Now his Ice and Fire Compatibility has become more and more powerful. He doesn't know what level to use, but when using it, he needs to reduce the consumption of real energy, and Valari is also much stronger.

Shocking Finger is a skill in the Heaven-shocking Divine Arts. After reaching the late stage of foundation establishment, it is relatively powerful several times. For powerful spells, it must be supported by relative cultivation.

Even if it is a god-level spell, if it is held in the hands of a monk in the Qi training period, it is more likely to exist. If the cultivation base is high, low-level spells will turn into magic after being cast.

Lvyi is constantly digesting the natal soul of the tenth-level colorful dragon in the space necklace. Now that Lvyi has reached the seventh level, she dare not cast spells and attacks at all, because she has to deal with the natal soul of the colorful dragon with all her strength. clothing, but the natal soul is always the natal soul.

At least she had helped her in the previous battles, but now he can only rely on himself, his cultivation and strength have improved, but the opponents he meets are much more powerful.

For a monk, half a year passed as soon as they got mixed up. Li Qiuyu practiced and lived with the two sisters in the canyon, and lived a fulfilling life.

Especially the two sisters, apart from Li Qiuyu's cultivation, they are always tired of him. The relationship between the three is getting deeper and deeper, and the two sisters have matured a lot from the original girls.

In front of Li Qiuyu is full of irresistible temptations at any time, but the two look mature on the outside, but they are still the same on the inside.

Xiao Qiuyue is more than 16 years old, and she looks even more stunning. She is about the same size as Xiao Hanyue. The two sisters are together, and there is no difference between them.

She is still naughty and lively, willful and coquettish, and she is also the most naughty when she is in love with Li Qiuyu, but her cultivation is beyond Li Qiuyu's imagination. After practicing the Shocking God's water system kung fu, she has now reached the late stage of foundation establishment .

Xiao Hanyue's cultivation has reached the middle stage of foundation establishment, and she has just stabilized her realm. With the improvement of her cultivation, the skin of the two of them is as snowy as jade. In Li Qiuyu's eyes, Xiao Qiuyue's current beauty is already more beautiful than Ling Lanxin's. pretty.

This kind of beauty has an extra layer of otherworldliness, and the bursts of elegance make Li Qiuyu even more precious, and the light green clothes set it off even more beautifully.

Xiao Hanyue is more gentle. On the outside, she will always be a peerless beautiful girl. Maybe Zhuyan Pill has played an effect, keeping the 17-year-old forever, but her temperament has become more stable and noble. It's also hard to come by.

In front of Li Qiuyu, she was always quiet and gentle, even if her younger sister was making out with the young master, she would still watch quietly, with a hint of happiness and sweetness on her face.

In her heart, there is nothing happier than the three of them being happy together. During the six months in the canyon, the two of her sisters also went out with the son several times. When they saw the two sisters, they were all shocked.

What Li Qiuyu misses the most is the gentleness of the two sisters. When he sleeps at night, he sees every detail of their bodies, and Xiao Qiuyue has also developed to the best level.

When they were sleeping, both of them stuck to Li Qiuyu naked, and pressed the pair of firmer and fuller jade peaks tightly to Li Qiuyu's body.

Letting Li Qiuyu act on their bodies, Li Qiuyu's hands stayed on the Yufeng of the two sisters at all times, but the two sisters also grabbed the lower part.

Li Qiuyu also digests two Lingyu pills every month to practice, and each practice takes ten days. After Li Qiuyu saw that the cultivation of the two sisters had reached the level of taking Lingyu pills, she also gave them half a bottle .

For the two sisters, he was never stingy. For the sake of cultivation, An Ren only had time to make out a few times a month, and the three of them knew that such things should not be too much.

But every time the two sisters are satisfied and exhausted, Li Qiuyu also got the highest point for the fourth time, but the two sisters barely cope.

"My lord, shall we go back to Tailong City tomorrow?" Xiao Qiuyue tightly leaned her naked body against Li Qiuyu's body.

The huge jade peak gently rubbed against Li Qiuyu's body, and gently held Li Qiuyu's big guy with one hand.Looking at Li Qiuyu with watery eyes.

"Well, I will go back to Tailong City tomorrow. I heard from Zhang Tianhang that Tianlong City's million-strong army has entered Tailong City, and Yanjin is also wary of Tianlong's gathering troops." Li Qiuyu said lightly.

"Young master, how confident is Tianlong in conquering Yanjin?" Xiao Hanyue said seriously, she was much more attentive than Xiao Qiuyue in these aspects.

"I'm not sure, because there are other powerful behind-the-scenes commanders behind Yanjin." Li Qiuyu said without hesitation.

"Since there is not much hope, why did you attack Yanjin? Aren't you afraid of Yanjin's counterattack, or even instigation from behind?" Xiao Hanyue said in a daze, with a curious look on his face.

"Counterattack, our Tianlong is now counterattacking. Everything about the senior sister needs to be fair. This fairness refers to things. As for the fairness and above, there is no fairness." Li Qiuyu smiled lightly. Since Yanjin wants to annex Tianlong, Tianlong There is also a reason for such a conquest of Yanjin.

"Can you tell Hanyue the reason?" Xiao Hanyue said softly, with a look of anticipation on his face, he knew everything about the young master, because she belonged to the young master, and the young master was the most important person in her heart.

"That is to make Tianlong stronger. I also have security guarantees. The same is true for you. I will use all my strength to build the Tianlong Kingdom. Although the Tianlong Kingdom is not mine, I am still a member of the Li family." Li Qiuyu said seriously. Said, if he is powerful, and Tianlong is also strong, he can be used as a backer in his hands.

"I feel that the cultivation level of our Tianlong is better than that of Yan Jinruo. If it weren't for the emperor's peak, the cultivation forces of other countries would enter Tianlong to grab resources." Xiao Hanyue said lightly, Xiao Qiuyue stared blankly Looking at my sister, I also feel that my sister has grown up.

In the past, I had my elder sister protecting me, and the two sisters cuddled up to each other. Now that I have more sons, I can protect and cherish myself, and I feel very happy in my heart.

"Well, the cultivation world won't be involved in the country's battle until a certain time, so we can rest assured for the time being." Li Qiuyu said with a smile.

"Let's go to bed." Xiao Qiuyue said sweetly, and finally fell asleep happily leaning on Li Qiuyu. Seeing this little girl's satisfied and happy appearance, Li Qiuyu felt sweet in her heart.

The three of them gradually fell asleep. Early the next morning, Li Qiuyu and others started to clean up. In fact, it was Xiao Hanyue and Qiuyue who cleaned up together. He continued to improve his spell control outside.

In addition to clothes, there are also a lot of brocade. Xiao Hanyue folded them neatly and put them in the storage bag. Men don't need these things at all, but girls like to take care of the place they live in. beautiful.

After following the young master, they still like to live outside, because they can always be next to the young master. The monks in the foundation stage are the same everywhere, but everyone feels different.

"My lord, we packed up, let's go, your clothes are here too." Xiao Qiuyue rushed towards Li Qiuyu like a happy butterfly.

Li Qiuyu caught her, put her lightly on the ground and said with a smile: "Give me my clothes, otherwise what will I wear in the future?"

"The clothes are here in Qiuyue. I am the young master's woman. Of course, I will tidy up the young master's clothes from time to time. I will give them to you when I change them. I will wash your clothes myself, and my sister will be in charge of cooking." Xiao Qiuyue mumbled Said softly with a rosy little mouth.

"Well, my Qiuyue has grown up and knows how to wash your son's clothes." Li Qiuyu smiled and embraced Xiao Qiuyue in her arms, and nodded.

"Of course, but when I grow up, I can only wash clothes for my son and my sister. My clothes, my sister and my son, I will wash whoever I see." hold on.

"Hehe, so the little girl won't be at a disadvantage. I have to avoid you in the future, otherwise I will wash your clothes every day." Li Qiuyu tapped Xiao Qiuyue on the forehead.

"Master, don't hide from me. If this is the case, I will leave Qiuyue's clothes to wash." Xiao Qiuyue was startled, and quickly said, if the son really hides from her because she doesn't want to wash her clothes, it's not like she can't see it. It's time for the son.

"Hanyue, have you packed it?" Li Qiuyu asked softly, looking at Xiao Hanyue who was smiling sweetly.

"Young Master, I've packed it too. Shall we leave now?" Xiao Hanyue also walked towards Li Qiuyu, gently hugged Li Qiuyu's arms in her arms, and a pair of firm and plump jade peaks clamped his arms in the middle .

"Let's go!"

After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, the Heaven-shocking Art of God started to work, and a light curtain covered the three of them, and finally quickly moved towards the forbidden layman, and came to the Blood Eagle Eagle. Xiao Hanyue let go of Li Qiuyu's arm obediently.

With one wave of Li Qiuyu's hand, several prohibitions were removed, and the Jiugong Tianxuan Formation was also removed. The Blood Eagle quickly flew into the air. Li Qiuyu grabbed the waist of the two sisters and quickly flew towards the Blood Eagle. .

A quarter of an hour later, the three of them came to the sky above Tailong City, and a huge blood eagle appeared in the sight of the dark army.

"Look, that's Li Qiuyu, the number one master of our Tianlong Legion, General Li, the commander of the Shenwu Legion." A commander with good eyesight said when he saw the blood eagle eagle in the clouds thousands of feet high.

"General Li, is that the general Li Qiuyu of the Shenwu Legion who left Yanjin soldiers with a terrifying blow?" Some soldiers asked softly.

"Of course, you are new soldiers and veterans. You don't know about General Li's deeds, but I hope you can set an example to General Li." The commander said loudly.

It turned out that these sergeants were all 100 million troops sent from Tianlong City two days ago, and they have been here for two or three days, and they are all getting used to the water, soil and mobilization here.

Li Qiuyu also saw these soldiers, and he flew directly towards his Shenwu Legion. In the eyes of these soldiers, Li Qiuyu's god-like existence, only the existence of looking up.

The strong are only used for worship, and the strong never lack attention and discussion. The same is true for Li Qiuyu. Among the Tianlong Legion, the most talked about is Li Qiuyu, the general of the Shenwu Legion and the Shenwu Legion.

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