Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 369 Lanyin Zixue's Surprise

Li Qiuyu and Sima Yong returned to Nanyue City and came directly to the square. Li Qiuyu knew that this might be the center of Nanyue City's real power.

"Subordinate Sima Yong asked to see the elder."

Sima Yong led Li Qiuyu to a huge hall made entirely of boulders, and finally shouted respectfully.

"Come in." A deep voice came out, the voice was deep and deep as if it came from the center of the earth, Li Qiuyu was startled, the owner of this voice had a deep cultivation.

The two quickly walked towards the main hall, only to see an old man with white hair sitting quietly in the middle of the main hall, ignoring the two who came in at all.

"Elder, Shendan Pavilion Li Qiuyu wants to buy an island five hundred miles away from Nanyue City, look." Sima Yong said respectfully to the white-haired old man.

"Well, you should also know the price of that island. 3000 million low-level spirit stones should not be a problem for your Shendan Pavilion." The white-haired old man opened his eyes and looked at Li Qiuyu.

Li Qiuyu only felt a sharp gaze shot at him, and his whole body seemed to have fallen into an ice cellar. With a turn of his consciousness, the Heaven-shocking Divine Art began to operate on its own, and this feeling disappeared.

"This junior naturally knows that 3000 million low-level spirit stones, this junior has already prepared." Li Qiuyu said calmly, terrified in his heart, this old man's cultivation base is too deep.

"Okay, this token was jointly forged by the ten major forces in Nanyue City. It represents the ownership of that island." After the white-haired old man finished speaking, he lifted it up, and the token flew out. Li Qiuyu reached out and grabbed the token in his hand. It weighs nothing in the hand, like a feather.

Li Qiuyu installed the token, bowed respectfully to the old man, and finally walked out with Sima Yong. After coming out, she felt a slight chill behind her.

"Fellow Daoist Sima, how did the elder know that I was coming to buy the island?" Li Qiuyu sent a voice transmission to Sima Yong, with a hint of doubt on his face.

"When we left Nanyue City to go to that island, they could know our every move within fifty miles. They also probably knew that you would buy the island, so your background will naturally not be missed."

Sima Yong also said through voice transmission, you must know that when the two of them talk in the city, they will definitely be heard, and if they are heard by interested people, they will cause unnecessary trouble.

After the two left the hall, Li Qiuyu went to his cave, took Zixue and Lanyin and flew towards the island. The island has no name, and Li Qiuyu also wanted to name the island.

"Uncle, where are you taking us?" Zi Xue looked at Li Qiuyu and asked in a charming voice.

"Go to a good place."

After the three of Li Qiuyu left the city, they sacrificed the Tianyun Shenzhou, and the distance of five hundred miles was reached in just over half an hour.

"It's really a good place to practice. The spiritual energy is stronger than our Yunlu faction. I don't know why no one comes to live there." Lanyin exclaimed.

"Because it takes a lot of spirit stones to buy this place. It used to be within the scope of Nanyue City, and it was contested by several big forces. Finally, a senior monk appeared and announced that whoever can produce 3000 million spirit stones will be able to own this island. "

Li Qiuyu smiled and said that he didn't feel that 3000 million was a lot. Indeed, it was nothing to him who had a net worth of [-] to [-] million.

"thirty million?"

Both Lanyin and Zixue stared blankly at Li Qiuyu with wide-eyed eyes. They had never heard of this astronomical figure. This figure was almost hundreds of times that of all the Yunlu faction's possessions.

"That's right, it's 3000 million low-level spirit stones. Now this island belongs to us. Since the island has no name, I'll name it Yunlu Island now." Li Qiuyu pondered for a moment. Yunlu Island is better.

"Uncle, doesn't this island need 3000 million spirit stones? Then you got 3000 million from there." Zixue asked quickly.

"Of course my uncle earned it. The Shendan Pavilion in Nanyue City belongs to your uncle and me." Li Qiuyu said with a smile, anyway, this is not a secret, there is no need to hide it from them.

"3000 million, how long will it take to earn?"

"Junior brother, do you have a pill shop?" Lanyin asked in surprise, pill is definitely a tempting name in Bihai, and few people in Yunlu faction have taken pills, because there are not many spirit stones to buy.

"Okay, let's go back first, I'll find someone to take care of this place." Li Qiuyu didn't answer Lanyin's words, and directly sacrificed Ting Tianyun Shenzhou.

The three of them left Yunlu Island and came to Shendan Pavilion. At this time, it was time for monks to buy ammunition. Thirty monks lined up in two rows, basking in the scorching sun, without any complaints on their faces.

"Master Spirit Alchemist."

"Master Spirit Alchemist."

Seeing Li Qiuyu come back, some monks who lined up politely greeted Li Qiuyu, and Li Qiuyu nodded in return.

"Spirit alchemist?"

Both Lanyin and Zixue looked at the monks queuing in surprise. They had never heard of queuing for shopping, and they were quiet.

Seeing that the shop was empty, and hearing other monks call Li Qiuyu a elixir master, I was horrified. Could there really be a elixir teacher, and it was Li Qiuyu beside me.

"Master is back."

When Gongsun Lanyu saw Li Qiuyu coming back, he saluted respectfully, and finally followed Li Qiuyu into the shop politely.

"Uncle, are you really a spirit alchemist?" Zixue asked happily.

"This junior sister, my master is a spirit alchemist, the number one spirit alchemist in Nanyue City, maybe the number one spirit alchemist in Qianling Island, I don't know about other islands."

Although Gongsun Lanyu is in the middle stage of foundation establishment, when she saw this girl who practiced Qi at the eighth level call Li Qiuyu her uncle, she also called Zixue her junior sister.

"Wow, Master Uncle, take me out to have a look." Zixue took Lanyin's hand and pulled it outward, without distinction at all.

"You guys go." Seeing Lanyin's gaze, Li Qiuyu said softly, and finally talked to Gongsun Lanyu.

After the two left, Li Qiuyu asked about alchemy, and seeing that Gongsun Lanyu had mastered it, he directly talked about Yunlu Island: "You know the island five hundred miles away from Nanyue City. "

"I know, but I don't know why Master mentioned that island." Gongsun Lanyu said respectfully.

"I have already bought that island, and I will move the foundation to the island in the future." Li Qiuyu said calmly, and finally tasted the fragrant tea slowly.

"Master bought that island, which is worth 3000 million spirit stones. Is there anything Master wants Lan Yu to do?" Gongsun Lanyu knew that he was asking too much.

"If you don't have the above things, you can do your own thing." Li Qiuyu waved his hand and said.

"Disciple resigns." Gongsun Lanyu saluted and left Li Qiuyu, returning to his alchemy place.

Lanyin and Zixue came to the shop and saw that Chen Yu and the others were selling pills, so they stepped forward to take a look. When they saw the advanced Qi training pill and the second-grade pill in Chen Yu's hands, they felt a burst of emotion.

"This is a high-level Qi training pill? This is a second-grade pill, and this is a third-grade high-grade pill."

Both of them looked at these pills in surprise, and countless spirit stones entered the storage bags of the four of Chen Yu, and tens of thousands of spirit stones entered the account in just a short moment.

"Excuse me, who made this pill?" Lanyin Liumao asked Sima Qun, because Sima Qun had a high-level righteousness pill in his hand.

"This elixir was refined by our pavilion master, and our pavilion master is an alchemist." Sima Qun said proudly.

"Did my uncle refine it?"

"Who is your uncle?"

"Li Qiuyu, Uncle Li."

"Oh, he is our pavilion master, that is, the alchemist." Sima Qun said calmly, with excitement on his face.

"How many spirit stones is this elixir?"

Lan Yin pointed to the high-level righteousness pill in Sima Qun's hand and asked, the surprise on his face never disappeared, but became more intense.

"This is a high-grade third-grade pill refined by our Pavilion Master. The price is 150 middle-level spirit stones, and [-] low-level spirit stones."

"Fifteen thousand low-level spirit stones are really valuable." Zixue said in surprise, the most spirit stones she had ever seen were only two or three hundred yuan, and in her hands it was only three or forty yuan at most.

"It can also be exchanged for thousands of years or ten thousand years of medicinal materials. On Qianling Island, I dare say that only the Shendan Pavilion has high-grade third-grade pills."

Sima Qun smiled and said, he naturally knew that these two people came with Li Qiuyu, so he also handed over the matter in hand to another Luo Yunlong.

"Sima Qun, come in." Li Qiuyu's voice came from inside.

When Sima Qun heard Li Qiuyu's voice, he hurriedly bid farewell to Lanyin and Lanyin politely, and went to Li Qiuyu's place.

"Pavilion Master, what are your instructions for calling disciples?"

"During this period of time, you should stop working in the Shendan Pavilion." Li Qiuyu glanced at Sima Qun and said calmly.


Sima Qun was shocked, thinking that Li Qiuyu wanted him to leave the Shendan Pavilion, but after thinking about it, he never did Sima's sorry for the Shendan Pavilion.

"Don't think about it, you go to the city to find two hundred mortals who understand civil engineering, and bring them to the island five hundred miles away from Nanyue City to take care of them for me."

Seeing Sima Qun's appearance, Li Qiuyu also knew that his words were misunderstood by the other party, so he didn't pay attention, so he spoke slowly.

"Oh, the disciple is waiting for the pavilion master's arrangement."

"Ordinary mortals get five spirit stones a day, and craftsmen who understand civil engineering receive 50 yuan spirit stones a day. Try to build my island well. This is five million spirit stones. Remember, islands larger than five hundred feet are not allowed. Enter."

"I know, I'll do it now." Sima Qun said happily, then turned and walked outside.

"If you know how to manage, one day you will be troubled by doing it yourself." Li Qiuyu said flatly to Sima Qun.

"Follow the Master's instruction."

Sima Qun left the Shendan Pavilion quickly, and went directly to find some monks who had known before during the Qi training period, and finally everyone gave some treatment, and found some skilled craftsmen in the city.

More than 200 people were driven towards Yunlu Island by more than a dozen foundation-building monks, who were naturally from the Shendan Pavilion.

After Li Qiuyu arranged everything, she slowly stood up and walked outside, seeing the surprised expressions on Lanyin and Zixue's faces.

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