Seeing such a situation, the two of them retreated violently at the same time, but to their desperation, the body skills they used with all their strength became sluggish, making it difficult for people to move forward.

On the other hand, Ling Lanxin, under the fiery red light, her eyes were slightly closed, as if everything around her had nothing to do with her, beads of sweat began to appear on her face.The delicate body standing in the air also trembled.

The two Shi Haotian brothers are not running away, but they are standing side by side, a silver-gray protective shield wraps them tightly in the middle, and there are five or six more defensive magic weapons layered on the outside.

At this time, Ling Lanxin's slightly closed eyes suddenly opened, a trace of flame flickered in her beautiful eyes, she saw her hands lightly closed together, and a huge wall of fire pressed towards Shi Haotian and the two.

The area of ​​the firewall is getting bigger and bigger, as if it wants to cover the entire sky.

Li Qiuyu who was on the ground felt that his whole body was about to melt, and he was lucky to be on Ling Lanxin's side. If he was on Shi Haotian's side, he would have turned to ashes long ago.

The wall of fire quickly landed on the defensive magic weapon arranged by the two without any stagnation. With the disappearance of the first magic weapon, the second and third pieces followed.When all the magic weapons were destroyed, the wall of fire finally collided with the silver-white shield.

The silver-white shield was melted without a trace in the slightest. Before the two of them could make a sound, the wall of fire passed by the two of them and fell to the ground.

The two also disappeared into the air, and an open space with a radius of several tens of feet appeared on the ground, let alone trees.Even the rocks were partly melted, making creaking noises from time to time.

Ling Lanxin also fell from the air, but she landed only after about a foot off the ground and turned around slightly a few times, her whole figure was extremely graceful.

After landing, he glanced at Li Qiuyu who was standing on the side, then sat on the ground, took out two green pills from the storage ring, put them in his mouth, closed his eyes slightly, and began to recover the consumed true energy.

Judging by her appearance, she was still seriously injured in this battle, otherwise she would not choose to heal her injuries here.

From the time she used the Raging Flame Cauldron to the killing of Shi Haotian and the two, it seemed like a long time, but in fact it only took a few breaths.

Li Qiuyuye didn't leave in a hurry. Although this place was very dangerous, when she saw Ling Lanxin blocking him with a turtle shell shield, she knew that the girl in front of her was too kind and innocent.

I will not leave alone while he is healing, if that is the case, there will be a shadow in my heart.

Time passed by second by second, but Ling Lan's heart hadn't finished working. In such a dangerous place, the time was really difficult.


The girl finally opened her eyes and saw that Li Qiuyu was still there, and her gaze was moving around.

"Are you okay? We have to get out of here quickly." Li Qiuyu heard the girl's voice, knowing that she had finished her luck.

"Why don't you go first?"

"Can I go first?"

"Because of what?"

"I am a man"

"Are you a man?"


"Is your little boy also called a man? Hehe" Ling Lanxin seemed to have heard the funniest joke, and she couldn't help laughing.

Li Qiuyu was stunned by this smile.With an ice-cold and beautiful face, he really knows what it means to make a city smile with a smile and then make a country smile with a smile.

"Aren't you afraid of death? You want to stay here." Seeing Li Qiuyu staring at her in a daze, she blushed and said coquettishly.

Li Qiuyu noticed his gaffe, his face was extremely embarrassed, and he quickly looked back. Although he is only 13 years old now, his soul is considered to be in his 20s.Besides, this Ling Lanxin is indeed a source of embarrassment. "Let's go, I haven't lived enough, and I don't want to rush to court death, but is your injury really okay?" He was about to fly away, but he didn't expect that his injuries were so serious that he couldn't even fly with a sword.This situation was naturally seen by Li Qiuyu.But he can only shake his head helplessly, he knows his own abilities well, the cultivation base of the fourth level of qi training can't fly with the sword at all, at most he can only rely on the true energy in his body to make his body lighter.The speed is slightly faster than the general masters of the rivers and lakes. Even low-level monks who have practiced body skills cannot stay in the air for a long time, and can only use their strength to get off the ground.For example, Ling Lanxin and the newly lost Foundation Establishment Stage were able to fly in the air because of the magic power and flying magic weapon behind them.But now she is too seriously injured, the meridians in her body are in chaos, and she can't even lift her true essence. "You go first, get out of here as soon as possible." Ling Lanxin said to Li Qiuyu softly, wiping the blood from her mouth with her hands. "If you don't go, can I go first? Although my cultivation base is low, I am not a person who doesn't know what to do. If you hadn't stood in front of me just now, I would have died a long time ago." Li Qiuyu said embarrassingly.He also really wanted to leave, but thinking that Ling Lanxin was standing in front of him, if he left like this, there would definitely be a shadow in his heart. "It's useless for you to stay, I have a way to leave." Ling Lanxin interrupted eagerly before he could finish speaking. "Want to leave?" A sinister voice came from far and near; in the ears of the two, there was also the sound of breaking through the sky.There is more than one person listening to the voice.Li Qiuyu's heart trembled, and she turned to look at the source of the sound, only to see a monk in night clothes standing three feet away. "Your Excellency speaks so loudly, do you guys really want to keep me?" Ling Lan said coldly. "Could it be that you don't have the strength to do anything now, do you?" "Really? A few juniors who have just established their foundations also want to keep me, so they don't know what they can do." Ling Lan said without breaking her heart, her voice Just after that, a dazzling white light shot towards the four of them.Although the four of them are masters of the Foundation Establishment Stage, they also know that the woman in front of them, a man and a woman, is the person that the senior brother rumored to arrest, and the woman in front of him is seriously injured, and she is no match for his four Foundation Establishment Stage Brothers.As for the young man next to him, he was even more like an ant in their eyes, and he could get rid of it as long as he used his aura.But where is the realm of the late stage of foundation establishment? The emaciated camel is bigger than mom, and it is even more frightening to the sudden attack, so it is busy defending.Little did they know that when the white light shot at the four of them, Ling Lanxin slapped her right hand on her waist, holding a dark blue jade pendant in her hand, and there were a few strange golden words emitting from the jade pendant.Li Qiuyu was held motionless by the aura of the four foundation-building stage monks, and she was completely hopeless in her heart, but he could see Ling Lanxin's actions.Ling Lan frowned, with a hint of reluctance on her face, and then lightly exerted force with her right hand, and the jade pendant shattered, a beam of light more than ten feet wide shone on her, and with a wave of her left hand, Li Qiuyu, who was unable to move, was crushed. Pulled over.It was too late to say, but it was fast at that time. It was only a moment from the attack on the four people.Li Qiuyu was pulled by Ling Lanxin's side, his eyes were blinded by the dazzling light, he felt a strong dizziness, and then he was pulled by an inexplicable invisible force.This pulling continued for a few breaths before it stopped, and Ling Lanxin's voice could still be heard in his ears. "Okay." "Where is this place?" Li Qiuyu looked around, and the enemy that just appeared was gone, and she was not in the original place either. "I don't know what this place is, but at least I can only help you out temporarily. Whether you can really escape depends on your luck." Ling Lanxin left quickly after speaking.Although she can't fly, she is still a monk in the late stage of foundation establishment, and her body skills are naturally beyond the reach of Li Qiuyu now.Watching the beautiful back disappear into the deep forest, Li Qiuyu didn't stop at all, and chose a direction to leave quickly.He was amazed by what happened just now, but he also knew that this place was not a place to stay for a long time, and he had to leave as soon as possible.This time, I walked around the gate of hell, and it was scary to think about it.Jumping quickly in the deep forest, I don't know how long it took, the body began to get tired, and finally came to the edge of the mountain range at dawn, Li Qiuyu let out a long breath.

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