Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 905 Team Rocket Cadre

Asu was a little helpless.

Owl is already the most powerful among his Pokémon.

But facing the frozen bird...

It can only be said that it is not very good.

The difference in strength is too obvious.

But the gym leader can't just admit defeat.

Ah Su was a little helpless, but the little frozen bird was in high spirits.

This is her first time fighting.

Although the opponent is a bit weak, it is not as good as those fire-breathing dragons.

But it’s also a very good experience.

"Little Freeze Bird, Boulder!"

After the little Freeze bird waved its wings happily twice, it launched an attack on the Owl.

As its wings flapped, a huge ice block flew towards the owl.


The ice cube moved very quickly and hit the owl directly.

Owl crashes!

Ah Su was silent as he looked at the owl that had lost its ability to fight on the ground.

Could the gym-level owl not be able to block a random attack from Freeze Bird?

The audience cheered again, having spent the whole day watching the gym leader bullying the children.

Now, okay, I summoned a mythical beast.

Three strikes, five divided by two, killed Owl, one of gym leader Azoo's signature Pokémon, instantly.

"The owl is incapable of fighting!"

Amid the referee's voice, Azoo sighed helplessly. After taking the owl back into the poke ball, he sent out his last Pokémon.

The young gym trainer was still in a daze.

This guy.

So strong!

So what he just did was pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger?
Don't count, after all, I am not a tiger.

The young gym trainer was on the verge of tears and could only continue to watch this battle where the gym leader was being ravaged by one side.

Azoo's third Pokémon is Armored Bird.

Although Armored Bird is a Pokémon with steel and flying attributes, the damage dealt to it by the ice type is normal damage.

But for this normal damage, your armored bird may not be able to withstand it.

Lu Ze smiled: "Little Frozen Bird, freezing beam!"


The little frozen bird spreads its wings, its icy blue wings spread in the air, and pieces of snowflakes fall from under its icy blue wings, creating a piece of icy beauty.

Among the snowflakes, the armored bird seemed to be stunned. It was stunned for a moment before it thought of avoiding the attack of the little frozen bird.

But it was obviously too late at this time.

The Freezing Bird was already very strong, and the [Freezing Beam] that the Armored Bird might not be able to dodge even if he concentrated on it became even more difficult to dodge after he was stunned for a moment.

[Freezing Beam] hits the front, although it does not cause [Freezing] effect.

But the armored bird was beaten so hard that it lost its ability to fight.

Another spike.

The armored bird with gym-level strength is still a bit underwhelming in front of the divine beast.

If you want to stand up in front of the mythical beast, you must at least have the strength of a king.

It has to be a Pokémon that is considered powerful among the king-level ones.

The armored bird lost its fighting ability, and Asu couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

The most worrying thing is this.

He knew he would lose, but he still sent his Pokémon to fight.

There is no way, who allows himself to be the gym leader.

"Congratulations, you have obtained the Flying Wings Badge."

Ah Su came to Lu Ze, handed the flying wing badge to Lu Ze, and then asked curiously.

"Are you preparing to participate in this year's Chengdu Conference?" Asu prayed to the contestants participating in this year's Chengdu Conference.

They actually want to compete with the trainers of mythical beasts.

So pitiful.


"Do not?"

Lu Ze's word of no made Asu stunned.

"If we don't challenge the Johto Conference..."

Asu was silent for a moment, but still asked.

"If you don't challenge the Johto Tournament, you already have a mythical beast, so why would you challenge the gym?"

"Because of him."

Lu Ze snickered, and then pointed at the young gym trainer over there.

"He dragged me here to challenge the gym."

"It just so happened that Little Frozen Bird also wanted to fight, so he came."

As Lu Ze said, Asu's face darkened.

The young gym trainer over there didn't know what Lu Ze and Asu said. He still looked incredulous at this moment.

Why did I pick up a random person on the street who was a trainer of mythical beasts?

"Okay, I'll take my leave first."

"Yeah, go slowly."

After seeing Lu Ze off, Asu walked towards the young gym trainer with a smile on his face.

"You boy is very good!"

Lu Ze smiled and left after seeing this scene, and did not continue to watch the rest of the show.

Little Frozen Bird has returned to the Poké Ball.

The battle clearly made him very happy.

It's natural to be happy when you abuse food.

"Do you still want to have midnight snack?"

After having a meal outside and strolling around Platycodon City, Lu Ze and the others returned to the hotel.

Although they had already eaten, Kirby must have been hungry again after walking around for a while.

Lu Ze had no choice but to prepare some more midnight snacks for them.

Looking at the cookie in Lu Ze's hand, Little Frozen Bird tilted his head strangely.

Have you never seen this before?

Little Freeze Bird was puzzled, but he still followed Kirbymon's words and opened his mouth.


After one bite, the little frozen bird's eyes lit up instantly.

It’s delicious!

The little frozen bird no longer hesitated, and started eating by himself without waiting for Lu Ze to feed him.

In a short time, all the cookies in the box were eaten.

"Well, the cranberry-flavored cookies should taste pretty good."

Lu Ze smiled while recording the data of the cranberry-flavored biscuits.

Here’s the secret to making food more delicious.

Each recording can be adjusted based on the data this time.

Lu Ze recorded that the little Frozen Bird was also very happy.

Now in the hotel, she didn't want to go back to the Poké Ball, so she just lay on the bed.

Fortunately, Lu Ze booked a hotel owned by the Zivucci family. The room was very large and the bed was also very large.

"By the way, if you sleep next to the frozen bird, it won't be cold, right?"

Lu Ze asked Kirby with a thoughtful look on his face.


The little Frozen Bird's eyes lit up after hearing Lu Ze's words, and then he patted the position next to him with his wings.

Come quickly~
"But it's summer, so it doesn't matter."

After Lu Ze smiled, he lay down next to the little frozen bird.He turned over and hugged the little frozen bird.

There was a natural air conditioner here, and Lu Ze fell asleep after a while.

"Is this the Tower of Trumpet Bud?"

After Lu Ze blocked the sun with his hand, he looked at the wooden tower curiously.

Near the tower, you can also see many trumpet buds that are performing photosynthesis with the help of the early morning sunlight.

Looking at the monks sweeping the floor slowly on the Trumpet Bud Tower, Lu Ze smiled and prepared to leave.

It seems that there is nothing good to see.

As for challenging it all the way up like in the game, it's even more impossible.

The Tower of Trumpet Bud is not suitable for combat.

And the monks here won't let Pokémon fight on the Trumpet Bud Tower.

It has almost become an attraction.

Lu Ze left, but what he didn't notice was that a figure also picked up the communicator when he left.

"If you're not in a hurry, you don't have to go so fast."

After Lu Ze arrived outside the city, he released the Frozen Bird from the elf ball and said to the Frozen Bird.

"The next stop is Manjin City. You can also have a tour in Manjin City."


Little Frozen Bird nodded excitedly, can he still challenge the gym?
Little Frozen Bird already knows this through yesterday’s science popularization.

Challenge gyms can only be challenged in gyms in cities.

Only cities like Platycodon City have gyms.

Frozen Bird is happy, she also wants to challenge the gym.

This is just like fishing. You will be given a big gift package for beginners at the beginning.

Then you fall into the deep pit of fishing.

Followed by constant air force, and then give you a small surprise from time to time.

The same goes for Little Frozen Bird, which starts off as a mistreater.

However, the strength of Little Frozen Bird should not encounter the situation of "air force".

At least the little frozen bird is also a mythical beast.

"It really doesn't have to be too fast."

Just as Lu Ze finished speaking, a man walked out from behind the big tree in the forest.

It has to be said that with so many trees in Platycodon City, it is really difficult to find someone hiding there.

Looking at the girl in front of him with yellow hair, a beret, a hip-covering short skirt and knee-high white socks, Lu Ze was also stunned for a moment.

It's not because of anything else, it's mainly because of the logo on the clothes the girl is wearing.


Isn't this the logo of the Rockets?
But this person?
"who are you?"

Lu Ze felt that this person looked familiar, but he couldn't remember who she was.

"Team Rocket leader, Domino!"

Domino smiled and waved, and a large number of Team Rocket members appeared to protect Lu Ze.

"Sure enough, I thought the news about the frozen birds they reported was false."

Domino smiled sweetly and looked at the little frozen bird next to Lu Ze, who was very happy: "It's really worth my trip."

Seeing Domino like this, Lu Ze looked around at the Team Rocket soldiers and started laughing.

"Are you so confident that you can steal my Frozen Bird?"

"Of course!"

Domino nodded confidently, and then suddenly waved the black tulip in his hand.

A powerful electric current was generated on the tulip and rushed directly towards Lu Ze.

But who is Lu Ze?

The brave man of Waveguide!
The moment Domino jumped out, Lu Ze's waveguide was fully activated.

Naturally, Domino's small movements cannot escape the capture of the waveguide.


The electric monster that suddenly appeared blocked the electric current hitting Lu Ze, roared at Domino, and then used [One Hundred Thousand Volts] to hit him.

Domino's expression changed and he quickly threw his elf ball.

"Roselaido, stop him!"

Domino was also a little lucky at this time, thanks to the fact that Boss Sakaki said before that he would get a few Pokémon for himself.

Otherwise, there is really nothing we can do now.

However, Domino didn't expect that the opponent would be so ungrateful and would directly let the Pokémon attack him.


After Rose Leiduo appeared, he blocked the attack of the electric monster.

However, the veteran-level Rose Leiduo basically lost her fighting ability under the attack of [One Hundred Thousand Volts].


After being out of danger, Domino directly directed his men to attack Lu Ze.

Big-mouthed bats and double-bomb gases kept flying in the sky.

There are also Mongoose Slash and Tank Skunk on the ground.

Basically, they are standard Pokémon for villains.

"Xi Zi Bat, I'll leave everything in the sky to you."

Lu Ze smiled and then threw out the Poke Ball of the Crossed Bat.

After the cross-shaped bat appeared, it did not disappoint Lu Ze's expectations.

[Air Blade] uses a big-mouthed bat at one time, and double-bombs gas at the next time. The fight is so enjoyable.

The Mongoose Slash and Tank Skunk on the ground are left to the Electric Shock Monster.

Lu Ze flew into the sky riding on the frozen bird.

Shock Monster looked at the Pokémon around him and smiled ferociously.


The electric shock monster stamped its feet suddenly, and the ground made a dull sound.

The waves of [Earthquake] scattered in all directions, and all the Pokémon that could not jump up in time were rendered incapable of fighting.

And even the few Mongoose Slashers who jumped up quickly lost their fighting ability under the [[-] volts] of the electric shock monster.

But just when the Crossed Bat and the Electric Shock Monster were having fun, Domino once again raised the black tulip in his hand and pointed it at Ji Xia and Little Frozen Bird in the sky.

The photobomb was launched, and after the dazzling light, a golden current was also launched.


The little frozen bird was a little angry when it was stung by the light bomb. Under Lu Ze's command, after dodging the electric current behind the light bomb, it launched an attack on Domino on the ground.

Under [Freezing Beam], Domino was directly frozen into an ice cube.

Seeing their boss like this, the members of Team Rocket, whose Pokémon had all been defeated, fled in all directions.

Lu Ze had no intention of letting them go.

Iron Warrior, Lucario, and Green Ranger all appeared, knocking out the escaping Team Rocket members one by one and bringing them back.

"Tsk, tsk, this is the physique of humans in the Pokémon world."

Seeing Domino still blinking in the ice, Lu Ze also felt a little emotional.

The [Freezing Ray] of the mythical beast can still blink at me after being [frozen].

Lu Ze smiled, ignored Domino with a pleading look in his eyes, and dialed Junsha's number directly.

"Hello, Miss Junsha?"

"There is Team Rocket here in the forest at the south exit of the city."

"It's okay, don't worry, I've knocked you out."

"There is also someone who seems to be a member of Team Rocket."

"Okay, I'll wait for you here."

Lu Ze said, hung up the phone, and then looked at Domino thoughtfully.

"It always feels like you are very familiar."

Lu Ze touched his chin and looked at Domino curiously.

Did this guy appear in the original work?

Before Lu Ze could figure it out, Junsha came over on a motorcycle.

Lu Ze proudly showed his Elf Guide.

After having an identity, I am no longer afraid of meeting Junsha.

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