Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 348 Army God Nanyun

The whole Yunxiao City was full of cheers, there were no civilians here, only Tianlong soldiers, except for layer upon layer of defense and patrolling, all the soldiers came to the largest flat land in the west of the city.Recommend a friend's work "Slaying the Universe"

Li Qiuyu took out the gold from his body, for these ordinary soldiers, spirit stones were of no use at all, not as useful as gold.

He had obtained a total of 2000 million taels of gold in Nan'an Dacheng before, but he didn't know where to use them, and now he could use them as rewards to these ordinary soldiers.

Li Qiuyu floated up with sisters Xiao Hanyue, and came to the air at a height of twenty feet. Standing firmly in the air, he looked at the millions of troops below with a natural expression.

"I, Li Qiuyu, wrote about Emperor Long En and was promoted to Xiaoyao King. We are now in Yanjin Kingdom, and these golds are my rewards for you. Ten taels of gold per person will be rewarded to my real son of Tianlong."

Li Qiuyu shot more than fifty storage bags at each general, and he had already separated the gold from the space necklace when he came out.

"My subordinates thank the prince for the reward."

When the soldiers below heard that Li Qiuyu had a gold reward, they didn't believe it very much, but Li Qiuyu never said a lie, but even if a million-dollar army has one tael per person, it would cost more than a million taels. What about the commander?

But I couldn't believe it even more when I heard that each person was ten taels. Ten taels was more than tens of thousands of taels. Even Tianlong Kingdom couldn't get it out at once. Gold is not silver money.

After each general divided a certain amount of gold into his hands, he believed what Li Qiuyu said was true. He admired Li Qiuyu for his super strength, and now he took out more than a hundred taels of gold at once.

Li Qiuyu didn't tell Nan Xinhou and others that in his opinion, the money was useless and it was just to boost the morale of these soldiers.

"The value of the Xiaoyao King is really unimaginable. When he first killed the 20 Yanjin army, he rewarded the Shenwu Army with several million spirit stones. Now he has given out tens of millions of gold."

Seeing Li Qiuyu's movement, Ximentian was horrified. He is a monk in the middle stage of foundation establishment, so he naturally knows what millions of spirit stones represent to the foundation stage.

"Hehe, Xiaoyao Wang can't understand it with a normal mind, or your heart can't bear it even more." Han Yi said with a smile.

After Li Qiuyu finished everything, he saw the generals handing out the gold with his own eyes, and he felt the real value of the gold in his heart.

"Hot-blooded men of Tianlong, do you want to level Yanjin with me?" Li Qiuyu naturally did not forget to boost morale at this time.

"I would like to conquer Yanjin with King Xiaoyao, and conquer Yanjin." The soldiers below shouted loudly, and the bursts of sound spread far away.

Li Qiuyu floated down with the two sisters, and finally came to the place where Nan Xinhou and others were standing. They all looked at him mysteriously, which confused him.

"Hehe, King Xiaoyao did not forget to inspire the morale of the soldiers at this time, and Han Yi admired him very much." General Han Yi clasped his fists and said.

"General Han made a joke, and this king is just passing by." Li Qiuyu laughed, and finally said goodbye to everyone and returned to his place of residence.

"Young master, now you are the Happy King, and you will have your own title in the future, and the emperor has dedicated his heart to your title." Han Yue said with a delicate smile.

"Hehe, you are not my king's Princess Hanyue, but also Princess Qiuyue." Li Qiuyu smiled lightly and embraced the two sisters.

"Actually, I still call you son. Whether you are the Xiaoyao king or not doesn't matter to Qiuyue, because you will always be Qiuyue's son, and the princess also comes with the title of son." Xiao Qiuyue said softly, with a serious face.

"Hehe, Qiuyue is still right. What is Xiaoyaowang is not Xiaoyaowang? It's not just a title." Li Qiuyu said lightly. For him, there are only cultivation and a happy life, but this name really suits him. Heart.

"Young master, when will we start attacking Lieyun City and take down the five cities? If we take down the five cities, we will hardly have anything to do with us." Xiao Hanyue said in a daze. In his eyes, being comfortable with the young master is the happiest .

"When Tianlong's garrison army comes, we will attack Lieyun City. Lieyun City is easy to say, mainly Qingyue City. There is an existence called the God of War. I want to see what the God of War looks like." Li Qiuyu said with a face. There was a weird smile on his face.

"Didn't the young master say that with absolute strength, all conspiracies are floating clouds." Xiao Hanyue snuggled up to Li Qiuyu and looked up at the starry sky.

"Your cultivation base is almost at the late stage of foundation establishment. The speed of the two of you is much faster than I imagined. We don't have many pills. I just hope that these things will be over as soon as possible to find Medicinal ingredients for alchemy." Li Qiuyu pondered for a moment, then said slowly.

"My lord, my cultivation speed in the late stage of foundation establishment has also slowed down. Is there any other medicine that can increase my cultivation speed?" Xiao Qiuyue said.

"Hehe, what we are using now is the elixir used by monks in the alchemy stage. If this speed spreads to other monks, they will definitely vomit blood and die of jealousy. However, there is another kind of elixir that we must refine, which is the fourth grade. Return to Heaven Pill." Li Qiuyu said lightly, with a hint of expectation in his eyes.

The role of Huitian Pill is too important to them, if they have this pill, it will definitely improve their strength a lot.

"Hui Tian Pill?" Xiao Hanyue asked in a daze. Even hearing the name, she knew it was not easy, but she didn't know the purpose of Hui Tian Pill.

"Yes, the best elixir among the fourth-grade pills of Huitian Pill can improve the monk's cultivation level, which is better than the Lingyu Pill we use, mainly because it can increase the cultivation level from the foundation-building stage to the street stage by [-]%. Hope. But the materials needed are also very precious, and I didn't find them all at once." Li Qiuyu said lightly.

"It's even better than Lingyu Pill." Xiao Qiuyue said in amazement, Lingyu Pill is already very effective, and it doesn't need Lingyu Pill to improve her cultivation.

"Yes, Lingyu Pill is only a third-grade elixir, which is of great help to monks in the alchemy stage, but it has been used by us, and we still have to refine Lingyu Pill." Li Qiuyu nodded.

"My lord, what kind of magic weapon is this Tower of Resuscitating Everything? Why is it so powerful?" Xiao Hanyue said happily. She could see clearly when Li Qiuyu was fighting with the white-bearded monk, and the master's attack could be temporarily blocked. .

"I can't tell. There are ancient treasures, psychic magic treasures, and Tianxuan treasures above the magic treasure. I don't know about it." Li Qiuyu also couldn't tell the level of the recovery tower in Xiao Hanyue's hands.

The three stayed in Yunxiao City for five days, and Tianlong City also sent a [-] garrison regiment, as well as some fortification builders.

After the garrison corps arrived, the five major corps of Tianlong officially moved towards Lieyun City. The distance between the two places was five hundred miles. The vanguard of the army had already reached outside Lieyun City in three days, and 30 vanguard troops stayed five miles outside the city. , Wait for other backup troops to come before attacking the city.

The Yanjin Legion was panicked when Yunxiao City fell, and Lieyun City was empty, leaving only more than [-] defenders.

Li Qiuyu also rushed to Lieyun City with the vanguard army. In this city, there was an aftershock alchemy cultivator who forced him to stay in the lake for ten days.

But he didn't know that the aftershock's alchemy cultivator had already left after the fall of Yunxiao City. He was also a little frightened by Li Qiuyu's strength. Even the Binghuo cultivator and another old man had been killed. He had no confidence Fight with Li Qiuyu.

Ten days ago, news came that the white-bearded middle-stage cultivator had been damaged by Li Qiuyu's attack, and he was even more frightened, regretting that he shouldn't have provoked Li Qiuyu.

Two days later, Tianlong's million-strong army came to Lieyun City. This city was easier to attack than Li Qiuyu imagined, and it took less than half a day to take it.

The two sieges were extremely smooth, which brought great confidence and morale to the soldiers of Tianlong. On the contrary, the soldiers of Yanjin, in their eyes, the Tianlong Legion seemed to have a bottomless existence.

"My lord, Lieyun City has fallen, and the emperor is already urging my lord why he didn't defend Yunxiao, and gave up Lieyun City after Yunxiao." A messenger from the foundation building period said respectfully beside Nayun.

"The speed of the Tianlong Legion exceeded my expectations. It seems that they should not attack Qiuyue City next. They want to attack Qingyue City after the other [-]% is taken." He ignored the messengers around him.

"Go back and report to the emperor, Nanyun will definitely drive Tianlong out, if I lose, then quickly think of other ways." Nanyun turned and said to the messenger.

"Farewell, subordinate." The messenger bowed respectfully and then retreated.

"Ya Yuqing's loss, there must be an ulterior secret in it, with his cultivation and intelligence, he will definitely not go to take the initiative to die, seize such a good opportunity and not use it." Nanyun thought thoughtfully, mouth said lightly.

He thought about the battle between Ya Yuqing and Li Qiuyu, and he always felt that there was something in it that he didn't know, and this doubt was the opportunity that led to Yanjin's failure.

"I would like to see what kind of character this Li Qiuyu is. He is so powerful that he can make Ya Yuqing betray Yanjin." Everyone in Yanjin thinks that Ya Yuqing died in battle, but there are still a few people who know that Ya Yuqing is actually Already betraying Yanjin.

After he finished speaking, he walked towards the meeting hall, where there were more than ten generals here, and these generals were all from the late stage of foundation establishment, and they were all top-notch.

"My lord is here, isn't Tianlong attacking Lieyun City too fast?"

When some generals and generals saw Nan Yun coming in, they stood up respectfully and greeted him. Among the legion, Nan Yun's status was definitely higher than that of Emperor Yanjin Xie Wuji.

"With an army of 120 million Tianlong, it really doesn't take much effort to attack Lieyun City. The main thing is that there is a Shenwu Legion there." Nanyun said lightly, and finally came to his seat.

He waved his hand lightly, and the generals and generals below all sat down and listened to Nan Yun's explanation quietly. No one objected to what Nan Yun said.

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