Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 29 The Xiao Sisters

A total of nearly 20 people from Tianxuanmen and Aolinzong came, and only a few ordinary people without cultivation could survive by chance. , They don't even have a chance to lie on the ground now, there must be no bones left.

Be careful not to make a big mistake, Li Qiuyu threw the four monks killed by himself into the dry wooden house, a flame appeared from his hand, and the raging fire enveloped the entire courtyard in an instant. Of course, Tian Xuan who was not dead yet The sect master and Aolin Sect staff were all asleep in the raging fire.

He originally wanted to keep the people from Tianxuan Sect so that they would be needed in the future, but he was afraid of leaking the news, so he had to silence them all. When the fire ignited, he had already used the Nine Transformations of the Phoenix to the limit, and he didn't need a cup of tea. Kung Fu left to the east of the city dozens of miles away.

He found a random inn to live in, and now it was not far from dawn, and he didn't sleep all night, which was nothing to a monk, but it was his first time to hide for a long time, coupled with killing the blood demon and four When I was a monk, I consumed a lot of real energy. If I was alone outside, my condition would definitely reach its peak at any time.

Fortunately, the environment of this inn is good. Besides, the room he lives in is several times more expensive than ordinary rooms, and no one will disturb him. After coming to the room, he will meditate and restore his true energy. When we reached the peak, it was already noon the next day.

Walking out of the room, I came to the dining room. It is said that the restaurant and the inn are the gathering points for news. Generally, those who inquire about the news will come to the restaurant and the inn.No, Li Qiuyu heard what happened last night as soon as she entered the hall.

"Do you know? The haunted house in the west of the city burned down last night, and many people died inside. I heard that the Tianxuan Sect Master and Aolin Sect Master of the three major gangs were burned to death inside." A big man by the window said to the person who ate at the same table.

"The outsiders have known about this for a long time, but I don't know why even the bosses of the two major gangs died inside?"

"It seems that there is no comfort in Nan'an City these days." The middle-aged man sitting at the next table took up the topic and said.

"how do I say this."

"Do you need to ask? The three major gangs used to be in balance, but now it's good. The bosses of Tianxuanmen and Aolinzong are dead, and the other gang can't take advantage of the fire. Besides, there are many Laughing gangs in Nan'an City Yes." The middle-aged man said angrily.

"Brother Zhang is right. It seems that the town of Nan'an is not peaceful anymore." The person at the same table as the middle-aged man echoed.

Li Qiuyu ordered some food casually, filled his stomach and returned to his room. Judging from the news he heard during the meal, no one saw any clues. What a direct relationship.

Back in the room, I cast a shielding spell. This kind of spell is not very useful, as long as a monk can cast it, it can only be used as an early warning tool. The sound inside will not be heard by the outside, and I am not afraid of people Peeping, unless the cultivation base is far beyond oneself, even then, you will be discovered by yourself.

He came to the table and took out all the storage bags harvested last night from the space necklace.There are a total of seventeen storage bags. What he cares most about is the storage bags of the monks. The things inside may be used by himself. Open the storage bags one by one, except for the five bags that are all used by ordinary people. In addition to gold, the other two bags are some magic tools and skills, and there are many colorful crystal stones.

Li Qiuyu has never touched spirit stones before, but it is not difficult to know the aura emanating from these colorful stones. This is a spirit stone. It looks like a stone that is only the size of a little finger, but the aura inside is extremely rich.

From the point of view of quality, these are low-level spirit stones. If you scan these spirit stones with your consciousness, there are more than 500 low-level spirit stones. This is undoubtedly a huge sum for Li Qiuyu who has no spirit stones. The windfall, he collected the wealth of twelve monks in one person at once.

There are also some low-level magic tools and low-level skills. After having the skills of Shocking God, he can't fancy other skills, but some spells are still useful.

What caught his fancy the most was the three middle-level magic weapons, the attack magic weapon Rainstorm Needle, this is a complete set of magic weapons, a total of twelve pieces, it is best used as a concealed weapon, mainly for use It has strong penetrating power and is almost invisible.

There are also two intermediate defensive instruments, the White Tiger Shield and the Aoki Shield.For Li Qiuyu's current cultivation base, some low-level magic weapons are basically useless, but selling these low-level magic weapons in the market is also a small income.

I sorted out these items a little bit, and put aside the things I don't need, and I will sell them when I have a chance. I can use some gold, silver, jewelry and the like now.

The most important thing for me now is to cultivate, and when I have enough skills, I will go to a wider place.There is no shortage of gold and silver property, and when the time comes, these worldly gold and other things will be replaced with materials.

The cultivation base of the sixth level of Qi training is everywhere. Although there are few people in the sixth level of Qi training who can compete, but if you meet a monk with a lot of money, the attack of high-level magic weapon is not something that ordinary sixth level of Qi training can bear.

Practice as always, practice shocking gods and study alchemy at night, and live like ordinary people during the day. At the age of 14, he is almost the same size as me. A handsome young man, plus he is a monk, the whole person is more refined temperament.

Yuehua Avenue in the east of the city, this is the most prosperous area in the entire Nan'an City, the wide Qingshi Avenue is more than ten feet wide.Just when Li Qiuyu finished his training and came to wander the street, he only felt a slight movement in his waist and a movement of his consciousness, and found that one of his storage bags had fallen into a small hand.

In the secular world, although there are not many storage bags, it is not without them. Some young men and women in rich families will wear them, but they can only hold half a cubic meter of things.

Li Qiuyu was dressed as a son of a rich family, in fact, he didn't need to dress up, others would regard him as a rich scholar. After three hands were slapping his attention, his playful mentality slowly rose from his heart.

The small hand holding the storage bag hid the storage bag in an instant, and quickly squeezed towards the crowded place. It was a little girl of twelve or three, her thin back quickly disappeared into the crowd, but Li Qiuyu did not Instead of catching up immediately, he locked his consciousness on her body.

Slowly followed the little girl out of the bustling street, followed seven or eight streets, and came to a relatively remote courtyard in the east of the city. When he saw the girl who stole his storage bag walking towards the courtyard, he didn't follow directly. Go in, but come to the door and stand, under the scanning of divine consciousness.The situation inside all fell into the eyes.

It's not a small house, but it looks a little dilapidated. It seems that no one has ever lived in it. At most, it can shelter from the wind and rain. In a cleaner room, the girl who stole the storage bag is sitting by the bed , lying on the bed was a girl who looked exactly like her and was about the same size.

"Sister, are you better? I'll ask the doctor to see you right now. Look, I've gained a lot today, and I'm sure I can cure you." The little girl who stole the storage bag was lying on the bed. girl said.

"Sister, am I about to die?" The girl on the bed said weakly.

"No, we have money to see a doctor for you now, and you will definitely get better soon."

"Really?" Li Qiuyu said lightly, and slowly came to the door of the room.

"It's you, how did you know this place?" The girl who stole the storage bag looked at Li Qiuyu in panic, and tightly blocked the younger sister on the bed behind her.

"You don't need to worry about how I know, I have my stamp on my purse, so I naturally know where my things went." Li Qiuyu smiled evilly, and did not enter the room immediately.

"Sister, return the things to others." The girl lying on the bed said softly.

"If you talk again, you will never have a chance to talk." Li Qiuyu glanced at the girl on the bed and said calmly.

"Seeing that you are also from a rich family, why did you curse my sister as soon as you came here?" The girl who stole the storage bag stared at Li Qiuyu fiercely.

"If I cure your sister's illness, how will you repay me?" Li Qiuyu said softly.

"Can you save my sister?" The girl was shocked, she looked at Li Qiuyu in surprise, then she shook her head and said slightly: "Many wolves have said this, my sister's illness is beyond anyone's control. Governance." After speaking, she turned her head and looked at her sister on the bed in despair.

"Really?" Li Qiuyu walked into the room after finishing speaking, and came to the bed.The two looked exactly the same, except that the girl lying on the bed had been suffering from illness for many years, and she looked much thinner than her sister.

"If you really cure my sister, I, Xiao Hanyue, will do my best for you." The girl who stole the storage bag said seriously.

"Stay away, it's best not to disturb me, I'll give you a lively younger sister immediately." After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, she swiped her hands, and a blue and white light covered the girl lying on the bed and herself, covering Xiao Hanyue He retreated to the door before stopping.

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