Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 345 Powerful Physical Defense

The white-bearded old man seemed to have known the power of the Night Shocker Gun long ago. When the Night Shocker and the Nirvana Gun collided, he immediately let go of the Nirvana Gun in his hand and controlled it with his powerful spiritual sense.

There was a strange movement of both hands, and the jerky mantra was still chanting softly in his mouth. Li Qiuyu knew what kind of powerful spell this old man in the middle stage of alchemy was about to cast.

He also controlled the Night Shocking Gun with divine sense, and raised his hands slightly, two fiery red and dark blue rays of light appeared in his hands, and then quickly closed his hands.

"Ice and fire are compatible, let's lose it."

There was an aura of death and destruction in the air, and he threw it at the white-bearded old man. Li Qiuyu shook his body lightly. Originally, the previous battle had also consumed his true essence, but now he was a bit exhausted when he used the compatibility of ice and fire.

When he pushed out Ice and Fire Compatibility, the white-bearded old man's spell was also completed. With a wave of one hand, a white light pressed towards Li Qiuyu.

I saw the attacks of the two meet in the air, Li Qiuyu's ice-fire compatibility was colorless and silent, only the white brilliance stayed between the two.

Li Qiuyu was shocked. Could it be that the monks in the middle stage of alchemy were all so powerful, their magic weapon and the best ice and fire compatibility were all blocked.

It was not him, but the white-bearded old man who was the most horrified, because what he had just cast was the most powerful spell in his sect, and he had to pay a heavy price, which was ten years of mana consumption.

I didn't expect that under such circumstances, I still couldn't kill the opponent, and was blocked by the opponent's spell, and my heart became more and more heavy, because my light gradually faded, obviously being attacked by the invisible attack in the late stage of foundation establishment in front of me. pressed over.

The smile in Li Qiuyu's eyes gradually became stronger, because the compatibility of ice and fire was not broken by the white-bearded old man in the end, and the situation in front of him was temporarily beneficial to him.

The soldiers below all stopped, and the masters and soldiers on the city wall also watched Li Qiuyu and the white-bearded old man's fight.

"It's time to lose it." After Li Qiuyu used Ice and Fire Compatibility, he threw a Tianyuan Pill into his mouth, and his true essence recovered to half in an instant, and the wings on his back moved twenty feet in an instant.

The whole body was on top of the white-bearded old man, and the old man couldn't move at all, because he couldn't withdraw his hand at all with the secret technique he used. As long as he withdraws his hand, he will be completely crushed by Li Qiuyu's invisible attack.

"Shocking finger, destroying the world."

Li Qiuyu's hands changed rapidly, and then he shouted loudly, and pointed at the white-bearded old man with one hand, then swayed his body, and finally retreated twenty feet away.

Seeing Li Qiuyu's attack, he also said that Brother Yanjin had said that Li Qiuyu's shocking blow was powerful, but when his consciousness moved, his whole body was covered by a layer of intense light, and a golden shield blocked his face.

A terrified look appeared on his face, and he regretted endlessly in his heart. He thought that Li Qiuyu was just a few treasures that were more powerful, but he didn't expect that the treasures were more powerful than he imagined.

What was even more frightening was the opponent's spells and the elixir that instantly restores the true energy. Now it is too late to regret it. It is too late to say it, and the shocking finger ignores time and distance.


With a crisp sound, the golden shield shattered into pieces, and the shattering of the golden shield did not give the white-bearded old man the slightest resistance, and the thick protective cover on his body quickly dissipated.


The white light finally dissipated, and the white-bearded old man yelled in horror, and his whole body disappeared in the air. Li Qiuyu didn't know whether he was killed by the shaking fingers, or by ice and fire.

"Drink, drink, the general is invincible, the general is invincible, step down on Yanjin, step down on Yanjin."

Shocking cheers erupted from below. Seeing that Li Qiuyu was safe and sound, and the monks in the middle stage of alchemy disappeared without a bone left, I felt inexplicable adoration in my heart.

With one wave of Li Qiuyu's hand, all the magic weapons in the storage bag of the white-bearded old man returned to his hands, and then put away his own magic weapons, and his body sank, falling quickly.

"My lord, how are you?" Sister Xiao Hanyue rushed to Li Qiuyu's side to protect Li Qiuyu. The two sisters moved their hands quickly, and finally injected the real essence into Li Qiuyu's body.

"Okay, it's okay, it's just that the consumption is too high. The whole army is ready to attack the city with all its strength in half an hour." Li Qiuyu said lightly, and finally came to meditate outside the range of Yanjin to recover.

After the loss of the white-bearded old man, General Yanjin was completely disappointed. The monks in the middle stage of alchemy were all wiped out, and there was no trace left of him. The loss was also a certainty.

He stood helplessly on the city wall and looked at Li Qiuyu. Fear filled his heart, but he didn't dare to run away. It would be even worse if he did.

When Nan Xinhou and the others saw Li Qiuyu fighting in the air, their hearts were already in their throats. As long as Li Qiuyu was defeated, the 130 million army would face the coercion of the middle stage of alchemy, and they would surely lose.

It wasn't until Li Qiuyu killed the white-bearded old man that he settled down. The vests of several people were all soaked, and so was Li Zhenglong.

"Prepare for the siege, take Cloud City within an hour." Half an hour later, while Li Qiuyu was meditating to restore her true essence, the two sisters behind her also transferred their true essence to Li Qiuyu's dantian, because the three of them were already husband and wife. Those who practice are all shocking gods.

The true essence can naturally be used universally, and in the eyes of other monks, there is a look of horror. This kind of true essence can be used universally beyond their imagination.

"Zhang Tianhang, Xiao Yuefeng, you protect my two girls, if they lose a single hair, you take off your own heads, and the other five hundred warriors follow me to attack the city." Li Qiuyu said to Zhang Tianhang and the others.

"The subordinates take orders." The four said respectfully, the two peerless beautiful girls didn't have the treasure that was the general first, and now they transferred their true energy to the general, and the true energy in their bodies was consumed too much.

Li Qiuyu regained his true essence, and walked towards the city gate step by step. A crystal light shield covered his whole body. When he reached Baizhang, a burst of arrows and boulders hit him again.

This time, the rain of arrows and boulders both carried bursts of powerful energy, obviously replacing ordinary soldiers with monks. The attacks of monks are definitely millions of times stronger than ordinary people.

The rain of arrows is sacrificed on Li Qiuyu's mask, and the bigger the mask, the pipa is ringing non-stop. The closer to the city gate, the stronger the attack power.

"Ye shall all lose, drink"

After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, he gave a loud shout, and saw a shocking aura burst out, and the powerful monster aura of Phoenix Nine Transformations soared into the sky.

After the Nine Transformations of the Phoenix was unleashed, the shield was also revoked, but the arrow and boulder attacks were swung away a foot away.

"General, Li Qiuyu is a demon cultivator. Now our rain of arrows and boulders can't break through his defense at all, or the two of us go down."

Li Qiuyu, a general, said loudly that he was also a monk in the late stage of foundation establishment, with a trace of determination on his face.

"The monks in the middle stage of Liandan can kill him. Do you think you can stop him? Have you seen his defense?" the general said loudly, with a look of bewilderment on his face.

"But if this continues, we will lose as well. It's better to fight and leave a way for our family. At least we will die in battle." The general said, with a soldier's demeanor on his face.

"Okay, let's go down together." After the general finished speaking, his body flashed, and he quickly pounced on Li Qiuyu, grabbed the flames in the air and shot them down, the best spiritual weapon.

Li Qiuyu ignored the two of them at all, and quickly came to the city gate. The city gate just blocked the attack of the soldiers above. He knocked on the city gate with his hand, but there was no sound.

He felt astonished for a moment, this city gate was made of unknown materials, but it was so hard. He wondered if the Heaven-shaking Finger and the compatibility of ice and fire could break it, so he quickly retreated ten feet away.

At this time, the general and another general attacked from top to bottom, Li Qiuyu ignored the other general's attack, and shot directly at the general, without any defense, he slammed into the fire attack.


The Shenwu Legion and other soldiers were startled, their eyes turned green. Although General Li Qiuyu was able to kill the mid-stage of foundation formation in the late stage of foundation establishment, he ran into the fire spells of the late stage of foundation establishment without defense, which made them terrified. .

The general was also fooled by Li Qiuyu's actions, and with a move of Li Qiuyu's consciousness, the Miserable Halberd appeared in the air again, heading straight for another general's attack.

The general's fire element landed on Li Qiuyu's body, and he felt secretly happy. He didn't expect this fire element attack to hit Li Qiuyu's body so smoothly.

He didn't wait for him to be happy, and finally he was completely desperate. Under the fire attack, Li Qiuyu didn't stop at all. The fire attack dissipated on him immediately, and the distance between the two was only five feet away. Five feet is for Li Qiuyu , is not a distance at all.

A huge fist struck out with a burst of force to tear the air, and the fist came to the general in an instant. He had no time to react, and the huge fist hit his chest hard.



Two slight sounds came out, only the monks could hear it. The first one was the sound of the general vomiting blood, and the second sound was the sound of another general being pierced through the chest by Mie Shen Strike.

The general's eyes swirled for a while, and he slowly fell down with an expression of unwillingness. Two late-stage foundation builders attacked Li Qiuyu at the same time, and as a result, two late-stage monks were lost at the same time. It was ironic to say the least.

The soldiers and monks on both sides were dumbfounded. They didn't expect Li Qiuyu's physique to be so strong that the monks in the late stage of Foundation Establishment didn't respond to a blow with a top-grade fire-type spiritual weapon.

Li Qiuyu retracted the Mie Shen Halberd, and it fell steadily to the ground. Holding the five-foot-long Mie Shen Halberd in his hand, the Mie Shen Halberd was firmly inserted into the ground.

In the eyes of millions of soldiers in the army, the five-foot-high Mie Shen Ji was not as tall as Li Qiuyu. In the eyes of all the soldiers, Li Qiuyu was now completely like a God of War.

"The general is mighty, the general is mighty."

A burst of cheers sounded, at this time, Li Qiuyu completely transformed into the existence of City Invincible, he threw a Tianyuan Pill into the entrance, and quickly shot his whole body towards the city gate. If the distance of fifty is normal, it would be an instant .

But now he wants to use the powerful shock force to use the sky-shaking finger to strengthen the destructive power of the sky-shaking finger, and he doesn't know if this method will work.

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