"On the shoulder?"

After Lu Ze saw the bullet screen, he turned his head and looked over his shoulder in doubt.

Oh, miniature dragons.

The miniature dragon is now asleep again, after all, it's time for her to go back to sleep.

"She's my Pokémon, not a decoration."

Lu Ze moved the mini dragon's head to make the mini dragon's pillow more comfortable, and then spoke to the barrage.

【Which one is the snake-shaped, pink Pokémon? Does anyone know it? 】

[Pink snake-shaped Pokémon...a different-colored miniature dragon. 】

[I'll go, different-colored miniature dragon, it's unlikely. 】

Lu Ze looked at the bullet screen, neither confirmed nor denied, and walked forward with question marks all over the live broadcast room.

The live broadcast for so long has brought Lu Ze and the others to the venue of the temple fair beauty contest (coordinator contest).

Lu Ze turned the camera and was facing the people who signed up and entered the venue.

"Hey, this is the entry point for the gorgeous competition. I'll check the tickets first, and I'll talk to you later."

After Lu Ze finished speaking, he took out the ticket that Suiyan bought yesterday from his bag and prepared to check it.

However, the barrage did not respond to what Lu Ze just said.

[Different colored mini dragon? 】

[Probably yes, after all, I still don’t have a pink snake-shaped Pokémon in my mind. 】

[Could it be a mutated Arbor snake? 】



[...Damn it, a different-colored miniature dragon! 】

[After the evolution of the different-colored mini-dragon, I remember that the color of the fast dragon seems to be green, um, it's pretty ugly. 】

[Different color fast dragon!Quasi God!Do you still care about whether it looks good or not? 】

[The truth is this, but look at the strange-colored golden monster. 】

[Mom, I want to have a quasi-god of a different color in my dreams, but I can't lower my requirements a little, even a quasi-god is fine. 】


There is still a heated discussion in the live broadcast room.

Lu Ze, Sui Yan and Tang Yunqin also entered the arena.

But after entering the arena, Tang Yunqin separated from Suiyan and Tang Yunqin, and she went to the backstage of the contestants to wait for her performance.

Lu Ze and Sui Yan could only go to the seats on their tickets and sit down.Fortunately, I bought it in advance yesterday, so the seats are closer to the stage.

"It should start soon."

"Well, there are about 10 minutes left."

After checking the time, Lu Ze adjusted the camera again, trying to keep the victini above his head from appearing on the live screen.

"Tili Tili~"

Victini raised his head after receiving Lu Ze's butt slap.

It has to be said that Victini is still very concerned about protecting her biscuits.

Just told him that day, if you show your face and people find out, they will all come to snatch your biscuits.

This sentence caused Victini to carefully hide himself above Lu Ze's head every time Lu Ze broadcast live, just because he was afraid of being discovered.

"Victini, do you want some popcorn?"

A little girl next to her who looked only in her teens was wearing overalls and was holding two buckets of popcorn. When passing by Lu Zede, Lu Ze asked Bictini in a low voice.

"Tili Tili~"

Victini also seemed to feel Lu Ze's state, or to imitate Lu Ze's behavior, and nodded softly.

"Girl, just give me these two buckets of popcorn."

When the little girl heard this, she immediately tightly hugged the two buckets of popcorn in her arms, and looked at Lu Ze cautiously.

"No, this is already paid for by someone else!"

"Um, well, did you send it there for someone else?"


The little girl nodded, her bright eyes made the people in the live broadcast room full of girlish hearts.

"Then what if I want to eat too?"

"You can pay first, and I will deliver it for you later."

As the little girl said, she carefully placed a bucket of popcorn on the empty seat beside her, and then took out a WeChat payment QR code from her pocket.

Lu Ze laughed: "Ha, in that case, will you remember me later?"

As Lu Ze said, he reached out and took out Suiyan's phone, scanned it and returned it to Suiyan, asking him to enter the password.

"Of course I do!"

The little girl raised her head proudly: "I am No.1 in our class, and I have been working here for two years, and there has never been an accident."

"It's so powerful, then you wait and remember to send me two barrels over here, the money has already been swept away."

After Lu Ze reached out and took the phone from Sui Yan who was looking unhappy, he showed the payment interface to the little girl and said.

"Yeah okay, wait a minute, I'll be there soon."

Only then did the little girl walk past Lu Ze and Sui Yan with two buckets of popcorn in her arms.

At the same time, he did not forget to smile sweetly at Lu Ze: "Don't worry, I will be soon."

"Okay, I'll wait for you~"

Lu Ze also smiled at the little girl, and sighed a little as he watched the little girl leave.

"Look at her, and look at you. When you were her age, what else would you do besides looking for black Internet cafes every day?"

"Fuck you uncle!"

Suiyan exploded immediately, this was a live broadcast, he died in public!

"Just say you went or not."

"You just say you followed or not."

Lu Ze said confidently: "Together! How?"


Sui Yan mocked and said nothing more.

For such a brazen guy, saying anything is useless.

After a while, the little girl happily ran over with two buckets of popcorn in her arms.

After handing the popcorn to Lu Ze, the little girl smiled at Lu Ze, then turned and left.

While walking, I calculated today's income.

Give a bucket of popcorn for one yuan, sell a bucket of popcorn for two yuan, and two buckets of popcorn for three yuan. If this goes on, you can buy a new mobile phone soon.

The little girl was cheerful, and Lu Ze was also cheerful.

Bictini was even happier, stuffing the sweet popcorn into his mouth one by one, eating it with great joy.


The smell of popcorn and the sound of chewing victini seems to wake up the miniature dragon who is going back to sleep.

The mini-dragon opened his eyes, and before he woke up, Lu Ze stuffed a piece of popcorn into his mouth.

"Hmm... Chirp~"

After tasting the popcorn, the mini dragon's eyes light up.

And something so delicious~

Because I didn't take Mini Dragon to the cinema to watch a movie, so Mini Dragon also ate popcorn for the first time.

Mini Dragon and Victini were having fun, but the live broadcast room exploded.

[Sure enough, it's a different-colored mini-dragon, the guy who just said it was a mutated different-colored Arbor snake came out to die! 】

[Mini dragon, pink mini dragon, this is too cute! 】

[I would sacrifice three of my roommates who have been single for ten years each in exchange for a pink miniature dragon! 】

[Upstairs, why don't you sacrifice your own? (funny)】

[You are stupid, I already have pink miniature dragons, am I afraid that I will not have a girl? 】

[Hmm... well-founded! 】

Lu Ze didn't care after glancing at the barrage.

Because now the game has begun.

Lu Ze turned the camera around and pointed it at the playing field, ready to explain it to everyone.

【Come on, I want to watch the miniature dragon! 】

[That's right, turn the camera back to me quickly, you dog anchor! 】

【Husband~ Let me see our miniature dragon, I like it so much~】

[Troughing?Those upstairs are so shameless! 】

Lu Ze looked at the bullet screen and smiled: "What's so good about the mini dragon, isn't the little girl on the stage not good-looking?"

【Cut, I want to watch the miniature dragon! 】

[That's right, what's so good about the little girl, I want to see fans... big big big big big big big big big! 】

[The one upstairs is crazy, what... what the hell, it's so big! 】

Coincidentally, it was the first contestant's appearance at this time.

The old perverts in the live broadcast room were immediately attracted by the first player to play.

No way, it's too big!

Although the face looks like an ordinary one, but it can't compare to others with long and big legs!
The Pokémon used by the first player to play is Yihuawuniao-Pazipazi style, which is a Huawuniao with electric type and flying type.

After Hua Wuniao came on stage, after saluting to the referee and the audience, she began her performance greatly.

First, it flew into the air and used the [Feather Dance], and the feathers slowly fell down during the rotation.

Then Huawuniao quickly swooped down to the ground, and with a flap of its wings, [Frozen Wind] slowly froze the unfallen feathers in the air.

Then the flower dancing bird began to dance on the ground.

【Awakening Dance】

Because Huawuniao is in the pazipazi style, [Dance of Awakening] has also become an electric move.

The golden electric light danced in the air with the dancing of the flowers and birds.

At the same time, the feathers frozen by [Frozen Wind] also accelerated their falling speed.

At the same time as it landed, the frozen feathers shattered suddenly, adding a touch of crisp whiteness to the golden lightning and the dance of flowers and birds.

As the feathers in the air gradually fell to the ground, the dancing flowers and birds also stopped dancing, and the lightning also dissipated from the air.

Next, it's time to wait for the judges' scoring.

First of all, the first one is a middle-aged man. After hesitating for a while, he scored a very high score and gave his own evaluation.

"It's a very good idea. At first I thought that Hua Wu Niao was just a dance I saw, but I didn't expect to add [Feather Dance] and [Frozen Wind]. To be honest, it really gave me a little surprise."

"Thank you."

Da Da slightly bent down, and suddenly there was a burst of boiling in the live broadcast room.

"I'll give it seven points. It can be seen that you and Huawuniao are not very familiar with this set of movements. Huawuniao's dancing is a little unskilled. Some are afraid of being hit by frozen feathers, and some don't let go. Is it the feeling that you just started practicing recently?"

The second evaluation was a young looking man from the Coordinator Association.

The judging panel consists of three parts, two from the Coordinators Association, one from a local well-known figure, and one from a special guest.

The person who spoke this time was from the Coordinator Association, and pointed out a big problem to the point.

"Yes, I just practiced for a while, so Huawuniao is not very proficient."

Sure enough, what Da Da said also proved that the person from the Coordinator Association was right.

[Oh, it's a pity, if I were the judge, I would definitely give it ten points, just for her... you know (funny)]

[I can only give her eight points if I rush at her. 】

【why? 】

【If she also dances together, I will give ten points (sexy)】

【...Brat! 】

Lu Ze shook his head helplessly after watching the barrage, thinking that he could say something reasonable.

It was the turn of the third judge, and Lu Ze turned the camera directly.

The next second, the live room exploded!

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