Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 354 Qianling Island, Nanyue City

He quickly flew towards the Yunlu Palace, and met many disciples in the Qi training period on the way, and they all saluted Li Qiuyu respectfully. In their eyes, monks in the foundation building period were unattainable existences.

In the realm of comprehension, no matter where they are, the strong are respected. Only the stronger the strength, the more respect they will get.

"Disciple Li Qiuyu pays homage to Master Uncle." Li Qiuyu bowed respectfully to a [-]-year-old man. This old man was dressed in green clothes, looked energetic, and had an extremely serious face. He is the head of the Yunlu Sect, Master Long Yun. .

"Qiu Yu, what's the matter?" Reverend Long Yun opened his slightly closed eyes and glanced at Li Qiuyu. Li Qiuyu was already at the peak of the early foundation establishment stage. In his eyes, he was already the most talented disciple.

There are also two late-stage monks in the Yunlu Sect, but they are both 70 to [-] years old. Whether they can form alchemy is still a word. He put the meaning on Li Qiuyu and Lanyin.

"Uncle, this disciple wants to go out and travel around to see if he can get back some memories." Li Qiuyu said respectfully, this Uncle Long Yun has treated him well.

Although strength and status depend on each other in the realm of comprehension, Master Long Yun will generally agree to Li Qiuyu's request.

He has already read almost all the books and jade slips in Zangshu Pavilion, Yunlu Sect is also a very remote small sect, and its geographical location is only a small island of level nine, so the things he knows are naturally limited.

"Okay, be careful on the road, just come back at least once every year." Long Yun looked at Li Qiuyu and said with instructions.

"Thank you uncle for your concern, this disciple knows." Li Qiuyu bowed to Long Yun and retreated respectfully.

After he left Yunlu Palace, he went to Senior Sister Lanyin. Although men and women were different, this senior sister had saved him once, and the relationship between the two was relatively close.

"Senior Sister, I want to go out for a tour." Li Qiuyu said to Lanyin with a slight smile on her face.

"It's a good thing for you to go out and travel, but you have to be careful, lest you don't know if you are recognized by the enemy." Lan Yin said with concern.

"Thank you, senior sister, for your concern. I will. By the way, senior sister, pass these spirit stones to that little girl Zixue for me. I don't need spirit stones for my cultivation." Li Qiuyu handed all the spirit stones for one year to Lanyin.

"Junior brother, you still need to use spirit stones when you go outside. Why give it all to this little girl, you, who is an uncle, is fine with her master." Lan Yin said in a daze.

"Okay, senior sister, I'm leaving first, maybe I'll be back soon." Li Qiuyu said lightly, and finally shot a top-grade spiritual weapon and a top-grade magic weapon at Lanyin.

"Li Qiuyu's figure quickly disappeared from Lanyin's sight, and when she saw the two objects Li Qiuyu shot at, she lightly grasped them in her hands and took a look.

"Hey, top grade magic weapon and top grade spiritual weapon?" Lanyin said in surprise, with an incredulous expression on his face, he still used the high-grade magic weapon and one of his top grade magic weapons in the early stage of foundation establishment.

Where have I seen such high-quality magical artifacts and top-grade spiritual weapons? In the Yunlu School, only the uncle and senior brother have one. The other better ones are high-level and intermediate-level spiritual weapons.

"This junior brother is really not showing his face. He actually gave away the top-grade spiritual weapon casually."

Lanyin secretly thought, finally put away the top-grade magic weapon, she naturally knew that Li Qiuyu gave Zixue this top-quality magic weapon.

Just after she put away the spirit weapon, Zixue's figure appeared in Lanyin's sight, with a happy look on her face, which was never lacking in joy.

"Uncle, uncle, I brought the spirit stone from Uncle Li again, and Zixue can practice for a while again." Zixue raised the spirit stone and said happily.

"Hehe, you girl, your Uncle Li still needs spirit stones to practice, but you are tired of him every day, this is for you." Lan Yin said with a smile, and handed over the spirit stones and the top-grade magic weapon in her hand.

"Uncle Master, you gave me the spirit stone, how do you cultivate, this magic weapon is okay." Zixue said happily, holding the spirit stone and magic weapon in her hand.

After she installed the spirit stone, she carefully observed the magic weapon in her hand. The more she looked at it, the more something was wrong. The magic weapon used by Master Lanyin was not so good. Why did Master Lanyin give such a good magic weapon to herself.

"This is given to you by your Uncle Li. It is a top-quality magic weapon." Lan Yin said lightly.

"Uncle Li gave it to me. He got such a good magic weapon from him. I'll ask him." After Zixue finished speaking, she wanted to run over to the cave where Li Qiuyu lived.

"He has already left." Lanyin said softly, looking at Zixue who turned and left.

"Uncle Li is gone, where did he go?" Zixue turned back again, looking at Lanyin, and asked in confusion.

"He has gone out to travel, and he gave you these spirit stones and magic weapons." Lan Yin said with a smile.

"Uncle Li has gone on a tour. He is not afraid that I will ask him for the spirit stone. I will return the spirit stone to him, and I will not ask him for the spirit stone in the future." Zixue said hurriedly, thinking that Li Qiuyu was hiding looking at her.

"He's going out to travel, looking for some memories, and he'll be back after a while, practice hard, maybe he'll come back when you run out of these spirit stones." After finishing speaking, Lan Yin returned to the cave where she lived. To refine this top-grade spiritual weapon.

"Really? Then I'm going back to practice. If I finish cultivating these spirit stones and Master Li hasn't come back, you have to take me to bring Master Li back." Zixue turned in the direction she came after finishing speaking go.

Li Qiuyu left the Yunlu faction and flew directly to the nearest Nanyue City. He has been in the Yunlu faction for a year. Although he has not been out, he has learned a lot. He still has a map of Qianling Island and a map of the power distribution in his hand. .

He stood on the Tianyun Shenzhou, his whole body was a thousand feet above the ground. Along the way, he saw many low-level monks hunting monsters in some mountains, but they were all low-level monsters.

I also met a lot of high-level monks in the Qi training period, even in the foundation building period, but no one found his trace at all. With his current cultivation base, he is already a top existence in the middle of the foundation building period.

It's just that he has practiced the Heaven-shocking Divine Art, and no one will know his cultivation base unless he has practiced the kung fu technique, unless the cultivation base is above the alchemy stage, or he uses the sky-peeping technique.

But there are a few monks who foolishly use the sky-peeping technique to probe other people's cultivation. Such behavior is extremely impolite and often causes unnecessary troubles.

Wherever he passed, there were some small sects, but the number of small sects and families was far countless times greater than that of Fengyue Tiannan.

After a day and a night of flying, he finally reached Nanyue City, which is nearly ten thousand miles away from the Yunlu faction. This city is also the closest to the sea.

The entire big city is a gathering place for monks, and it is also the center of power distribution. Only some big forces can come here to practice and take root.

The spiritual energy cultivated in this place is much stronger than other places, but those who have no strength should not think of practicing here at all.

In Nanyue City, there are many big and small forces, and the biggest force is the Nanyue faction. It is said that there are peaks in the late stage of alchemy.

In addition to the peak in the later stage, there are seven or eight masters in the junior and middle stages of alchemy, and there are countless disciples in the foundation stage.

Li Qiuyu went over the map and the map of power distribution in his mind. There are ten big cities on Qianling Island, and this Nanyue city is one of the above-average ones.

The training conditions and trading places in Nanyue City are also very large. Most monks will come to Nanyue City to trade. Here, almost all monks below the alchemy stage can meet the requirements.

"This is Nanyue City. If you want to enter the city, you must pay a temporary residence fee for a low-level spirit stone. If you have relatives or sects in the city, please show your token." A monk in the early stage of foundation establishment politely Li Qiuyu stopped him.

"Is this the rule of Nanyue City?" Li Qiuyu said lightly.

"Fellow Daoists came to our Nanyue City for the first time, so naturally they didn't know. All the monks who enter Nanyue City have to register, and there are training places and monks' accommodation inside."

"Okay, register for me, Li Qiuyu." Li Qiuyu handed over a low-level spirit stone, then said calmly, and finally waited for the foundation-building monk to handle the formalities for him to enter the city.

"Fellow daoist, this procedure allows you to live in the city for one year, but if you buy the cultivation cave, we will have a record here. I wish you a fruitful return." A salute.

After Li Qiuyu entered the city gate, he came directly to a reception desk. This reception desk was the only one in the entire Nanyue City, because this reception desk was no different from a public house, and the income was pocketed by a big force.

"Senior, do you want to see the cave or stay?" A young monk on the seventh level of Qi training said politely, and saluted Li Qiuyu.

"Let me introduce the accommodation here and the cave." Li Qiuyu said lightly, and glanced at the young monk.

"Senior, it's like this. For accommodation, we have a good and quiet accommodation like this. We charge two low-level spirit stones every day. You are a senior in the foundation period, and you only charge half price. I guarantee that no one will disturb you in the accommodation." Youth The monk explained to you Qiuyue in a programmed way.

In the end, seeing that Li Qiuyu was not in the mood to listen, he hurriedly talked about the caves: "Senior, if you plan to live here for a long time, we also have a high-level cultivation cave here, which is specially prepared for seniors, but the price is very expensive. , in order not to disturb the senior's Qingxiu, we have a cave here for at least one year."

"A low-level cave has one thousand low-level spirit stones a year, an intermediate cave has three thousand low-level spirit stones a year, and a high-level cave has eight thousand low-level spirit stones a year."

"What's a high-level cave like?" Li Qiuyu's eyes showed a trace of curiosity, he had never heard of such accommodation.

"A high-level cave consists of two stone rooms, an alchemy room, and a garden with a radius of five feet. Here, seniors plant flowers and herbs." The young monk's eyes lit up, and it seemed that this senior was not cheap.

"Is there a better cave?" After hearing what the young monk said, Li Qiuyu was quite satisfied, but the area was a bit smaller. If there was no better one, this high-level cave would be pretty good.

"Senior, do you want to be better than senior?" The young monk said respectfully, obviously this senior is a wealthy person.

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