Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 990 Xiaozhi is missing


Seeing Lu Ze's move to step forward, the mount Xiaoyang immediately assumed a defensive posture and looked at Lu Ze and the others nervously.

Faced with this situation, Lu Ze was really helpless.

"How about we go?"

Lu Ze looked at the Blue Flame Blade Ghost and asked tentatively.

The Cangyan Blade Ghost scratched his head and looked at the mount lamb and the mount goat behind the mount lamb.

Seeing this situation, Lu Ze also scratched his head in confusion.

Ghoststone wasn't with him either, and none of his Pokémon food, energy cubes, or anything else that could bribe Pokémon was around.

And looking at the way the mount lamb looked, it was obvious that he didn't quite believe them.

How to solve this situation if you don't leave?

Just when Lu Ze was a little confused, the goat came to his senses.

After sitting up suddenly, he looked around nervously.

After seeing that the mount lamb was still beside him, he quickly stood up and protected the mount lamb behind him, watching Lu Ze and the others warily.

Lu Ze scratched his head, what was going on with them.

I don't mean any harm either.

However, after seeing the mount goat recover, Lu Ze and Cangyan Blade Ghost also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Since you have nothing to do, then we have it."

The Blue Flame Blade Ghost's attack just now was relatively measured. Although the goat's mount lost its fighting ability, it was not seriously injured.

Once the standing mount goat has recovered, they can leave.

Otherwise, Lu Ze would not be happy to be stared at by them all the time as if they were looking at bad people.

I am a good citizen, okay?


After Lu Ze shook his head, he took the Blue Flame Blade Ghost and prepared to leave.

The mount goat and mount lamb watched them leave without making any movement.

"Ah! Card!"

Just when Lu Ze was about to leave, the voice of Pokémon came again from the direction of the bush where the goat had just jumped out.

Lu Ze and Cangyan Blade Ghost looked at each other strangely.

But before he could see the Pokémon that had just made the sound, he saw the trembling mount goat and mount lamb, which were trying to escape.

The mount lamb anxiously held the mount goat.

However, the mount goat had just recovered and was obviously unable to run.

Lu Ze's waveguide was turned on and he wanted to see who was coming.

At the same time as the waveguide was turned on, Lu Ze's eyes also lit up.

It takes no effort to get it!

"Blue Flame Blade Demon, remember what I told you about a powerful Pokémon here?"


When Lu Ze said this, the Blue Flame Blade Ghost also became excited.

After waving the two swords in his hands, the Blue Flame Blade Ghost turned his eyes to the swaying bushes.

As the bushes shook, a Pokémon appeared inside.

Elf: Deadwood Demon

Gender: Male

Attributes: Ghost, Grass
Features: Natural recovery (abnormal status will recover naturally after leaving the combat state.)
Qualification: Purple

Basic skills: slightly

Inherited skills: slightly

"This is your opponent!"

After the rotten wood demon appeared, Lu Ze and Cangyan Blade Ghost's attention was completely attracted by the rotten wood demon, and they did not even notice the mount goat and mount lamb next to them.

The mount goat and mount lamb are still trying to escape from the dead wood demon, but the dead wood demon has already shown excited eyes towards the mount lamb.

"Blue Flame Blade Ghost, spray flames to say hello!"

Lu Ze was excited, and the Blue Flame Blade Demon launched an attack on the Deadwood Demon without hesitation.

Sensing the sudden attack, the dead wood demon frowned and stretched out its claws like wood.

【Evil Wave】!
[Jet Flame] and [Evil Wave] collided together, causing an explosion and canceling each other out.

The battle between the two sides surprised the mount goat and mount lamb who were watching the battle.

Is he helping us?

Did they start a fight?very nice!
Although the mount lamb and the mount goat had different ideas, they stopped at the same time and prepared to watch for a while.

After all, the mount goat has not fully recovered yet and has no ability to escape at all.

In this case, it is better to see if they will both lose.

After all, the two of them are about the same strength.

If he could injure both, could he kill two enemies at once?
No one knew what the mount goat was thinking. Lu Ze was currently paying attention to the battle of the Blue Flame Blade Demon.

After the first wave of skill exchanges between the two sides, the battle began.

The deadwood demon was very angry at this guy who stopped him from hunting.

Although the strength of the guy in front of me is almost the same as mine.

But as the undisputed overlord of this forest, how could he be afraid?
After blocking the opponent's attack, the dead wood demon's face showed a fierce look, and its claws like tree branches quickly extended.

This is exactly the Kuchiki Demon's signature skill [Wood Branch Stab].

The Kuchiki Demon's [Wood Branch Thrust] is very fast.

But the reaction speed of Cangyan Blade Ghost is not slow either.

The long sword in his hand was covered in flames, and he slashed directly at the deadwood demon's claws.

The dead wood demon was not afraid at all, and its claws and the flaming sword collided head-on.

But he soon paid the price for his arrogance.

Not only was the claw like a branch broken, but the place where it was broken started to burn.

The Kuchiki Demon panicked and hurriedly slapped the ground hard before extinguishing the flames.

But after just one attack, he understood that the strength of the guy opposite was definitely more than just looking strong.

The confidence he had gained from dominating the woods for several years also made him suffer this time.

However, the Deadwood Demon changed quickly. Facing the Blue Flame Blade Demon who rushed towards him, the sword in his hand burning again, the Deadwood Demon waved his claws again.

【Shadow Claw】!
The powerful ghost-type physical attack skills directly blocked the [Sword of Regret] of the Blue Flame Blade Ghost.

"Smoke smoke!"

However, the Cangyan Blade Ghost does not fight alone.

After the [Repentance Sword] was blocked, Lu Ze immediately commanded the Cangyan Blade Demon to attack again.

A puff of black smoke erupted and enveloped the Deadwood Demon. The appearance of a small spark instantly ignited the black smoke.

The rotten wood demon wrapped in black smoke was immediately wrapped in a large amount of flames without noticing.

As a ghost-type and grass-type Pokémon, fire-type skills can cause double damage to him.

The dead wood demon rolled on the ground, trying to extinguish the flames burning on its body.

But the Blue Flame Blade Ghost had no intention of stopping.

The [Repentance Sword] was swung, hitting the dead wood demon repeatedly.

"Flash Charge and give him the final blow!"

Following the movements of the Blue Flame Blade Demon, when Lu Ze saw that the flames on the Deadwood Demon were about to go out, he also commanded the Blue Flame Blade Demon to launch the final blow.

It seems that the first method has failed.

At least it was a failure today.

Although the strength is almost the same, the Pokémon that Lu Ze carefully cultivated and trained, Blue Flame Saber, has a much stronger combat power than Pokémon in the wild.

If you really want to carry out stress training, then the wild Pokémon can only look for king-level strength.

A Pokémon with veteran level strength.

Obviously something doesn't work.

Although there are factors of attribute restraint when facing the rotten wood demon.

But this kind of crushing game is already very illustrative.

After the Cangyan Blade Ghost killed the Deadwood Demon with one final blow, he returned to Lu Ze's side.

The dead wood demon fell to the ground and lost its ability to fight.

Lu Ze didn't say anything. After taking a look at the goat and lamb beside him, he turned around and left with the Cang Yan Blade Ghost.

The mounted goat looked at Lu Ze and the Blue Flame Blade Ghost as they left with some confusion.

But the horse lamb beside him didn't have so many ideas.After seeing Lu Ze and the others leave, look at the Kuchiki Demon who fell to the ground and lost the ability to fight.

The mounted lamb stepped forward and stepped on the dead wood demon without hesitation.

He stepped on it one foot after another, as if he was venting his anger at being hunted during this period.

But these have nothing to do with Lu Ze.

Having accomplished their goal, they felt a little disappointed.

"If we want to continue this method, we may need to take on a higher level of challenge."


As Lu Ze said, the Blue Flame Blade Ghost was very excited.

Leapfrog challenge!

Of course you have to try it!

How can you successfully break through without pressure!

"Hey, where are they?"

After returning to where he was just now, Lu Ze looked at the empty grassland and felt a little strange?
Obviously, he was still here just now.

Lu Ze was puzzled and then turned on the waveguide.

Soon Lu Ze discovered the waveguides of the Crossbats who were training.

However, Xiaozhi, Yulijia and their waveguide Lu Ze were not found.

Obviously, they ran a relatively long distance and exceeded the range of Lu Zebo Guide.

"what's the situation."

Lu Ze was puzzled, but he didn't know where Xiaozhi and the others had gone, so he could only wait for Xiaozhi and the others to come back.

At this time, in the distant valley, the baby Tyrannosaurus was avoiding Team Rocket's attack with Yurika.

Yes, there is no doubt that the reason why Yurika and the others are not where they are is because of Team Rocket.

"We're not welcome baby Tyrannosaurus, meow!"

Meow Meow smiled happily, controlled Meow Meow Hot Air Balloon Snake to extend a mechanical claw, and directly grabbed the baby Tyrannosaurus.

After successfully catching the baby Tyrannosaurus, the mechanical claws began to shrink.

Looking at the Meow Meow hot air balloon in the sky, Yurika was also very anxious.

She knew that if Team Rocket captured the baby Tyrannosaurus in the Meow Meow hot air balloon, she would never see the baby Tyrannosaurus again.

Yurika thought of this, a trace of panic flashed in her eyes, and then she jumped up and grabbed the baby Tyrannosaurus that was carried into the sky by the mechanical claws.

"Let go, let go!"

"Of course it's impossible~"

Musashi smiled happily: "Meow meow, get out of the way!"

"Okay meow!"

After Miao Miao nodded and agreed, he controlled Miao Miao's hot air balloon and extended its second mechanical claw.

After gently grabbing Yurika on the baby tyrannosaurus, he threw Yurika down.

When the baby Tyrannosaurus saw Yurika falling from the sky, he became anxious.

Suddenly, the baby Tyrannosaurus was covered in white light.

The next second the baby tyrannosaurus evolved into the strange jaw dragon.

The trio of Team Rocket were a little stunned to see the strange jaw dragon that had successfully evolved like this.


"Is this how you evolve?"

The trio were a little at a loss, as this was clearly the scene they had expected.

Why, it appears like this now?

While the three of them were stunned, the strange jaw dragon had torn the mechanical claws into pieces and fell from the sky.

After the strange jaw dragon hugged the falling Yurika, it dived down.


The huge body of the strange jaw dragon fell to the ground, and the rocks on the ground could not bear the power of the strange jaw dragon and shattered.

But fortunately, Yurika is fine.

Dongdongrat, Digger and Ghoststone breathed a sigh of relief.

It's fine.

"Hey, evolve?"

After realizing that she was no longer in danger, Yurika tentatively opened her eyes.

Yurika also became happy after seeing the baby Tyrannosaurus transform into a strange jaw dragon.


At this time, Xiaozhi and the others also rushed over.

Also coming over at the same time was the Wind Fairy, who had successfully broken through to become a Heavenly King.

The wind fairy just saw Yurika falling from the sky in the distance and felt regretful.

When she was in danger, Ghoststone asked her to call Xiaozhi and the others.

As a result, on the way to call Xiaozhi to find Yurika and the others, she noticed that she had successfully broken through.

It was precisely because of realizing this that the wind fairy felt a little regretful.

Why didn't you let Ghost Stone go just now...

No, my strength is enough to kill a few of them!

The wind fairy still has some confidence.

Seriously, if we weren't worried about Yurika and Dongdongshu just now, the Wind Fairy and Ghost Stone would be enough to kill Team Rocket's Squid and Pumpkin Monster.

Well, mainly because of that Guo Ranweng.

The [Magic Shine] I released was actually reflected back!
If there were no accidents, I would have already had the strength of a King-level Pokémon at that time.

After the wind fairy patted her head in annoyance, she looked at the trio of Team Rocket in the sky with an unhappy expression.

"Strange Jaw Dragon!"

After the wind fairy roared at the Monster Jaw Dragon, he directly released the [Destructive Death Light].

The wind fairy is very upset inside, and she needs to vent now!

When the wind fairy released [Destructive Death Light], the Monster Jaw Dragon also reacted.

He jumped into the air with Yurika, and then released [Dragon Wave].

The two attacks hit at the same time, sending the Rocket trio flying away.

"What a disgusting feeling!"


Meteors flashed past in the sky, and Lu Ze also noticed the situation over there.

"Team Rocket?"

Lu Ze was a little surprised, but it would make sense if it was Team Rocket.

Apart from Team Rocket's reasons, Xiaozhi and the others probably wouldn't leave without saying goodbye.

After Lu Ze thought for a moment, he walked in the direction of Team Rocket's takeoff.

But after thinking for a moment, Lu Ze stopped again.

Well, the pots, pans and stuff are still here, waiting for them to come back.

Anyway, the Rockets' problem has been solved.

Thinking of this, Lu Ze sat down quietly and continued to wait.

After Lu Ze waited for a while, Xiaozhi came back with Yulijia and the others.

"Hey? What's wrong with you?"

Seeing Yurika's red eyes and Xiaozhi and others looking a little disappointed, Lu Ze asked curiously.

"The baby tyrannosaurus evolved into a strange jaw dragon."

"So fast?"

Lu Ze was stunned, but Citron didn't look happy.

"Yurika wants to conquer the Monsterjaw Dragon."

"It's a good thing, why is it like this? The strange jaw dragon doesn't agree?" Lu Ze was a little surprised.

It shouldn't be, the relationship between the strange jaw dragon and Yurika is so good.

"No, Mesognathus is a Pokémon from a nearby research institute, not a wild Pokémon."

After Citron finished speaking, Lu Ze was stunned for a moment.

No, it's okay that Diplognathus should be Yurika's Pokémon, right?
What, something happened?

Or are you saying that the memes you saw are just memes?

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