Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 313 A Fairy-like Life

After Min Tianxiu finished speaking, he saluted respectfully, left the crowd lightly, and flew towards his residence, not daring to disturb Li Qiuyu at all.

"Young master, this disciple said that he can make alchemy, do you want to see it?" Xiao Qiuyue called out softly, and finally came up and tugged at the corner of Li Qiuyu's clothes.

"Those who are talented in alchemy stand aside first, and I will test it when the time comes." Li Qiuyu said loudly, continuing to explain to the disciples what they didn't understand.

In the afternoon, there were more than fifty low-level disciples who thought they were talented in alchemy. Li Qiuyu brought up the most basic key to alchemy, and everyone responded fluently.

After two hours of assessment, he selected three of the more than fifty disciples who were talented in alchemy, and gave them the skills and techniques of alchemy to those who were not selected, hoping that they could make progress in alchemy.

He sent these thirty disciples to Mu Yao, Mu Yao nodded helplessly, and agreed to teach these disciples the alchemy technique, but what he taught was the simple alchemy technique that Li Qiuyu gave Mu Yao.

One day passed like this, and there were only a few dozens of disciples who received the analysis. Li Qiuyu asked the disciples who received the analysis to share their cultivation experience with other disciples, and implemented a point system.

The disciple who gets the advice points out his cultivation experience to another disciple, and he can get a point by solving the problem of that disciple.

The points can be exchanged for elixir at Li Qiuyu or the wood medicine elixir. One point can be exchanged for a low-level Qi training pill, five points can be exchanged for an intermediate Qi training pill, and ten points can be exchanged for a high-level Qi training pill.

The monks in the foundation building period can guide the monks on the ninth and tenth floors of Qi training, and get one point, and in the foundation building period, they can get five points.

One point is a high-level second-grade pill, five points are exchanged for low-level righteousness pills, and twenty points are exchanged for high-level righteousness pills. The monks in the foundation stage who teach disciples on the ninth floor and below have no points, but refuse to teach five low-level Qi training stages a day If you fail to meet the instructions of five low-level disciples in one day, if you refuse three low-level disciples' advice, you will be disqualified from points.

The qualification method was also thought up by Xiao Hanyue. Li Qiuyu smiled lightly and told Dongfang Bai about this method. Dongfang Bai also readily posted this method on the bulletin board in the square. It was proposed by the famous Li Qiuyu.

He quickly got a response. There was a spirit alchemist who let go, he did good deeds to gather his popularity, and he also harvested pills. If he didn't do it for nothing, no one would dare to lie. No one would dare to offend Li Qiuyu's words.

When the sky darkened, Li Qiuyu left the square with two peerless fairy-like people in the envious and respectful eyes of everyone. The two cuddled tightly beside Li Qiuyu, and the blood eagle's huge wings gently moved Fan, within a few breaths, he came to the front of the Purple Scale Pavilion.

"Young Master, if you send those disciples to Senior Muyao, will Senior agree, and will he be busy?" Xiao Hanyue asked softly.

"Hehe, let that old guy move his bones so that he won't be too old to walk." Li Qiuyu laughed loudly, feeling very happy in his heart.

"My lord, where are you taking us to play tomorrow?" Xiao Qiuyue gently hugged Li Qiuyu's arm, looking at Li Qiuyu expectantly.

"Where do you want to go to play, I will take you out." Li Qiuyu pondered for a moment. They had visited Diyan Peak almost all over the past year, and there was really nowhere to go. In Xiao Qiuyue's arms, they could clearly feel each other's fullness , My heart was hot.

The three of them were forbidden to open it, and quickly walked inside. The relationship between the three of them has become closer and closer for a year. The two sisters Xiao Hanyue also regarded Li Qiuyu as their real relatives, and they became more courageous. Xiao Qiuyue As long as Li Qiuyu is free, she will run up to act like a baby.

But none of the three of them did anything out of courtesy. Li Qiuyu knew that this was his responsibility. Although the two sisters had already given themselves to themselves in their hearts, he didn't want to implicate the two of them so soon.

In case something happened to him, it would not harm the two of them, so he suppressed his instincts, but sister Xiao Hanyue naturally could see what the young master meant, so she didn't say anything. Anyway, as long as you are with the young master, nothing else will matter. important.

"I'm going back to eat, I'm a little hungry." After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, he hugged the two of them in his arms, and quickly shot towards the attic. In a small courtyard.

"Master, fly slowly, sister, you cook, I want you to take me to play." Xiao Qiuyue said coquettishly, shaking Li Qiuyu's arm.

"Okay, you little girl, but don't forget about it." Xiao Hanyue tapped her sister's forehead lightly, and said lovingly.

Li Qiuyu hugged Xiao Qiuyue gently, and disappeared into the courtyard in a blink of an eye. Xiao Hanyue watched Li Qiuyu and her sister leave with a trace of happiness on her face.

During this year, the young master I like, besides practicing, is to accompany my sister, and almost regards me and my sister as treasures in the palm of my hand. My sister is my dearest and most beloved person, so I naturally want to be with me. She is really worried about other people, besides, her sister likes the young master.

And the young master in his heart treats himself and his sister the same. He knows that even if he shares the same bed with the young master, the young master will not bully her, although he has long been willing to do so.

In her heart, she would belong to the young master sooner or later, but the young master didn't want to hurt her two sisters. If it wasn't for the young master's love for them, she really thought that the young master didn't like her.

In the Purple Scale Pavilion, there is a prohibition against space. Li Qiuyu tried it, and the prohibition was as high as a thousand feet. After getting the exact data, I was horrified. It is forbidden to use it to such an extent.

"Young master, let me use your wings." Xiao Qiuyue hugged Li Qiuyu tightly, looked up at Li Qiuyu, and said coquettishly.

This Wind Cracked Wing has already been refined by me, so I can't use it for you now, unless I lose it, otherwise my cultivation will regress a lot. "Li Qiuyu smiled lightly, stretched out his hand to hold her Liu Yaolou, Xiao Qiuyue felt that the young master was hugging her, and also gave away his hands.

"Then I don't want it anymore, I just want you son." When Xiao Qiuyue heard Li Qiuyu's words, she quickly shook her head like a broken drum. She never dared to think about hurting Li Qiuyu, even if she wanted to exchange her life for Li Qiuyu. , she would not agree without the slightest hesitation.

"Do you want to go out to play?" Li Qiuyu looked at the peerless beauty in front of her with a smile, and said softly, waves of hot air reached Xiao Qiuyue's ears, making her whole body go limp.


"What's the matter?" Li Qiuyu was naturally unaware of Xiao Qiuyue's changes, and looked at Xiao Qiuyue suspiciously, only to see her shy face with a hint of rosiness, which made Li Qiuyu's heart throbbing.

"Don't talk in my ear, Qiuyue is so uncomfortable." Xiao Qiuyue said softly, and finally buried her head in Li Qiuyu's chest, for fear that the young master would see her face.

"Oh, I see, I asked you and you haven't answered yet." Li Qiuyu quickly turned her head away and said calmly.

"What did you just say?"

"I asked you if you want to go out and play."

"Go out to play, where to go, what about my sister."

"Let's go to the Tailong City Legion to have a look. Naturally, your sister will also go together. You are the treasures in my heart." Li Qiuyu twisted Xiao Qiuyue's face lightly, and said lovingly.

"Go, of course I'm going. I want to see the young master's martial arts army. The young master said that I am the treasure in your heart, so what about the young master..." Xiao Qiuyue said in surprise, she was more excited than anyone else when she heard that she was going out to play, I heard the young master say that I am the treasure in the young master's heart, and my heart feels sweet and happy.

"What's wrong with me?" Li Qiuyu asked in puzzlement, this time he really didn't understand, and looked at Xiao Qiuyue seriously, expecting Xiao Qiuyue's answer.

"Young master, why don't you want us?" Xiao Qiuyue whispered shyly on Li Qiuyu's chest, her voice was as thin as a mosquito, or Li Qiuyu was a late-stage foundation-building monk, so she must not have heard it.

"Who said I don't want you guys anymore? Nonsense. Hey, you little girl is trying to think of some messy things, you are still young." Li Qiuyu said loudly, and finally thought about the meaning of Xiao Qiuyue's words carefully, and felt that there was something in the words , I distorted the meaning, so I tapped Qiuyue's forehead lightly.

It's not that he doesn't know, he is already in his 30s in his heart, he naturally understands the relationship between men and women, he didn't expect this little girl to think of this, it seems that he still underestimated this little beauty.

"Isn't that what Qiuyue said? Our place is small, and my sister and I have grown up." Xiao Qiuyue raised her head confidently, looked at Li Qiuyu and said.

"Okay, you are all peerless beauties when you grow up, but in my heart, you are still very young and don't understand anything, don't think about these messy things in the future, and concentrate on cultivation." Li Qiuyu said seriously.

"No, I belong to the young master, and I want to be with the young master. No matter how cute your sisters are, I will be your only Qiuyue." Xiao Qiuyue shook Li Qiuyu's arm coquettishly, Seriously.

"Yes, Qiuyue will always be my Qiuyue, my most beloved baby." Li Qiuyu said seriously, gently rubbing the blue hair of Xiao Qiuyue's shawl.

"Master, is Qiuyue misbehaving and making you angry? I also know that I am self-willed, but I will change it slowly so as not to make you angry." Xiao Qiuyue said softly, feeling her willfulness.

"No, I just like you the way you are now, you are my pistachio, you are very obedient." Li Qiuyu smiled softly and said softly.

"Really, if you tell me when Qiuyue is not good in the future, I will definitely become good." Xiao Qiuyue smiled happily, and finally the small-mouthed Li Qiuyu nodded his face quickly. Buried in Li Qiuyu's chest.

"Let's go, let's go back, Hanyue is still waiting for us! Li Qiuyu was taken aback by Xiao Qiuyue, and then said, diverting this embarrassing matter away.

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