Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 995 He wants to eat me!

"We finally arrived at Baike City."

Looking at the Baike City Pokémon Center in front of him, Lu Ze also breathed a sigh of relief.

Although traveling is wonderful, living in the wild all the time is really inconvenient.

For example now.

"Let's take a shower first, are you guys together?"

After Lu Ze stretched, he looked at Xiaozhi and the others and asked.

"I don't have many Pokémon, just wash them in the room." Xiaozhi shook his head and said.

They had already washed it once in the river two days ago when they were looking for Serena's Eevee.

Now, just wash it on himself and then give it to Fiery Arrow Eagle.

"me too."

After Xiaozhi finished speaking, Citron nodded in the same way.

"Okay, then I'll go alone."

After Lu Ze waved his hand with a smile, he looked at the map and walked towards the bathhouse.

"Hello, how many are you?"

"Build a big pool."


After the lady at the front desk nodded, she quickly opened a room for Lu Ze.

"Come out, everyone."

After arriving in the room, looking at the large pool inside, Lu Ze nodded with satisfaction.

Baike City is considered a relatively large city, and even so, this bathing center is relatively famous.

Just look at the big pool in front of you.


After seeing this big pool, Kirby nodded with satisfaction.

I went to take a bath in Fuye's city before, and the largest pool couldn't accommodate other people after Kirby entered.

In the end, we had no choice but to open two pools.

It's okay now, everyone can play in the water together.

Kirby narrowed his eyes, took the lead, picked up a towel and put it around his neck, then wandered to the edge of the pool.

After sitting on the side and testing the temperature with my feet, I slowly slid in.


Feeling the warmth coming from its body, Kirby also made a sound of comfort, and all the pores on its body opened.

Seeing Kirby's appearance, Electric Shock Monster and Iron Claw Lobster entered the pool not to be outdone.

Lucario, Wind Fairy and Ghost Stone also jumped in together.

The Iron Warriors and Green Rangers also imitated Kirbymon, put towels around their necks and entered the water.

Hu Hu, the Crossed Bat and the Metagross watched this scene and slowly entered the water.

In the end, only Lu Ze and Cangyan Blade Ghost were left on the stage.

"Are you afraid of water?"

Lu Ze looked at the hesitation of the Cangyan Blade Ghost and asked with a smile.


The Cangyan Blade Ghost shook his head and looked at the pool in front of him.

He is not afraid of water, but he really doesn't want to touch it unless necessary.

"It would be nice if the flames above my head didn't touch the water."

Lu Ze said, and like the Kirby just now, he slowly slid into the water.

In other words, Kirbymon is imitating Lu Ze.


Seeing how comfortable Lu Ze and his other companions looked, Cangyan Blade Ghost hesitated for a moment, then finally nodded, followed Lu Ze and Kirby's example, and slid into the water.

As soon as he entered the water, Cangyan Blade Ghost immediately felt much more relaxed.

Although this temperature is not his favorite, it is still good.

Here Lu Ze and Blue Flame Blade Demon were soaking quietly, while the Pokémon over there were already fighting under the leadership of Onion Ranger and Electric Shock Monster.

Wind Fairy, Lucario, Iron Warrior, Metagross, and Ghost Stone all joined the battle.

Iron-clawed lobster showed off his swimming skills in the swimming pool, and Cross-shaped Bat came to a corner holding the elf egg, looking at them with a smile.

Kirbymon sat on the edge of the pool like a boss, enjoying the moment with his eyes closed.

Chuchu also closed his eyes and lay on Kirby's head enjoying the steam.

"I'm going to take a bath."

After soaking for a while and steaming for a while, Lu Ze felt that it was almost done, so he said something to the Cang Yan Blade Ghost next to him and prepared to take a bath.

However, the Cangyan Blade Ghost's eyes lit up and he followed.

Lu Ze was a little dumbfounded: "This is different from the steam room. You can't rub it."

When Lu Ze went to the steam room just now, he took the Blue Flame Blade Ghost with him.

However, Lu Ze really didn't expect that Cangyan Blade Ghost actually liked sauna.

But yes, this temperature is obviously very suitable for the Blue Flame Blade Ghost.


"Okay, just keep up and you'll know."

Listening to the slightly coquettish tone of the Cangyan Blade Ghost, Lu Ze also twitched the corner of his mouth and chose to let the Cangyan Blade Ghost follow him.

The Cangyan Blade Ghost's face turned slightly red, and he didn't know whether it was because of his coquettish behavior just now or because it was too hot in the room.

"Hey, be gentle, I'm a little uncomfortable."

After seeing Haoli wearing a bathing glove, Lu Ze couldn't help but be shocked.

However, Hao Li didn't care. He looked at Lu Ze with a smile and patted the bed beneath him.


Lu Ze obediently went over and lay down on the bed, while the Cangyan Blade Ghost beside him tilted his head and looked at this scene with some confusion.

Soon, the bathing began.

Haoli's technique was still very good. Lu Ze didn't feel any pain, but he could also feel the dust on his body becoming streaks.

"Oh, cool!"

Lu Ze couldn't help but groan when he rubbed the area on his back.

This made the Cangyan Blade Ghost even more curious.

The Cangyan Blade Ghost was a little moved, and gradually began to feel restless.

It wasn't until Hao Li patted Lu Ze on the back and Lu Ze stood up that the Cangyan Blade Ghost's eyes lit up and he went over and lay down without hesitation.

Haoli frowned.

How to get started with this?

Never touched this Pokémon before?
Haoli hesitated and looked up at Lu Ze.

However, Lu Ze didn't react at all, but happily watched the show from the side.

Haoli thought for a while and finally made a decision.

If you are wearing armor.

Take it with a pinch of salt!

Thinking of doing it, Haoli reached out and grabbed a handful of salt and sprinkled it evenly on the Blue Flame Blade Ghost.

The Blue Flame Blade Ghost was about to enjoy it, but he just felt something falling on his body.

Reach out and touch.

It seems like salt?

Taste it.

Is it really salt?

The Cangyan Blade Ghost was a bit confused.


I am rice!
Thinking of this, Cangyan Blade Ghost suddenly opened his eyes, jumped up from the bed, and then looked at the confused Haoli with a vigilant expression.





After the Cangyan Blade Ghost said angrily, he left here directly.

The running figure looked a little embarrassed.


Lu Ze and Hao Li looked at each other, but their eyes were full of confusion. "Okay, you can count the salting, although I didn't succeed."

After Lu Ze waved his hand at Haoli in a dumbfounded way, he returned to the bath room, leaving Haoli excitedly holding a pen to write down something on his work sheet.

I can add a small cake tonight.

"What's wrong with the Blue Flame Blade Ghost?"

After Lu Ze came back, he couldn't help but ask with a smile when he saw the Cangyan Blade Ghost huddled in the pool, shivering.


"He's so scary that he wants to eat me!"

After Lucario translated the words of the Blue Flame Blade Ghost, he looked at the Blue Flame Blade Ghost strangely.

Who wants to eat you?

"I don't add salt to eat you."

Lu Ze was happy and began to explain to the Blue Flame Blade Ghost.

But no matter how Lu Ze said it, Cangyan Blade Ghost couldn't accept the fact that Hao Li sprinkled salt on him.

After all, what he saw most was Lu Ze sprinkling salt on food.

After the salt is sprinkled, the salted food will be eaten quickly.

Lu Ze had no choice but to start combing the Pokémon's hair one by one and doing maintenance on their armor and nails.

It was almost noon before Lu Ze got all the Pokémon.

The Blue Flame Blade Ghost was extremely frightened by Salt, but when the armor on his body was being maintained, the Blue Flame Blade Ghost was very happy.

"Let's go, it's time to go back."

After drying his hair and the hair on the Crossbat, Kirby, and Electric Monster, Lu Ze was ready to go back.

The morning has passed, and it’s time to go back and have lunch.


But just as he was about to go back, Ghost Stone felt a little coy.

"What's wrong."


"He said, after he evolves into Gengar, will he be able to do the same?"

"Of course it can."

Lu Ze was happy. The current Ghost Pokémon is still a gas Pokémon. Only after it evolves into Gengar will it have a physical form, and then it will be able to feel the joy of taking a bath.


Ghost Stone happily swayed in the air twice before diving into Lu Ze's shadow.

"By the way, what's on the second floor?"

When he was going out, Lucario saw a man coming down from the second floor proudly, and asked Lu Ze curiously.

"Second floor?"

Lu Ze turned around and glanced: "We are still young and can't go to the second floor."


Lucario scratched his head strangely, but he had no intention of asking further questions.

Just look at the Blue Flame Blade Ghost.

Because of the momentary curiosity, I was so frightened that I am still trembling.

"Brother Ozawa, you are back."

"Well, it's very comfortable."

After Lu Ze returned to the Pokémon Center, he saw Xiaozhi and the others sitting on the dining table preparing to eat.

"Now, let me introduce you. This is Tierno that I mentioned before, and this is Shana that you met before."

"Hi everybody."

After Lu Ze said hello to them, he sat next to Citron and listened to them chatting while eating.

"I have already challenged the gym in Baike City." Tialuno continued the topic and said happily.


Xiaozhi was a little surprised: "Have you got the badge yet?"

Not only Xiaozhi, but also Lu Ze and Citron looked over in surprise.

Tialuno's face was full of confidence, but it soon turned into helplessness: "It failed."

"Did Tialuno's strength actually fail?" Citron was a little confused. Tialuno's strength was very good.

"Is the owner of the museum very strong?" Serena was also a little curious.

"The gym leader in Baike City should be good at super powers, right?"


After Tialuno nodded, Xiaozhi suddenly became excited: "Superpower type?"

"Then how did you fight?"

"Is the owner really that strong?"

"Ah, what should I say?"

Tialuno thought for a moment: "I don't know whether to say it's incredible or awesome."

"Feel sorry!"

As soon as Tialuno opened his mouth, he was interrupted by Xiaozhi.

Xiaozhi sat down again with a confident smile on his face: "I really still want to confirm it myself, just think of it as the fun after going to the gym!"

"Xiao Zhi is so optimistic."

Seeing Xiaozhi like this, Shana on the side also praised him.

"That's what you like about him, right?"

As she spoke, Shana suddenly changed the subject and asked Serena in a low voice.



Serena was instantly shy, but Lu Ze, who heard Shana's words, almost spit out the coke in his mouth.

"Well, I think I also need to learn from Xiaozhi's optimistic attitude..."

Serena's stammering look attracted Citron to her: "What are you going to say?"

"Nothing, nothing!"

Serena quickly waved her hands to deny it, and Shana also showed a helpless expression when she saw her like this.

Lu Ze was also happy, if Serena and Shana
With the same personality, I'm afraid he is with Xiaozhi now.

The only way to deal with a straight man like Xiaozhi is to play straight.

Otherwise, he won't understand what you want to do at all.

At this moment, Ibrahimovic suddenly trotted to Serena's side in panic and jumped onto Serena's lap.


Serena was a little worried, but the next second she saw Harry chasing after her with Puff in her arms.

"Are you scared by Harry?"

Lu Ze looked at Harili who was lifted up by Yulijia with some curiosity.

After getting along with each other in the past few days, everyone has a relatively good understanding of Ibrahimovic's character.

Well, I am introverted and quite shy of strangers.

Among everyone's Pokémon now, apart from Digger, only the mild-tempered Kirby is left that Eevee can come into contact with.

Other Pokémon, especially Harry, will make Eevee a little nervous as long as they are close to it.

It's obvious that Halili just wants to have a relationship with Ibrahimovic.

In the end, she had no choice but to stay in Yurika's arms and angrily ate the puffs she planned to use to build a relationship.

"A coward?"

"Is this kid also going to attend the Pokémon Tribeca Conference with you?" Shanna asked worriedly, looking at Eevee huddled in Serena's arms.

"Well, I want to go to the next Tribeca convention with him."

"That's right, but there were a lot of spectators at the Tribeca conference. His behavior is really worrying."

"It's okay, just take your time."

Lu Ze nodded, reached out and gently rubbed Ibrahimovic.

Ibrahimovic didn't seem to open his eyes, so he didn't feel any resistance.

Seeing this scene, Lu Ze also had a smile on his face.

It seems that Eevee has been alone with Pokémon in the forest for a long time, and has not been able to relieve so many people and Pokémon.

In this case, all he needs is someone or a Pokémon to take him for a play and blend in.

But now, there seems to be nothing interesting in Baike City?

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