"Okay, now the battle begins!"

"The Throwing Ghost on the field attacked first, but it was a pity that Gem Starfish directly used [Mind Power] to throw it back, huh?"

Lu Ze said, and suddenly turned his head to look at Mo Qiancheng.

"Uncle Mo, what is the strength of Uncle Wang's gem starfish?"

Mo Qiancheng was a little puzzled: "Queen of Heaven, what's wrong?"

"Oh, no wonder, the words of the Zhuntian King are justified."

Lu Ze nodded, and then continued to explain.

"Although I didn't see what happened just now, the Throwing Ghost has successfully gotten close."

"Thunderbolt fist, one punch, two punches, none of them hit the jeweled starfish, [Small] is too dirty!"

"The gem starfish used [Small] to successfully escape the attack of the Throwing Ghost, and then launched the attack again."

"This is, [Cosmic Power], your brother chose to play it safe first, and was not in a hurry to launch an attack."

Hiss, is it so dirty?
After Lu Ze saw the actions of the gem starfish on the field, he couldn't help complaining in his heart.

[Smaller], [Cosmic Power] and then [Very Poisonous]?
Elf: Gem Starfish
Gender: Male

Attributes: water, super energy
What to bring: Leftovers

Ability: Analysis (If other Pokémon's actions are ahead of you, then the power of your moves will be increased by 30.00%.)
Qualification: Purple

Basic skills: high-speed rotation, shrinking, high-speed stars, phantom light, salt water, light wall, power gem, psychic force, poison, hold, cosmic power, magic flash, electromagnetic wave, reflective wall...

Genetic Skills: None

"After [Very Poison], the next step should be [Reflecting Wall] [Hold] [Self-Regeneration] and so on."

Lu Ze explained to the people in the live broadcast room, and couldn't help showing a smile.

Sure enough, dirty, you can take it down.

As long as this series of skills is used, the opponent's throwing ghost will be a Muggle.

Then, before Throwing Ghost's [Thunder Fist] hit him, the gem starfish lit up a circle of [Reflective Wall] on his body.

"[Reflecting Wall] can halve the opponent's physical attack moves, and it is very effective against Pokémon that are good at physical attacks like Throwing Ghost."

Lu Ze just glanced at the big data behind the live broadcast room.

After finding out that people below 60.00% in the live broadcast room, Lu Ze decided to go into more detail.

After all, because people can't tame Pokémon, they can't get in touch with many battles in person.

Let them know more about it, so that after the Pokémon battle comes out in the future, their eyes will not be dimmed.

"After [Very Poison] hits, the opponent will lose some stamina every time. As time goes by, the lost stamina will become higher and higher."

"In addition to the [cosmic power] that Gem Starfish has just improved physical defense and special defense and the [reflective wall] that reduces the opponent's physical damage, even if Gem Starfish doesn't do anything now, the throwing ghost will be consumed by [venomous poison] to death."

[Brother is amazing! (Breaking sound!)】

【Brother is really powerful, he can defeat the king of heaven, he is worthy of being my brother, he is proficient in everything! 】

Lu Ze glanced at the barrage, and after seeing the barrage overwhelmingly praised Wang Hechuan, Lu Ze got a bad taste and threw cold water on them.

"Although the Throwing Ghost is now at a disadvantage, the Throwing Ghost still has the ability to turn the tables. It depends on whether Luo Tianwang can grasp it."

[Are you kidding me, I'm a sophomore this year, why can't I see that there is still a chance of a comeback? 】

[That's right, brother must win, brother is invincible! 】

Lu Ze smiled: "Don't be so absolute, it depends on whether the striker can hold on now, and if he can hold on, when the [Reflective Wall] is over, he will have a chance to come back. If he can't hold on, he will have no chance." Yes, it's as simple as that."

But that's what he said, but Lu Ze also knew in his heart that fighting ghosts would not turn the tables.

After all, Wang Hechuan and Gem Starfish are not dead, so they definitely can't watch the strike ghosts drag the time away.

Sure enough, as soon as Lu Ze finished speaking with the people in the live broadcast room, the jewel starfish moved.

Instead of using [Hold], he directly confronted the striking ghost.

As soon as the striking ghost rushed up, it was flashed by Gem Starfish with [Magic Flash].

Then the gem starfish took advantage of the victory to pursue, and [Mental Force] directly blasted the striking ghost out again.

Luo Tianwang had no other choice at this time. After shaking his head helplessly, he took back the striking ghost who was about to lose the ability to fight.

The competition system of the star exhibition game is a knockout match, that is to say, only after one party loses the fighting ability, the contestants can take back the spirit that has lost the fighting ability, and the Pokémon cannot be replaced during the battle.

Therefore, Luo Tianwang's action showed that he could no longer fight ghosts, which was equivalent to losing the ability to fight.

"Really great."

Luo Tianwang said, and then threw his next poke ball.

"Go, Roseredo."

"The gem starfish is about to fall."

Elf: Roseredo
gender: female

Attributes: Grass, Poison

Ability: Stinger
What to carry: black sludge
Qualification: Orange

Basic skills: petal dance, poisonous water chestnut, photosynthesis, sword dance, colorful fallen flowers, green grass field, parasitic seeds, super absorption, rooting, sunny day, sun beam...

Inherited Skills: Drops of Life, Supernatural Powers, Photosynthesis.

[How is it possible, brother is the strongest! 】

[That's right, my brother has stacked so many states just now, how could it be possible for you to lose if you say you lose. 】

Lu Ze was helpless: "You have to believe in my expertise..."

After talking halfway, Lu Ze didn't continue.

What is his major?
It's a breeder!
After being choked by himself, Lu Ze was out of breath.

"Okay, now everyone is here to bet on Ang. Gem starfish on the left wins, Roseredo wins on the right, and my right side is full. You can do whatever you want."

As Lu Ze said, he showed everyone his phone screen, which was indeed full on the right side.

【Hey, I don't believe it!Full left! 】

[Pull full plus one on the left! 】

【plus one! !Brother will win! 】


Lu Ze couldn't help laughing when he saw that the left side had overwhelmingly overwhelmed the right side.

Unexpected joy!
Although there are some guys who can see the form and press the right side with Lu Ze.

But the left still accounts for 90.00% upwards.

This wave of blood earned!
Ignoring the words in the barrage in the live broadcast room condemning those who did not suppress their brother, Lu Ze watched the stage and continued to explain to them.

"At this time, Luosreiduo already has [Green Grass Field] and [Sunny Sky] in hand, and victory is in sight for the brothers."

As soon as Rosereiduo stood on the field, Gem Starfish immediately fell into a weak position.

While the skill does not do much damage to Roseredo, the hit rate is also not high.

Luo Tianwang's Rose Leiduo is surprisingly flexible, and Rose Lei Duo will find a way to resist the skills that cannot be avoided.

"One more [Sword Dance], Luo Tianwang will seal the victory."

As soon as Lu Ze's words fell, Rose Redo spun around on the stage.

It was [Sword Dance].

[Nonsense, how could my brother fail! 】

[That's right, but, the opposite is the king of heaven. 】

【what?Is brother really going to lose? 】


Lu Ze said something to the people in the live broadcast room.

After [Sword Dance], although the weather was changed to [Rainy Day] by Gem Starfish, Wang Hechuan is a pure water team.

The pure water team faced Roseredo, who had already performed [Sword Dance] once.

It can be said that as long as the trainers of Roseredo know how to play a little, it is the case of pushing the team.


As soon as Luosreiduo fired [Strong Whip], the gem starfish was directly sent flying, and the gem starfish lost its fighting ability on the spot.

[Green Grass Field] is a bonus to grass-type skills, plus [Strong Whip] doubles the damage to Gem Starfish.

Gem Starfish didn't even have time to use the [Reflecting Wall].

"Unfortunately, [Defend] is useless, otherwise you can delay [Green Grass Field] for a round."

Lu Ze shook his head. In such a situation where he must lose, he really can hold on for as long as he can.

Not to mention the weather, at the very least, drag Roseredo's [Green Grass Field].

Otherwise, it would really become Rose Redo pushing the team.

But having said that, it is actually difficult to change the situation of the war.

It's nothing more than Wang Hechuan's good operation. After dragging away Roseredo's field, he exchanged the last elf with Roseredo.

This is already the most ideal fighting state.

However, Wang Hechuan obviously had no fighting spirit after Gem Starfish lost its fighting ability.

The remaining Duduwang and Letian Kappa really showed everyone present and the people in the live broadcast room what a coordinator is.

Who would have imagined that the King of Silence could also make such a gorgeous scene.

[Praying for Rain] and [Frozen Wind] to freeze the raindrops, while the raindrops are not falling, launch the [Power Gem].

In the reflection of the power gem, everyone present seemed to see stars in broad daylight.

The ice water droplets falling slowly on the field glistened under the reflection of [Power Gem].

Luo Tianwang is also a romantic person, in this case, he directly asked Rose Leidu to use [Magic Flash].

This time, it's not just glowing, the pink [magic sparkle] and the ice water droplets reflecting in the air make all the people who see this scene seem to be in a fairyland.

After the battle was over, Wang Hechuan didn't have much to say, and just surrendered.

They're stars anyway, and it's just an exhibition game.

In the first battle, Wang Hechuan's aura and Luo Tianwang's personality of protecting the elves were displayed.

In the second match against Luo Tianwang, he exerted his strength, showing the strength of his veteran king.

In the third match, it was Wang Hechuan's turn again, and Wang Hechuan showed his strength as a coordinator.

At the same time, Luo Tianwang also set off the dull king with his adult beauty, a win-win situation.

After today's exhibition match ended, the popularity of the two would rise a lot, if not surprisingly.

Just look at the barrage in the live broadcast room.

【Brother is too powerful, he won't lose the fight with the king of heaven, and the last scene is too dreamy. 】

[Brother, is this a wedding proposal gift for me?Love love love! 】

[Upstairs is thinking about farting, it's obviously for me! 】

[Speaking of which, Luo Tianwang is also very good, the moment when Rose Leidu finally used [Magic Shine], to be honest, I became a fan. 】

[Add one plus one!Me too, is this the gentleness of a middle-aged uncle? 】

[Followers add one, love love love. 】

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