Chapter 317 Why He Knows Everything!
What is "Shangshu"?
Open Baidu Encyclopedia, you will find that "Shangshu" (also known as "Jinwen Shangshu") is a philosophical treatise written by pre-Qin philosophers. It was written in the fifth century BC. It is the first ancient historical document and part of my country. A compilation of writings recounting the deeds of antiquity.

"Shangshu" mainly records the history of about 1500 years from the Yao, Shun and Yu era to the Eastern Zhou Dynasty. The basic content is the proclamations of ancient emperors and the conversation records of monarchs and ministers.

The structure of the articles in the book is becoming more and more complete, with a certain level, and attention is paid to the use of kung fu in the Mingyimou articles, which marks the initial formation of the ancient prose of Daxia.

This is also the reason why Li Changan chose "Shangshu" in the first act. This is the beginning of the record of Great Xia civilization. Of course, it is also related to the story of Confucius and Fu Sheng protecting the book.

The plot of the theater continues to develop:
If there is no Fusheng in the Han Dynasty, then the "Shangshu" will not be passed on, and if it is passed on without Fusheng, then the meaning is not clear.

Then there is the lineup introduction of this program: the director of the National Theater is the producer, the director of the theater, and Teacher Ni.


The barrage was silent for a moment, then exploded.

Oh my god, this lineup.
Awesome, who would have thought that if CCTV didn't make programs, it would be a lineup of top bosses.

"I'm relieved when Teacher Ni is here."

"That's right, Mr. Ni's acting as Fu Sheng is absolutely perfect, every wrinkle of his is full of drama."

The host said: ""Great Summer in the Classics" is a very special program. Our ancient classics are vast, and the essence of them is the cultural foundation for cultivating the national spirit and the spirit of the times."

"We hope that through this program, we will all be familiar with the classics and know where our roots come from!"

As soon as this sentence was finished, Hong Dazheng clenched his fists in excitement.

Where does the root come from? Is this the meaning of history and classics?

And the following plot is naturally extremely moving. Whether it is Fu Sheng played by Mr. Ni, or the dialogue with Xiao Sa, people can enjoy watching it with gusto.

Why is the trunk of an elephant so long: "I graduated from elementary school. It was my son who was watching it, but now the whole family is watching it. For some reason, when I saw Teacher Ni wearing modern clothes and facing the ancient costume in the mirror, I Cried."

Crayon Shin-chan, I love you: "That's right, I feel that every look of Mr. Ni is a joke."

I love Hetu: "I think the soundtrack interspersed in the middle is very nice. I've never heard it before. I'm humming it now."

Pippi Shrimp, let's go: "That's right, the people in the audience can't see the old color when they pass by, and the people on the stage are singing a heartbreaking farewell song..."

"Wooooow, it reminds me of Henan opera and traditional opera."


Guo Pengfei was at Mango Terrace right now.

Yes, it was Guo Pengfei, the vice president of the Film Association.

He was specially invited here to watch the show, just the show that talks about ancient and modern times.

Then he was also watching CCTV's "Big Summer in Classics".

To be honest, Guo Pengfei was shocked. He thought that Mango Channel's program had done a good job, with core, depth and content.

But compared with CCTV, it's almost like children's play house.

Whether it is the novel dialogues between ancient and modern characters across time and space, or the lines of the script, the songs interspersed in it, the opera accents, and the acting skills of the actors are all top-notch.

Even if Guo Pengfei didn't want to admit it, he had to say that Li Changan did a great job.

He felt that even if he did it himself, he would not be able to do this.

The point is, apart from being moved, this program can also learn something, the spirit in "Shang Shu", the story of Fu Sheng, the dialogues between ancient and modern times...

This show is so good, it was really made in a week?
He wouldn't believe it even if he killed him!

But the facts were right in front of him, and Li Changshou used the facts to prove a truth: no matter whether he was doing TV dramas, movies, or variety shows, he was very good.

Guo Pengfei sat in his seat and remained silent for a long time. In fact, he was also aware of some problems in this industry and society, and he also knew that the entertainment industry would be rectified in a short time. After all, the entertainment industry had been entertained to death, and cultural invasion, it was impossible to continue like this .

But Guo Pengfei always wanted to try again and struggle again, not because he had the guts to do so, but because he had to do this in his position, and he was already tied up with the interests of too many people.

He understands who is standing behind Li Changshou or the Bullet Ant Company, but he doesn't want to believe that there are really people who are sincere, and he doesn't want to believe that there are such excellent people in this world, people who won't be corrupted by money .

So from now on, the strategy has to change.

They can't stop playing, that's the key to fighting Li Changshou, and they are all excellent directors, so what if you don't try?
On the other hand, Li Changshou's weaknesses should also be found out, so that he can be the best of his own.

At this time, a person in charge of Mango TV walked up to Guo Pengfei and asked in a low voice, "President Guo, how are you doing?"

Guo Pengfei shook his head, and left with his hands behind his back, leaving only a sigh.


The person in charge of Mango Channel doesn't understand, what do these mean?


On the other hand, as soon as "Great Summer in the Classics" ended, all kinds of hot comments on the Internet continued. To sum it up in one sentence: the strength of the national team, the strength of Director Li, awesome!
Therefore, the sales of a series of classic books have actually increased.

And Hongdae's publishing house also re-discussed whether to delete part of the "Shangshu", and the opinion was that it could not be changed.

From national style music to Hanfu, to "Great Xia Poetry Conference", "Great Xia in Classics", combined with the recent "Operation Red Sea", and various events in reality, all of them have enhanced the confidence of Daxia people Heart, and the simplest expression of this is in cultural self-confidence.

So some people think that the national trend is about to become popular.

Li Changan, the behind-the-scenes director fanning his wings, is on the way to choose a dog at this time.

Yes, time is tight and tasks are heavy, and the next movie will also start.

"The Story of Hachiko the Faithful Dog" is on the agenda.

And the first thing is to choose a dog.

Choose an obedient dog.

There are several types of this kind of dog, such as police dogs, military dogs, or guide dogs, all of which are very obedient.

But the problem is that what Li Changan is looking for this time is an obedient Akita dog or pastoral dog, which is a little difficult.

Yes, if it is a Daxia localized movie, the Pastoral Dog is actually fine.

But it doesn't matter, fortunately he is Li Chang'an, also Li Changshou, the boss of Bullet Ant Company, rich, well-connected, and well-connected!
It is so wayward!
So soon several suitable dogs came to Li Changan for him to choose.

And he also heard something: It seems that a crew is also looking for a suitable dog.

Li Changan suddenly thought of something in his mind, and he thumped.

not good!


On the other side, the old white director on Guo Pengfei's side was preparing his movie. It can be said that he was the person Guo Pengfei placed the most high hopes on.

After all, the old white man is ruthless and knows how to incite the emotions of the audience. He can throw money and people for the sake of art. He can be regarded as a very paranoid person, and he can also be called a lunatic.

This time he plans to shoot an anti-war TV series, mainly about the use of military dogs to attack the enemy.

Guo Pengfei is listening to Lao Bai's request.

"President Guo, it's up to you to come forward this time. I need a military dog ??????to help me take pictures. After all, ordinary dogs will run away when they smell explosives, but military dogs can't."

Lao Bai knew that he couldn't borrow this thing, so a big guy like Guo Pengfei had to come forward to do it.

Guo Pengfei nodded and didn't say no.


(Morning, Baozi, don???t worry, there will be no tragedy. In addition, use an Akita dog or a pastoral dog?)
(End of this chapter)

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