Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 538 Mewtwo With Headache

"Well, I have something to do tomorrow. According to you, this is called leave?"

"So, are you going to ask for leave tomorrow?"

Lu Ze looked at Chaomeng, who was frowning and slightly embarrassed, and asked amusedly.

Being able to see Chaomeng's expression is really worthwhile for him to stay by Chaomeng's side all the time.

In his impression, Chaomeng has always been the kind that is crazy, cool and explosive, the kind that is full of handsome aura.

It's really rare to see something like this now.


After seeing Lu Ze's eyes, Chaomeng frowned, feeling something was wrong for no reason, but he couldn't feel anything wrong.

After Lu Ze saw that Chaomeng really frowned this time, he quickly put away his watching expression and said seriously: "Yes, you haven't paid your salary yet, should I lend you some first?"

"Can you?"

"of course."

As Lu Ze said, he picked up his phone and began to operate it.

"Okay, you can pay directly with your watch now."

After Lu Ze finished speaking, Chaomeng raised his wrist and took a look. There was a pure black watch on his wrist.

"It's pretty nice."

The watch was received shortly after Lu Ze placed the order, but Chaomeng and Lu Ze were both busy at the time, so they didn't pay attention to it, and Chaomeng just put the watch on and left it alone.

Looking at it now, after Chaomeng wears a watch, he feels quite handsome.

Inexplicably, Lu Ze thought of the Chaomeng trendy brand he saw on the Internet in his previous life. Chaomeng looked handsome in a sweater.

"Okay, let's go, let's go home."


Chaomeng put down his arms with some reluctance, and followed behind Lu Ze.

He wants to find a place to try it now to see if it really works.

But it was clear that there was no place for him to experiment now.

After Lu Ze and Chaomeng walked out of the office, they walked towards the nurturing garden.

Chaomeng is going to see the patterned Pokémon, and Lu Ze is going to bring Snorkel with him.

After a day of familiarization with the patterned Pokémon in the backyard, the extroverted ones are already familiar with the Pokémon in the nursery.

Those who are more introverted gradually got used to this place and did not show any discomfort.


"Jie Jie!"

The moment Chaomeng and Lu Ze stepped into the cultivation park, two Geng ghosts suddenly appeared in front of Lu Ze and Chaomeng, and made faces at them.

"Ah, it doesn't look good."

Lu Ze and Chaomeng didn't look scared at all, which made the two Geng Gui a little unhappy.

"Okay, okay, I have a waveguide, of course I can feel yours."

Lu Ze touched the heads of the two Geng Guis and explained.

Father Lu's Geng Gui raised his head and glanced at Chaomeng suspiciously.

Lu Ze also noticed Geng Gui's eyes, and explained: "Chaomeng, his superpower is very powerful, of course he can spot you too."

"Mouth Jie Jie."

The patterned Geng Gui on the side easily accepted this explanation.

After all, that is Lord Chaomeng, how could he be scared by him so easily?

"Looks like you're getting used to it pretty well."

Chaomeng's superpowers unfolded, covering the entire cultivation garden in one fell swoop.

After seeing that the patterned Pokémon didn't show any discomfort, Chaomeng was relieved.

"Geng Gui, help me call Kirby."


Geng Gui bulged his round body, and after saluting Lu Ze solemnly, he got into the shadow.

"Jie Jie!"


Patterned Geng Gui reported to Chaomeng, and after getting Chaomeng's consent, he also got into the shadow and ran inside with Lu's father's Geng Gui.

"It seems that Geng Gui recognized a boss."


Chaomeng still answered concisely, but Lu Ze didn't care, after all, this is Chaomeng under normal conditions.


After a while, the Kirby walked over slowly, followed by a reluctant patterned Kirby.



"Bika Bika!"

After Snorby patted his chest to reassure Snorby, Snorby nodded, and then smiled embarrassedly at Chaomeng and Lu Ze.

Afterwards, after the patterned Kirby gave a hug to Kirby, he waved with Chaomeng and Lu Ze, and after getting Chaomeng's nod, he turned his head and left.

"Yo, it looks like Snorkel has become a big brother too."

After the patterned Snorby left, Lu Ze patted Snorby's belly with a smile and laughed.


Kabimon touched the back of his head in embarrassment, and gently pushed Lu Ze, signaling them to go home quickly.

"Ha, I'm still shy, okay, let's go home."





Early the next morning, everyone got up and went to do their own things.

Lu Ze still took Victini and Kabimon to the research institute, and Chaomeng was going to play today's temple fair finals.

The mini dragon also followed Chaomeng, not Lu Ze.

As for the Snorlax, because it agreed to Snorlax yesterday, it went to the research institute with Lu Ze today.

Originally, Dengeki Monster also wanted to go to the research institute, because his mother told him last night that there was a Dengeki Monster who looked exactly like him in the research institute and had tattoos.

Electric Shock Warcraft immediately became interested, exactly the same as me?

But today we are going to play the temple fair finals, so even if you are interested, you can only watch it tomorrow.

At this time, there are still five days before the Chinese New Year, and Liu Xiangjun and Lu Ma are still shopping like crazy.

Not surprisingly, Lu Xingguo and Father Lu followed, accompanying, carrying bags and so on.

As for why not Pokémon to carry the bag?
Because Pokémon can't give opinions on behalf of Lu Xingguo and Lu's father.

After all, it was talking about buying new year's goods, but the new year's goods had already been prepared, and now Liu Xiangjun and Lu's mother were simply shopping for new clothes.

"Hey, this elf...why does it look familiar? I seem to have dreamed about it?"

In the temple fair, at the final venue, Fugui looked curiously at Chaomeng who walked into the preparation hall.

But soon, Fugui saw "Lu Ze" following Chaomeng and the miniature dragon on the electric shock monster behind "Lu Ze".


Fugui stood up excitedly and rushed towards "Lu Ze", ignoring anything about Chaomeng.


Sui Yan, who had just walked into the corridor, was a little puzzled when he heard a familiar voice coming from the corridor.

"Why do I seem to hear Fugui's voice?"

Sui Yan was a little puzzled, but he quickened his pace.

After turning a corner, I saw the familiar pink mini-dragon and the mini-dragon looking at "Lu Ze" with a strangely rich face in front of it.

"Ha, didn't Lu Ze say he couldn't participate in the competition!"

Sui Yan just doesn't look at the miniature dragon that looks like the signboard, but can recognize Lu Ze just by looking at Lu Ze's back.

"Lu Ze, can't you just say it?"

Sui Yan's voice came, and now Chao Meng had a headache.

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