Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 993 If Lu Ze believes in you again, I will be a dog!

"Ah, as expected it still doesn't work."

Xiaozhi took two steps forward, picked up Pikachu who had lost the ability to fight, and said helplessly.


Pikachu lay weakly in Xiaozhi's arms, and shouted to Xiaozhi with some remorse.

It was a great situation, but it was a pity that I didn't grasp it, and finally lost at the hands of Hu Hu.

It's a pity, otherwise he would have been able to defeat Brother Ozawa.

"It's okay Pikachu."

"We have made a lot of progress, haven't we? We were almost able to defeat Brother Ozawa this time." Xiaozhi smiled and comforted Pikachu and said.

"Indeed, the strength has improved very quickly."

Lu Ze also picked up Hu Hu and came to Xiao Zhi.

"However, you don't know much about Pokémon, that's why Pikachu lost to Pikachu."

Lu Ze shook his head helplessly. Xiaozhi was good at everything, but he didn't know much about Pokémon.

Speaking of which, he is a trainer who has been traveling for such a long time.

"oh, I understand now."

"Come on, the tea is ready."

After Xiaozhi nodded and agreed, Citron on the side spoke to the two of them.

"Come on, let's go over and have tea. Let's talk while drinking."

"Okay, I'll call Serena back."

Xiaozhi nodded and ran towards Serena over there.

Serena is very incompetent as a referee.

Serena ran away not long after the battle started.

After running away, Serena sat on the ground, made a garland for all the Pokémon and put it on their heads.

Not only Crossbat, Kirby and the others, but Lucario and Iron Warrior, who have always been relatively aloof, also wore garlands made by Serena and were sitting on the grass with a little embarrassment. superior.

However, just when Serena put a wreath on Dongdongshu's head, Dongdongshu was so excited that the wreath on his head fell down.

There happened to be a hillside in front of us, and the wreath rolled down the hillside.

The dong dong rat jumped on the spot for a moment, then quickly chased after the wreath.

The naughty panda next to Serena saw this and followed her.

"Wait for us."

Not only the two of them, Yurika and Serena also followed after they reacted.

Garland's speed was not very fast, and Dong Dong Mouse and Naughty Panda quickly caught up.

Just then, a stone appeared in front of him. The flower wreath hit the stone and jumped upwards.

Just at this time, the naughty panda caught up, stretched out his hand and grabbed the garland, smiling proudly.


After the naughty panda put the garland on Dongdongshu's head again, Dongdongshu also happily thanked the naughty panda.

However, the naughty panda ignored Dongdongshu. His eyes were attracted by a flat stone on the edge of the river in front.

"Are you all right?"

While Dongdongshu was confused, Serena, Yurika and the others also caught up and asked worriedly.

"Yao Xiong, Yao Xiong!"

After the naughty panda saw Serena coming, he quickly pointed at the scene in front and said to Serena.

Serena was a little curious. After looking up at where the naughty panda was pointing, she understood what the naughty panda wanted to do.

On a flat stone by the river in front, a little Eevee was dancing gracefully.

Seeing this, Serena quickly hid behind the stone and observed carefully.

"so cute!"

"Does the child like to dance?"

"It's really a good dance."

While Yurika and Serena were watching in ecstasy, Xiaozhi, who had just finished the battle, rushed over and shouted loudly to Serena.

"Serena, Citron said the tea is ready!"

Ash's voice was not only heard by Serena and the others, but also by Eevee who was dancing just now.

Little Eevee looked up in panic, and saw Serena and Yurika looking at him.

Without hesitation, Ibrahimovic turned around and jumped from the rocks in the river, leaving Serena and the others' sight.

"Ah, why is that?"

Yurika was a little disappointed, but Serena just pursed her lips, smiled and said it didn't matter, and then went back with Xiaozhi.

"I'm back. Let's try the tea made by Citron. It's very good."

Lu Ze, who was drinking tea at the small table, saw Xiaozhi and Serena coming back and waved to them with a smile.


After Xiaozhi agreed, he quickly came to sit next to Lu Ze.

"Brother, we just saw a dancing Ibrahimovic." As soon as Yurika sat down, she couldn't wait to show off to Citron and said.

"Eevee who can dance?"

"Yes, it's very good. It dances very lightly and looks very happy."


Xiaozhi was stunned for a moment, then felt a little embarrassed: "That's it, I'm really sorry."

When Xiaozhi passed by, he also saw the back of Ibrahimovic leaving.

He didn't pay much attention to it at first, but after hearing what Serena said, he immediately understood.

It seems that because of his own reasons, that Ibrahimovic ran away.

However, Serena didn't seem to hear Xiaozhi's words, and continued to be immersed in Eevee's dance.

"Watching that child's dance, I seemed to have found a new way to perform."

"In that case, let's watch it again!" After listening to Serena's words, Xiaozhi suddenly said excitedly.


"This seems like a good idea!"

Serena was a little hesitant, but Yurika was equally excited.

"Don't scare little Eevee this time."

Seeing Serena's move, Lu Ze also smiled and said.

"Haha, of course."

After Xiaozhi scratched his head in embarrassment, he looked at Pikachu and the others.

"Okay, then let's go find Ibrahimovic together!"

"it is good!"

Everyone nodded in agreement, but what they didn't know was that the Rockets trio next to them were also plotting against little Ibrahimovic.

"It seems that little Eevee is very good. If I can catch it, it will definitely add a lot of effect to my gorgeous performance."

After Musashi finished speaking excitedly, Meowth on the side suddenly became a little unconvinced.

"I can also do things like dancing!"

As he spoke, Meow Meow danced his body and jumped up.

However, neither Musashi, Kojiro, nor even Guo Ranwen had any intention of paying attention to him.

This made Meow Meow stiffen in embarrassment.

"How to find it?" Lu Ze asked helplessly, looking at the endless grassland.

After everyone drank tea, they quickly arrived at the place where Serena and the others had just seen Eevee dancing.

"I think he's around here, right?"

After Xiaozhi thought for a moment, he spoke.

Lu Ze smiled helplessly. In this situation, it would not work if he deployed all his waveguides.

After all, I don’t know which one is Ibrahimovic’s waveguide.

“Now is the time for science to expand the future!”

Suddenly, Citron pushed up his glasses and spoke excitedly. "The perfect machine invented just for this time! A radar robot that can sense living things!"

"Biological Explorer 2!"

"Number two?"

Lu Ze was stunned for a moment, why is he number two?

If I remember correctly, Citron's machines usually seemed to be No. [-] or something.

"Yes, he used it before when he was looking for Yurika, but this time he has further improved the life body reaction detection level, which was previously a shortcoming, so that he can better find Pokémon!"

After Citron finished speaking excitedly, Xiaozhi also became excited: "As expected of Citron, the power of science is so powerful!"

"Please, Citron!"

"Well, since the target is small, let's search with a mass similar to that of a fire fox!"

Citron, Serena and Xiaozhi watched excitedly as the Biological Detector [-] took off. Only Lu Ze's mouth twitched and he took several steps back.

"found it!"

But just when Lu Ze took two steps back, Citron suddenly shouted, then looked towards the direction of the river next to him, and pointed suddenly.

"It's there!"

But when everyone looked over, they realized that there was indeed a Pokémon there.

But it is indeed a pink butterfly.

Not Ibrahimovic.

"Well, let's do it again!"

Lu Ze was a little curious. It seemed that Citron's invention this time was quite reliable.

"It's there!"

After a moment, Citron pointed again, but what emerged from behind the big stone was a shy head.

"Huh? Not at all?"

Yurika spread her hands, expressing distrust in her brother's invention.

"It must be possible!"

How could Citron stand this kind of stimulation? He started to operate directly.

"Increase search power!"

Citron's words made Lu Ze's expression suddenly change. He who had just held out hope suddenly took two steps back again.

Just as Lu Ze suddenly retreated, the Biological Detector No. [-] in the sky suddenly turned red and exploded instantly!

"Sure enough, I still believe in you too much!"

Lu Ze's face was dark, and after spitting out a puff of black smoke, he couldn't help but speak.

The cross-shaped bats and Kirby beasts on the side couldn't help but roll their eyes when they saw Lu Ze like this.

Like the electric monster, it was already rolling on the ground laughing.

"Ha, brother failed again."

Youlijia from Jiwotou complained, and Lu Ze secretly made up his mind that no matter what next time, he would stay farther away after Citron came up with his invention!
It can’t be like this anymore!

If I continue to believe in Citron's invention, I will be a dog!
Lu Ze roared in his heart, but on his face he just waved his hands helplessly.

"Crossword Bat, help Serena find Eevee, remember not to alert the enemy."

After Lu Ze waved his hand, the cross-shaped bat, which seemed to be in a good mood, nodded and flew away.

Obviously they understood what Lu Ze meant.

Judging from Serena's appearance, she probably wants to conquer little Eevee.

Then the process of finding little Eevee cannot be forced.

Otherwise, just let the cross-shaped bat capture the little Eevee.

After Crossbat and the others set off, Lu Ze also took Ghost Stone and the others to search.

"Serena has already tamed the third Pokémon, when will you be able to break out of its shell?"

Lu Ze looked at the elf egg in his arms and sighed.

"Okay, don't dodge, you don't want to break out of your shell."

After watching the elf egg flash twice again, Lu Ze also laughed helplessly.

"Every time I talk to you, it flickers. Every time, it makes me think that you are about to break out of your shell. But every time, it's all joy in vain."

Lu Ze's helpless words seemed to make the elf egg a little unconvinced, and it flashed a few times again.

"Okay, okay, save your strength and use it when you break the shell."

After gently stroking the elf egg twice, Lu Ze continued to look for little Eevee.

But what Lu Ze didn't know was that Serena had already met little Eevee.

Serena was looking for Eevee in the very tall grass, but she didn't find Eevee watching her from the big tree behind.

It wasn't until she was about to fall off the cliff after taking another step forward that Little Eevee suddenly spoke up to remind her.

And little Eevee's reminder also made Serena realize that there was a cliff in front of her.

The grass was too tall just now, completely blocking her view.

If it weren't for little Eevee, maybe...

Serena suddenly took two steps back, then turned to look at Eevee on the branch.

"Did you save me, Eevee?"


Ibrahimovic seemed a little shy. After hesitating for a moment when facing Serena, he turned around and left.

Serena chased forward, but was unable to catch up with Ibrahimovic.

"Thank you, Ibrahimovic."

Seeing this, Serena stopped chasing and just placed the wreath on her head on a stone next to the big tree under Ibrahimovic.

After taking a look at the wreath on the stone, Serena left with the long-tailed firefox and naughty panda who caught up.

But what Serena and the others didn't know was that Eevee was looking at them curiously on the branch.

"No, can this work?"

Lu Ze looked at Yurika and Citron who were placing desserts to seduce Ibrahimovic and asked strangely.

"Of course. These are puffs made by Serena. Ibrahimovic will definitely like them!"

"I don't know if Ibrahimovic likes it or not, but the two of them seem to like it very much."

Lu Ze curled his lips slightly and looked at Kirby and Harry, who were looking at Puff with expectant expressions and drooling on their faces.

"Halili, you can't eat it!"

Noticing Lu Ze's eyes, Citron also quickly stopped Ha Lili who was about to step forward.

Harry was startled, and Kirby quickly wiped the corners of his mouth and turned his head as if he was not interested.

Just as Citron was staring closely at Harry, there was sudden movement behind Dig Dig Rabbit.

Diguitu turned to look, and Lu Ze also turned to look.

An Eevee appeared on the tree stump where the puffs were placed, and then took the puffs away in front of Lu Ze and Diguitu.

Lu Ze and Dijutu happily greeted little Eevee, but they did not keep him.

At the same time that Ibrahimovic turned and jumped into the forest, Harili also jumped on the tree stump while Citron was not paying attention to him.

If you are not allowed to eat that one, then it doesn’t matter!

But unfortunately, Ha Lili missed the point.

Digurutu was shocked when he saw this scene, and Yurika also heard the movement here and quickly turned his head to look over.

As soon as she turned her head, Yurika saw Hariuri throwing herself on the tree stump and Puff who had disappeared.

"Ah! Harry Li!"

Lu Ze was happy, but he didn't say anything. He just watched this scene with interest.

"Harry Chestnut!"

Yurika and Citron glared at Harili, while Diggugi, who had seen the whole incident, rolled his eyes in panic and did not dare to say a word.

Only Ha Lili was trying his best to explain.

There are no puffs in the first place!

not me!

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