Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 320 Happy in Fighting

"Let's go, let's go together." Li Qiuyu glanced at Xiao Qiuyue, with a slight smile on his face, and finally said, with his current cultivation, it is still possible to protect the two of them in the army. The two sisters hone in on it.

"Thank you son." Xiao Qiuyue said sweetly, with a happy and sweet face, and finally flew towards Li Qiuyu together with Xiao Hanyue.

The three of them floated up above the city wall like a couple of gods and immortals. Xiao Hanyue and Xiao Qiuyue waved their hands lightly, and the two long flowing sleeves swiped towards Li Qiuyu. The water sleeves, the two sisters were tightly next to Li Qiuyu.

Chic and elegant, the tens of thousands of sergeants on the Musha city wall all showed admiration and envy in their eyes. If only I could think of the general as so chic.

"I wish the general to conquer the Yanjin Legion and return smoothly." Some sergeants shouted loudly, their eyes were full of admiration, they were chic and elegant in front of the tens of thousands of troops, this momentum alone was enough to convince the entire Tianlong army.

"Listen Yanjin Army, your son Li Qiuyu is here, get out if you have the guts, don't hide behind ordinary people and pretend to be dead, come up together." Li Qiuyu took the two sisters Xiao Hanyue towards Yanjin The army flew two hundred feet in the direction of the army, and came to the middle of Yanjin and Tianlong army.

After a while, the Yanjin Legion did not respond in the slightest. Li Qiuyu stood firmly in the air, his spiritual consciousness glanced around, a smile appeared on his face, unexpectedly there was one alchemy stage monk, five late foundation establishment monks, and ten more monks. The general level of monks in the middle period of Yu Jianji.

It's just that they all know how powerful Li Qiuyu is, and the monks in the late foundation establishment period were also killed by Li Qiuyu. Now Li Qiuyu has reached the late foundation establishment stage in one fell swoop, and his strength has reached another level.

"Since the tortoises are huddled inside and refuse to come out, then I will drag you all out, then abolish your cultivation bases, and hang them on the gate of my Tianlong City, so that the people of the world can see Yanjin's integrity." Li Qiuyu said loudly, The sound spread ten miles away.

"The general is mighty, the general is invincible."

The soldiers of the Shenwu Legion saw their general clamoring in front of an army of more than [-], and none of the masters of the Yanjin army dared to come out.

"Count to three, if you don't come out, kill them all." Li Qiuyu said coldly, his whole body was actually slowly swelling, and a shocking coercion pressed towards a corner of the Yanjin Army.

The two sisters Xiao Hanyue will also develop their aura, and the three of them will mutually generate and restrain each other. Xiao Hanyue's wood system, Xiao Qiuyue's water system, and Li Qiuyu's ice and fire true essence are the most powerful.





After Li Qiuyu said the last word, he stabbed at a corner with the God killing technique, and saw a sergeant holding his head shaking in pain in the corner of the Yanjin Legion, and after a moment, he frantically stabbed at his chest with the dagger in his hand. go.

"Ah, such a powerful spiritual attack, unexpectedly, a monk in the late stage of foundation establishment who was two hundred meters away also said in an instant, a monk in the alchemy stage was behind the army, and said in surprise.

"Li Qiuyu, you are too deceitful." A voice came, and a figure flashed up, standing steadily about fifty feet away from Li Qiuyu, and then four more figures flew up one after another, five of them together. The words are lined up.

"Five late-stage monks." Nan Xinhou said in surprise. He said that Yanjin had late-stage monks to harass the Tianlong Army, but he didn't expect five late-stage monks to appear all at once.

"Haha, it's not bad, five people are not enough." Li Qiuyu stretched out his right hand, shook it lightly, and said calmly, his face was always calm.

"My lord, I like that old tortoise's top-grade water-type spiritual weapon." Xiao Qiuyue pointed at the gray-clothed monk in the middle, and said softly, and shook Li Qiuyu's hand after speaking.

"Well, when do you want it, my lord will bring it for you." Li Qiuyu gently hugged Lou Xiao Qiuyue and said, her tone was extremely arrogant, as if the top-grade spiritual weapon was in her storage bag.

"I used that top-grade water-type spiritual weapon to deal with that ugly old man. I don't feel comfortable looking at this ugly old man." Xiao Qiuyue said coquettishly.

"Okay, did you hear that? My girl wants your top-quality spiritual weapon to deal with that ugly old man. You send it up and I will pick it up. If you send it up, I will give you a whole body, but if I come to get it, you have to Annihilation." Li Qiuyu said loudly, blowing lightly on the palm of his hand in a gesture of annihilation.

"I didn't expect Brother Wang to be so fun. If I have one-tenth of him, I will be satisfied." Li Zhenglong smiled lightly when he saw Li Qiuyu's movements.

"Li Qiuyu, I want to refine my soul and make the two little girls behind you die in shame in front of my Yanjin army." The gray-clothed monk said angrily. Staring at Li Qiuyu seriously, he slowly sacrificed the spirit weapon from his hand.

"Okay, okay, okay, if you dare to speak ill of my woman in front of me, I will let you yell and die in a day." Li Qiuyu said three good words in succession, and she was completely angry from the bottom of her heart. The two of Xiao Qiuyue and his relatives were His reverse scale.

Immediately, the God-destroying halberd appeared in the air, and the ancient fan fanned towards the other three later stages of foundation establishment. Using both the god-destroying halberd and the ancient fan at the same time would have double the effect.

"Space slow."

The five monks were shocked for a while, but they were all experienced late-stage foundation-establishment monks, and they quickly sacrificed the top-grade spiritual weapon in their hands with their divine sense.

The slowness of space is of little use to the spiritual consciousness, the attack of the five top-grade spiritual weapons hit Li Qiuyu and the three of them in an instant, Li Qiuyu moved forward, and the god-killing halberd hit a middle-aged late-stage monk fiercely.

"You wait here for me, I'll leave that ugly old man to you to do." Li Qiuyu said softly, with a move of consciousness, the blood eagle appeared in the air, and Xiao Qiuyue floated steadily on the blood eagle's back.


With a move of Li Qiuyu's consciousness, the god-killing technique stabbed at the late middle-aged monk. There was no suspense. The middle-aged monk fell into a somersault in the air, and the spell he had just cast was cut off abruptly, and the god-killing magic pierced through his chest in an instant. .

Even the last scream was stuck in the throat, the eyes of the godless slowly closed, and the whole person fell down, and in an instant, only four of the five people remained.

After he performed God Killing, his consciousness was consumed a lot but his pressure was reduced a lot. The four attacks came to Li Qiuyu in an instant. Seeing that Li Qiuyu was about to be hit by the four attacks, all the soldiers on the city wall were shocked. Heart raised.

This was a joint attack of the four late foundation establishment stages. Even a monk in the alchemy stage might not be able to follow through, but Li Qiuyu had a mocking smile on his face.

With a movement of consciousness, a red and blue landscape ring appeared in front of him, and the ring instantly inflated, and a curtain of ice and fire blocked Li Qiuyu behind.

"Binghuo Ring, Senior Binghuo was killed by you." The four attacks landed on the ice and fire light curtain without sound, as if they had never been attacked at all.

One person was a late-stage cultivator of the Ring of Ice and Fire and said in horror that the name of the cultivator of Binghuo is quite famous among the cultivators of the Yanjin Kingdom. He did not expect his magic weapon to be held in the hands of the young man in front of him.

Since the magic weapon can be destroyed by top-grade spiritual weapons, Li Qiuyu took over the attacks of the four and gave him a chance to fight back. The God-killing Halberd shot at another late-stage foundation-building monk.


The cultivator in the late stage of foundation establishment who was targeted by the God-destroying halberd sacrificed a defensive shield of a top-quality spiritual weapon, but the god-killing halberd hit it so hard that one couldn't breathe, and the top-quality defensive spirit weapon returned to its original shape and fell , Mie Shen Ji killed this late-stage Foundation Establishment cultivator without hindrance.

"Well, you're next. It's only because the old tortoise hiding behind you couldn't come out, and told you to come out and die." A pair of transparent wings suddenly appeared behind Li Qiuyu, and then quickly dodged, dodging the other turtles. The attack of the three people stood far away on the side of the three monks.

In the end, he mobilized the God-destroying halberd to attack an easy monk. The space delay without the God-destroying halberd slowed down the speed of the monks in the late stage of foundation establishment by more than half.

"Fellow daoist, stop. I will never step into the Heavenly Dragon in the next round of Yanjin." Seeing the God-killing Halberd shot towards him, the cultivator in Tsing Yi knew the power of the God-killing Halberd. The ultimate defensive spiritual weapon, simply stop and beg for mercy.

"Is it that simple?" Li Qiuyu smiled lightly, and the speed of the God-destroying Halberd remained unabated, and he stabbed towards the monk in Tsing Yi.

There were two late-stage monks left in the air, and the loss of the three monks completely frightened the two of them. How could this young man be a late-stage foundation-establishment monk? Even a monk in the alchemy stage was not so terrifying.

The battle of the six seemed to take a long time, but it only took more than ten breaths. Li Qiuyu shook his body, obviously losing his true energy.

"I said, let you die after screaming for a day, my girl will use your water-type top-grade spiritual weapon to deal with this ugly old man." Li Qiuyu stabilized his figure and said to the water-type monk.

After finishing speaking, the ancient fan was put away, and a colorful gourd appeared in his hand. He heard two alchemy stage monks say that it was a Tianhu forging, no matter whether it was a Tianhu forging, as long as it was useful in his hands.

The colorful gourd shot at the water monk, and the water monk swung out a water dragon, but it disappeared instantly when it encountered the Tianhu, and then Li Qiuyu shot the god-killing halberd at the ugly old man, blocking the ugly old man's attack.

The water cultivator collapsed for a while, and finally sank down weakly. Li Qiuyu took this opportunity and pierced him with the God Killing Technique.

Li Qiuyu tapped his true energy on his vest, locked his true energy, and fell down without the support of his true energy. Li Qiuyu sucked in one hand, grabbed the water cultivator and threw it towards the city wall.

After finishing everything, his body shook violently and almost fell. Sister Xiao Hanyue was startled and exclaimed loudly. She knew the young master's strength in her heart, and she didn't know why Li Qiuyu suddenly had such a sign now.

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