Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 517 Hearty Snorkelling Beast

During the temple fair, Kabimon excitedly walked along the road with a handful of grilled squid in one hand.

Not far away, Lu Ze, Tang Yunqin, and Sui Yan are picking out small seafood.


After licking off a bunch of squid in one gulp, the Snorkel squid happily squinted its eyes with the oily flowers around its mouth.

"Mr. Snorkel~"


A grandma's voice came from Snorby's side, and Snorby lowered his head and looked at it with some doubts.

"Mr. Snorkel, it's so comfortable~"

From the perspective of the Snorby, a small head with two pierced heads appeared next to the Snorby's leg, holding the Snorby's calf, with a small face on the Snorby's leg Rubbing back and forth.


Snorkel tilted its head in doubt, but it didn't respond, and let the little girl rub against his lap.

"Thank you Mr. Snorkel~"

After rubbing for a while, the little girl took two steps back with a blushing face, and said embarrassedly to the Kirby.


Snorkel doesn't care, after all, this little girl is really cute.

My Kirby is also good at color control~

After thinking about it for a while, Snorlax squatted down, divided the grilled squid in his hand into two skewers and handed it to the little girl.

"Mr. Snorkel is for me?"


After Snorkel nodded with a smile, the little girl happily took the grilled squid.

"Thank you, Mr. Snorkel~"

After thanking her in a childlike voice, the little girl imitated Snorlax, squinting her eyes and preparing to put the grilled squid into her mouth.


A hand that appeared suddenly covered the little girl's mouth.

"Chenchen, don't eat things outside."

A petting voice came with a helpless tone, not only was the little girl's mouth covered, but the grilled squid was also snatched from her hand.


The little girl glanced at her brother angrily, and struggled to shake off his big hand.

"This is given to me by Mr. Snakemon, it's not something outside!"

The little girl complained to her brother in a childish voice.


Wang Xingqiu paused when he withdrew his hand, and smiled embarrassedly at the little girl.

If I had known earlier, I would have listened to her before throwing it into the trash can.


Snorkel looked at being thrown into the trash can with lonely eyes, and there was still some anger in it.

What Snorlax hates most is wasting food, especially food.

In the view of Snorby, although the grilled squid is not a peerless delicacy, it is still delicious.

Just like that, he threw it away?

Thinking about it, Kirbymon's face gradually calmed down, and he no longer had the smiling look just now.


Wang Xingqiu frowned slightly, and the next moment, the elf ball in his hand was opened, and an equally huge elf stood in front of the little girl, staring lazily at the Kirby beast.

"Mr. Kabimon, I'm sorry, brother, he didn't mean it..."

The little girl quickly trotted out from behind the leave king, snatched the marshmallow from her brother's hand and handed it to Snorlax.

"Please eat the cotton candy my brother bought just now, it's very sweet~"

Kabimon looked at the little girl who was blinking nervously with big watery eyes and couldn't help but soften her heart.


Snorkel showed his smile again, shook his head with a smile, turned his head and left after rejecting the little girl.

Not far away, Lu Ze and Sui Yan also noticed the movement of the Kirby.

But after seeing that there was no conflict between Snorkel and the other side, I didn't care.

"That little girl is so cute, no wonder Snorlax is so gentle."

Sui Yan shook his head with a grin. He had seen the savagery of the Kirby before.

That was still in the time of the little Kabimon.

And the main character is his katti dog.

Because of wasting food, he was cleaned up by the violent little Kabymon.

Since then, no one and no elves will waste food in front of Snorby.

Because now all that can't be eaten can be eaten by the Snorlax, so there is no such thing as wasting food anymore.

"It's all your fault, brother, look, you made Mr. Snakemon angry."

The little girl clasped her arms and complained to Wang Xingqiu angrily.

"Sorry, brother doesn't know either."

Seeing that his sister was angry, Wang Xingqiu quickly knelt down and explained with a smile.

"Ha, so it's a sister-controller."

Looking at the scene in front of him, Sui Yan couldn't help laughing.

"Sister control?"

Wang Xingqiu obviously also heard Sui Yan's voice.

After glaring at Suiyan fiercely, he suppressed his anger and comforted his sister first.

I don't know what I hate most when people say that my sister is in control!

"Sister, wait for us to apologize to Mr. Kabymon, shall we?"

"Okay, okay, but Mr. Snorkel is going away soon."

The little girl was immediately coaxed, and quickly pointed to the back of the Kirby and said to her brother.

During the period, I subconsciously tasted the marshmallow.

"Please leave the king, help me stop Mr. Kabymon."


After the leave king lazily responded, he got up and walked towards the Kirby.

Seeing that the leave king was slow, but the speed was very fast, and he blocked the Kirby beast in one fell swoop.

"What, are you going to fight?"

Sui Yan glanced at Lu Ze excitedly, and asked.

Lu Ze stared at the leave king's eyes.

"This leave king is very powerful!"

The leave king standing in front of the Snorby is also completely worthy of the Snorby. Although the body size is not as good as the Snorby, the height is only a little lower than the Snorby.

Coupled with the explosive muscles on the arm of the leave king and the speed when he just stopped the Snorkel, this leave king is definitely not weak.

"Mr. Kabimon, my sister just wants to apologize to you, don't be so anxious to leave."

"However, Snorkel obviously doesn't want to hear your apology, what should I do?"

Snorby frowned, and Lu Ze also saw Snorby's displeasure.

To be honest, this is the first time Lu Ze has seen someone who can make Snakemon unhappy.

"Are you the trainer of Snorlax?"

Wang Xingqiu glanced at Lu Ze and the others, his eyes paused for a moment on Sui Yan, who had just called him "sister control", and asked coldly.

"That's right, so since my Snorkel doesn't want to talk to you, why should I keep pestering you?"

"Because my sister wants to apologize to your Snorby, for me! Apologize to your Snorkel!"

Wang Xingqiu looked at Lu Ze sharply, and said to Lu Ze word by word.

"Apologizing is this attitude?"

Lu Ze also narrowed his eyes, looking at Wang Xingqiu with unfriendly eyes.

Sui Yan and Tang Yunqin also frowned.

This guy is too proud, do you think the world is centered on him?
"Brother, how about...or forget it."

The little girl behind Wang Xingqiu tugged at his trouser legs in fear, and said cautiously.

"It's fine, don't worry."

After Wang Xingqiu turned his head and comforted his sister with a smile, he turned his head and his face sank again.

"That's my attitude, can't I?"


Lu Ze sneered: "Karbymon, don't worry about him!"


After Kabimon put the last string of grilled squid into his mouth, he stretched out his big hand and wanted to pull away the leave king in front of him.


The leave king was still looking lazy, but he grabbed the hand that Kabimon extended.


After looking at the grasped hand for a moment, Kirbymon was stunned, and then increased his strength.



The strength of the two elves gradually increased, and gradually, the hands of the two elves came into contact and began to wrestle.



Compared to Lu Ze's frown, Wang Xingqiu and Sui Yan were a little surprised.

Wang Xingqiu was amazed that Kabimon had so much strength to wrestle with his leave king.

But Lu Ze and the others were amazed that this leave king could wrestle with the Kirby beast!
They don't know about the leave king, but they do know about Kirbymon.

In their view, the power of the Snorlax is completely strange power, the strange power that can forcibly bring down the rich Bangira.

But now, it was actually blocked by a leave king?


In the end, after the two elves exerted their full strength at the same time, both elves were repelled by two steps, and the floor tiles were also cracked by the heavy trampling of the Snorby and the King of Leave.

"Please leave Mr. Wang, Mr. Kabymon!"

Following the little girl's voice of milk and worry, the two elves collided again.

Snorkel excitedly stretched out its hand and started wrestling with the leave king again.

Finally, once again, I found the strength to go head-to-head.

The last hearty head-to-head battle was in Niijima, when he fought against the Snorbeast with patterns on his body.

The leave king also put away his lazy attitude at this time.

Since the trainer said to stop him, he couldn't let the Snorkel pass him.

As the two elves wrestled, the floor tiles under their feet began to shatter again.


After Wang Xingqiu recovered from the state of surprise, he glanced at Lu Ze.

"Why, does it look familiar?"

Wang Xingqiu thought for a while, and then took a serious look at Lu Ze.

"Where have you seen it?"

Wang Xingqiu looked at Lu Ze, frowned, and tried hard to think about where he had seen Lu Ze.

"Well, why don't you stop for a while?"

Suddenly, a voice came, and a young man with a red armband also appeared on the field.

"Well, there is a special battlefield here. If the elves are too strong, it is easy to cause damage here. So, do you want to go to the training ground to fight?"

This is a temple fair. Although it is possible to fight on the street, it only refers to the kind of fight that will not cause much damage to the venue.

Like the Snorby and the King of Leave, the elves who destroyed the ground just by wrestling, they are not suitable for fighting here.

This is also what these volunteers have to manage.

Let them go to the training ground and continue to fight.

"Do you dare to go to the training ground with me?"


Lu Ze sneered: "Who wouldn't dare?"

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