Chapter 808 Dream~

Seeing the smile in Lu Ze's eyes, Sui Yan was a little scared.

After hugging the elf egg in his arms tightly, he quickly took a few steps back.

"I'm the one with a girlfriend!"

"go away!"

Lu Ze rolled his eyes, he must be sick, who would be interested in a man!
Pokémon are the best!

"Hey, just kidding, in case you ask too much."

Sui Yan smiled and took two steps forward again: "What do you want me to do, tell me?"

"Of course I went to work as a coolie."

Lu Ze rolled his eyes, and after telling Sui Yan, he turned around and prepared to return to Shangqing.

Not to mention more than 100 elf eggs, with Deoxys and Latios here, they will be able to organize and put them away soon.

But there are still some jobs they can't do.

These require Lu Ze and Sui Yan to come.

"Well, for the sake of this quasi-god elf egg."

After Sui Yan nodded with his head held high, he boarded the subway back with Lu Ze who rolled his eyes.

After Lu Ze and the others returned to the nurturing garden, Lu's mother had already arrived here with almost all the dolls and Miss Qu'er.

"this is?"

Looking at the elf eggs in his small warehouse, Lu Ze asked curiously about the almost doll.


"He said it was the administrator your mother brought you."

After translating it, Latios came up curiously to look at the elf egg.

Any administrators who haven't been born yet?

Lu Ze nodded, and after glancing at the information about the elf egg, he was pleasantly surprised.

It really is an administrator!
Elf: Little Fudan

gender: female

Attribute: General

Feature: Friendship Defense (The direct damage caused by moves received by Pokémon other than yourself is reduced by [-]/[-].)
Qualification: Orange

Basic skills: slap, imitate.

Genetic Skills: Aromatherapy, Gravity, Healing Bells, Double Refund.

Mom really gave herself a big surprise.

Not only an administrator, but also a good trainer of Pokémon.

[Gravity] This genetic skill is very good for Pokémon training.

Especially for physical strength and physical training.


I have to say that this little lucky egg is really good, and it will be even better after it evolves into a happy egg.

But the excitement belongs to the excitement, and the business still cannot be forgotten.

After directing the staff of the Pokémon Store to put the culture medium and elf eggs in place, Deoxys and Latios, who had already returned, started to work.

After the super power was released and all the elf eggs were put into the culture medium and arranged by the way, Lu Ze and Suiyan began to inject the nutrient solution into it.

With the help of Qiqiwawa and Miss Qun'er, Lu Ze and the others quickly completed the task.

"Go, go and see your cultivation garden."

After finishing the work, Sui Yan breathed a sigh of relief, and said to Lu Ze with a smile on his face.

The nurturing garden was almost finished in the past two days. Except for Lu Ze and Lu Ma who just arrived here, no one else has seen it yet.

Sui Yan was naturally very curious.

"it is good."

Lu Ze turned his head and glanced at the elf eggs in the room, then took Sui Yan and the others away.

I really can't wait, how lively my nursery will be after these little guys are born.

After the two came to the breeding garden together, they saw a group of Ibrahimovic playing on the grass.

Mama Lu took Victini and mini dragons who had come back and they were happily playing on the grass.

Seeing this scene, the kapok ball flew directly from Snorby's shoulders, and rushed towards Lu Ma and the others.

After Bogaman's eyes flickered in Lu Ze's arms, he still didn't move in the end.

Lu Ze looked at Ibrahimovic and couldn't help smiling. These Ibrahimovic were brought by Lu's mother, in order to add some new species to Lu Ze's cultivation garden.

Eevee is such a cute Pokémon that doesn't exist in the nursery, it's perfect.

"Mom, how about my nursery?"

After Lu Ze came to Lu Ma's side, he asked Lu Ma proudly.

After Lu Ma turned her head and glanced at Lu Ze, she turned her attention to the victini in her arms again.

While massaging Victini, he said to Lu Ze.

"There are too few types of Pokémon, and..."

After a pause, Mama Lu shook her head: "Nothing."

Lu Ze chuckled: "Isn't this just the beginning, you just need to see if my place is big or not."

Lu's mother is too transparent: "Well, it is indeed bigger than mine, and there are many good places."

Although Lu Ma's own nurturing garden is affiliated with the Longguo National Research Institute.

But her place is not very big, after all, it can be regarded as within the second ring road.

In one, her nurturing garden does not have as many terrain types as Lu Ze's nurturing garden.

There is only a pool and grass in the cultivation garden in the research institute.

"of course."

Lu Ze nodded proudly, that's why he chose this place in the first place.

Otherwise, go to the suburbs and get a bigger place.

Of course, the location of Shangqing is still very good.

"Okay, you've fulfilled your dream, let's work hard."

Mama Lu smiled, thinking of the way Mo Xingguo and Lu Anguo blew their beards and stared angrily after they learned that Lu Ze had opened a nursery, she couldn't help but feel a little funny.

One thinks that Lu Ze is talented in elf research, and opening a nurturing garden is not doing his job properly.

One thinks that since Lu Ze has won the World Youth Championship, he must be talented in trainers, and opening an incubator is not doing his job properly.

Anyway, no matter how you say it, you are saying that Lu Ze is not doing his job properly.

But this is nothing to Lu's mother.

My son is a genius in all walks of life.

Even after opening the nursery, he will not fall behind in terms of trainers.

Naturally, researchers will not be left behind.

My son is a genius!
Mama Lu raised her head proudly, and without arguing with them, she brought the doll and Miss Qun'er to Lu Ze.

"That's natural!"

Lu Ze smiled proudly, this is his dream all along!
My illustrated book collection plan has officially started now!



Three days passed in a flash.

Lu Ze didn't choose to go to school that day, but asked for leave directly.

Because he has more important things to do!

If there is no accident, the elf eggs bought from the Pokémon store can be hatched today.

For this reason, he was going to a big milk tank farm near Shangjing yesterday and borrowed a few big milk tanks.

The main thing is a fresh one!
At seven o'clock in the morning, Lu Ze had already arrived at the hut where the culture medium was placed.

Seeing the room full of elf eggs, Lu Ze couldn't help but get excited.

The Pokémon hatched this time can only be regarded as the first step in fulfilling his dream.

After all, eight or nine hundred Pokémon cannot be collected overnight.

But a good start is still very necessary.

When Lu Ze was excited, the first elf egg began to flicker.

This is exactly what a Pokémon is about to hatch.

"Almost a doll, get ready!"

Lu Ze became excited in an instant, and quickly shouted at the almost doll behind him.


After the doll agreed sweetly, she took out a milk jug.

The milk jug is full of moomoo milk from the big milk jug.


A childish voice came, and the white light had disappeared at this time.

The first Pokémon in the elf eggs brought back by Lu Ze was born!
The Ubo of the water system and the ground system.

Bogaman looked at Wu Bo, curiously poking out a small head from behind Lu Ze.

In the past two days, he has also resettled in the lake in the cultivation garden.

He didn't have any idea of ​​fighting, so although Lu Ze had some regrets, he still respected Bogaman's idea.

However, apart from the Carp King, there are not many other Pokémon in the current lake.

Because of the running water, many Pokémon live in several lakes and other rivers nearby.

There are not many people who make their homes in this lake in the Luze Nursery.

So when he saw a Pokémon that might be his neighbor in the future, Bogaman was still very happy.

"Boga Boga~"


After eating two mouthfuls of newborn Pokémon Power Cubes and drinking a bottle of Moomoo's milk, Wubo also burped, and then communicated with Bogaman who took the initiative to come forward.

Lu Ze just watched the communication between the two little guys without making a sound.

There are not a lot of Pokémon in his own breeding garden, but because of the beginning of the reason, even many races have become Pokémon in his breeding garden.

But the old gaps still exist.

It will take a long time for them to be as harmonious as Lu Ma's nurturing garden, besides having a strong leader.

The leader, Lu Ze, is almost ready.

Patterned Pokémon are a good fit for this class.

Although now that they have no need to fight, their strength has not increased much.

But the strength of their senior-level Pokémon is still very strong in this cultivation garden.

Pogaman and Ubo were happy to communicate, and the two Pokémon quickly held hands... and walked towards their "new home" physically.

Ubo and Bogaman are both Pokémon that can survive underwater as well as on the ground.

So the lake that Lu Ze chose for them was the one near the waterfall.

The pool below the waterfall is perfect for them.

But this is also the reason why other Pokémon are not in this lake.

After the birth of the first Pokémon, Lu Ze couldn't help but look forward to it even more.

The members of his second team battle team haven't formed yet, and if there are any Pokémon who want to fight in the future, they can be included in their second team.

After Bogaman and Wubo left, soon an elf egg flickered again.

But this time was different from Wubo's. After the elf egg flickered, another elf egg flickered right after it.

"Two at once!"

Lu Ze was a little excited, he knew these two Pokémon.

Because these two Pokémon are from Yusanjia.

A tortoise and a wooden gecko.

Both are grass-type Yusanjia, but these two are also one of Lu Ze's favorite two grass-type Yusanjia.

Of course, he likes all the other Grass-type imperial families, except for Brikalon, who is really a bit unpleasant in appearance.

Well, there is also Chrysanthemum Leaf that does not evolve.

For geraniums, it really didn't grow on Lu Ze's aesthetics.

Two Pokémon were born soon. Compared with the more lively tortoise, Mu Shougong is a little shy.

They saw Lu Ze the first time they opened their eyes.

The tortoise crawled directly towards Lu Ze, and the joy in its eyes could be clearly seen.

Mu Shougong was different. After hesitating for a while, Mu Shougong followed the grass seedling tortoise and walked towards Lu Ze who was looking at the two of them expectantly.

Lu Ze looked at the two Pokémon happily. Although the personalities of the two Pokémon are somewhat different, it may be because the grass seedling turtle is a boy and the wooden Shougong is a girl.

After the tortoise quickly came to Lu Ze's side, it expressed its happiness by touching Lu Ze's head.

But Mu Shougong just stood aside, a little shy.

The cross-word bat beside him couldn't help showing a smile after seeing Mu Shougong like this.


Spreading his wings, he took Mu Shougong into his arms, and then took the Momoo milk from the electric shock beast.

After Mu Shougong raised his head and looked at the cross-bat curiously, he focused on Momoo's milk.

He was really hungry when he was just born.

Especially the appearance of the tortoise next to it drinking so deliciously made her even more hungry.

Ubo left with Bogaman, but the two Pokémon were different.

After they got acquainted with Lu Ze, they all moved to Lu Ze's side and had no intention of leaving.

Lu Ze didn't care either. After hugging the two of them, he directed Deoxys and Latios to take action.

Almost all other Pokémon were born on this day.

In this case, it is better to move all the elf eggs on the grass outside the house, and then accompany the born Pokémon outside while waiting for other elf eggs to break their shells.

On the grass, the two grass-type Pokémon were obviously very happy.

After the strangeness of the newborn Pokémon passed, the two little guys played with the kapok ball and the mini dragon on the grass.

Seeing this scene, Lu Ze couldn't help but feel a little moved.

Isn't this what the Pokémon world of my dreams looks like?

"Ding dong~"

Mo Qiancheng: You're still clearing up, right?

Lu Ze: Yes, what's wrong?
Mo Qiancheng: Do you want to come to this secret place to play?

Lu Ze: The secret realm has opened?

Mo Qiancheng: No, but let me tell you if it is turned on, do you want to come?

Lu Ze: Well...let's talk about it later, I'm working on the nursery right now.

Mo Qiancheng: There is a surprise~

After Mo Qiancheng sent a message to Lu Ze, he glanced at the giant golden monster guarding the elf egg with a smile on his face, and picked up the phone again.

Mo Qiancheng: Your dream~
(End of this chapter)

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