Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 920 Niannibao, evolve!


"Not really?"

Lu Ze stood on a very high cliff, but he didn't see the Pokémon he wanted to see.


Or Yukila.

His second team is still short of one Pokémon.

It would also be great if I could meet Yukira here.

After all, Bangila, who finally evolved from Kira, is very much in line with Lu Ze's aesthetics.

For Yukila, Lu Ze separated from Xiaozhi and the others when they entered this wasteland.

Xiaozhi and the others continued to move forward on foot, while Lu Ze was brought by the cross-shaped bat to look for Yukila.

But unfortunately, although this is a wasteland, it is not a desert. After searching around, I couldn't find Yukira.

"Forget it, let's go back to Xiaozhi and the others."

After Lu Ze shook his head helplessly, he was ready to go back to find Xiaozhi and the others.

Xiaozhi on the other side had already arrived at an oasis led by a jumping pig.

When they saw a Poof Pig attacking the Pork Pigs without hesitation after they accidentally dropped fruit on the ground, Xiaozhi and Yurika frowned instantly.

"It's too much!"

"How pitiful Hopping Pig is."

"Is this Puff Pig the boss here?"

Citron looked at Puff Pig and Jumping Pig with some curiosity.

Puff Pig is the evolved form of Bounce Pig. It stands to reason that in this case, Puff Pig is likely to be the boss of this group of Bounce Pigs.

Or the patriarch.

However, after a jumping pig in front of Xiaozhi heard Citron's words, he immediately stood up to refute.

Pointing to the band-aid on his head, he said to Citron and the others angrily.

The meaning is obvious, the injuries on his body were caused by the Puff Pig.

Pupu Pig is definitely not their boss!

"He seems to have monopolized the berries and fruits of the jumping pigs."

After hearing what Jumping Pig said, Citron also reacted.

Right, whose family head is like this!


Xiaozhi also gritted his teeth. For someone like him, bullying a Pokémon, whether it was a Pokémon or a person, was extremely excessive.

Not only Xiaozhi and the others, but also the sticky baby on Xiaozhi's head saw this scene, and also remembered the days when he was bullied.

"Well, Jumping Pig, leave this place to us!"

After Xiaozhi promised Jumping Pig, he quickly rushed in front of Puff Pig, who was eating fruit lazily.

"Hey, Puff Pig, they are troubled by your jumping pigs like this!"

Facing the sudden appearance of Xiaozhi, Pupu Pig also looked at a loss.

After scratching his butt, he continued to listen to Xiaozhi.

"Why do you bully Jumping Pig and the others?"

Hearing what Xiaozhi said, Pupu Pig understood instantly.

Oh, here to cause trouble.

Pupu Pig's eyes lit up, and then he used [Phantom Light] to control all the jumping pigs below, and launched an attack on Xiaozhi and the others.

"A perfect match!"

With a proud look on his face, Puff Pig directed the Jumping Pigs to attack Xiaozhi and the others.

Although the jumping pigs' attacks did not hit, their attacks also made Pikachu a little angry.

When Pikachu jumped off Xiaozhi and was about to use [One Hundred Thousand Volts] to deal with these jumping pigs, Xiaozhi stepped forward and stopped Pikachu.

"Pikachu, don't attack Jumping Pig and the others! They are being manipulated!"

Xiaozhi's words made Pikachu also confused.

He looked at Xiaozhi and then at Jumping Pig.

Pikachu was also a little confused.

So who do I attack?
Puff pig?

But Puff Pig is behind the Jumping Pigs.

If you attack the Puff Pigs, the Jumping Pigs will also be accidentally injured.

Pikachu was caught in a dilemma and turned his head to look at Xiaozhi in embarrassment.

"Xiao Zhi, let's run away for now."

"Well, you're right!"

After Citron spoke, Xiaozhi nodded seriously, then turned around and started running away.

Pikachu had no choice but to escape with Xiaozhi.

On the way to escape, he also put the unresponsive Niannibao on his head and followed Xiaozhi and the others to escape.


When Lu Ze in the sky passed by the oasis, he also noticed the explosion sound coming from the oasis.

After taking a curious look, he saw a group of jumping pigs chasing Xiaozhi and the others.

"It got so fierce that I actually saw Xiaozhi and the others being chased by a group of jumping pigs."

Lu Ze rubbed the corners of his eyes in disbelief and then turned on the waveguide.

Well, the familiar waveguide.

It's Xiaozhi and the others.

But after confirming that it was Xiaozhi and the others, Lu Ze became curious again.

How did Xiaozhi and the others manage to be chased by a group of not very strong jumping pigs?

It stands to reason that Pikachu can almost solve it with just [One Hundred Thousand Volts].

After Lu Ze scratched his head, he fell down.

Then I saw Xiaozhi and the others being chased into a cave.

"Something familiar?"

Lu Ze scratched his head strangely.

If he feels something familiar, it's usually some kind of plot that Xiaozhi has experienced.

"But Jumping Pig and Poof Pig?"

Lu Ze still didn't expect what the plot was.

Sure enough, this is the disadvantage of not having photographic memory.

It has been so long that I have almost forgotten the plot of XY.

Lu Ze thought about it and showed up in no hurry.

After all, Xiaozhi is the protagonist, and as long as there is a crisis in the plot, it can generally be solved.

Just after Xiaozhi and the others entered the cave, Lu Ze suddenly felt a vibration.

Then, amid Puff Pig's proud laughter, Team Rocket appeared next to Puff Pig.

"Since you asked the question sincerely!"


"Hey, let me out!"

When Lu Ze was still wondering about Team Rocket's appearance above the cave, Xiaozhi's unhappy shout came from the cave.

"How can I let you out!"

Facing Xiaozhi's words, Musashi laughed mercilessly.

But soon a look of astonishment appeared on Musashi's face.

"Hey? Little girl, did you cut your hair?"

Faced with Musashi's problem, Lu Ze was speechless.

The original intention of letting Xiaozhi go out that day was to stop Xiaozhi from comforting Serena, and also to stop Serena from cutting her hair.

After the two came back, Lu Ze discovered that Serena's hair had been cut off.It was Xiaozhi who stepped on the horse!
Lu Ze wanted to give Xiaozhi a few blows at that time.

You guys here!
She was sad and didn't say anything about her impulsive behavior.

She asks you to cut her hair, so do it!
Moreover, Xiaozhi's haircut was not as good-looking as Lu Ze's impression of Serena's own haircut.

Helpless, Lu Ze had to use the fact that Queen Carlos also needs good looks to ask Serena to go to the barber shop before departure.

After some repairs, I can at least read it.

Xiaozhi also seemed to understand something under Lu Ze's rolling eyes, and he looked a little embarrassed when facing Lu Ze along the way.

But in Lu Ze's opinion, the relationship between the two little guys has indeed heated up a lot.

Well, that's enough.

Naturally, this official CP has to be beaten in person.

Not just knocking, but knocking to success!
This can be regarded as another goal of the Carlos Exclusion Conference.

But Musashi, are you focusing on the wrong thing?

Oh, that seems right, after all, one of Musashi's targets is Queen Carlos.

"Are you falling out of love?"

Kojiro also touched his chin and asked curiously.

In other words, these two guys look like villains, but they have no professional ethics at all.

By the way, are these three guys definitely not sent by Team Rocket to help Xiaozhi?

Lu Ze looked at Musashi and Kojiro below and couldn't help laughing.

You two are doing bad things. Why are you gossiping like this?
"It doesn't matter what happens to that kind of thing!" Serena said with a fierce look.


Musashi nodded: "Then I will tell you why I am here."

Lu Ze held his chin. If you don't tell me, then I will tell you?
I'd like to hear why you are here.

Lu Ze held his chin, and Musashi and the others began to talk.

To put it simply, they were wandering over the wilderness like Lu Ze, and then they met the hungry Puff Pig.

In exchange, they told Puff Pig about the location of the oasis, and Puff Pig had to suppress the Jumping Pigs.

Then they wanted to monopolize the berries and fruits, the water.

Although they don’t know what they want to do, the Rockets finally have a reliable plan!

Lu Ze sat above the cave, so moved that he almost shed tears.

You villains are almost no longer villains.

"And the next thing you know, you end up here."

"The kid and Pikachu who threw themselves into a trap!"

After the two of them finished talking excitedly, they said to Xiaozhi and the others in the cave.

"Okay, let's hand over Pikachu next!"

Sure enough, the ultimate goal is Pikachu.

But how do you get Ash to hand over Pikachu?
Lu Ze sat down and continued watching the show.

After the Rockets and others added, Lu Ze had almost remembered what happened this time.

Nian Nian Bao probably evolved this time.

"Who will give it to you?"

Sure enough, Xiaozhi refused.

However, after Xiaozhi refused, Musashi directly commanded Puff Pig to attack.

Well, not to Xiaozhi and the others.

It's for the bouncing pigs behind me.

"What a moral kidnapping!"

Lu Ze was stunned. This must be effective against Xiaozhi.


Lu Ze jumped down from the cave and came behind a big tree.

Well, Xiaozhi and the others were locked up again.

Lu Ze was helpless, and Xiaozhi had no choice but to let Pikachu out under the threat of Musashi.

Looking at a small door on the iron fence, Lu Ze also laughed.

As expected of an old rival, he has a good grasp of Xiaozhi's heart.

But unexpectedly, Citron's Harry also came out with Pikachu and entered the cage prepared by Musashi and others.

Musashi nodded with satisfaction.

"Well, good boy."

After locking up Pikachu and Harry, Musashi left with Kojiro.

They didn't take the cage that held Pikachu and the others, so they let Puff Pig guard them here.

Not only that, but he also left a key for Pupu Pig.

Seeing Kojiro and Musashi leaving with Meow Meow, Lu Ze couldn't complain.

You two guys are just helping Xiaozhi!

This is all solid, okay!
It’s so obvious to release water!
Lu Ze helplessly held up his forehead, but the next step should be the evolution of Nian Nian Bao.

Thinking of this, Lu Ze had no intention of going out.

It just released the Iron Warrior and Lucario to protect Xiaozhi and the others at the critical moment.

Soon, Pupu Pig was lying on a stone, looking like he was asleep.

But you can see it when you look at the smile on his lips with his back to Xiaozhi and the others.

This guy is also a dark-hearted guy.

It's a pity that the Rockets did not conquer this pretty good Puff Pig.

Speaking of which, it can be seen from just looking at this Puff Pig that the compatibility between this guy and the three guys from the Rockets is quite good.

They are all stupid and bad.

After Niannianbao and Dongdongshu came out of the cage, they came to the key on the ground.

Just as Dongdong Mouse jumped over to get the key, Pupu Pig grabbed the key directly, and also grabbed Dongdong Mouse's tail, and lifted Dongdong Mouse up.

After throwing the Dongdong rat away casually, Pupu Pig stared at the Dongdong rat that ran over again.

"Dong dong rat, rub your cheek!"

Following Yurika's command, Dongdong Rat also released electric shocks and hit Puff Pig.

However, it did not cause much harm to Pupu Pig.

After knocking Dongdong Rat to the ground with one punch, a [Shadow Ball] hit Dongdong Rat.

Ha Lili stretched out two vine whips to try to open the lock, and the Croat-headed Frog was also pushing hard against the wall, trying to make a hole.

After Dong Dong Rat got up, he attacked Puff Pig again.

[Electric shock], but it still can't cause much damage to Puff Pig.

After [Electric Shock], Puff Pig used [Phantom Light] to hit Dongdong Rat, and [Shadow Ball] directly hit Dongdong Rat on the wall of the cave.

After seeing Dongdongshu lose his fighting ability, Niannibao also remembered his past and became angry.

After jumping up, a [Bug Bite] bit Puff Pig on the ear, and he was thrown off in a short time.

Then Pupu Pig used [Shadow Ball] again to hit Nian Ni Bao.

Just when Puff Pig was about to use [Phantom Light] to deal with Nian Nian Bao, Xiao Zhi directly commanded Nian Nian Bao to use [Patience].

A [Shadow Ball] and a [Phantom Light] were returned twice as much after being [Endurance] by Sticky Treasure.

Pupu Pig was also a little angry at this time, and attacked Niannibao again.

However, he still used [Patience] and still blocked Puff Pig's attack.

However, this return attack was dodged by Pupu Pig.

After Puff Pig attacked again, he also discovered something was wrong with Nian Nian Bao and directly chose to use [Iron Tail].

However, Xiaozhi had already rushed out at this time and blocked the [Iron Tail] hitting Nian Nian Bao head-on!
"Niannibao, don't worry, I will protect you!"

Xiaozhi stood up and stood in front of Niannibao: "Puff Pig, let me be your opponent!"

Looking at Xiaozhi's back, Niannibao's body also emitted a dazzling light!

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