Chapter 558

"Uh, okay."

Lu Ze sighed in disappointment. Now that Chaomeng saw it, this routine can no longer be used.

This routine can only catch people by surprise, and it can be easily cracked by others.

As long as there are people in the team who can change the weather, or have preemptive skills, or people with skills like [Double Kick] and [Double Needle], they can solve this routine.

After all, the premise of this routine is the incidental damage of the [Sandstorm] weather and the [Sturdy] characteristic of Pokémon itself.

Moreover, the magically reformed small fist stone is obviously not as good as Cocodora, which originally belonged to this routine.

Cocoa Dora can not only use [Sandstorm] to deal the last bit of damage, but also bring [Very Poison] to deal that little bit of damage.

But the best thing is to have other Pokémon to help open [Sandstorm], and using [Very Poison] by yourself is only a last resort.

Chaomeng looked at Lu Ze with dangerous eyes: "So, are you going to use this routine to target me?"

Lu Ze laughed awkwardly: "Haha, no, how is it possible, am I that kind of person?"


Lu Zhengjie on the side nodded slightly, and said decisively.

"It's not only this kind of person, but he also cheated me for lunch."


Lu Ze immediately complained: "How can it be a trap? I earned it with my brain!"


Lu Zhengjie: "..."

"Alright, alright."

Lu Ze sighed helplessly, then immediately stood up again: "I am this kind of person, what should I do!"

With that said, Lu Ze put Victini on his head, laughed and walked outside.

Squirrels and the others are playing with the patterned Pokémon. After such a long time, Lu Ze felt that it was time to visit them.

It's definitely not because I'm embarrassed that I want to escape here.

"How about? Let's play a game?"

One person and one elf looked at Lu Ze's gradually disappearing back. After being speechless, Lu Zhengjie asked Chaomeng cautiously.

"it is good."

Chaomeng agreed calmly, and then sat where Lu Ze had just been.

To be honest, it was his first time playing today, and he hasn't enjoyed it yet.

"It's all Lu Ze's fault. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have sat with Lie Kong!"

After Chaomeng sat down, he thought about what Lu Ze had done to him just now, and the fierce light in his eyes could hardly be hidden.

And this scene happened to be seen by Lu Zhengjie who was on the side.

"This...he's so fierce, I'm so scared, why did I propose to play games with him? Should I lose to him directly?"

At this moment, Lu Zhengjie's head speed increased instantly, and the cpu was almost burned.

Fortunately, at this time, one person and one elf have already selected their own lineup.

The battle has begun.

Now, Lu Zhengjie breathed a sigh of relief.

"The first one, it's fine to lose to him, coax him first, and then win."

"In this way, I will not make him angry, but also show my strength and make him look at me high."

Lu Zhengjie's thoughts at this time were the same as the direct competition between licking the dog and the goddess. He wanted to make the goddess happy, but he didn't want the goddess to feel that he was useless.

Unfortunately, Chaomeng is not what Lu Zhengjie imagined.

In the next half hour, Lu Zhengjie lost three games in a row at a rapid pace.

Now, Lu Zhengjie couldn't hold back his face completely, and turned his head to look at Chaomeng with a plain face.

Really fake ah, why so fierce ah?

Lu Zhengjie's mood at this time was the same as that of the Goddess and the dog licking match, the Goddess won all three rounds.

Not only is the goddess of happiness powerful, but she is also afraid that the goddess will look down on her because she lost all three games.

"It's weak."

Sure enough, the words that Chaomeng uttered at the next moment made Lu Zhengjie's energy seem to have been emptied.

After Chaomeng glanced at Lu Zhengjie who was slumped on the stool, he got up and went back to the computer that Lu Ze specially prepared for him.

He is not in the mood to pay attention to other people's thoughts. For him, there are only two most important points now.

The first point is to defeat Lu Ze.

The second point is to defeat Rayquaza.

Defeating Lu Ze depends on this game, so he needs to fill in all the data of this game as soon as possible. After making him complete, he can return to the correct path of defeating Lu Ze.

Similarly, after the game is completed, while thinking about how to defeat Lu Ze, you can also exercise your body while playing the game, and work hard to defeat Rayquaza.

To sum up, if you want to accomplish your goal, all you need now is to sort out this most important game first.

This is the fastest way to achieve your goals.

Chaomeng now doesn't want to trouble Mengmeng anymore.

After all, he is very "mature" now, and the current dream is just a child who has not grown up in his eyes.

What's more, Mengmeng has a lot of credit for his appearance.

Chaomeng saw that at the temple fair two days ago, Mengmeng sneered as he ate a marshmallow much bigger than his body.

"It's just a child!"

After finishing speaking, Chaomeng was immersed in the data calculation of Pokémon again.

"Little... kid?"

Lu Zhengjie turned his stiff neck incredulously and looked at Chaomeng, whose back was facing him.

"So, I'm just a child!"

Lu Zhengjie wanted to cry, but at this moment, he was like taking the goddess to an amusement park, only to be called childish by the goddess for licking a dog.

My heart is full of disbelief and sadness.

So, this is how I look in the eyes of the goddess?

Lu Ze, who was shooting outside, didn't know that his little brother had been inadvertently broken by the upright Chaomeng.

He is now watching his Pokémon playing with the Pokémon in the Nurturing Park and Mewtwo's patterned Pokémon.

The Pokémon and Patterned Pokémon in the Nurturing Garden, because of Lu Ze's influence on Mewtwo, are now also wearing bright red clothes.

The Pokémon were playing together, and Lu Ze was not idle.

After taking some pots and pans from the research institute, Lu Ze made elf food on the open grass.

Little Ibrahimovic was stunned when he saw the very familiar yet unfamiliar cauldron in Lu Ze's hand.

(This guy is making hell food again!)
Little Ibrahimovic looked horrified at each of the Baofen who were soon to be cooked.

Although it was a pink Baofen, but when Little Ibrahimovic thought of the smell of that pink Baofen that time, his face immediately became gloomy.

(Go away! That man has made horrible food again!)
Little Ibrahimovic decided in an instant that he should drag his little friend to escape first, so as not to be caught and eat that hell food again later.


The little friend Ibrahimovic was having a good time, and suddenly he was grabbed by little Ibrahimovic, so he turned his head and looked at little Ibrahimovic curiously, wondering why she grabbed him?


(Look there! It's scary!)

 wait there is another chapter
(End of this chapter)

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