Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 827 I'm Mewtwo!

Chapter 827 I'm Mewtwo!
"How about the miniature dragon? Are you having fun?"

After Lu Ze returned to his elf cultivation garden, he caught the miniature dragon that rushed over and asked with a smile.

Riolu had disappeared as soon as he came back.

I guess I went to the grass seedling turtle and Mu Shougong to show off.

Although the wind goblin didn't show off to Prince Bo, she could tell by the way she glanced towards the pool.

It's too late to show off.


The mini-dragon smiled happily, and pointed with its tail to Wang Lingran who was being played with by two Kirbys.

"She said that Kabimon nearly knocked out Wang Xingqiu's Pokémon."

After Lattios raised his eyebrows at Wang Xingqiu, he translated the words of the mini dragon to Lu Ze.

"A fight?"

Lu Ze turned his head to look at Wang Xingqiu, feeling a little surprised.

How can this still be fought?

Wang Xingqiu covered his face and waved his hands to Latios.

The meaning is obvious.

You tell him, I won't say such embarrassing things myself.

With a smile, Lattios told Lu Ze exactly what happened just now, and Lu Ze couldn't help laughing.

"Hahaha, let me just call you a sister-in-law!"

"This is my Pokémon Nurturing Garden, how could I let him have that kind of Pokémon that can hurt people!"

Lu Ze laughed and said, but it was true.

With the efforts (threats) of Lu Ze (Victini), the current Big Needle Bee will not attack anyone who enters their territory, whether it is a human or a Pokémon.

They will now only attack those who are hostile to them.

For example, just now Wang Xingqiu asked his leave king to take action against the Kabimon.

This kind of behavior is tantamount to hostility in Lu Ze's Pokémon Cultivation Garden.

In this case, they can actively attack.

However, Lu Ze really did not expect that the sudden burst of power from the patterned Kirby would directly throw the leave king away.

Although the use of the [belly drum] skill has greatly increased its own strength.

But this is already very illustrative.

"Who knows!"

Wang Xingqiu became angry from embarrassment, and turned his head to Lu Ze fiercely.

But soon, the anger on his face disappeared. Instead, he turned his head thoughtfully and looked at the patterned Kirby who was playing with Wang Lingran.

"By the way, does this Snorby have a trainer?"

"Don't think about it, if you subdue him, you will have a live PK match when Chaomeng comes back."

Lu Ze waved his hand, what a joke, I won't give Chaomeng if I want it, you still want to.

Lu Ze originally wanted to take the patterned Pokémon to the Heavenly King Challenge.

After all, the King of Heaven Challenge is not like a college student competition, which must be cultivated by oneself after obtaining the first Pokémon.

In the Heavenly King Challenge, not only can you use your guardian Pokémon since you were a child, but you can also use powerful Pokémon that you directly tamed.

Such as those of the Lord of the Secret Realm.

Of course, these Pokémon must be your Pokémon first.

For example, many guardian Pokémon were tamed by family members at the beginning, but they were just followed by children. Those kind of Pokémon are not my own Pokémon and cannot participate in the competition.

And if Wang Lingran's Fangtooth Shark and Patchlitz are guardian Pokémon that he has tamed, he can also participate in the King's Challenge in the future.

Of course, the threshold for a king-level trainer in the King Challenge still has to be met.

Therefore, as long as the patterned Pokémon are subdued by Lu Ze, Lu Ze can take them to participate in the Heavenly King Challenge.

But obviously, Chaomeng disagrees.

Wang Xingqiu touched his chin, still staring at the patterned Kirby over there.

He hasn't given up yet.

Participating in the Tianwang Challenge is one.

The other one is that his sister likes Kirby.

Originally, he also wanted to raise a Kirby himself.

But at least he has to wait for him to become a king-level trainer before the old man can let him tame the Pokémon of the second team.

It will take some time for the second team of Pokémon to evolve from the little Snorbymon to Snorbymon.

If the Snorby was subdued directly in the wild, he was also afraid that the Snorby would not be too gentle and would not play with his sister.

And the patterned squirrel has no trainer now, and it looks like it is very happy to play with its sister.

It couldn't be better!
As long as it can be subdued, all problems will be solved!
"No, ask?"

Wang Xingqiu turned his head to look at Lu Ze again.

But Lu Ze just looked at him with a smile on his face and didn't speak.

"what happened?"


Lu Ze smiled and motioned Wang Xingqiu to look behind him.

"what happened?"

Chaomeng, who just came back, looked at Wang Xingqiu, then at Lu Ze, frowned slightly, and asked.


Wang Xingqiu, who wanted to ask just now, saw Chaomeng suddenly appearing in front of him, but he didn't dare to speak.

"He wants to subdue the patterned Kirby."

Seeing that Wang Xingqiu didn't dare to speak, Lu Ze, who didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement, said his thoughts with a smile on his face.

"Conquer the Snorlax?"

Chaomeng frowned, and looked at Wang Xingqiu with an amused expression.



Chaomeng nodded, Wang Xingqiu immediately became excited, and quickly raised his head to look at Chaomeng.

"of course it's true."

The smile on Chaomeng's face narrowed: "Just beat me!"


Wang Xingqiu softened instantly.

What a joke, if you can beat your Mewtwo...

Well, I still want Kirby, after all, my sister likes it.

And Lu Ze's Kirby is obviously impossible.

This is totally fine.

Chaomeng took a look at Wang Xingqiu and saw that he seemed to have given up an idea before coming to Lu Ze.

"Why did you come back suddenly?"

Lu Ze asked curiously.

After the end of the World Championship, Chaomeng left.

He is going to practice, to improve his own strength, for the appointment with Lie Kongzai next spring.

Originally, he might not be able to defeat Rayquaza.

Now I also learned that Rayquaza can also Mega Evolve.

This made Chaomeng even more nervous.

So after the end of the World Championship, Chaomeng didn't go back to Dragon Country, and went directly to find a place to practice.

But we agreed to come back together during the Chinese New Year, and there are still more than two months left.

Why did you come back suddenly?

Facing Lu Ze's question, Chaomeng couldn't help but frowned.

"I felt a bad, but very familiar breath."

Chaomeng frowned and said to Lu Ze.

After Chaomeng left, he began to practice within the world.

Hot deserts, high-pressure seabeds, icy snow-capped mountains, and more.

During this period of time, I was cultivating penance on the highest mountain in the world.

However, he who was undergoing hard training suddenly felt a familiar feeling just now, but it made him feel a little uneasy.

After thinking for a while, Chaomeng didn't understand what was going on.

Then after thinking about it, he was not far from Lu Ze.

Then it directly evolved into the form of Chaomeng Y, and came back directly.

Ask Lu Ze to see if Lu Ze knows anything.

Then look at your Pokémon.

"Uneasy feeling?"

Lu Ze frowned, but there was no clue.

The main reason is that this feeling of uneasiness is too general.

"You don't know either?"

Chaomeng frowned, but Lu Ze didn't even know?
So what is the situation?
Chaomeng is wondering here, and the girl over there is also struggling.

Just now her overpowering power also sent her a signal.

The fluctuation of the power of transcendence brought her inexplicable palpitations.

The moment the black beam of light fell.

Of course, she didn't know what the palpitations meant, and thought it was a reminder from the power of overcoming that she wanted to give the slate of Arceus' attributes to others.

"It's just a WeChat message, it doesn't seem to matter if you don't send it."

The girl's brows were all frowned, although she didn't know what would happen if she sent the slate in her hand.

But the fluctuations just now from the power of overcoming are very obvious.

But, if you don't send it out, after all, you really lost to Lu Ze.

The girl is still struggling, but what she doesn't know is that the fluctuations from the overcoming power have nothing to do with Arceus' slate.

"I really don't know, you have too little information." Lu Ze said helplessly spreading his hands.

You are the only one who feels heart palpitations, what can I do about it.


After Chaomeng nodded, he turned his head and looked at the patterned Pokémon who were either playing or training on the grass.

After seeing them living comfortably, a smile appeared on Chaomeng's face.

Lu Ze didn't bother Chaomeng at this time either. Sitting on the grass, he also watched the Pokémon in his breeding garden playing around.

The breeze blew gently, moving Lu Ze's hair, and also made the little ones who were playing feel the coolness from winter.

"Huh? Why did they go?"

After Lu Ze watched a group of little guys running towards a place in unison, he asked Latios curiously.

"They went to find the Coal Turtle and the Burning Worm, and it's warmer around them."

Lattios smiled. After the weather has gotten colder and colder recently, the coal turtle and burning bug have instantly become the favorites of other little guys.

It's okay during the day, and they will come out to play when the sun comes out.

But at night, or when they feel cold, they will swarm towards the place where the coal turtle and burning bug are.

The coal tortoise was out of breath, one or two at the beginning, not to mention all of them came later, and the burning insects were also brought to heat up!
But there is no way, who let his house be in this cave.

He didn't want to change it.

But even so, every time the little ones came over in the sophomore year, the coal turtle would take the initiative to raise its temperature.

Then, together with the burning worm, he made his own cave very warm.

Of course, Coal Turtle became more and more happy doing this kind of thing after that, and became more and more active.

Because there are too many Pokémon born in this batch.

Also because they wanted to spend the night in a warm place, they helped Coal Turtle expand his home a bit.

Then they found that the coal turtle worked harder to raise the temperature.

This discovery made them even more excited, and they worked harder.

Coal Turtle just watched his home grow bigger day by day.

Who can understand this sense of accomplishment!
"Indeed, it's getting colder now."

Lu Ze also nodded and said, if it wasn't for the training of his Pokémon, he would have gone home now.

However, they still train so hard in such a cold day, do you want to reward them?
Of course I do!

In an instant, Lu Ze made a decision.

Look at the weather, there will be no sun tomorrow, just start preparing tomorrow morning, and you can eat it tomorrow night.

After making a decision in his heart, Lu Ze also began to prepare materials online.

"Rayquaza, has the super evolution succeeded?"


Lu Ze was preparing the ingredients, but Chaomeng's sudden question made Lu Ze stunned.

"Oh, no."

After Lu Ze reacted, he said to Chaomeng.

"I also said today that Lie Kongzai couldn't find the direction of super evolution, and said that he came to me these two days."

"That's it."

As Chaomeng said, his eyes shone with a strange light.

Rayquaza hasn't completed the super evolution yet, and now...

In other words, do you want to advance the battle between yourself and Rayquaza to now?
In this case, I have a very high winning rate against Rayquaza who has not super evolved.

However, Chaomeng's eyes only flickered for a few seconds, and soon calmed down again.

What's the point of defeating Rayquaza, who hasn't super-evolved, after the super-evolution?

I am super dreamy!
Of course I want to defeat the strongest Rekuza!
With a roar in Chaomeng's heart, a strong super power burst out suddenly.

The moment Chaomeng's super power burst out, a blue shield suddenly opened on Lu Ze's body.

The moment the blue shield was opened, a purple shield opened outside Lu Ze's blue shield.

At the same time, a black shield also wrapped Lu Ze and the two shields, and opened on the outermost layer.

Immediately afterwards, a powerful wave of super power swept across.

However, the first barrier blocked all the superpowers emitted by Chaomeng unconsciously.

After the super power was swept away, Lattios finally realized at this time, and added a powder blue super power barrier outside Lu Ze's three-layer barrier.


Lu Ze, who was looking at his mobile phone, raised his head strangely, and looked at Chaomeng beside him.

Why does the waveguide in his body protect himself automatically?

After Lu Ze looked over with a blank gaze, Chaomeng was a little embarrassed and quickly took back the superpowers that he spilled out.

Fortunately, the range and power of the overflow were not that great, and there was only a half-meter-deep pit under my feet.

If this powerful superpower sweeps Lu Ze, it might just blow Lu Ze away.

Chaomeng frowned, a little puzzled why he couldn't even control his super power.

Although I was really excited just now.

But even my own superpowers can't control this, which is something that shouldn't be done.

Thinking of this, Chaomeng glanced at Lu Ze apologetically.

Then his face became a little embarrassed: "Well, maybe the one that made me feel a little uneasy today affected me."

After finishing speaking, Chaomeng added another sentence: "Usually I wouldn't do this."

Lu Ze was overjoyed, and immediately raised his mobile phone.

Well, this kind of Chaomeng is really rare!
(End of this chapter)

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