Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 549 Stronger Deoxys


Lu Ze touched it again, and a stone was taken out.

"Hey, this is yours, the Super Evolution Stone."

"Super Evolution Stone!"

Lattios became excited when he saw the super evolution stone in Lu Ze's hand.

"This, is it something that can make my basic ability surpass Rayquaza?"

"Yes, that's right, now I give it to you as a New Year's gift."

As Lu Ze said, he put the Lattios Super Evolution Stone on the portable device of the elf carrier, and then brought it to his wrist according to Lattios' intention.

"Although it is given to you now, whether you can use it or not depends on yourself."

Lu Ze doesn't know if the current Latios can evolve independently, but he doesn't care, it would be nice if he could evolve independently.

If you can't, it's no big deal.

After Lu Ze finished speaking, Latios nodded excitedly, then closed his eyes and began to sense the energy in the super evolution stone.


After a while, Latios opened his eyes bitterly, and shook his head helplessly.

"Can't you?"


Lattios nodded: "It seems that my efforts are not enough."

Lu Ze laughed, but he didn't tell Latios what he thought.

After all, it is really uncertain that it can evolve autonomously.

If Latios can't evolve on his own after he said it, wouldn't that be a lie to him?
Lu Ze thought wickedly.

However, the reason why Latios cannot evolve independently is because he was subdued?
This question is destined to have no answer in a short time, so Lu Ze didn't think too much about it, and continued to distribute New Year's gifts to the elves.

Next, Miss Qun'er's dance collection, Lucario's gloves, rogue crocodile's sunglasses, iron claw lobster's body protection oil and so on.

After giving gifts to the elves one by one, the elves were very happy.

The most special thing among them was the sweet and cold beauty queen, who didn't even pay attention to see what gift Lu Ze gave her, so she rushed up and threw herself into Lu Ze's arms.

Sweet and cold after: (● )
After giving Lu Ze two sweet and cold kisses, he was dragged down by Miss Qun'er who came back to his senses.

Really, I still think that you will restrain yourself in front of the eldest sister.

After Miss Qun'er reluctantly dragged the sweet and cold beauty back, the sweet and cold beauty began to look at the gift Lu Ze gave her happily.

The gift of sweet and cold beauty is a disc, which contains a sweet love drama.

Sweet and cold, after seeing the cover, she suddenly became excited again, and wanted to throw herself into Lu Ze's arms and give Lu Ze two kisses.

But this time, she was intercepted in the air by the well-prepared Miss Qun'er.

Really, one time is enough, come a second time, really treat me as a display?

Miss Qun'er angrily tapped Tian Lengmeihou on the head with a cane whip, and Tian Lenghou calmed down.

Next, the two couple scarves of Ibrahimovic Sun and Ibrahimovic Moon.

The Sun Ibrahimovic wears a black scarf, and the Moon Ibrahimovic wears a purple scarf, corresponding to the color of the opponent's body.

Similarly, the father of Menus and the daughter-in-law of Menus are also the same pair of tail accessories for couples.

The khaki color scheme matches the two blue tails of Menus very well, and even the father of Menus gave Lu Ze a look of "you have vision".

Lu Ze proudly raised his head at Father Menus and continued to give gifts.

The headdress for Sister Nianmeilong is a gentle, little girlish headdress, similar to a small crown.

This little crown was specially commissioned by Lu Ze. It not only fits perfectly on Nian Meilong's head, but also shows the "emperor" of Nian Meilong's family.

When Nian Meilong took the crown, she also understood what Lu Ze wanted to express, but after giving Lu Ze a white look, she still put it on her head.

Next up is the charizard cat... pot pot bag.

Because the fire-breathing dragon always carries pots when going out, Lu Ze prepared this backpack similar to a cat bag for the fire-breathing dragon.

Huhu often sleeps on top of the fire-breathing dragon when he goes out, which is inconvenient for both the fire-breathing dragon and Huhu, so Lu Ze prepared this.

Let the pot sleep in the bag on the back of the fire-breathing dragon, so that when the fire-breathing dragon flies, you don't have to pay too much attention to the pot on the top of the head.

After all, the last time Huhu fell asleep on his head, when the fire-breathing dragon flew back from the window, he accidentally hit the sleeping Huhu on the window eaves, and was directly knocked down by Huhu.

The sleepy pot fell on the grass outside in a daze.

Then, I didn't talk to the Charizard for three days.


The fire-breathing dragon excitedly held the pot bag and showed off to the pot above its head.

Huhu touched the bag at that time, which was no longer painful, and became slightly happier.

"Oh, yes, there are pots and pots of presents in the backpack."


"Ku Qi?"

The fire-breathing dragon and Huhu were taken aback for a moment, and then Huhu immediately became excited, and quickly directed the fire-breathing dragon to open the backpack.

In the pot pot backpack, as soon as I opened it, I saw a small nest in the shape of a charizard that was scaled down in proportion.

Huhu and the fire-breathing dragon can understand at a glance, this is the sleeping nest prepared for Huhu.

Hu Hu didn't wait for the fire-breathing dragon to say anything, he jumped directly from the top of the fire-breathing dragon's head, and jumped onto the small nest of the fire-breathing dragon in the pot.


A comfortable voice came out, and Huhu waved his hand at the fire-breathing dragon, signaling the fire-breathing dragon to close the schoolbag.

After the fire-breathing dragon smiled indulgently, he followed the intention of the pot and closed the schoolbag.

After closing, the pot didn't feel dark, because there was a semi-circular transparent cover on the side, which could shine in the light very well.

Not only that, there is a layer of curtains inside the glass cover, and a layer of tassels on the outside that can also be pulled to block the light.

It can be said that the schoolbag specially customized by Lu Ze really takes care of every aspect of the pot.

"Hey, Deoxys, this is yours."

Lu Ze threw a silver-gray irregular stone directly in the direction of Deoxys.

Looking at the stone, Deoxys was also a little excited. After taking over the stone with his superpower, he crushed it directly, and then the silver-gray stone turned into powder and was absorbed by Deoxys.

Looking at Deoxys, whose aura became stronger after absorbing the comet fragments, Lu Ze asked with a smile.

"How about it, Deoxys, can you beat Likuza now?"

Deoxys froze for a moment, and after thinking for a while, he shook his head.

"Deoxys said that although he may not be able to defeat Raykonza now, it is not so easy for Raykonzai to defeat him."

Lattios looked at Deoxys enviously, and then translated Deoxys' words to Lu Ze.

"Whenever I can be as confident as him."

As Latios thought about it, he couldn't help but think of the picture of him stepping on Lie Kongzao.

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