sunk could not hold back any longer. He shrank his phone back and explained to Lu Ze.

"Well, they don't usually do this, maybe it's because you are so handsome, so..."

"Look at me, I'm so handsome? Isn't that right? Why did I see that the barrage is full of monkeys for you?"

Lu Ze narrowly blinked at Wang Hechuan, and laughed.

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