Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 360 Shendan Pavilion

"I think the Seventh Young Master of Wanbao Pavilion is very arrogant. He didn't pay attention to the defense team and openly caused trouble in the city. Who gave you such courage?"

After the seventh young master finished speaking, a cold voice came from the other end of the receiver, and six or seven figures appeared in a flash, and landed steadily in front of the Shendan Pavilion. [Sixth watch, ask for a gold medal, ask for a gift. 】

It turned out to be Sima Yong and six foundation-building monks. With his alchemy-level cultivation, this place is not far from the reception area, so he naturally knew what was going on here, so he hurried over.

"It turned out to be Senior Sima. This Shendan Pavilion didn't sell me the pill, and even injured me. You have to seek justice for me." Seeing Sima Yong coming, the seventh young master hurriedly said, this second generation ancestor is not at all I didn't find that the situation was wrong, Li Qiuyu secretly thought, I don't know how this guy got you to the middle stage of foundation establishment.

"Hehe, Seventh Young Master, the old man seems to have learned that you have violated the management rules of the Shendan Pavilion, and you are going to attack the staff of the Shendan Pavilion. You are so brave."

A defensive team member in the late stage of foundation establishment said loudly that he knew that Sima Yong was helping the Shendan Pavilion, and that the Shendan Pavilion had high-grade medicines.

"Brother Mu, it's their Shendan Pavilion that doesn't sell me pills. Is there such a business? It's not that I don't pay them spirit stones." Seventh Young Master also saw that something was wrong, and quickly explained.

"This is the rule of their Shendan Pavilion. Even I can't violate other people's rules. Can you sell advanced Qi training pills and advanced second-grade pills? You have already missed the time to buy spirit stones. Either you leave or use To exchange medicinal materials, or wait until the afternoon to line up."

The monk in the late stage of foundation establishment said loudly that he is a member of the defense team and does not belong to any force. Naturally, he is not afraid of what Wanbao Pavilion will do to him?

"Okay, since it's the rules of the Shendan Pavilion, I'm rude and offended, I hope you will forgive me." Seventh Young Master finally understood.

It turned out that the Shendan Pavilion was backed by people from the defense team, and he also secretly thought that he was confused, what kind of person is someone who can refine high-level elixirs, and in the cultivation world, offending alchemists is almost offending all monks, but he came to make trouble.

"Forget it this time. The Shendan Pavilion will only be open for four hours a day in the future. You must queue up to buy the medicine, otherwise you will bear the consequences."

A boy in snow-white clothes came out, with a slight smile on his face, he was extremely chic, with long flowing hair fluttering gently behind his back.

"Hehe, compared to this, this is the elixir master of the Shendan Pavilion." The monk in the late stage of foundation establishment clasped his fists and saluted Li Qiuyu. He has seen a lot and can appear in this scene calmly. It must be the master.

"Brother Dao, you don't have to be polite, I just know a little about Dan Dao." Li Qiuyu smiled softly, and clasped his fists at his friend as a gesture of return.

"I really haven't heard of a spirit alchemy master who can refine high-level pills. I really admire you for being a fellow Taoist who is above alchemy." Sima Yong said pretending not to be familiar with Li Qiuyu's attitude. I don't care either.

"I'm also a little interested in the tea ceremony, so I want to try it inside." Li Qiuyu flicked his sleeves, turned and walked inside, ignoring what happened just now.

"It's a great honor for me to taste the fragrant tea of ​​the spirit alchemist." Sima Yong said with a smile, and after Li Qiuyu turned around, he led several people inside.

"Don't cause trouble in the future, the identity of the alchemist is not something you can touch." A thin voice reached the ears of the Seventh Young Master. He looked at a monk in the mid-term defense team and knew that the other party was using sound transmission to enter dense.

Hearing this news, he hurriedly left with his subordinates on the tenth floor of Qi training, who came in a menacing manner, but he didn't expect that when he left, he was like a bereaved dog.

After such a commotion, the reputation of the Shendan Pavilion spread even faster. Not only did a spirit alchemist appear, but he also refined high-grade pills, and the business rules of the Shendan Pavilion were imprinted in the minds of other monks.

The Seventh Young Master of Wanbao Pavilion, whose cultivation base was in the mid-stage of foundation establishment, was blown away by a single sentence, and he was powerless to fight back. The most unexpected thing is that the elixir master of Shendan Pavilion is not an 80-year-old seven old man, but He is an elegant boy of seventeen or eighteen years old.

Although they all thought he was a teenager, some experts would not admit that the alchemy master of the Shendan Pavilion was just a seventeen or eighteen-year-old boy, and must be an old monster above the alchemy stage.

But after a few masters secretly observed, it was confirmed that there were only elixir masters in the Shendan Pavilion, and they were all horrified. There were very few great pharmacists, let alone elixir masters.

The spirit alchemist had never appeared on Qianling Island, so he didn't expect that the first spirit alchemist was really there. They all thought that God was kind to Qianling Island.

In addition to the ten high-level second-rank pills sent out every day, these ten second-rank pills are already [-] low-rank spirit stones, which is already the total income of several other pill shops.

In addition, the personnel of the defense team are all maintaining the Shendan Pavilion. It is obvious that people don't want the alchemist to be disturbed. In the cultivation world, as long as there is no deep hatred, there are generally few people who offend the alchemist.

"Hehe, friend Daoist's tea art is indeed very profound. I have never seen this kind of tea before. I don't know what it is made of?" Sima Yong tasted Li Qiuyu's tea lightly in his mouth, and he was full of praise.

Several other foundation-building monks sat politely aside. In front of Li Qiuyu, they couldn't see Li Qiuyu's cultivation at all. In addition, Sima Yong, who was at the peak of the early alchemy stage, was so polite to each other, they were even more touched. I can't see through Li Qiuyu's depth.

"One flower, one world. Everything in the world has its usefulness. It is the best thing that is often overlooked. This is a wild plant I picked from other places. Its name is It's real tea." Li Qiuyu smiled lightly, poured an exquisite tea bowl to seventy-fifths full, and finally lowered it lightly into the air, and the tea bowl was floated steadily in front of a foundation-building mid-term defense team.

"Thank you, Master Spirit Alchemist." The defense team in the mid-stage of Foundation Establishment politely took the tea bowl, feeling shocked, as this natural and unrestrained technique was already in the realm of returning to nature.

Li Qiuyu floated the other tea bowls in front of every foundation-building cultivator one by one. Everyone was extremely surprised and admired this way of control. They never thought that a young elixir master could be completely indifferent at any time in life. The point of heaven.

"Is this a wild plant picked from the wild? Didn't Fellow Daoists process it?" Sima Yong was really surprised, thinking that Li Qiuyu had refined the plants in this fragrant tea, and it was only through the hands of a spirit alchemist. fragrant.

"Hehe, medicinal pills are only purified to keep the best ones, but many alchemists often ignore that the harmful substances in medicinal materials are also useful, but they have not been utilized."

Li Qiuyu paused, did not answer Sima Yong's words, and finally continued: "Let nature take its course and be calm. Although monks act against the sky, they must find a way to go against the natural flow. Tea is good tea, and you must Taste quietly."

"Hehe, fellow daoist's words are profound and profound. I understand a little bit. Thank you for reminding me, fellow daoist. I will leave first." Sima Yong said politely after tasting the tea in his hand.

Several other monks also quietly tasted the tea in their hands before getting up and leaving with Sima Yong. When they left, they were extremely polite to Li Qiuyu.

After the few people left, Li Qiuyu smiled faintly, and finally began to meditate calmly, entering a state of emptiness.

"Elder Sima, can you understand what this elixir teacher said?" The monk in the late stage of Foundation Establishment asked Sima Yong respectfully.

"You will know when you reach the alchemy stage, Ma, then you can experience it, maybe you will get unexpected gains, this is for you." Sima Yong pondered for a while, and handed the six high-level righteousness pills to the six people with heartache .

"Third-rank, third-rank advanced..."

A defensive player in the middle stage of foundation establishment saw the righteousness pill in his hand, his eyes turned green, and he stammered, but when he saw the eyes of the monks in the late stage of foundation establishment, he quickly shut up.

"In the future, I will understand that this pill is not worth seeing for that person in the Shendan Pavilion." Sima Yong looked at the few people, and the last few people hurriedly put the pill into the storage bag.

A few foundation-building monks finally understood why Elder Sima was so polite to the person in the Shendan Pavilion. He could refine third-grade high-level pills. What kind of alchemist is so powerful.

In their knowledge, ordinary second-grade pills are already the best, and third-grade pills have only been heard of, but they have never seen it. into his bag.

The matter of the Shendan Pavilion has been widely spread. At first, people thought it was a rumor, but only after seeing the rumored elixir did they really believe it.

The appearance of high-grade elixirs naturally attracted the attention of many powerful forces, but none of them dared to make any noise easily. The other party dared to sell high-grade elixirs because they had a certain background and strength.

Besides, that alchemist is not a powerful backstage, let alone a spirit alchemist, and a spirit alchemist who has refined high-level second-grade pills.

As long as I get into trouble first, I will be attacked by other forces with excuses. The status of alchemist and alchemist is extremely respected, and he will definitely be supported by others.

Wanbao Court

Wanbao Pavilion is a local elixir shop in Nanyue City. The ancestors have been here for thousands of years. With their superb lazy egg skills, they have been sought after by countless monks. The first second-grade pill was also refined from their Wanbao Pavilion.

Wanbao Pavilion has always been a powerful force in the pill industry in Nanyue City, even other forces dare not attack them lightly.

"Father, I went to the Shendan Pavilion today, and I really saw high-level second-grade pills and high-level Qi training pills, but they only open for two hours in the morning, and they have to exchange medicinal materials at noon, and two hours in the afternoon, and they have to queue up."

After the Seventh Young Master returned to Wanbao Pavilion's private accommodation, he told his father what happened today, and seeing that his father hadn't said a word, he continued, "I want to buy pills, and some of them know about my Wanbao Pavilion, but not only don't they Sell ​​it to me, I'll teach a guy a lesson and get hurt by the people inside."

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