Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 308 The Soul of the Seven-Colored Dragon

"It's so fast, I'm ready." The green-eyed beast said in a low voice, its eyes were obviously excited, and finally calmed down slowly.

"Well, I'm going to ask someone for help now." After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, his consciousness withdrew. He quickly displayed his identity and flew towards Muyao's place. Within half an hour, Fairy Lingyun and Muyao were invited. up.

Ling Lanxin had been with sister Xiao Hanyue for a long time, and when Fairy Lingyun saw the three beauties together, a strange smile appeared on her face.

"Uncle Master, Fairy, let's go." Li Qiuyu said respectfully, and the group flew quickly towards Bitan. Li Qiuyu, Mu Yao and Fairy Lingyun followed behind three peerless beauties.

"This is it?" Mu Yao looked at Bitan. " asked dazedly.

"Yes, we discovered it when we came here two years ago." Li Qiuyu said loudly, and he described the situation after the Bi-eyed beast entered the Bitan.

"Perhaps, this Bitan has been around for more than ten thousand years. I never thought that there is a green-eyed beast's natal soul in it." Mu Yao said lightly.

"Uncle Master, Fairy, Qiuyue, please step aside, I will impose a prohibition here." Li Qiuyu said seriously.

"Well, son, be careful." Xiao Qiuyue said to Li Qiuyu, and quickly moved away from her sister. He knew that his cultivation could not help Li Qiuyu at all.

Fifty feet above the sky where everyone moved aside, Li Qiuyu was left standing quietly together below. With a movement of his consciousness, the green-eyed beast instantly appeared by the side of the green pool.

Li Qiuyu gave an encouraging look after seeing the Bi-eyed beast, and finally said softly, "Come on, I believe you can do it."

"Well, I will do my best. If it fails, don't attack it. If you can go back, try to bring it back." Bijing Beast looked at Muyao and Fairy Lingyun, and naturally knew that Li Qiuyu had invited him. Helpful.

"Okay, I will help you when the time comes." Naturally, others would not understand what Li Qiuyu and Biyan Beast said, but Sister Xiao Hanyue probably understood something.

I also think of the loneliness and loneliness in Li Qiuyu's eyes. Only he can understand this loneliness. It turns out that this green-eyed beast is with him. No wonder the young master wants to try his best to help it.

After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, his whole body flickered quickly, and he turned the small Bitan around, and saw five exquisite pennants inserted on the ground, and beside each pennant was a fifth-order monster of the same color. Beast inner alchemy, the pennant exudes a strong aura.

After finishing everything, Li Qiuyu floated into the air, and shouted loudly in the air: "Jiugong Tianxuan, get up."

Immediately, the five pennants on Bitan emitted rays of light, and then the five rays of light merged together. Li Qiuyu changed without moving his hands, and finally a colorful light curtain appeared on Bitan, and the green-eyed beast stood calmly inside. .

"Uncle Master, Fairy." The prohibition just now prevents the natal soul inside from escaping, but the outside attack can enter, but the inside attack cannot come out. You are responsible for consuming the essence of the natal soul, which is beneficial for the green-eyed beast to deal with the natal soul. "Li Qiuyu flew to Fairy Lingyun and explained the situation.

Afterwards, he gave a bottle of Tianyuan Pill to the two of them, so as not to run out of mana power. After he finished speaking, he floated to the top of the Nine Palaces Profound Sky Formation again, pondered for a while, his eyes were still ruthless, and he slammed into the bottom of the prohibition fiercely. It disappeared into the Bitan in an instant.

"This kid is disregarding his own danger because of this blue-eyed beast. It's really not true what he thinks." Seeing Li Qiuyu's actions, Mu Yao naturally understood that Li Qiuyu wanted to use his money to lure out his own soul. .

There was also a trace of gratitude in the eyes of the green-eyed beast. In the world of comprehension, not to mention a monster, even if it was for a relative, no monk would risk his life.

Li Qiuyu instantly entered under the Bitan Baizhang, the pressure below was increasing, and there was no light at all.Based on his guess, this Bitan is at least below Zhongtian Peak, otherwise how did the water come from.

What he expected was right, he circulated the true essence of his whole body, unfolded the protective cover, and sank more than a thousand feet straight and hard, and finally rushed to a powerful spiritual force that surpassed him, and Li Qiuyu knew it was the soul of his life up.

When he came down, he had already dealt with a small monster. This powerful spirit brought him tremendous pressure.

"God Killing"

He yelled softly, and a powerful divine sense stabbed at the mental power just now, and a moment later, a huge muffled roar came out, obviously the natal soul was angry after being attacked by Li Qiuyu.

A burst of sound waves knocked Li Qiuyu backwards, and he was utterly horrified. This is not a seventh-order natal soul. He has seen too many first-level seventh-level monsters, and his mental power is not so strong.

"Could it be the eighth-order natal soul." He secretly thought in horror, the last shadow quickly chased after Li Qiuyu, the speed was beyond his imagination, and in desperation, the wind cracked the wings behind him. The person swept hundreds of feet, and within a few breaths, he rushed up and appeared in the air.

The wide cracked wings fluttered gently on his back, looking extremely majestic, Li Qiuyu looked down in horror, the moment he just left each chapter, the shadow fell on the place where he stayed, he was forbidden to leave, the shadow Hit fiercely on the top of the Nine Palaces Profound Sky Formation.

Seeing a slight tremor, Li Qiuyu's mind trembled, his body swayed, and he almost fell, but he tried to hold on, so he didn't fall.

"My lord." Xiao Qiuyu exclaimed, he had never seen his lord so traumatized, and he was frightened and heartbroken.

"It's okay, uncle, fairy, you can do it now." Li Qiuyu gave Xiao Qiuyue a peaceful smile, and said to Fairy Lingyun and Mu Yao.

"This is not the natal soul of the seventh rank, but the natal soul of the tenth rank." Mu Yao was horrified when he finally saw the appearance of the shadow.

"Fortunately, it has been sealed for tens of thousands of years. Now the original soul is very weak, and it will dissipate in a few decades." Fairy Lingyun is the daughter of a monk in the Nascent Soul Stage, so she has a lot of knowledge.

"That's right, let's do it, even if it's weak, it's not easy to deal with." Mu Yao said loudly, with an excited look on his face, facing the natal soul of the tenth-order beast, how proud it would be to suppress it.

I saw that he sacrificed the Xutian Cauldron, and as soon as the huge light curtain shot down, there was a mysterious atmosphere in the air, and he slammed the light curtain on Yingying's body fiercely.

Fairy Lingyun also cast a Flowing Cloud Sleeve, and instantly a powerful ray of light pierced through the prohibition and hit the shadow, and the two attacks landed on the shadow, without any effect.

As early as Li Qiuyu left the Nine Palaces Tianxuan Formation, Shadow had already turned his attention to the green-eyed beast: "It's finally time to see the light of day again."

It saw the appearance of the green-eyed beast, a monster beast at the peak of the sixth level, with a strong physique, and the last touch of its consciousness turned out to be a part of its own soul, which made him even more happy.

After Li Qiuyu saw the true face of the shadow in the air, there was an inexplicable look in his eyes. What kind of beast is this, it is obviously the soul of the colorful dragon.

Although he doesn't have a body, this soul is in the form of a real colorful dragon. He is very excited, and he doesn't know whether it is joy or worry.

When the green-eyed beast saw its natal soul, there was a trace of panic and excitement in its eyes. What was terrified was that seeing its own natal soul, and the fusion of monsters and beasts, would greatly increase its strength. What was horrifying was that this natal soul had already surpassed Its imagination, the soul of a tenth-order divine beast.

As far as monsters are concerned, the tenth-level beasts are their real gods, just like the gods in the hearts of monks. Only the monks of the foundation period will know what kind of mood it is to let a monk of the foundation period fight a master of the Mahayana period. up.

Now the mood of the blue-eyed beast is no different from that of the foundation-building monk, but the shadow didn't give him a chance to hesitate, and the whole shadow instantly bit the blue-eyed beast.

He didn't pay attention to the two attacks behind him at all. The two attacks could only add a little bit of pain to him, and they didn't affect anything at all.

"Roar." The green-eyed beast roared, Yun unfolded his consciousness, and bit at the shadow, two huge figures rolled endlessly in the Nine Palaces Profound Sky Formation.

Sometimes they entered the pool, and sometimes they floated on the pool. Fairy Lingyun and Mu Yao retracted their attacks from time to time, and then struck down again. After half an hour, both of them took two Tianyuan pills.

Naturally, other people don't know about the following situation, only Li Qiuyu has a dignified look on his face, because he can communicate with Bijing Beast. Consciousness, to avoid being corroded by shadows.

At the peak of Zhongtian Peak, three Nascent Soul Stage monks gathered together, with solemn expressions in their eyes. Although Li Qiuyu used the Nine Palaces Profound Formation, and the Nine Palaces Profound Formation was in the Purple Scale Pavilion, the outside world did not know what was going on here .

But Ling Tongtian in the Nascent Soul stage naturally knew about Bitan's situation, and he also learned about it from Ling Yun. He really didn't expect that Li Qiuyu would provoke the divine beast that even he dared not provoke.

"Junior Brother Ling, isn't this Li Qiuyu too abrupt? Even the patriarch doesn't have the soul to suppress, yet he went to provoke him." Fairy Piaoyun said with a serious face.

"Wait and see, if it really doesn't work, the three old fellows outside will try to find a way to suppress that natal soul." Ling Tongtian said calmly, shocked in his heart.

Anyone who has reached the Nascent Soul stage, Bitan's natal soul, knows that Bitan has existed here for tens of thousands of years, and no one can dare to provoke it.

"However, this kid's Nine Palaces Tianxuan Formation is quite capable. Even the souls of divine beasts can't break it. If it is used as the defensive formation of Diyan Peak, I believe few can break it." Cultivator Gongsun said with a smile.

"Senior brother is right, let's see if this kid's formation cultivation reaches a certain level in the future, I will let him set up a Jiugong Tianxuan defensive formation." Ling Tongtian said lightly, with a strange smile on his face meaning.

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