Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 541 The Disgusting Pokémon

The temple fair competition is still going on, and finally, Sui Yan is going to play.

Now, Sui Yan finally breathed a sigh of relief: "Phew, it's a good thing I didn't get assigned to a group."

"Ah? What do you mean? Why are you not in a group?"

Fugui was stunned for a moment, looking at Suiyan who stood up and asked curiously.

Sui Yan smiled brilliantly: "I'll tell you when I get back."

With that said, Sui Yan came on stage, leaving behind a rich man in the circle.

Sui Yan's opponent was a muscular and muscular man, although he looked young, Sui Yan was envious of his muscles.

"Please release the spirits from both players."

"Go, Coal Turtle!"

"Go, Sawarang!"

Sure enough, as Sui Yan expected, the opponent's body was full of muscles, and he was really a fighter trainer.


The referee didn't talk nonsense, and after seeing that both of them were ready, he just waved the flag.

The battle begins!
The weather has changed—[Sunny day].

"Shawarang, high-five surprise attack!"

"Coal turtle, turbid fog."


With a soft sound, Shawarang (Flying Leg Lang) slapped the coal turtle with a slap.

The coal tortoise was triggered in the state of [recoil], and directly shrank its head back.

"Kick down!"

"Pull your legs back, turbid mist!"

Although the coal tortoise ran slowly, the speed of shrinking its shell did not dare to slow down.

He was so fast that he retracted his legs into the shell before Shawaran's legs swept over.

And Shawarang's legs could only kick a lonely one.


The purple mist filled the air, Shawarang snorted, and suddenly a strange purple light emerged from his body.

Shawaran, poisoned.



Shawarang stood up firmly, and nodded with his back to the muscular man.

"Okay, then go on, flying knee kick!"

"Sharp Stone Attack!"

Sui Yan still commanded calmly, even if the coal turtle was slow and couldn't dodge it, so what, just interrupt the opponent directly.



The coal turtle stretched out its head lazily, and after glancing at Shawaran, a rock appeared beside it. The next second, the rock turned into spikes and shot straight at Shawaran in the air.


There was a big difference in combat effectiveness, and Shawarang was directly knocked down from the air by [Sharp Rock Attack].


Sui Yan chuckled, the contestants in this competition were as he expected, most of them were junior trainers, only a small part were intermediate trainers.

But it's not hard to understand, after all, advanced trainers basically don't care about the rewards of the champion.

And the most important point is that you can't improve your own level.

You know, trainers can only improve their level more easily if they challenge upwards.

"Invisible Rock, Earthquake!"

Seeing Shawarang who was hurt by his own moves and fell to the ground in pain, Sui Yan didn't show any mercy.

"End his suffering as soon as possible."

Sui Yan was talking, and the coal turtle was moving.

The invisible rock covered the opponent's field in an instant, and at the same time the right front palm fell, and the seismic wave rushed towards Shawarang quickly.

"Shawarang has lost the ability to fight, please send out the next battle elf."

"Come back Shawarang, go, Fire Monkey!"

【Sunny day】, disappeared.

"Fire Monkey, Earthquake!"


As soon as Fiery Monkey came out, he was hit by [Invisible Rock]. Although the damage was not high, Fiery Monkey became more angry visible to the naked eye.

The fiery monkey's eyes slowly turned red, stomped its feet fiercely, and used [Earthquake] directly at the coal turtle.

Suiyan is not in a panic either. [Earthquake] does double damage to coal turtles, but we also have them.

[Earthquake] Touching [Earthquake] The seismic waves of the two [Earthquake] were immediately canceled out.

"Hot monkey, cross chop!"

"Coal turtle, turbid fog."

Sui Yan chuckled, and continued to let the coal turtle use [Mist].

He has fallen in love with this skill since the coal turtle was born not long ago.

At that time, when he was fighting Lu Ze, it was only with the Coal Turtle's hand [Mist] that the Coal Turtle could defeat his little Snorkelling.

[Turbid Fog] As soon as it comes out, it directly covers the surroundings of the coal turtle. This skill is really a magical skill for hitting Pokémon like Shawarang and Fiery Monkey who attack and eat close to the body.

"How despicable!"

The muscular man watched the purple mist envelop the coal turtle and the burning monkey again, his young face was full of anger.

The Fiery Monkey fell into the [Poisoned] state before taking two steps, but he still resisted and slashed on the coal turtle's shell.

The damage is weak.

"How can there be such a disgusting Pokémon as the coal turtle!"

Seeing that the attack of the fiery monkey had no effect at all, his muscular face flushed, and he almost jumped up.

"Fiery Monkey, Ni Lin!"

The muscular man couldn't bear it any longer, and directly let the hot monkey use his trump card.

"Reverse scale?"

Sui Yan watched the fiery monkey's eyes turn red, and the dragon energy on his body was rising, obviously entering the [Reversed Scale] state, so he couldn't help but feel a little interesting.

"Hmph, I can't think of it. It took a lot of effort for me to find someone to teach [Ni Lin] to Hot Monkey."

"Iron wall."


There was a sound of gold and iron colliding, and the fiery monkey bumped into the coal tortoise, but it didn't even miss the position of the coal tortoise.

"It's over..."

After the muscular man saw the coal turtle using [Iron Wall], he seemed to lose his energy all of a sudden.

Although he knew for a long time that his lineup would be very difficult to fight against the Object Shield Pokémon, but when this happened, he was still very helpless.

"What if!"

Soon, the muscular man adjusted his emotions. If he could break his coal turtle, wouldn't it be easy to fight next?

Just when the muscular man was cheering himself up, the coal turtle had already entered the [iron wall] for the second time.

At the same time, Fiery Monkey's second [Reverse Scale] also hit.

[Reverse Scale] It's over, but the coal turtle didn't suffer too much damage.


Sui Yan has completely relaxed now, the Coal Turtle with physical defense +4 can really relax against a pure fighting team.

"Fiery Monkey has lost the ability to fight, please replace the elves."

"Go, Iron Hand Luxembourg!"

"Iron Palm Warrior, high-five surprise attack, burst fist!"

The muscular man also became ruthless, and directly attacked, grinding the coal turtle to death first, maybe it would be easy to beat.

"Coal Turtle, sleep~"

After being subjected to [Surprise Hip Attack] and [Explosive Punch], Sui Yan immediately stopped panicking after seeing that the coal turtle resisted.

[Sleep] with one hand directly.

Now, the muscular man's mentality really collapsed.

After working so hard for a long time, the [sleep] on the opposite side made up for it?

"No, how can I make you feel so good?"

The muscular man felt ruthless in his heart, and continued to direct the iron palm wrestler to attack.

"Iron Hand Luxe!..."

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