Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 923 Kirbymon’s affirmation!

All the electric Pokémon in the [Electric Field] violently hit [One Hundred Thousand Volts] in the direction of Team Rocket and the others in an instant.


A violent explosion sounded, and the trio of Team Rocket instantly flew into the air.

"What a disgusting feeling!"

After watching the Rockets trio exit the stage in a familiar way again, Lu Ze couldn't help but smack his lips.

If you face such a violent attack...

Forget it, Team Rocket is here after all.

After Lu Ze waved to the Electric Shock Monster, the Electric Shock Monster scratched his head in embarrassment and walked up to Lu Ze.

"Just tell me next time something feels wrong."

Lu Ze helplessly scratched the hair on the electric shock beast's back and said to the electric shock monster.


The electric monster nodded with an honest face, and then returned to Lu Ze's elf ball.

Well, this trip to the power plant was not a pleasant one.

I won't come next time.

After Team Rocket was beaten away, Ash, Citron and the others also became excited.

Citron was very happy holding the evolved Roentgen cat.

Lu Ze looked at Citron's Roentgen cat with some envy.

Why do their Pokémon evolve so easily?

And own iron dumbbells.

Lu Ze sighed, forget it, the iron dumbbell is still small.

After comforting themselves, they were ready to leave.

"Sorry for destroying so much equipment."

When going out to say goodbye to the staff of the power plant, Citron said to several staff members a little embarrassedly.

But the staff obviously understood the problem.

"It's okay, these are just minor problems."

"It's better to say that you saved the city of Miare."

The three staff members smiled: "The power supply in Miare City has now returned to normal. It took a very short time and there are no major problems."


After hearing what the staff said, Xiaozhi and the others became happy.

After complimenting each other, the staff got on the helicopter and prepared to leave.

After all, this is the power plant in Miare City, and now after an accident, we still need to report it.

"I'm going to Miare City to report."

Hearing what the staff said, Citron hesitated and then stepped forward in front of the staff.

"Please take me to Miare City too!"


Lu Ze and others were stunned for a moment, and even the staff were stunned.

"Yes, yes."

After the staff nodded, Xiaozhi quickly stepped forward and asked Citron.

"What's wrong Citron?"

"I want to go to Miare City first."

"That's it." Xiaozhi nodded: "Then we also..."

"Do not."

Before Xiaozhi finished speaking, Citron interrupted Xiaozhi.

"I want some time to recognize myself. I'm a little dissatisfied with myself."


Citron looked up at Xiaozhi: "Before you come, I will grow up and accept your challenge as a mature gym leader!"

After Citron finished speaking, Xiaozhi also understood.

"That's it."

"However, I will never lose!"

After Xiaozhi nodded, he also expressed his thoughts to Citron.

I support you, just do what you need to do to prepare!

"it is good!"

After Citron nodded, he turned to look at Serena.

"Then, I'll leave it to you, Yurika."

"Well, leave it to me."

Serena nodded seriously, and Yurika also told Citron that it didn't matter.

"Brother Ozawa, I will face you with my strongest attitude!"

After explaining Yulijia's matter, Citron turned to look at Lu Ze and said seriously to Lu Ze.

"Well, I'm wondering if I should follow you and challenge the gym directly."


After hearing what Lu Ze said, Citron, who was still excited just now, instantly turned into beet-eyed.

if so…

"Haha, just kidding."

Lu Ze waved his hand: "I will work with Xiaozhi to witness your strongest posture!"

"Well, don't worry!"

After Citron breathed a sigh of relief, he nodded to Lu Ze seriously.

"The strongest posture."

Watching the helicopter take off, Lu Ze also turned to look at the iron dumbbell behind him.

"Little guy, if you don't evolve, you won't be able to keep up with this gym battle."


Iron Dumbbell didn't care and continued to absorb the energy from the piece of iron ore that Lu Ze had just replaced for him.

Lu Ze was helpless: "Wait a minute and let Nian Meier ravage you."


As soon as Lu Ze finished speaking, Iron Dumbbell had not yet responded. Xiaozhi came up excitedly and asked Lu Ze with shining eyes.

"Of course it's fake."

Lu Ze stretched out his finger and pointed on Xiaozhi's forehead. After pushing Xiaozhi away, he said without hesitation.

This guy Xiaozhi actually tried to ravage me?

How can I give you this opportunity?

Waiting for Iron Dumbbell to evolve, let’s have a fair battle when the time comes.

If you are given a chance, you must seize it!


Xiaozhi was a little disappointed, Lu Ze smiled, and walked towards the dim sunset amidst Xiaozhi's disappointment and Serena and Yurika's snickers.

"Brother Ozawa, you are going in the wrong direction!"


Lu Ze turned around unhappily and followed Xiaozhi and the others towards their destination.



The helicopter's speed was very fast, and Citron returned to Miare City in a short time.

After resting for a night, Citron, who was full of energy, also came to Miare Gym.

He's going to challenge Stroyd today!
Well, the program he set up.

A robot that replaced him as the gym leader.

After returning to his gym, Citron did not hesitate and directly launched the challenge.

Thanks to the efforts of Roentgen Cat and Digg Rabbit, the challenge was soon successful.

But after the challenge was successful, there was something else.

For example...

"The three-in-one magnet monster loses the ability to fight, and the owner wins!"

As the sound of the robot Stroyd's machine sounded, Citron also became excited.

"Great, I finally learned it!"

Citron came on the scene and held his Digger in his arms.

Not only did Digger successfully defeat the three-in-one Magnemite, he finally learned it.

In this case, I will be more confident when facing the battle between Xiaozhi and Brother Ozawa!

"very beautiful!"

Stroyd clapped his hands and walked up with the three-in-one magnet monster.

"Three-in-one Magneto, are you okay?"


The three-in-one Magnemite was also very happy to see his gym leader and said that nothing happened to him.

"The imaginary battle with Ash's Pikachu went very well." Stroyd said again.

"That's what I say, but I feel Xiaozhi is more impactful."

Citron was a little worried: "I can imagine it in my mind."

"By the way, Xiaozhi's fighting style can be digitized and input into Stroyd. In this case, you can do more realistic exercises!"

"This is a good idea." There was still a mechanical voice without any fluctuation, Stroyd nodded and agreed to pull down.

"Okay, that's it!"

"Xiao Zhi, I won't let you take away the badge of Miare Gym so easily!"

After Citron solved Xiaozhi's problem, he thought of Lu Ze again.

"But as for Brother Ozawa..."

Citron had a headache.

First of all, he didn't know what Pokémon Lu Ze would send to challenge the gym.

Although he felt that Lu Ze would not be able to use his own Pokémon with king-level strength.


Well, let’s use the Wind Fairy, Tan Xiaoxiao and Iron Dumbbell who may evolve into a metal monster as imaginary enemies.

However, there is no fighting method for them.

Citron was a little distressed. Compared to Xiaozhi, he knew too little about Lu Ze's fighting style.

In this case, even with Stroyd around, Lu Ze's fighting style couldn't be reproduced.

"No matter what, let's get rid of Xiaozhi first!"

After thinking for a while and having no clue, Citron finally decided to deal with Xiaozhi first.

"Brother Ozawa, please adapt to circumstances when the time comes."

Citron smiled and patted the head of the Roentgen cat next to him.

"I believe in you!"

Citron was conducting special training, and Lu Ze and the others on the other side also left the wilderness and returned to the woods.

"Pumpkin essence, shadow ball!"

Suddenly Musashi's voice came, and at the same time there was a [Shadow Ball] hitting Pikachu.

Lu Ze was stunned for a moment after hearing this voice.

Are the Rockets so reckless this time?

Launched the attack directly without any plan?
Amid Lu Ze's confusion, Pikachu also quickly dodged the [Shadow Ball] attack.

Lu Ze looked up at the sky, and a hot air balloon with a meowing head floated in the sky.

"We must capture Pikachu today!"

"Team Rocket!"

Ash and the other three exclaimed, looking up at Team Rocket in the sky with surprised expressions.


Sure enough, Weng appeared and greeted Xiaozhi and the others happily.

"Yes, it's us!"

The voice sounded, and Lu Ze was stunned.

Then I felt helpless.


Well, if you are dedicated, this can all be translated.

"Pikachu, one hundred thousand volts!"

Ash reacted without hesitation and directly commanded Pikachu to use the signature [One Hundred Thousand Volts].

Pikachu jumped into the air, released [One Hundred Thousand Volts], and hit the hot air balloon.

"Is this the first time you come up?"

The explosion sounded, and without any surprise, Team Rocket turned into stars and disappeared again.

"what's the situation?"

Lu Ze scratched his head in confusion.

The Rockets are here to give away experience this time?


Isn't it a bit too hasty.

Lu Ze was puzzled, but looking at Xiaozhi's normal appearance, he continued to set off with Xiaozhi.

As for Team Rocket, it won't be anything like that anyway.

Lu Ze and the others continued to set off, but the Rockets experienced a strange encounter here.

"This time too, I got knocked away for no apparent reason, Musashi."

Kojiro, who was hanging on the tree, looked helpless.

Although I'm used to it now, I still feel a little uncomfortable.

After a moment of silence, Kojiro and Meowth suddenly looked up.

"Where's Musashi?"

"I don't know, nya?"

"Go find it!"

Kojiro and Meowth reacted quickly and followed the pumpkin spirit to find Musashi.

In another scene, Musashi is also looking for Kojiro and Meowth.

Both sides were searching all the way, calling each other's name loudly all the way.

However, this time they seemed to be separated a bit far and did not successfully reunite.

Until Musashi and Guo Ranweng came to a cliff by the sea.

"We haven't found them yet."

Musashi was a little unhappy: "I'm exhausted and hungry!"

"You think of a way, sure enough!"

Musashi turned to look at Guo Ranweng, and Guo Ranweng looked at Musashi with wide eyes.

I think of a way?
Where did I come from?

While this person and the Pokémon were arguing, a Stinky Flower also came behind them.

The strong odor made Musashi unable to bear it for a moment, and he quickly tried to drive away the smelly flowers.

However, the [Paralysis Powder] released by the Stinky Flower caused the two of them to fall off the cliff and into the sea water.

Musashi's ideal life begins like this!



"I am full!"

Yurika on the other side happily patted her belly.

"Brother Ozawa's craftsmanship is very good!"

"As long as you like it."

Lu Ze smiled, and Serena on the other side also brought the dessert she had prepared.

“Today’s dessert is almond biscuits~”

"And Pikachu, your Pokémon Puff."

After Serena placed Pokémon Puff on the table, Kirby was the first to come over.

Although I am already very full from what I just ate, Kirbymon can still eat!
After picking up a puff and putting it in his mouth, Kirbymon gave Serena a thumbs up without hesitation when he looked at Serena's expectant eyes.

very good!

After receiving Kirbymon's praise, Serena's eyes also turned into the shape of a crescent moon when she smiled.

"There are a lot of preparations~"

Following Serena's words, the Electric Shock Monster, Iron Claw Lobster and the others also stepped forward, pinched one and started eating it.

It’s really good!
Following the movements of the Pokémon, the Pokémon Puff was almost bottomed out in a short time.

Yurika hurriedly pinched two Pokémon Puffs and shouted loudly.

"Dong dong rat, if you don't come back, there will be no puffs~"


The only response Yurika received was the scream of the dong dong rat.

"Drum rat!"

Yurika instantly panicked and ran towards the place where the sound came from.

Lu Ze, Xiaozhi and the others quickly followed.

Kirbymon is slow, let him clean up here first.

When Lu Ze and the others arrived at the place where Dongdong Rat was, they saw that Dongdong Rat was locked in a cage.

The electric current flashed on the Dongdong rat's body, and the sight of it lying in the cage made Yurika feel distressed.

"Iron Warrior!"

Lu Ze's voice fell, and the iron warrior came to the cage in an instant.

With a wave of the blade in his hand, the cage was broken open in an instant.

The material of this cage is not very good, and it can be easily broken open from the outside.

"Drum rat!"

After seeing the cage being broken open, Yurika quickly stepped forward and picked up the rat.

However, Dongdongshu's current condition is not very good.

"What should I do?"

Yurika turned to Xiaozhi and the others in a panic and asked.

"Is there a Pokémon Center near here?"

Ash asked, turning to look at Serena.

Serena opened the map: "There is only one mountain village clinic nearby!"

(End of this chapter)

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