Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 918: Serena’s gift, Xiaozhi finally got the idea!

Chapter 918: Serena’s gift, Xiaozhi finally got the idea!

Just as Lu Ze was giving gifts to his Pokémon, Master Fu also came to the stage just now.

"Then, start over!"

"To bring the relationship between our trainers and Pokémon to a higher level!"

"Under the tree of oath, the ceremony begins!"

"Let's count down together!"

As Master Fu spoke, everyone also started counting down.


As everyone's voices fell, everyone and Pokémon, including Lu Ze, looked up at the Tree of Oath at the same time.

As Fu Ye pushed the switch, dazzling lights also lit up on the Oath Tree.

"It's so beautiful."

After Lu Ze sighed, he continued to look at his Pokémon.

"Then, let's continue the process."

Lu Ze smiled happily, and Electric Warcraft and the others couldn't help but laugh.

Under the illumination of the lights above the Oath Tree, everyone began to give their Pokémon carefully prepared gifts.

The electric toy of Dengeki World of Warcraft, the martial arts comics of Onion Ranger (purchased in this world).

The water cup made from the essence of flowers and plants of the wind fairy, and the bone rod specially made by Lucario from special materials.

The iron warrior's whetstone, the iron dumbbell's colorful ribbon, and Tan Xiaoshi's spell armor.

The spell armor was obtained from Sirona.

The items that Sirona once obtained were delivered directly by Kuailong Express and Lu Ze after hearing that Lu Ze was going to give them to Tan Xiaoshi as a gift.

Of course, in return, Lu Ze also said that he would treat Sirona to ice cream when they meet next time.

After rolling their eyes, the two parties ended the call.

Of course, although he has given the spell armor to Tan Xiaoshi, Lu Ze has no intention of letting Tan Xiaoshi evolve yet.

Unlike other Pokémon, it can evolve independently when it reaches a certain level.

This kind of Pokémon that uses road evolution can polish its potential to a certain level before choosing to evolve.

Obviously, the current Tan Xiaoshi has not yet met Lu Ze's requirements.

This kind of Pokémon can only evolve once, so it's better to reach its limit before evolving again.

Able to unleash all potential.

"Deoxys, are you curious about your gift?"

After Lu Ze, Crossbat, Kirby and the others gave away their gifts, he turned to look at Deoxys, who was still invisible in the air.

After Deoxys glanced at the people around him, he appeared directly.

Everyone else was giving gifts to their Pokémon, and no one noticed.

After Deoxys revealed his figure, he nodded to Lu Ze with a little excitement.

Lu Ze asked him to turn his head when he was buying gifts in the afternoon.

So he didn't know what gift Lu Ze had prepared for him.

Because no matter who he was buying a gift for, he would always turn his head and not look at it.

So he couldn't guess what the gift was from the store where Lu Ze bought it.

But just like Xiaozhi said.

They didn't know what the gift was, and they were already full of expectations.


Lu Ze took out a gift box and handed it to Deoxys, then said with a happy face: "Open it and take a look."


After Deoxys nodded, he carefully opened his gift.


After Deoxys saw the gift, he looked up at Lu Ze.

Under the smiling eyes of Crossbat and Kirby and their aunt, Deoxys's four hands directly hugged Lu Ze into his arms.


(like very much!)
"nice! You love it."

After Lu Ze gently patted Deoxys on the back, Deoxys then let go of his hand.

Super power surged, and a blue crystal with the same shape as the blue spar on Deoxys's chest, but a much smaller necklace appeared in the air.

Deoxys stretched out his hand solemnly, caught the blue crystal necklace and brought it to his neck.

After showing a happy expression to Lu Ze again, Deoxys disappeared into the air again.

After Lu Ze's gifts were given away, Yulijia couldn't wait to come to them.

Although Yurika was a little surprised by the appearance of Deoxys just now.

After all, Deoxys didn't show up when he was drawing in the Pokémon Hotel.

But in just that moment, Yurika quickly added Deoxys's appearance to her painting.

"how is it going?"

After gathering all the Pokémon, Yurika also excitedly unfolded the painting in her hand.

In the painting, whether it is Ash's Pikachu, Serena's Fire Fox, or Citron, Yurika's Pokémon all appear on the canvas.

Not only that, Yurika also added the figure of Deoxys to the blank space in the upper right corner.

But maybe it’s because of Yurika’s perspective just now.

The image of Deoxys in the upper right corner is a figure with his head slightly lowered, wearing a blue pendant around his neck.

Although it was only a few strokes, Lu Ze could clearly feel Deoxys's happiness at seeing this scene.

"Everyone's face looks similar."

Yurika said happily, and the Pokémon were also very excited.

It seems that they are very satisfied with Yulijia's gift.

Next is Serena's gift.

There is a beautiful pink ribbon for the fire fox, and sunglasses for the naughty panda.

"I decorated it myself."

After hearing Serena's words, Fire Fox and Naughty Panda also showed surprised expressions.

The excited fire fox jumped directly into Serena's arms.

The arrogant and naughty panda blushed and turned his head.

Serena didn't care either, she already knew the naughty panda's arrogant character.

One hand held the fire fox, and the other hand reached out to pat the naughty panda.

After seeing the naughty panda turn around, he immediately hugged the naughty panda into his arms.

The naughty panda blushed, but he didn't mean to struggle.

It seemed like he was enjoying himself a bit.

"Next is mine."

Citron looked at Harry in front of him, and Digger and Luck also introduced the gifts they had made in an afternoon.

"Look, this bow is actually a screw."

As Citron said, he took off the bow-tie-shaped screw.

"Insert it here and turn it around."

Following Citron's movements, the small box-like thing in Citron's arms was also opened.

"Music box, what a great idea."

After seeing Citron open the box, Lu Ze immediately understood what Citron had made.

A specially made music box with... well, simplified versions of the three Pokémon on it.

There is a music box with a red and white ball in the middle, which continuously emits beautiful music as the three Pokémon rotate.

"It should be said that Citron is quite reliable this time."

Xiaozhi also came to Lu Ze's side, looked at Citron's gift and said with a smile.

Finally, there was nothing wrong with what Citron produced.

"Where's your present?"

After seeing everyone's gifts given away, Lu Ze curiously asked Xiaozhi.

Everyone was also very curious about Xiaozhi's embarrassed appearance and the large bag of things.

So they all looked at Xiaozhi at this time.

When Xiaozhi saw this, he didn't mean to be coy. After smiling proudly, he opened the baggage he was carrying on his back.

"Now, these are the fruits I picked from the trees!"

As Xiaozhi opened the baggage, everyone was a little shocked by the abundance of tree fruits in the baggage.

"There are so many!" Xiaozhi looked at his Pokémon proudly: "You're welcome today, eat as much as you like!"

"Pickup pickup!"

Faced with Xiaozhi's invitation, Pikachu was the first to respond, picking up a fruit with bright eyes and eating it.

Lu Ze also laughed when he saw this scene.

As expected of Xiaozhi.

Although it was unexpected, Pikachu and the others were very happy.

Sure enough, the only person who knows his Pokémon best is himself, the trainer.

Lu Ze used the waveguide to feel the happiness coming from the Pokémon in the field, and he couldn't help but feel happy.

"It's obviously just a little bit close."

On the other side of the big tree, Kojiro said sadly.

"What a pity."

Miao Miao was also a little disappointed, but the moment she looked up, she saw a gift box in front of her.


Meow Meow stretched out her paw to pick up the gift box, and asked curiously: "There are actually gifts in a place like this?"

"Oh, that's for you."

Musashi said calmly, but Kojiro became a little excited.

He took out a gift box of the same style from his arms: "This is for Hao La Squid."

"This one belongs to Guoran Weng and Pumpkin Jing."

At this time, Musashi also put away his unhappiness about the loss just now, and took out two gifts and said.

After the gift was delivered to the Pokémon, Musashi turned his head slightly arrogantly.

"After all, I have been taken care of by you to some extent."

Kojiro smiled: "This is what Musashi and I prepared."



Meow Meow was instantly moved and rushed towards Musashi who was still hanging on the branch.

The next second after Meow Meow pounced on me, Pumpkin Spirit and Hola Squid also pounced on me.

After feeling the vibration of the branches under him, Kojiro was instantly frightened.

"Wait, it's dangerous!"

Musashi also looked at Guo Ranweng who was moved and ready to pounce with a look of panic.

"Wait, wait, wait, it turns out that Weng Ke can't do it!"

But our fruit god doesn’t seem to be obedient.

In other words, Guo Shen didn't listen much.

The moment the God of Fruit pounced on him, the branches broke and Team Rocket all fell to the ground.

"Why is there a gift here?"

After distributing all the gifts, Serena suddenly noticed that there seemed to be a gift left under the bundle just now.

After everyone stepped forward to take a look curiously, they discovered that it was Serena's name written on it.

Serena was a little surprised, but she still opened the gift under everyone's urging.

"It's a dress!"

"What a nice view!"

After seeing the dress in the box, everyone couldn't help but sigh in admiration.


Serena picked up the dress a little strangely.

Who gave this gift to me?

Lu Ze subconsciously looked at Xiaozhi, but after seeing that Xiaozhi also looked confused, Lu Ze helplessly raised his forehead.

I forgot that when I was buying gifts this afternoon, I also gave Serena a gift in Xiaozhi's name.

Seeing these two guys like this makes me, a CP fan, very uncomfortable.

However, there may be opportunities in the future.

Xiaozhi, you stupid thing!
Lu Ze was angry that he refused to argue, and at this time Miss Joy also came to Serena.

"It seems I received it."

"This is for you. It was mailed to the Pokémon Center."

"Pokémon Center?"


Miss Joy smiled: "It's because it's a surprise gift, so I hope to give it to you in a surprise way."

"The most surprising way today is probably the gift under the Oath Tree."

Lu Ze said with a smile and lightly touched Xiaozhi with his shoulder.

Looking at Xiaozhi's confused eyes, Lu Ze was really helpless.

This straight man!

It's really frustrating!
After the festival under the Oath Tree ended, Lu Ze followed Xiaozhi and the others back to the Pokémon Center.

Serena also guessed that this gift was not from Xiaozhi.

And the one who can give her a gift should be her mother.


After Serena's mother's face appeared in front of everyone on the communication device, Serena couldn't wait to shout.

"I thought that since you were going to attend the Pokémon Tribeca Convention, you would need some clothes, so I sent them to Miss Joy."

Serena's mother obviously understood Serena's intention of calling, so she spoke directly to Serena.


Serena was moved, but Serena's mother continued.

"Because you always think gifts that are opposite to my taste are good-looking, so I chose the opposite and the opposite."

Serena's mother blinked at Serena, but her words made everyone behind Serena tilt their heads.

After the CPU spun for a while, they finally understood the meaning of Serena's mother's words.

Since you like the opposite of me, then I will choose the opposite of what I like.

Then you will like it.

Well, that should be what it means.

"Mom, you are really~"

"Pokémon Tribeca Tournament, come on, Serena!"


After Serena nodded excitedly, the sound of fireworks suddenly came from outside.

Everyone turned to look out the window and saw fireworks flashing above the Oath Tree.



When everyone came outside to watch the fireworks, Xiaozhi suddenly stopped Serena.

"Well, what happened?"

"Can you accept this?"

Xiaozhi suddenly took out a gift, which was in the background of the Tree of Oath.

Just against the backdrop of fireworks.


Serena was a little confused and shy.

Lu Ze smiled like an aunt.

Xiaozhi is enlightened!
"Because without you, I wouldn't be able to choose a gift."

"So this is a thank you gift to Serena."

Seeing Xiaozhi looking a little embarrassed, Lu Ze rolled his eyes helplessly.

Sure enough, it was you who was in trouble!

However, Serena seemed very moved.

No matter what, this is Xiaozhi’s gift to himself!

"Thank you, I will cherish it!"

(End of this chapter)

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