Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 908 The Stunning Insect-Catching Boy

Chapter 908 The Stunning Insect-Catching Boy

Lu Ze was excited for a moment, then scratched his head.

No, I haven’t gone to see Daigo yet.

After Lu Ze thought about it for a while, he finally decided to wait for the iron dumbbell to evolve into a metal monster first, and then go to Dawu for advice after gaining some combat ability.

The current Iron Dumbbell has no fighting ability at all. Even if he finds Daigo, he should do the same thing as he does now.

Build up your strength first, then wait for a breakthrough before training.

The current iron dumbbell is the step of accumulating strength.

Lu Ze thought of this and breathed a sigh of relief.

In this case, let's go challenge the gym.

But the choice of the first gym
Lu Ze remembered the time when he played games before.

The first gym, or the route to challenge the gym, is fixed.

However, this is the real world and there is no fixed route to challenge the gym, so Lu Ze can choose which gym he wants to challenge at will.

"Whoever the little rooster points to is the one!"

After Lu Ze thought about it, he finally decided to use the original selection method.

"Biyi City?"

Looking at Bizhi City on the Carlos map, Lu Ze also had a smile on his face.

Although Tan Xiaoshi's strength is not very strong now, he can level up outside Byi City.

There are many Grass-type Pokémon outside Biz City.

In this case, Tan Xiaoshi's leveling is very easy.

Lu Ze seemed to have found the joy of playing games before. After determining the goal, Lu Ze was ready to leave.

Let’s keep the matter of Little Frozen Bird in mind for now.

As long as you don't think about it, you won't feel uncomfortable.

It will be fine after a while.

On the plane, Lu Ze closed his eyes and took a nap. After waking up, he arrived in the Carlos area.

After taking a look at the iconic Prism Tower, Lu Ze walked towards Byi City without hesitation.

Traveling means hiking, right?

As for Miare City, let’s wait until Citron comes back.

If you go in now, even if Citron is not here, you still need four gym badges.

Otherwise, he would be shocked by Citron's invention.

He doesn't have Ash's physique. If he gets shocked, he will probably be seriously injured.

Lu Ze walked all the way and soon left the city.

Tan Xiaoshi followed Lu Ze.Follow Lu Ze.

Seeing the weak Digger Rabbit on the roadside, he rushed forward.

It didn't take a while to defeat the Digg Rabbit.

After Tan Xiaoshi came back, his expression did not change at all.

After Lu Ze praised him, Tan Xiaoshi was called over by Lucario and Iron Warrior who were also following Lu Ze. He didn't know what was said there.

But looking at the serious look on Tan Xiaoshi's face, he knew that he was probably talking about his problems in the battle.

Lu Ze also discovered Tan Xiaoshi's problem. After all, his waveguide power was turned on, and all the actions of Tan Xiaoshi and Diju Rabbit were very clear in Lu Ze's eyes.

However, Lu Ze had no intention of pointing it out.

It's not a big deal after all.

He was like this when he was cultivating Crossbat, Kirby, Charizard and Electric Monster.

It seems to work well.

But obviously, the training methods of Lucario and Iron Warrior are somewhat different from Lu Ze.

As long as there is something wrong, they will point it out.

Of course, what they pointed out was correct.

Lu Ze had no intention of interfering and just watched.

After all, it seems that it is okay.

Just two different training methods.

This kind of thing obviously grows faster.

But it's more suitable for one-on-one.

For example, Lu Ze's previous battle with Crossbat, Kirby and the others was not very good.

All watching their every move in every battle, I'm afraid Lu Ze will die from exhaustion.

So at that time Lu Ze just pointed out some relatively big problems.

The remaining minor problems are left to them to discover and solve by themselves during the battle.

It’s just about winning or losing. As long as you can make progress, that’s victory.

However, Crossbat and Kirby didn't seem to disappoint Lu Ze. They had no record of failure.

As for Tan Xiaoshi, such training may make it difficult for Tan Xiaoshi to remember it.

But if you fail once, your memory will be gone.

Both training methods have their benefits. With Lucario and Iron Warrior around, Lu Ze can rest assured.

In this way, Tan Xiaoshi continued to fight along the way, and Lucario and Iron Warrior would also have a small meeting with the three Pokémon after each battle between Iron Warrior.

The analysis is insufficient and what can be done better there.

With the guidance of Lucario and Iron Warrior, Tan Xiaoshi's progress was very fast.

And there is another interesting point. When the three of them are having a discussion, Iron Dumbbell will usually come up and "eavesdrop" on it.

After Iron Dumbbell evolves, the fighting style is actually similar.

They are also double swords.

But everyone is a sword, and he is just a fist.

"It's time to eat!"

Lu Ze roared, and the three guys who were having a meeting over there quickly ended their meeting and came to Lu Ze's side.

Kirbymon smiled and rubbed Tan Xiaoshi's head, and asked Tan Xiaoshi if he had gained anything today.

The Electric Shock Monster and Iron Claw Lobster were seriously discussing their teaching experiences with Lucario and Iron Warrior.

After finishing the meal, Lu Ze looked helplessly at the chattering group of Pokémon, and couldn't help but feel a little dizzy.

The two most important things on the team right now!

First, the path to advancement for the Wind Fairy!
Second, Tan Xiaoshi’s journey of trial!
The first thing is that Lu Ze and the Crossed Bat are helping the wind fairy complete it.

After all, Lu Ze is a trainer, and the cross bat is of the same flying type as the wind fairy.

The second thing is that Lucario and Iron Warrior are responsible.

Of course, there are also the Kirby Beasts, Electric Shock Monsters and Iron Claw Lobsters from the foreign aid team.

Cong Youbing is studying his swordsmanship and seems to have made a breakthrough recently.

Soon, under Lu Ze's cough, several Pokémon began to eat.

After Lu Ze finished eating, he looked at the sun in the sky and then looked at the map.

"I didn't feel it before when I was watching animation, but now that I'm traveling by myself, I feel a little tired."

Two or three days are just around the corner.

Lu Ze lay on the grass. As for the pots and pans after eating, Lucario, Iron Warrior and Tan Xiaowen went to the river to clean them.

In the words of an iron warrior, this is also part of the practice.

Of course, none of the three guys are very agile.

Fortunately, there are also crayfish in the lower reaches of the water, so I caught the bowl that accidentally floated away.

Otherwise, according to their method of washing, there will be no bowl to eat before we get to the next city.

"Okay, now that it's over, let's keep going!"

After Lu Ze put away the washed dishes, he said to the Pokémon.

"Let's hope we can feel better tonight."

Lu Ze couldn't bear it anymore.

Although I took a secret bath under the protection of Deoxys in the deserted river the night before.

But Lu Ze, who was indeed a little shy, only got wet and came out.And, a hot bath!
The best you can do in the river is swimming.


After Kirbymon shouted in cooperation, he entered the Poké Ball without hesitation.

His speed is outside, so it's better to be inside the Poké Ball to slow down his speed.

After Kirbymon entered the elf ball, Iron Claw Lobster and Electric Shock Monster all entered the elf ball.

The cross-shaped bat flew into the air and opened a path ahead.

The wind fairy floats in the air, dancing with the wind.

Tan Xiaoshi had a serious face. While following Lu Ze, he was still thinking about the new insights he had recently learned in his mind.

Lucario and Iron Warrior were at the end, and the two Pokémon were bickering and looking at Tanchan.

Obviously, the two guys once again had differences regarding the cultivation of Tan Xiaoshi.

Before the two of them had a disagreement, they had a fight.

Listen to whoever wins.

Seeing the two of them, Lu Ze seemed to have seen two fire-breathing dragons.

It's all like this.

Both brothers and rivals.

There is often no winner or loser, or you win and I win.

The two of them are equally powerful and enjoy fighting together.


"Since our eyes are facing each other, let's start fighting!"

Lu Ze looked up after hearing the sound, and his eyes met a young man dressed as an insect catcher on the tree.

Then a classic sentence came out of the young man's mouth.

Lu Ze pursed his lips, "You are fishing and enforcing the law, okay?"

But he didn't refuse. The bug-catching guys in the game are generally not strong, although they are not very experienced either.

However, the fire master was still very happy facing the insect catching boy.

"Charcoal waiter!"

Tan Xiaoshi, who was thinking behind Lu Ze, also raised his head when he heard Lu Ze calling him.

After seeing the insect catching boy jumping down from the tree, Tan Xiaoshi's eyes suddenly lit up.

I just have a new idea!
Tan Xiaoshi didn't hesitate and took two steps forward, ready to fight.

"Go, Pink Butterfly!"

Elf: Colorful Pink Butterfly

Gender: female

Attributes: Bug, flying.

Ability: Phosphorus Powder (Additional effects of skills targeting Pokémon with this attribute will not be triggered, including additional effects produced by Poison Hand.)
Qualification: blue

Basic skills: slightly

Inherited skills: slightly

Lu Ze looked at the insect-catching boy and the pink butterfly in front of him with some surprise.

Unexpectedly, even though Pink Butterfly is the signature insect Pokémon in the Kalos region, Pink Butterfly is actually a high-level Pokémon.

Even stronger than Tan Xiaoshi.

Although Tan Xiaoshi's attributes have advantages, it seems that Tan Xiaoshi's battle is not easy to fight.

However, Lu Ze had no intention of directing Tan Xiaoshi to fight.

He has seen Tan Xiaoshi's efforts during this period, but Tan Xiaoshi has not encountered any stronger opponents.

This opponent at this time should be used to test Tan Xiaoshi's progress.

It's great to win. Tan Xiaoshi has indeed made a lot of progress.

It doesn't matter if you lose, just find the reason for losing and make progress again.

No one wins all the time, and no one loses all the time.

Compared with winning or losing, growing in the battle is the best result for Tan Xiaoshi now.

The battle begins.

There is no referee, but the landing of pebbles signals the start of the fight.

"Colorful pink butterfly, paralyzing pink! Then the wind rises!"

The insect catching boy was the first to give the order and directly commanded the pink butterfly to launch an attack.

"The signature quality of three fans."

Lu Ze was also happy after watching the movements of the colorful pink butterfly.

[Paralysis Powder] is slow, but with [Wind Rises], it's different.

The wind will quickly bring [Paralysis Powder] in front of Tan Xiaoshi.

Although Tan Xiaoshi spent most of this time abusing vegetables, he also gained experience in abusing vegetables.

Don't be careless when facing status skills.

Otherwise, you will be abused.

So Tan Xiaoshi used [Fire Vortex] on the [Paralysis Powder] blown by the wind without hesitation.

[Flame Vortex] formed in the air and quickly burned out all the [Paralysis Powder].

But Bug Catcher obviously has more than this.

"Pink butterfly, phantom light!"

The insect catching boy waved his hand, and the mysterious purple light shot towards Tan Xiaoshi.

Tan Xiaoshi looked at the incoming [Phantom Light] seriously, and then quickly turned sideways to avoid it.

While constantly dodging the attack of the colorful pink butterfly, Tan Xiaoshi was also moving quickly towards the colorful pink butterfly.

The pink butterfly on the opposite side is not slow.

If you use long-range attack skills at this time, you will be easily dodged by him.

I have two swords, so I can completely rely on the suppressive power of my melee attacks, and then get closer and use long-range attacks to catch him off guard.

Tan Xiaoshi's eyes flickered and thoughts kept coming to his mind.

After dodging the [Phantom Light] that swept over him again, Tan Xiaoshi also spit out a mouthful of flames towards the pink butterfly.

[Sparks] spread out in the air, hitting the pink butterfly and blocking the butterfly's sight at the same time.

"The pink butterfly, use the wall of light to block it."

The insect catching boy narrowed his eyes, and then gave instructions to the pink butterfly.

After seeing the colorful pink butterfly using [Light Wall] to block all the [Sparks], the insect-catching boy also glanced at Lu Ze strangely where the old god was.

Why doesn't he command his Pokémon?
Although it is a bit strange what Lu Ze thinks.

However, the insect-catching boy did not give up his command.

"Colorful pink butterfly, high-speed star!"

Because of [Sparks], Tan Xiaoshi's figure was a little blurry.

But it doesn't matter, as long as you can still see Tan Xiaoshi's figure.

Unfortunately, [High Speed ​​Star] only hit [Substitute].

The [Stand-in] shattered, and Tan Xiaoshi also appeared under Cai Pink Butterfly.

[Energy Accumulated Flame Strike]!
Tan Xiaoshi's whole body was burning with flames, and he rushed towards the pink butterfly in the sky.

"Pull it up, pollen ball!"

The insect catching boy narrowed his eyes slightly and immediately directed the pink butterfly.

The pink butterfly flew upwards, and after closing the distance between it and Tan Xiaoshi, a ball made of pink powder appeared between the two of them.


There was an explosion, and Tan Xiaoshi, who hit the [Pollen Ball], fell directly from the sky.

Seeing this scene, Lu Ze couldn't help but glance at the insect-catching boy in front of him.

Although there is indeed a gap in strength, the command of the insect-catching boy just now is indeed amazing.

Just put the [Pollen Ball] in the middle and wait for Tan Xiaoshi to hit it?
(End of this chapter)

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