Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 341 Giant Wooden Shield Magic Treasure

The body of the young monk withered slowly, and finally turned into a skeleton, and the gray jade pendant fell to the ground with a clang.

From Xiao Hanyue's attack to the loss of the young monks in the alchemy stage, the whole process only took five or six breaths of effort. With the three of them working together, the peak monks in the early stage of alchemy only supported five or six lines, although the three of them sneaked in.

"Pack up the medicinal materials quickly, take them all away, there is nothing left." Li Qiuyu said softly, kill the alchemy stage at the place where the alchemy stage is, and then kill people to seize the treasure, leave as soon as possible after finishing.

The figures of the three kept flickering, and after a while, the jade boxes of medicinal materials in the entire basement disappeared. Li Qiuyu put away the storage bag and the gray jade token of the young monk, and the three of them quickly walked out of the basement.

When they came to the store, the little guys who had just received them were busy, but now there was no one in the store, Li Qiuyu's body flashed, and three or four guys passed out instantly.

The three of Li Qiuyu left the shop swaggeringly. After the waiter woke up, he had no memory of the recent period, and Li Qiuyu also returned to the inn.

"My lord, such a thing is too exciting." Xiao Qiuyue hugged Li Qiuyu's arm joyfully, and said happily, she was still a child at heart, so she was naturally excited when she encountered such a thing.

"Hehe, it's like this in the world of comprehension. If we hadn't attacked first, the three of us would have been killed by him, but he was unlucky and we discovered it first. Besides, the purpose of our coming to Cloud City is to buy medicinal materials. of."

Li Qiuyu touched Xiao Qiuyue's hair lightly. This little girl was still very young, and she looked like a child, but it was okay, because Xiao Qiuyue was only 16 years old, not yet 17 years old.

"Hanyue did a good job today. Being able to detect the murderous intent of a senior monk in that situation will greatly increase my safety in the future." Li Qiuyu stretched out her arms to wrap Xiao Hanyue's willow waist, and said softly.

"At first I thought the young master didn't find out, Hanyue is still far away from the young master, but with the young master here, Hanyue is not afraid of anything." Xiao Hanyue gently leaned her head on Li Qiuyu's shoulder, and said sweetly.

"You first sort out the 500-year-old rare medicinal materials, and then classify them, so as to avoid troubles in alchemy in the future." Li Qiuyu said lightly, and gently opened Xiao Hanyue's willow waist.

"Well, there are really a lot of medicinal materials this time. Let's go to a few more auction houses. I believe that the materials for refining the elixir will be complete." Xiao Hanyue said happily. In her eyes, as long as there is a son, there is no Nothing is impossible.

"I can't help but underestimate Yunxiao City. There are several great characters in it. We must be careful." Li Qiuyu said seriously. He has been to Yunxiao City and probably knows some details. In Yunxiao City, there are at least five pills. The existence of the first stage, even the middle stage.

"Hanyue stop son." Xiao Hanyue said obediently, no matter how Xiao Hanyue is only 17 years old, she should be mature in front of her younger sister, but in front of Li Qiuyu, she is also a young girl in her prime.

It took several people all hours of the next year to sort out the medicinal materials this time. There are five storage bags of rare medicinal materials for 500 years, that is to say, there are five rare medicinal materials.

Ordinary medicinal materials also have seven storage bags. These are also second-grade high-grade pills, and rare medicinal materials can be refined into third-grade high-grade Zhengqi pills.

There are 47 rare medicinal herbs that are thousands of years old. Most of these medicinal herbs can be used, especially Wannian purple blood ginseng, which is the main material for refining four or five elixir. The ingredients of Tiandan and Tianyingdan.

Li Qiuyu opened the storage bag of the young monk, and there were actually five or six bottles of third-grade pills inside, which happened to be used by the two sisters Xiao Hanyue, and a magic weapon of the water system.

He generously distributed these pills to the two sisters, and he personally consumed his true energy and consciousness to erase the consciousness and breath in the water magic weapon and handed it to Xiao Qiuyue.

As for this gray jade tablet, it is also a magic weapon for defense. Although Xiao Hanyue is a little lower than Xiao Qiuyue, he is more experienced and takes more shots. He also handed this magic weapon for defense to Xiao Hanyue.

"My lord, we are always by your side, you keep this magic weapon, I don't need it." Xiao Hanyue returned the gray jade tablet to Li Qiuyu and said.

"Hey, you underestimate me, my son. With my current strength, let alone the early stage of alchemy, I can kill it even in the middle stage. As for defense, I will tell you, as long as it is not a Nascent Soul cultivator, No one can kill me yet."

Li Qiuyu said with a faint smile, what he said is true, the ice-type talisman was refined by monks in the Nascent Soul stage, and it can definitely withstand the blows of ordinary Nascent Soul stage monks.

"Really, young master, you are too powerful, and Qiuyue is so happy. As long as young master is safe, we will be safe too. I am most worried that even if young master is in trouble, I will not be able to help you." Xiao Qiuyue said happily, gently moving the Xiaozui kissed Li Qiuyu's face.

"Well, it smells so good." Li Qiuyu smiled lightly, and began to arrange the storage bags of the young monk again.There are also seven of his own spirit jade pills, 400 million low-level spirit stones, and [-] middle-level spirit stones.

As a monk in the alchemy stage, with such a worth, he is considered a remarkable existence, so Li Qiuyu put away the spirit stone.

After the three of them sorted it out, Xiao Hanyue began to practice, but Xiao Qiuyue began to refine the water-type magic weapon, the Rain Curtain Jade Flute. The whole magic weapon was completely refined from a kind of precious sapphire.

With Xiao Qiuyue's current strength in the late stage of foundation establishment, and the rain screen jade flute of this water system, ordinary late stage foundation monks can easily capture it with their hands.

Li Qiuyu also started to meditate. After five days in Yunxiao City, the three of them also visited three or four shops, and with perfect cooperation, they ransacked several shops.

But in the end, it was discovered that some shops in Yunxiao City had disappeared, and the monks in the Lian Dan period and the late foundation establishment period had mysteriously disappeared.

So the three of them didn't dare to do it lightly, and just bought the things they fancy. For them, the spirit stone has no great use, and they only need medicinal materials.

"My lord, I feel that the three of us have been targeted by monks in the alchemy stage." Xiao Qiuyue said softly.

"Of course, we will leave the city tonight, the sooner the better." Li Qiuyu sent a voice transmission to the two sisters, and he could clearly feel that the consciousness of the four alchemy monks was staying on the three of them.

A middle-aged man in Tsing Yi and two tall and short monks, it seems that the two tall and short monks are a pair of partners, and the other one is what he is afraid of, half of his feet have entered the middle stage, and he is dressed like a teacher.

When the two sisters saw the young master's sound transmission, they naturally knew that someone was paying attention to the three of them, so they pretended to be nonchalant and followed the young master.

The three of them left the city very quickly, and after leaving the city, they sacrificed the Tianyun Shenzhou. The three of them quickly chose a direction to fly, and after a quarter of an hour, the three of them had already left Yunxiao City by almost a hundred miles.

"Hehe, the three little dolls in front of you should stop, so as not to be distracted in time." A faint voice came into the ears of the three of them.

"You two don't do anything, don't go away no matter what happens, I will keep the Blood Eagle Eagle by your side." Li Qiuyu said through voice transmission.The two sisters knew the danger at the moment, so they nodded seriously.

"I don't know why senior has followed the three of them for so long, why?" Li Qiuyu said, looking at the monk in Tsing Yi who was twenty feet away.

In his spiritual consciousness, the other three alchemy cultivators were within five hundred feet nearby. They were obviously not together, and they all wanted to be hunters.

"You do what you do in the store in Yunxiao City, junior. You have no chance to leave, so just arrest." The monk in Tsing Yi looked at Li Qiuyu and the three of them without any expression on his face.

"Now that you know, then you die, and those who are hiding aside come out." After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, the Shocking Divine Art that had already been in operation unfolded, and it could not be hidden when dealing with alchemy monks.

The quaint fan slapped the monk in Tsing Yi, and then the Mie Shen Halberd appeared in the air in an instant, stabbing towards the monk in Tsing Yi quickly.


The cultivator in Tsing Yi showed a dignified look on his face, the space was obviously slowed down, even his own speed was also slowed down a lot, the simple fan was originally used to slow down the space, and with the destructive power of the Miserable Halberd, the air was even more sluggish.

He swiped his hands, and a giant wooden shield appeared in front of him, and then a strange red spear quickly moved towards the God-killing halberd.


There was a slight sound in the air, and the red spear of the cultivator in Tsing Yi was facing the God Extinguishing Halberd with burning flames, and the two magic weapons stopped in the air instantly.

At this moment, a huge water dragon rammed towards the cultivator in Tsing Yi, biting the cultivator in Tsing Yi fiercely, and then the water dragon turned into an ice dragon.

At the moment when the water dragon transformed into an ice dragon, the red spear of the cultivator in Tsing Yi also changed back to its original shape in the air, and the God Extinguishing Halberd came to the cultivator in Tsing Yi without any hindrance, and was firmly nailed to the giant wooden shield.

There was horror in the eyes of the monk in Tsing Yi. It was only a matter of time before the destructive power of the Destroyer Halberd broke through the giant wooden shield, but the power of the ice dragon also made him feel the breath of death.

Before he could react, a green wood chop slid down.The three attacks landed on the Tsing Yi Cultivator one after another, and the Tsing Yi Cultivator instantly turned into an ice man, and was then chopped into pieces by the Miserable Halberd and Aoki.

The whole process took less than two breaths, and the Tsing Yi's alchemy stage was damaged by the blow of the three of them, the giant wooden shield was sucked in Li Qiuyu's hands, and the storage bag and the red spear were both caught by the two sisters.

"Come out, three fellow daoists, are you hiding and hiding, do you still look a bit at the alchemy stage?" Li Qiuyu laughed loudly, and glanced in the direction of the two monks at the alkali-hydrolysis nitrogen stage, tall and short.

"Hey, the strength of the three little dolls is good, far beyond our expectations, but do you still have a chance in front of us?" A dark voice came over, and then a cloud of magic quickly expanded.

Seeing that Li Qiuyu and the other three were not ordinary foundation-building monks, the two guys were horrified, but they were also reluctant to give up on Li Qiuyu, so they began to use their trump card in the distance, and Li Qiuyu's face showed a trace of dignity.

It wasn't because of the magic cloud of the tall and short monks, but because of the teaching teacher on the side, although he didn't show up to do it, but he gave Li Qiuyu the feeling that he was like Han Wuji.

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