Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 331 Another Chapter Canyon

"Little girl, seeing you two are so happy, I plan to live in this place for half a year before leaving, how about it?" Li Qiuyu looked at the two and said with a smile.

"Really? It's really great, I really love Qiuyue the most." Xiao Qiuyue smiled softly, hugged Li Qiuyu's arm in front of her chest and shook, with a sweet look on her face.

Xiao Hanyue also happily hugged Li Qiuyu's arm tightly, the happiness on her face was self-evident, and there was a little bit of blushing, the young master also knew the true meaning of her sister's liking here.

The three of them will fall down, and the two sisters will run inside, leaving Li Qiuyu and the blood eagle outside the canyon. The two inside are already familiar, and Li Qiuyu will not worry about them.

He changed the Blood Eagle Eagle into the canyon, and began to cast the prohibition himself. This prohibition is also the same as the Nine Palaces Profound Sky Formation, but it is a small miniature version.

Because he used all five pennants on the formation of the city gate, now he can only make a simple version, which can only last for a while, which is enough, and it is forbidden to connect with his mind, he will naturally know Prohibited upon receiving an attack.

Two illusions were added outside the Nine Palaces Profound Sky Formation to prevent other monks from easily seeing the Profound Sky Formation. After finishing everything, he left the Blood Eagle Eagle beside the Profound Sky Formation.

To stay in this place for half a year, safety must be ensured. He walked towards it at a leisurely pace, picking some wild fruits along the way.

The two sisters are naturally going to take care of the place where they live. Girls are naturally more concerned about where they live. Besides, outside, they are naturally not as safe and convenient as home, so they take care of this place like home.

If so, I saw that Xiao Hanyue had already spread the quilt in the cave, and arranged the inside of the cave in an orderly manner. Some stone walls were blocked by colorful cloth strips, and it looked like a warm female boudoir.

After the two of them tidied up the inside, Li Qiuyu said happily as soon as he came in: "My lord, do you think this place is beautiful?"

"Well, it's very beautiful. My son, I have never seen such a beautiful place." Li Qiuyu said loudly, this look is indeed well-groomed.

The cave was already dry, but now it is covered with countless colored cloths to seal the inside tightly, and the entire ground is covered with red cloths.

The three of them went out, Li Qiuyue disappeared into some jungles with a flash, and finally found a good place to set up a swing inside, he secretly smiled in his heart, this little girl Qiuyue must like it.

In less than a moment, a simple swing made of mountain vines was formed, and finally returned to the two sisters Xiao Qiuyue, who naturally didn't know what Li Qiuyu was doing.

"Let's go, take you to a place." Li Qiuyu couldn't help but hugged the two sisters, flew towards the jungle, and came to the swing in a few breaths.

"My lord, thank you." Xiao Qiuyue said softly, her eyes turned red, and a string of crystal tears slowly slipped down. She stared blankly at the swing, with a happy smile on her face, and the tears on her face were also tears of happiness. .

"When we were young, one of us lived in Nan'an. Life alone was already difficult. We had no chance to play on the swing at all. We could only envy other children occasionally." Xiao Hanyue held Xiao Qiuyue's hand tightly, said softly.

Now that Li Qiuyu has just left, it turned out that he was making a swing for his sister. Although it is a simple and small thing, it is enough to see how much Li Qiuyu loves and cares for her sister.

"Go and try it. My son will make you the happiest women in the world in the future." Li Qiuyu didn't think of this level either, but thought that Xiao Qiuyue was a naughty girl, so she did it rashly, and didn't expect to touch both of them. The bleakness of people's hearts.

However, he also fully knew that the two sisters did not have the happiness and stability that they should have in childhood, and he also felt inexplicably uncomfortable.

Xiao Qiuyue wiped the tears off her face, walked slowly towards the swing, and sat on it after walking. This position is suitable for three people. Li Qiuyu also let Xiao Hanyue go up, and she swayed beside her.

The two slowly came out of their loneliness. Seeing the young master swinging for them by their side, the two sisters finally burst into happy laughter from their little mouths, and the silver bell-like laughter spread in the jungle.

"Master, Hanyue is so happy today." Xiao Hanyue said softly, and then leaned on Li Qiuyu's chest, Xiao Qiuyue also leaned up, and the two sisters leaned their heads together.

"It's good to be happy, tell the young master about the above matters in the future, and I will take care of it for you, as long as you are happy." Li Qiuyu reached out and gently embraced the two of them.

"My lord, let's go back to practice." Xiao Qiuyue said softly, then raised her head, and slowly left Li Qiuyu's chest.

"Hehe, why did I, Qiuyue, think of cultivating today? I have become more diligent." Li Qiuyu joked with a smile.

"Qiuyue is always diligent. In the past, it was my sister who did all the work. Now Qiuyue belongs to the young master and is no longer a child, so I have to learn to serve the young master." Xiao Qiuyue said softly, with a serious look on her face. Such a look.

"Hehe, little girl, the young master still likes your mischievous and lively appearance. I am not a child, so I need your service." Li Qiuyu smiled faintly and said loudly.

"Well, that Qiuyue will always be the most lively and mischievous, the most beautiful and tolerant baby in the eyes of the young master." After Xiao Qiuyue finished speaking, she resumed her willful and mischievous appearance.

In fact, she is not very willful, she just likes to act like a baby in front of Li Qiuyu, because she likes to act like a baby in front of the person she loves, and likes to be innocent and straightforward in front of the person she loves.

Li Qiuyu stood up slowly, hugged Xiao Hanyue gently, and finally hugged Xiao Qiuyue together, and walked towards the place where she lived.

Xiao Hanyue is always as quiet as a virgin, quiet and gentle, her peerless beauty is always the gentlest, she doesn't want her sister.

Xiao Qiuyue acted like a baby, lively and mischievous, always innocent and sweet, but this was all in front of Li Qiuyu, in the eyes of other people, she was all over the world, as cold as ice, even a fairy above the nine heavens would not be able to catch up with it.

The age of sixteen or seventeen is the season of flowers, and the heart is the same as other young girls, but they live in a different environment and do not get the happiness they deserve.

But now with the appearance of Li Qiuyu, all the lost happiness will be recovered, and the happiness that can't be obtained by others will be obtained.

The young master cherishes himself, takes care of himself, and loves himself, which is already the most perfect happiness in the world. There is nothing impossible for the young master in this world.

The three of them went back to meditate on the boulder outside the cave and did not allow anything to disturb them when they were practicing. They naturally knew about the two young girls in the foundation building period.

The three of them were separated by several feet, without disturbing each other, time passed slowly, Li Qiuyu finished a big week, and sister Xiao Hanyue was gone when she woke up, because Li Qiuyu now needs five hours for a big week, The two sisters only have two hours.

The two sisters have already washed all the ones that need to be washed, and Li Qiuyu's clothes are naturally washed by them. Since the three of them entered this relationship a few days ago, Li Qiuyu no longer cares about other things.

It was only natural for the two sisters to wash his clothes, but when they started washing Li Qiuyu's clothes, when they saw Li Qiuyu's pants, they immediately thought of that big fellow Li Qiuyu.

There was a burst of embarrassment on the face, but in the end the two of them rushed to nothing, both themselves and the young master were like that, so there was no shame in washing the pants.

"Autumn moon and cold moon." Li Qiuyu stood up after finishing his work, and saw the clothes drying not far away, colorful and dancing in the breeze.

There are two pink bellybands and trousers in the middle, which are the most dazzling. Li Qiuyu smiled evilly. The two sisters really didn't care about her in front of her.

"Uh, young master, we are taking a bath here, come quickly." Xiao Qiuyue said softly when she heard Li Qiuyu's shout.

Li Qiuyu walked towards the pool with a smile, the place where he practiced was only one mile away from the pool, Li Qiuyu came to the pool with a few swaying body, and saw two delicate bodies as white as jade playing in the pool, smooth and smooth There is not a single blemish on delicate skin.

He sat lightly on a rock, only three feet away from the two sisters, supported him with one hand, and carefully admired the peerless scenery in the water.

"This scene can only be seen here, how many times in the sky and on earth." Li Qiuyu smiled softly, the sisters in the water didn't have any scruples, and Li Qiuyu watched carefully.

"Of course, only my son can see it, because we belong to you, and you can see him when you want to." Xiao Qiuyue smiled and said sweetly.

"My lord, do you want to wash?" Xiao Hanyue said in a soft voice, all her staff members are gentle and shy, which is already her biggest bottom line in front of Li Qiuyu.

"Well, I won't wash it anymore. I'll talk about it later. You can wash it yourself." Li Qiuyu said softly, with a faint smile on her face like a spring breeze.

"My lord, tell me who has better skin, my sister or me." Xiao Qiuyue pulled her sister's hand up and put it together with her own, and asked loudly.

"Hehe, both of them have the best skin, there is no slight difference." Li Qiuyu smiled lightly, this little girl always acted like a baby in front of her.

"By the way, has the effect of my Zhuyan Pill come into play after taking it? Don't be in trouble if it doesn't work." Xiao Qiuyue exclaimed.

"You are the most beautiful now, Zhuyan Pill should have exerted its effect." Li Qiuyu pondered for a while, so the pill would not be effective for a while, he knew that he was not sure.

"My lord, what should I do if I get old? At that time, you must refine the best elixir to transform me back to my current appearance." Xiao Qiuyue said seriously.

"Okay, okay, if you are really old in the future, I will also turn me into an old man, that's fine, you will always be beautiful in my heart." Li Qiuyu laughed loudly.

"You girl, how old are you now? You're so young, you just want to be old." Xiao Hanyue stretched out her jade finger and tapped Xiao Qiuyue's forehead lightly.

"Sister, why do you always say that I am young? I am young, but I am younger than you. Young master, tell me, I am young." Xiao Qiuyue said dissatisfied, and raised her chest after speaking.

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