Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 350 The Difficult Battle

After all the other legions of Tianlong arrived, they all quietly looked at the city wall of Qingyue City, and they all knew that this city was Yanjin's last defensive city in the west. [Ask for a gold medal! ! 】

As long as Qingyue City is captured, the other cities will have almost no difficulties, but Li Qiuyu looks at the city wall and the open space outside the city wall with a weird smile on his face.

"My lord, is there a question?" Cheng Tianhe asked in a daze when he saw Li Qiuyu's appearance.

"There's no problem, it's just that they invited experts to kill this king here, heh heh." Li Qiuyu smiled and looked at the open space outside the city wall.

"My lord, do you think it's coming?" Xiao Hanyue asked worriedly, she cared and cared about everything that endangered Li Qiuyu.

Cheng Tianhe and the others looked at Li Qiuyu in a daze, not knowing what was the problem ahead, and judging by the expression on Li Qiuyu's face, he was still very concerned about the problem in front of him.

"They have arranged a very powerful attack and defense array in front, the target is me, once I enter, it will be difficult to get out, they will definitely arrange masters to deal with me inside, hehe, I don't know I, Li Qiuyu, also know how to use formations."

Li Qiuyu smiled lightly, and finally looked at Nan Xinhou at the back: "Marshal, prepare to attack the city, no matter what happens, don't stop, and level Yanjin."

He looked at the two sisters, Xiao Hanyue, and inexplicably felt that something unpredictable was about to happen. This was also an instinctive reaction to a master in the late stage of foundation establishment.

But knowing that something is going to happen, you have to do it, because there are many things that are rewarded after taking risks.

"Young master, be careful." Xiao Qiuyue gently adjusted Li Qiuyu's clothes a little, like a docile and well-behaved wife.

Li Qiuyu did not speak, but gave the two sisters a comforting smile. He walked forward slowly and came to a place a hundred feet outside the city wall.

"Li Qiuyu of the Tianlong Shenwu Legion has long heard the reputation of Lord Nanyun, the God of Yanjin Army, and I came here to meet you today, and come out to speak to the God of Nanyun Army." Li Qiuyu spread his voice with a shocking technique, as if Thunder spread among the two armies.

"Fortunately, I am the Xiaoyao King of the Tianlong Shenwu Legion. I saw him today. He is indeed a young man, but he is young but he will lose to Yanjin." Nanyun appeared on the city wall in a mighty armor.

"Hehe, Lord Nanyun is wrong. From now on, in Fengyue Continent, you will no longer have the title of Military God. In the eyes of this king, Military God is just a weak ordinary person." Li Qiuyu laughed loudly.

"King Xiaoyao, let's talk after you live through today. Don't you always attack the city alone. This time." Nanyun sneered.

"Wait." Li Qiuyu quickly flashed around the entire open space, and finally appeared in the middle of the open space on the city wall. At this moment, five shocking demonic energy appeared around him, and five thick black pillars formed a ring. The shape surrounded Li Qiuyu.

"Young master." The two sisters Xiao Hanyue were startled, and shouted out tenderly. Seeing such a formation, the two sisters couldn't hold back anymore.

I saw five shocking demonic energy spread rapidly, and finally formed a black mask to trap Li Qiuyu inside. Li Qiuyu moved his consciousness, but his consciousness was completely cut off by the black mask.

"Hey, kid, you should be lost this time." A sinister laugh came out, and five figures appeared on the city wall.

"The middle stage of alchemy."

All the soldiers below shouted out in surprise, and five of them appeared at once. After five monks in the middle stage of alchemy used formations to trap Li Qiuyu, they simultaneously dealt with a Li Qiuyu in the late stage of foundation establishment.

"Hey, Nan Xinhou, you can rest in peace this time. In front of me, there is no chance for you to attack Yanjin." Nan Yun said with a smile, his face extremely arrogant.

Five black-clothed monks in the mid-stage of alchemy even entered in a flash and disappeared in the black light curtain instantly, and people outside could not see what was going on inside at all.

"Attack this formation quickly." Han Yi said loudly, and with an order, all the arrow rain and spells modified in the foundation establishment stage hit the black light curtain.


All the arrows shot out were reflected back, and the attacks modified during the foundation establishment period were also counterattacked, causing the Tianlong Army to die hundreds of people at once.


This formation has the attribute of counterattack, Nan Xinhou hurriedly called a stop. After stopping, he saw the continuous shaking in the black light curtain, and it was obvious that the six people inside were fighting.

Li Qiuyu did not expect that the black light curtain would be so perverted that even his own consciousness would be severed, and he would not be able to unfold the Nine Palaces Profound Formation outside.

"Boy, you can give up now. In this formation, you have no chance. Even if the Nascent Soul stage monks come, it is impossible to get out from here."

A black-clothed monk said indifferently, unable to see the expression on his face, because his whole body was covered in black clothes, even his face was blocked by the veil.

All I could see was a word on the chest, and the five people were replaced by numbers. Li Qiuyu also knew that he was in trouble this time.

"Is that so? I want to see what the five monks in the middle stage of alchemy can do together." Li Qiuyu looked at the black-clothed monk indifferently.

His heart was churning, the power of this formation was beyond his imagination, and he had to rely on his true energy to resist the invasion of waves of devilish energy from outside.

After he finished speaking, a quaint fan appeared in his hand, and fanned directly towards the black-clothed monk, and the Wind Cracked Wing on his back also appeared, and then his body flashed.

In an instant, a black attack landed on the place where he was just standing, and the hard place was turned into a bottomless pit. Seeing such a powerful attack, he was completely horrified.

Also in the mid-stage of alchemy, this black-clothed monk was much stronger than the white-bearded old man, and there were five of them at a time. He gradually regretted that he was too reckless.

Since he slapped the simple fan for the first time, he never had a chance to attack, but kept dodging. The five black-clothed monks unleashed all their coercion. While resisting the intrusion of magic energy, it also resisted the coercion of five monks in the middle stage of alchemy.

Under the coercion of the five mid-stage alchemy monks, his body also became sluggish. The attacks of the five were all the same, with abnormal power. Every time they hit the ground, they could knock out pitch-black skeletons.


An attack slammed into Li Qiuyu's chest, which also blocked a top-quality defensive spiritual weapon in front of him, or even the abnormal defense of Phoenix Nine Transformations would have been shot through the chest by this attack.

"Death Halberd"

He knew that dodging all the time was not an option, because the true energy in his body was accumulated and consumed, and he would be captured in a short time. He could only sacrifice the talisman of the ice god cover, and no longer dodged, and instantly struck the god-destroying halberd. out.

Five attacks landed on his ice god's hood viciously, and the ice god's hood trembled violently, as if it was about to shatter at any moment. Li Qiuyu's god-killing halberd finally shot at the four-character black-clothed monk.

"Boy, you may be someone in Fengyue Tiannan, but in our eyes, you are not considered above. You are just a disciple with better cultivation aptitude. Your vision is too shallow."

The four-character black-clothed monk said loudly, and swiped with one hand, a black light shield blocked his chest, and the Mie Shen halberd hit it hard, but Mie Shen, who was invincible in the past, stopped on the black light shield.

"In less than one breath, Li Qiuyu has already suffered dozens of blows, and the ice god cover is about to shatter, Li Qiuyu feels bitter, this time it's really over.

"Pfft, hmph." The four-character cultivator was also severely injured by the God-destroying halberd. The black light shield was shattered, and the God-destroying halberd hit the four-character black-clothed monk's chest, and the four-character black-clothed cultivator backed up endlessly.

A mouthful of blood spewed out, and he hummed softly, hating Li Qiuyu in his eyes, Li Qiuyu was also extremely surprised that there was no damage under the Mie Shen halberd.

"Shocking Finger." The five people didn't give him a chance to be surprised, and powerful and destructive attacks hit Li Qiuyu one after another. Li Qiuyu yelled, and the Shocking Finger pointed at the one-character cultivator.


"Shield of Confinement"

He was also taken aback by Li Qiuyu's attack, and he was terrified. This monk in the late stage of foundation establishment is too perverted, and the attacks of his five people have not killed him yet.

Especially the talisman on his body surprised them even more. The monks who can own the talisman are generally juniors of great powers.

When the shocking finger with destruction appeared, he quickly displayed his talisman, a strange shield didn't hear the rotation, and the power of the shocking finger came to him instantly.

The color of the shield in front of cultivator Yizi gradually faded, and he was about to lose his defense. The other four cultivators also saw this scene and stopped attacking quickly.

Four mysterious black rays of light pointed at the shield of the monk in black. With the help of the four, the shield returned to its original shape.

Li Qiuyu was also shocked, even the Heaven-shocking Finger could not break it, the strength of these five modifications is really not ordinary horror.

These strengths and methods are beyond the scope of his cognition. It seems that this time it will really be lost here. He took advantage of the moment when the four of them helped Yizi black to make up, and the Night Spear quickly appeared in front of him.


Li Qiuyu yelled loudly, and the Night-Starling Spear flew out in the air, flying towards the direction Jingtian was pointing at, and came fiercely in front of the shield. The faces of the four showed a rare fright, but the veils on their faces blocked it. It's just that Li Qiuyu can't see it.


The one-word black-clothed monk shouted loudly, and at the same time dodged to the side, the whole body disappeared in place, and the other four people also saw the opportunity early, and the black-clothed monk in the chair had already moved away after finishing speaking.


There was a loud noise, and the black light curtain was shattered into pieces. Six people appeared in the eyes of the soldiers of the two armies, and there was a trace of blood on the corners of the six people's mouths.

"Okay, it's really good, I won't play with you anymore."

The one-word black-clothed monk shouted, and his hands kept changing. The other four black-clothed monks also uneasy repeated the one-word black-clothed monk's movements, and saw a strange change in the air.

Li Qiuyu didn't dare to put her body in danger, with a move of consciousness, a piece of talisman paper appeared in her hand, and with a pinch, the talisman paper was reduced to ashes.

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