Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 1 Young Autumn Rain [Part 1]

[When fairy tales and fantasy comprehension are merged, what will be the different exciting process and ending?Let's watch "Dragon God Emperor" bring you different surprises.This book is cool and worthy of collection and support]

When the last ray of sunset dissipated in the vast sky, the night finally replaced the brilliance of the day. The night was as black as lacquer, the diamond-like stars shone with dazzling light, and the silver moon was like a hook, covering the earth with a mysterious veil.

Under the starry sky, the huge Tianxing Pavilion is still brightly lit, and some servants and disciples can be seen walking around in the pavilion everywhere. Tianxing Pavilion is one of the three major forces in Fengping City.The owner of the pavilion, Li Chongyang, is the number one expert in Fengping City.

Li Chongyang came to Fengping City 40 years ago, and gained a foothold in Fengping City with his strong cultivation base. The condition for being able to gain a foothold in Fengping City is not only his strong cultivation base alone, but also his other identity. one of the reasons.

He is the uncle of the Lord of Today's Dragon Kingdom. Tianlong Kingdom can only be regarded as a third-rate small country in Fengping Continent, but in the vast and boundless Fengyue Continent, even the three small countries have hundreds of millions of people.

Fengping City is one of the nine major cities and towns in Tianlong Kingdom, with a population of over one million. Under the regime change, Li Chongyang was assigned to Fengping City, which is far away from the capital.

In a relatively remote courtyard of Tianxing Pavilion, a young man in white clothes who seemed to be only twelve or thirteen years old sat cross-legged, motionless like a thousand-year-old stone sculpture, with his eyes slightly closed, as if everything around him had nothing to do with him. It doesn't matter, just sit for a few hours.

At this time, for some unknown reason, the young man frowned slightly, which was only fleeting. . . . . .

Immediately, a smile appeared on the corner of the boy's mouth, and he stood up slowly.

"Grandpa, you are here. Don't you rest so late?"

"Hey, you kid, aren't you still practicing? Hey, how many times have I told you that you don't have to rush to practice, and don't stretch people like a full bow. You just don't listen, you were injured today, It is not thorough yet, I will teach Li Zheng a good lesson, and then I will drive him back to Tianlong City."

As soon as the voice fell, a black figure appeared in front of the young man. It was an old man in green clothes and white hair. The old man looked at the young man in front of him benevolently, his eyes full of concern.

He is the Pavilion Master of the Tianxing Pavilion, and he is also the Pingnan King of the Tianlong Kingdom.This young man in white is also his grandson, Li Qiuyu, and among several grandsons, he is the worst one.

At his age, several other grandsons have already achieved the sixth level of Qi training, but now he only has the second level of Qi training, which is not as good as other ordinary disciples.

He is regarded as a practice waste by the entire Tianxing Pavilion. Although he is excellent in other aspects, but in Fengyue Continent where the strong are respected, he has no strength but is discriminated against.

Li Chongyang is also interested in his intelligence, in his eyes, Li Qiuyu can receive the title of Pingnan King for him in the future, Tianxing Pavilion does not have his share.

In the Tianxing Pavilion, children who reach the age of five must start to practice. What they practice is the most basic skills of Fengyue Continent. Good aptitude can be seen within a year.

Practicing qi is to draw qi into the body, and finally transform it into one's own. Fengyue Continent refers to aptitude as a spiritual root, and no one can tell the reason for what a spiritual root is.

For millions of years, countless powerful monks have not figured out what the spiritual root is.I only know that the better the spiritual root, the faster the cultivation. People without spiritual roots have almost no future in cultivation.

People with good spiritual roots can achieve twice the result with half the effort in cultivation, while those without spiritual roots can do twice the work with half the effort. To put it simply, it is thankless.

Li Qiuyu is the type of person who doesn't have spiritual roots, but he has a persistent heart for cultivation. He often has to practice for five hours when others practice for one hour.

Qi training is the simplest cultivation foundation. Generally, people with spiritual roots can achieve it in one or two months, and those who are a little slower can achieve it in half a year, but it took him two years to achieve it. Cultivation waste, even his own brothers would laugh at him from time to time.

In Tianxing Pavilion, he couldn't even get the respect of an ordinary disciple. At the age of 13, he was still wandering in the second floor of Qi training, and he still couldn't break through to the third floor. An unforgettable scene appeared in his mind again.

Just this morning, he met his cousin Li Zheng, who was one year younger than him. The younger cousin had already reached the fifth level of Qi training. Li Qiuyu naturally became the target of his bullying. There was a lot of bullying, but nothing as serious as this time.

"Hey, isn't this my fourth brother? It's free to hang out. I happen to have nothing to do today, so please give me some advice. Fourth brother won't refuse my request." Smiling, he looked at Li Qiuyu sideways with contempt in his eyes.

"Sixth brother is in a good mood, but I can't mess with you anymore for my brother. I'm leaving for my brother." Li Qiuyu was about to leave after finishing speaking, but how could Li Zheng let him leave? Before Li Qiuyu could react, he just punched him When they called, although Li Qiuyu's cultivation was far inferior to that of Li Zheng, who was on the fifth level of Qi training, he reluctantly stepped aside.

"Sixth brother, don't go too far. If you want to make a gesture, go to the seventh brother." Li Qiuyu was furious, who said that he had no spiritual roots, his cultivation was not as good as Li Zheng, and even his cousin bullied him. myself many times.And the seventh brother mentioned in the mouth is his uncle's youngest son, Li Yunqing, who has cultivated to the peak of the fifth level of Qi training at the age of ten, and is the fastest one in the entire Tianxing Pavilion.

Li Zheng also suffered a lot from Li Yunqing's hands, so Li Qiuyu wanted to use Li Yunqing to attack Li Zheng. Unexpectedly, when Li Qiuyu talked about Li Zheng's pain, he became angry and used his whole body to cultivate. Li Qiuyu struck.

Seeing Li Zheng attacking with all his strength, Li Qiuyu secretly regretted it. The second level of Qi training was nothing in front of the fifth level of Qi training. Seeing that Li Zheng's fist was about to attack, Li Qiuyu instinctively blocked it with his hand. Fist and palm touch together.

At the fifth level of Qi training, Li Qiuyu was knocked away like a piece of paper.Flying straight away three feet away, the whole person passed out directly.

Seeing Li Qiuyu fainted, Li Zheng also began to regret it. In the past, he insulted Li Qiuyu the most, and did not use all his strength to stun Li Qiuyu like today. In order to let Li Chongyang reduce his punishment, he had to let people Send Li Qiuyu back to Li Chongyang.

At the moment Li Qiuyu was stunned, as soon as a strong consciousness came, he soon discovered that this consciousness came from the necklace on his chest, and the two consciousnesses alternated in his mind.From time to time, some blurred pictures appear. A modern teenager is sleeping, and the soul is slowly detached from the owner's body. When the soul is about to dissipate in the air, a necklace of colorful light wraps the soul, but the soul still has not returned to the owner. Instead of going into the body, it was taken away, and the necklace was always worn around the owner's neck.

The soul in the necklace has been in contact with his own consciousness for a long time, and the foreign souls are constantly invading his own consciousness. It is better to say that the consciousness is actively welcoming the foreign souls.

No matter how long it took, Li Qiuyu passed out completely, and the two consciousnesses merged together, "I am Li Qiuyu, I am no longer Xiao Yuntian, I am the current Li Qiuyu, the heir of King Pingnan of Tianxing Pavilion , Hey!" A firm voice shouted.

But Li Qiuyu's consciousness was slowly covered up, completely fused by the foreign soul, "I am Xiao Yuntian, not Li Qiuyu, but Xiao Yuntian is dead, and I am Li Qiuyu now."

"Yu'er, you're awake, how are you feeling? Tell mother quickly."

A middle-aged woman eagerly touched Li Qiuyu's forehead with tears in her eyes. She was Li Qiuyu's mother Yunyue.

When Li Qiuyu woke up, she was already lying on the bed she was familiar with, but there was a strange look in her eyes that were wise before.

Seeing the unfamiliar mother with the familiar mother in front of him, this may be some consciousness left by Li Qiuyu. There was a turmoil in his heart. In Tianxing Pavilion, he only had his parents to rely on, but although he was a little repelled by the mother in front of him, but It's still a little kind, who told Xiao Yuntian and Li Qiuyu that their soul consciousness has merged now.

"Mother, the baby is fine, don't you think I'm fine?" Li Qiuyu got up violently and was about to sit up from the bed, but there was a sharp pain in his chest, and beads of sweat appeared on his forehead, and finally he sat up slowly. up.

Seeing Li Qiuyu's appearance, Yunyue naturally knew that her son didn't want her to worry, and her heart ached for a while.He forced Li Qiuyu to lie down and fall asleep before leaving.

In half a day, Li Qiuyu's injury gradually healed, and he could get out of bed and walk at night.Practice at night habitually.

Pulling my mind back from the scene that happened this morning, I gently said to Li Chongyang, "Grandpa, I understand, I will pay attention to it in the future, you go back and rest."

"Qiu Yu, in fact, you don't need to force yourself so much. If you can't cultivate, I can recommend you to go to Tianlong Palace to practice. You can't force it." Li Chongyang stared at Li Qiuyu and said comfortingly.

"Grandpa, I'm still young and I'm not interested in political power. Let's talk about it in a few years."

"Well, I will go back to Tianlong City once in two years, and then I will take you there." After Li Chongyang finished speaking, he turned and walked towards his residence.

Seeing Li Chongyang go back, Li Qiuyu did not continue to practice, but began to seriously check her current physical condition.I have spent the whole afternoon in healing, and now the injury is basically healed, let's see if there are any sequelae in the future.

After checking my physical condition, I felt very speechless. The second level of Qi training is really bad. It is best to improve my cultivation level. Although the injury is stable, there is still a problem with the meridian. The way to heal the injury of the meridians.

In my impression, I have a general understanding of my current situation. My current place is called Fengyun Continent, which is a world of self-cultivation where the strong are respected.

Tianlong Kingdom is a small third-rate country on Fengyun Continent, and Li Chongyang of Tianxing Pavilion is still the emperor's uncle of Tianlong Kingdom Lord. Tianlong Kingdom is also a country respected by martial arts. Li Chongyang's cultivation is not as good as others, otherwise the current king It's called Li Chongyang.

Although Tianxing Pavilion is a relative of the emperor, after coming to Fengping City, it is not the only one family. There are Zhang Family and Chen Family here, both of which are super powerful forces in Fengping City, forming a tripartite trend.

Li Qiuyu sorted out his mood a little bit, since I have Xiao Yuntian's consciousness, I can also be Xiao Yuntian, but now that Xiao Yuntian no longer exists, as long as he is dead, I am still Li Qiuyu.A brand new Li Qiuyu.


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