Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 303 Yuntian leaves

After a few breaths, as soon as Li Qiuyu came to Zilin Pavilion, his consciousness moved, and a message was sent in, and he gently put sister Xiao Hanyue down.

The two lowered their heads, not daring to look at Li Qiuyu at all, and Xiao Qiuyue was not as lively as before in Nan'an City, Li Qiuyu suddenly thought, both of them came to a strange place, and they didn't feel safe at all.

Yun Tian, ​​who was practicing inside, was meditating, when suddenly a familiar spiritual consciousness came into his mind, and he was overjoyed. This spiritual consciousness was Li Qiuyu, the senior brother who left here two years ago.

With the help of Li Qiuyu's elixir, he has now reached the middle stage of the tenth level of Qi training. Originally, the elixir was used up a year ago, so he tried to go to the Shendan Pavilion to find a wood medicine elixir teacher.

He didn't expect that some senior brothers who had bullied him would respectfully call him senior brother. He naturally knew that these people were looking at Li Qiuyu's face.

He also successfully found the wood medicine, and the wood medicine did not make things difficult for him, because Li Qiuyu entrusted Yuntian to him when he left, so he handed him some medicine pills, which have not been used up yet.

He would go around the square every once in a while, and all the disciples would set him up. Even the masters of the tenth level of Qi training had to politely call out Yuntian Junior Brother.

Obtaining Li Qiuyu's divine sense, he quickly reaped his merits and rushed to the ban, fearing that Li Qiuyu would have to wait outside for a long time, and this senior brother treated him almost like his master.

"My lord, you live in a very high place. Where do you live outside now?" Xiao Qiuyue finally raised her face boldly after a while, looked at Li Qiuyu, and asked gently. It was a rare kindness. .

"Hehe, I will build a wooden shed here and practice here." Li Qiuyu smiled lightly, deliberately teasing her.

"It can't be true." Xiao Qiuyue asked in surprise, seeing Li Qiuyu's identity in front of other disciples, how could there be no place to live.

If she really wanted to build a shed here to practice, she really wasn't used to it, and she didn't even have the chance to get close to the young master. Her eyes kept rolling, as if she was thinking of something.

"Of course it's true, and the wooden shed outside has to be built by myself." Li Qiuyu laughed loudly, feeling extremely relaxed. In his heart, this little beauty of Qiuyue always brings him a good mood.

"My son, why don't you tell your master to find another place outside. It's really difficult to cultivate here. The aura is very strong, but it's a bit inconvenient to live here every day." Xiao Qiuyue pondered for a moment, seriously He stared at Li Qiuyu and said.

At this moment, there was a slight twist in the air, and suddenly a hole opened in the air, and the hole became bigger and bigger, finally revealing an entrance two feet wide and two feet high. This scene stunned the two sisters .

"Yuntian welcomes senior brother back, and greets the two fairies." Yuntian will forbid him to open it, and when he sees Li Qiuyu and the other three, he comes forward to say hello, and sees that Li Qiuyu's cultivation level has disappeared, but upon closer inspection, Li Qiuyu's life is like that of a person. An unfathomable sea, his whole body was almost submerged by this sea, so he quickly retracted his consciousness, terrified in his heart.

Looking at the two peerless beauties next to Li Qiuyu, they are actually two foundation-building monks, and they are only fifteen or sixteen years old.

"Okay, good progress, not lazy." Li Qiuyu said lightly, and finally lightly touched Xiao Qiuyue and Xiao Hanyue, waking them up.

"Master, this place is so beautiful, shall we live here from now on?" Xiao Qiuyue exclaimed, not aware of the existence of Yuntian at all, Xiao Hanyue's eyes were also full of surprise.

"Well, we will live here from now on, let's go, let's go in first." Li Qiuyu said softly, leading the two of them to go inside, seeing Yun Tian respectfully following behind, he turned in his heart, this Yun Tian followed her It has been a long time, and it is obviously inconvenient to stay in Zilin Pavilion.

It's time to go out and practice. Only in battle can one truly grow up. Seeing the two sisters enjoying the scenery in front, he cast a look at Yuntian, turned around and walked to the other side.

Xiao Hanyue and the two naturally saw Li Qiuyu leave, but they didn't know what Li Qiuyu was going to do, and they were not in the mood to enjoy the scenery anymore, they stood there and waited for Li Qiuyu.

"You've been with me for almost two years, right?" Li Qiuyu looked at Yuntian with a serious look on his face.

"The disciple has been with the senior brother for two years. Thanks to the senior brother's care, Yuntian has achieved what he is today." Seeing Li Qiuyu's expression, Yun Tian seemed to know what Li Qiuyu wanted him to do.

"You have reached the middle stage of the tenth level of Qi training. You go to the Shenwu Legion to practice for a while. Here is what you need. Don't come back to see me if you haven't reached the late stage of foundation establishment." Li Qiuyu said lightly, and finally put the divine sense in the space He kept rummaging through the necklace, and then handed a storage bag to Yun Tian.

Then he said seriously: "The realm of comprehension is far more dangerous than you imagined, and everything must be planned before deciding. Here is a bottle of advanced Qi training pills, two bottles of advanced second-grade pills and third-grade righteousness pills. There are five foundation building pills."

"You are already at the tenth level of Qi training, you can use these spirit weapons." Li Qiuyu handed three low-level spirit weapons, three middle-level spirit weapons, and two top-grade spirit weapons to Yuntian.

He also gave more than 2 spirit stones, and based on these prices, he is definitely the richest existence in the Qi training period. Even Li Qiuyu didn't have so many spiritual tools and pills in the Qi training period before.

"Thank you brother for caring about Yuntian. Yuntian will never repay you. As long as you say something, Yuntian will never frown. Even if you want Yuntian's life, I know it's for Yuntian's good. .”

Yun Tian saw Li Qiuyu's serious expression, and saw that Li Qiuyu had arranged everything for him well, even from the tenth level of Qi training to the foundation building period.

As soon as his eyes were wet, he knelt down on his knees and kowtowed three times. This was already a big gift for the master and his parents. Li Qiuyu didn't speak any more, and looked at Yuntian with satisfaction.

"Disciple farewell." Yun Tian respectfully handed the prohibition token of Zilin Pavilion to Li Qiuyu's hand, saluted respectfully, turned and jumped down the mountain.

"Be careful on the road, if you meet the Tianlong Legion, tell them you are from the Shenwu Legion, and ask them to take you to Zhang Tianhang." Li Qiuyu said lightly, his voice condensed into a thread, and passed into Yuntian's ears.

Seeing Yuntian leave, Li Qiuyu's face showed a hint of love. Although Yuntian had nothing to do with him, the two had been together for a while, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that they were mentors and apprentices.

"My lord, who is he?" Xiao Qiuyue asked softly when she saw Li Qiuyu come back.

"I met a little monk in the Shendan Pavilion. He is very talented in knowing medicinal materials. He will bring him here to take care of this place. He can also be regarded as one of my juniors. He has already practiced Qi on the tenth floor. He should go out and experience it. Besides, it's really inconvenient for him to live here." Li Qiuyu said lightly, with a smile on his face.

"Thank you, sir, for thinking about our sisters." Seeing Li Qiuyu transfer the little monk away, Xiao Hanyue naturally knew Li Qiuyu's thoughts. Here, the two sisters don't feel safe at all, but as long as there are three of them, it will be different.

"I don't like outsiders living together either." Li Qiuyu smiled lightly, and led the two sisters to the Zilin Pavilion. Sister Xiao Hanyue looked at the forbidden entrance, where they had already healed as before.

"Let's go, without my token, even in the alchemy period, you can't come in. This is an independent space, but it's exactly the same as the outside, except that it was marked out by a former powerful senior with a forbidden circle."

"So it's like this, is it just you and us, young master?" Xiao Qiuyue asked excitedly, with a look of anticipation on her face.

"Of course, originally I was the only one living here, but in the end there was an extra Yuntian. Now that he's gone, I'm the only one left." Li Qiuyu laughed softly, and the three of them enjoyed the scenery of Zilin Pavilion all the way.

In a short while, Li Qiuyu brought the two sisters to the pavilion of Zilin Pavilion. There was no dust inside, clean and new, and the two sisters were overjoyed to see it.

"We will live here from now on. You can choose where you like to live." Li Qiuyu pointed at the pavilion and said loudly.

There are also more than ten pavilions here, each of which is a three-story wooden attic, beautiful everywhere, and there are several small courtyards.

"My lord, where do you live?" Xiao Qiuyue rolled her eyes mischievously and asked Li Qiuyu.

"Hehe, I will live in the courtyard in the middle." Li Qiuyu pointed to the courtyard in the middle and said softly, he naturally knew what this little girl was up to.

"Then which courtyard do I live in? I live in the same courtyard as my son." Xiao Qiuyue said boldly, with a blush on her face.

"It's up to you, what about Hanyue, where do you live?" Li Qiuyu looked at Xiao Hanyue and asked softly.

"I also live with my younger sister in a courtyard with the young master, so that I can cook for the young master." Xiao Hanyue took a deep breath and said softly, her voice was so small that only she could hear it. Fortunately, Li Qiuyu was in the late stage of foundation establishment. Cultivator, otherwise I really can't hear clearly.

"Well, go and see for yourself. If you need anything else, I'll find it for you." Li Qiuyu walked towards the pavilion in the middle, which is also a small courtyard. Li Qiuyu still lives in the room where he used to rest. .

Xiao Qiuyue lived in a room not far from him, while Xiao Hanyue lived on the other side. After the three of them chose their place to live, they all began to clean and prepare the things they needed for daily use.

Half an hour passed, and seeing that the other world was almost done, Li Qiuyu went back to her room to meditate and practice, making up for the time delayed by the altar.

The two sisters also tidy up their own rooms, girls' rooms are always the most beautiful, unlike Li Qiuyu's random bed and table.

The two decorated their room beautifully, and placed several kinds of fragrant flowers in it. Seeing that their room was almost complete, they began to tidy up the small courtyard.

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